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Vistran Love: The Complete Series Books 1-4 (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance)

Page 10

by April Osirus

  Arc stared at the girl. Riley had not only survived the largest slave colonies of the galaxy but had had enough courage to escape and make an attempt at a life for herself, despite the incredible risks she faced as an escaped Corathian slave. Arc knew about the collars. He could only imagine the fear she felt every time the metal ring slid against her throat.

  “Why would an escaped Corathian slave take such a huge risk by stealing the Triumph Crown?” Arc asked, confused. “Didn’t you realize the incredible risk you were taking?”

  Riley turned her fiery gaze towards him. “Of course I knew the risks,” she said. Angry tears gathered at her lashes. “But someone…someone had promised that if I brought the crown, they would release me from my collar.” She gulped. “That kind of freedom is worth any amount of risk.”

  As a free Vistran man, Arc couldn’t agree more. He wanted to ask another question when he heard a loud, gurgling grumble. Riley’s cheeks turned a faint pink.

  Without a word, Arc stood up and headed towards his desk. Grabbing his communicator, he said, “Tak, can you send over a tray for me? I’m in my office.”

  “Of course, sir,” came the response.

  Arc looked up to find Riley staring up at him in confusion.

  Gently pulling her up, he led her through the connecting door and into the single cell. Undoing her cuffs, he settled her on the simple cot then shut the cell door.

  “Tak will bring in a tray of food,” Arc explained. “Then I will bring that tray to you. Till then, I suggest you get some rest. No one will harm or molest you while you are under my protection.”

  The look of pure disbelief Riley gave him made his heart wrench in pity. It was clear the girl was not used to kindness. Arc made sure to keep his face neutral and genuine as possible as he spoke his solemn vow. Seeing Riley settled as comfortably as he could make her, he returned to his office. He couldn’t have Riley in his office when Tak arrived with the food. He needed to keep her hidden so she wouldn’t raise questions, or worse, charges.

  Running a hand through his hair, Arc tried to clear his mind and figure out what the next step would need to be. He looked at his desk and saw his holo-tablet.

  Sitting down, he typed in the name Riley Andrews and learned as much as he could about the fearless little human behind him.


  “Feel better?” the giant guard asked.

  Riley looked up at him hesitantly before nodding. She swallowed her last bite and pushed the now empty tray away.

  The cell was made by Vistrans for Vistrans so it was actually quite roomy. The guard had called the bed a “simple cot” but it was so large, Riley felt like a child sleeping in her parent’s bed.

  But the cell was less roomy with Arc taking up half the space. God he was huge. And unbelievably, undeniably, undoubtedly gorgeous.

  His attractiveness and all of her nerves made eating almost impossible for Riley but once she saw the heavily laden tray of aromatic foods, she couldn’t stop herself.

  It was the first time in her life she had ever felt the sensation of being full. Putting a hand over her belly, she leaned back against the wall, her legs barely able to dangle off the edge of the large cot. Full, warm, and on top of a comfortable bed, Riley fought to keep her eyes open. She couldn’t let her guard down now when there was a Vistran less than two feet away from her.

  Looking up, she found Arc studying her. “You must be quite a talented thief to have made it this long without getting caught, Night Thief,” Arc said quietly, his elbows on his knees.

  Riley froze. He had been reading up on her. And it wasn’t hard to do now that he had her real name.

  “It was all for survival,” she whispered, her throat tight with fear.

  Arc nodded. “Oh no doubt,” he said agreeably, shocking Riley. “I was just commenting on how difficult life must’ve been for you. You were in quite a conundrum. It was dangerous to be an escaped slave and yet to survive as an escaped slave you had to constantly throw yourself into danger to earn a living.” Arc shook his head, his face creased in genuine sorrow and sympathy. “A very hard life, indeed.”

  Riley felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. How could this guard possibly be feeling sorry for her? He should be furious with her. He should be calling all the guards to prosecute her. She should be getting sentenced right now.

  The emotional turmoil within her only made her exhaustion more pronounced. She bit back a yawn and eyed the Vistran. Arc sighed. “I feel like you should be able to trust me a little by now. I won’t strangle you for yawning in my presence.” He got up from his seat and knelt by Riley’s cot. With gentle but relentless pressure, he guided her down onto the bed. “Get some sleep. You really need it.”

  And Riley laid down. She laid her cheek against the large pillow and sleepily looked up as Arc gently stroked her hair. This time she really yawned. She closed her eyes and wondered what the warm glowing feeling was in her heart.


  “Ah Captain, I’m glad to hear you’ve apprehended the thief,” Jaegar said, his wheezy voice full of syrupy ingratiation.

  Arc stared at the slimy looking man on his holo-tablet. A man named Jaegar had contacted the Army headquarters asking to speak to the captain of the palace guards, proclaiming he had vital security information.

  But as soon as Arc had laid eyes on the man, he could feel his back tighten and his muscles flex with wariness. Jaegar, no matter his information, was not to be trusted.

  “I never said ‘thief,’” Arc corrected, already regretting his words. “I was merely confirming your comment on the intruder by the palace gates—a piece of information I would like to know how you found out.”

  The greasy man smiled. Arc hadn’t though it possible to convey the state of greasiness by holograms yet Jaegar had accomplished this beautifully.

  “Ah well, Captain,” the man rasped, “I have, let’s say, colorful connections and they notified me that an escaped Corathian slave would be attempting to steal a piece of Vistran history. I am merely doing my duty as an informed citizen of the galaxy to let you know of the criminal intent of your prisoner.”

  Arc raised a brow. “And why are you so keen on helping Vistra?”

  Jaegar raised his slumped shoulders in a half shrug. “Ah you see, Corath has just raised the bounty for the delivery of their escaped slave, Riley Andrews. It is an enormous amount—quite possibly the largest bounty ever placed. I wanted to notify you, Captain, so you could protect your palace but also because as a reