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Vistran Love: The Complete Series Books 1-4 (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance)

Page 9

by April Osirus

  Many people were still very nervous about visiting Vistra. It had earned itself a fearsome reputation over the last several centuries. And rumors, some as ancient as old colonies, were always floating about the warrior planet.

  And as someone who had learned to keep her ear close to the ground, Riley had heard many of these rumors. She had heard about how all the Vistran women had fled the planet as soon as they were able to. The women could hardly bear how terrifying and brutal the Vistran men were.

  Riley felt her heart pounding in her ears. God, this was a suicide mission!

  If she were to get caught—by anyone—she would be imprisoned, captured, maybe even tortured. A warrior planet like Vistra was sure to have a death penalty.

  And although every single one of these scenarios made her pulse race and her body sweat with fear, nothing frightened her more than the idea of a Vistran guard seeing her collar and sending her back to Corath.

  Riley gulped, feeling her slave collard press against her throat. She shook her head.

  No. She would succeed. No matter how long the odds or how slim the chances, she would steal the Vistran Triumph Crown.

  And she would finally be free.


  “Haul it in!”

  “Faster, men!”

  “Give way! Give way!”

  Riley could still hear the men shouting on the docks. She was now on the outer edges of the docks and nearer to the city but still the shouts echoed across the yard.

  Vistra was huge. She had underestimated how developed the planet was. She had envisioned a place populated with little more than cavemen but this planet spoke of sophistication, education, and power.

  Riley kept to the small alleys and side roads. She weaved her way in and out of the unfamiliar terrain and before she knew it, she was looking down a large hill. In the near distance, she could see the towering outline of the Vistran palace.

  Inside were the King and Queen of Vistra.

  And the Triumph Crown.

  Riley swallowed and felt the collar move against her throat.

  As soon as she had gained some measure of distance from the cargo ship and the docks, she had quickly gotten rid of her delivery uniform. Underneath, she was wearing her usual black outfit with her high turtleneck to cover her only evidence of her enslavement.

  Her mind flashed back to the small alley in Exxing.

  “I expect your call in no less than two weeks,” Jaegar had said.

  Riley’s eyes widened in shock. “You not only want the most impossible treasure in the universe, you want it in two weeks? Are you insane?” she demanded.

  Jaegar gave a small shrug. “It’s not my neck in that collar,” he said simply. “You want that thing off, you’ll get me that crown in the next two weeks. Otherwise, no deal.”

  Riley sighed. “Fine,” she agreed in a tone of resignation. “Two weeks.”

  It had taken Riley nearly a week and a half to find a suitable ship to ride into Vistra. She didn’t have much time left. She needed to get to the castle and sneak inside as soon as possible.

  While normally, she’d like a few days to scope out the target and the surrounding area, Riley knew she had no time for such luxuries.

  Staring at the foreboding palace, she knew her only shot at freedom lay within.


  Arc turned the corner of the palace garden before marching back towards the front lawns. In these remote parts of the palace, Arc was able to find a little respite from any prying eyes. He was able to march a little more slowly and keep his back a little less straight.

  Nobody really liked taking the guard duties of the back gardens since it was so remote. It could get boring. But Arc didn’t get bored. Instead, he felt some measure of peace back here. Out here, he didn’t have the crushing responsibilities of being an Army Captain and Squad Leader. Out here, he could just breathe and march at his own leisurely pace.

  But just as Arc was about to turn back towards the front lawns, he caught a black wisp from the corner of his eye. Sharply turning around, Arc squinted his eyes as he carefully scanned the space.

  Everything looked to be calm and normal. Not even a leaf was out of place. And yet, Arc was sure he had seen something. And Arc was never one for second guessing his instincts.

  Slowly, the giant Vistran guard began walking back towards the garden. His massive body was tense and coiled for action, his hands ready to pull out his weapons.

  To his far left, a giant tree stood covering a large gazebo. Arc was sure he had seen the black wisp head this direction. But as he closed in towards the beautifully ornate gazebo, nothing came in sight. Everything looked exactly like it should with no black wisps hanging about. In the wide open space, everything swayed quietly and peacefully in the wind.

  But Arc’s body only became more tense. His jaw tightened and his dark eyes glared across the yard.

  He was Vistran. That meant not only did he have a superior physical body than more planetary beings, he also had superior senses.

  And wafting in the gentle wind of the empty garden, the smell of someone unfamiliar surrounded him.


  God that had been close.

  Riley felt a cold trickle of sweat run down her back as she swung herself into an open palace window. She had seen the open window from over the palace gate. It seemed like the only available opening into the palace. But with how high the window was, she knew she’d need some kind of ladder to reach it.

  Luckily she had seen the giant tree. And even luckier, she had seen the gazebo next to it. Both were of adequate height to get her towards her goal. But what she had not expected was the incredible and perceptive Vistran guard.

  Although Riley had heard plenty of how huge the Vistrans were, nothing had prepared her for the reality. As she had dashed across the garden, she had caught sight of the seven and a half foot man. His broad back had been turned to her but she could see the definition of his muscles and the thickness of his arms. His very stance screamed warrior.

  And goddamn him, he was quick too. He had immediately seen her dashing and had closed in on her gazebo. She had watched through the leaves as the giant Vistran stalked her with a smooth grace that belied his size. She had waited with bated breath till he had finally left the garden, satisfied no one was there. Then she had climbed to the top of the gazebo and swung herself into the open window.

  Landing as silently as a cat, Riley immediately rolled into the nearest corner, hiding herself from whatever was waiting for her. She had lucked out again: it was an empty room.

  Jaegar had told her the Triumph Crown was displayed in the Great Throne room, behind the thrones of the King and Queen. It had been the only useful piece of information Jaegar had given her.

  Riley could hardly think of place that could be worse to break into that a Great Throne room. It would be a wide open space with almost nothing to hide behind.

  Still, Riley had no choice.

  Having counted the floors, she knew she was two floors above the Great Throne room. Keeping low to the floor, Riley hurried to the door. Looking out at the vast hallway and seeing it empty, she hurried out, sticking close to the walls. Turning back around, she took a mental note of the room she had just left. Chances are, this would be her best way back out. She had to remember which room it was.

  Taking in another deep breath, Riley threw herself into the quiet void of total concentration that was needed for an expert thief.

  Slowly, she headed downstairs.


  Arc knew the proper protocol was to alert the House Guards and to begin combing the palace as a squad.

  He knew that.

  And yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Arc carefully maneuvered through the many winding hallways of the palace.

  As a Vistran, Arc hadn’t just smelled the scent of someone unfamiliar. He had also smelled so much more. He had also caught a whiff of that tang of fear. There had also been a note of delicacy which attested to the intruder as
being female, something Arc had a hard time believing. Arc had also smelled desperation.

  And it was this note of delicacy and desperation that had made Arc hesitate in calling for more guards. So instead he had taken matters into his own hands.

  Arc had slowly backed away from the gazebo so he could give the intruder a false sense of security. From a distance, he noticed a black shadow swing into an open window right above the gazebo.

  Unable to believe someone could be suicidal enough to break into the Vistran palace, Arc had quickly run around the gardens to one of the back entrances through the kitchen.

  He had a strong suspicion of where the intruder was headed. And it wasn’t towards the King and Queen.


  Riley couldn’t believe how well things were going so far.

  She had made it all the way downstairs, unmolested, and was now only steps away from the Great Throne room. Most reception rooms of royalty were massive halls with huge double doors that usually took several people to open. She had to hope that the doors of this room would be open. Otherwise, that would be another precious day wasted.

  But as Riley rounded the corner of the lower hall, she felt her heart leap in frantic excitement as she saw the large doors swung open and free.

  Could she really do this? Was she actually about to steal one of the most coveted treasures this side of the galaxy?

  Biting her lower lip, Riley checked her surroundings before making a dash towards the Great Throne room. Once inside, she quickly ran towards the far corner to keep out of sight.

  Crouching in the dim corner, Riley looked out towards the end of the room where a large platform stood, bearing two majestic thrones. Behind them, on a large pedestal, was the Vistran Triumph Crown, worn by the Vistran King who had united all of planet Vistra for the first time.

  And it was there with absolutely no guards surrounding it.

  This was like a dream!

  Riley licked her lips. She didn’t bother questioning why the Vistrans wouldn’t have constant security over such a national treasure and instead focused on snatching the crown as quickly as possible.

  Keeping close to the wall, she hurried towards the thrones. Giving another look over her shoulders, Riley cut across and slipped between the large thrones. Looking up at the glowing amber cut stones that studded the crown, Riley slowly reached out. The crown, her freedom, her future were all now within her grasp. She was actually about to succeed. She was about to finally get her life back. Riley’s heart was beating so loudly, she could hear it echoing in her brain. All her hopes and prayers were bouncing around inside her heart. She would finally be free.


  Riley stared, stunned.

  Her outstretched arm now had a metal cuff clicked into place around her wrist. Still unable to comprehend the situation, Riley slowly turned her head to the side.

  Standing behind one of the thrones was the large Vistran guard from the garden. She hadn’t realized how unbelievably handsome the alien was. With a rugged jaw and a long nose, the man looked like he had been carved from marble. Riley could feel a small irrational flutter of warmth in the midst of all her fear.

  The Vistran was looking down at her with a mixed expression of grimness and something else…concern?

  “You are under arrest, thief,” the guard said, his voice low like rumbling thunder. It rolled through Riley’s entire body.

  She couldn’t believe this.

  No. Not when she was so close! This couldn’t be happening.

  Without hesitation, Riley yanked at her arm then swung around, elbow aimed towards the guard’s gut. But the Vistran was too fast for her. As soon as she had swung around, he had wrapped a hard arm around her middle, squeezing her arms to her side and her back against his chest. He had her effectively trapped.

  Riley struggled and fought but it was like fighting against a solid steel block. The man was unmovable.

  “Calm down,” the guard said. “I won’t hurt you!”

  Riley couldn’t believe how quickly everything she had hoped for and worked for was now slipping away.

  “You will have your chance to explain yourself. Now calm down!” The Vistran grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around. But in the movement, the metal cuff had caught against the neck of her sweater. The sound of tearing fabric echoed across the large chamber.

  Gripping Riley’s shoulders with both hands, the Vistran stared down in shock. The Corathian metal slave collar glinted against her torn black sweater.

  Riley closed her eyes, hot tears welling up against her lashes.

  It was all over now.


  Arc had lost count of how many protocols he had broken already. As Captain, he knew he was held to a higher standard. He had to be an example for his men.

  But there was no way he could deny the pull his heart felt as soon as he had laid hands on his little thief. He had been shocked to realize that the intruder had indeed been a female. A human female. With a delicate face and soft lips, the woman looked like a beautiful apparition. But it was her eyes that had stopped him. The large almond eyes, so full of fear and courage, Arc had felt overwhelmed.

  And that was why he wasn’t taking the prisoner down towards the cells below where any criminals caught on palace property were taken. Instead, he decided to take her to the only cell on the first floor of the palace. It was connected to one office—his.

  The cell was usually used once a prisoner was brought up for questioning by the Captain. Arc tried to tell himself that that was exactly what he planned to do with this thief but in his heart, he knew better. He wanted to keep this girl safe and away from the criminal charges that would be brought up against her attempted theft.

  Quickly pulling into the last room of a large hallway, Arc pulled the human in and led her into a sizeable and private office. The office was modestly furnished and behind the large desk stood a door that connected the office to the single interrogation cell.

  With her hands cuffed in front of her, the girl was placed on the sofa. Pulling up a seat, Arc sat across from her.

  God, the human looked delicate. Even though Arc had seen how small Queen Avia was compared to King Rom, Arc couldn’t get over just how fragile this girl looked.

  “What’s your name?” Arc finally asked. He was surprised to find himself quite eager to learn her name.

  The girl remained silent. Arc studied her profile. She was thin. And he could see the dark smudges underneath her eyes. She looked exhausted. The girl looked like she hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in years.

  “An escaped Corathian slave is probably rarer than any crown or jewels,” Arc started. “I’m sure a quick search for any missing Corathian slave would easily—”

  “Riley,” the girl finally said. “Riley Andrews.”

  Arc could see the hard wire of fear running through this girl’s body.

  “My name is Arc Karvaxii, Captain of the Vistran Guards.” Arc watched as Riley closed her eyes in complete anguish in hearing his words. She knew she couldn’t have been caught by anyone worse than a Captain. But she was wrong. Because Arc was the last person who wanted to add more sleepless nights to her life.

  “May I ask what you were doing in our palace?”

  Riley drew in a shaky breath. “I was here to steal the Triumph Crown.”

  A burst of admiration flooded Arc’s chest. The girl was honest. That was hard to find in most people even without criminal records. This girl was facing imprisonment and possibly re-enslavement and she was honest. She knew she wanted to face her fate square in the face. Arc felt his heart thump.

  “I’m sorry to say but we are quite fond of that crown and would prefer to keep it on planet,” he said, his lips twitching.

  He nearly grinned when he saw Riley suppress a scowl. So the girl also had spunk as well. He knew his heart was going down a road where there would be no return, but he couldn’t help it.

  “May I ask how you escaped Corath? I’ve never he
ard of any slaves ever managing to escape.” Arc was genuinely curious. Many of Vistra had heard of Corathian slaves and the horrendous suffering inflicted upon them. Vistra was very much against slavery. As soon as Vistra had learned about Corath, it had immediately cut off all ties with any of its colonies.

  Riley sat silently. Arc waited her out, sitting patiently across from her. Finally breaking under the pressure, Riley sighed. “It was by chance,” she said quietly, looking down at her cuffed hands. “A ship of us slaves were being delivered to a colony where another shipment of slaves were being sent back. It’s rare to have overlapping shipments like that.” Riley paused, her eyes focusing back on a long ago memory. “The overseers are rarely ever confused or unorganized but they were confused that day. There were 4,000 slaves on my incoming ship and 6,000 slaves on the outgoing ship. When we landed on the docks, there were 10,000 slaves waiting to either board or land. I took advantage of the confusion and slipped into a custodial wing. I stole a janitor’s uniform and crawled out a window.” Riley gulped. “I hid in nearby alleys for two weeks until a non-slave ship arrived. I sneaked on, ready to fly away to wherever it took me.”


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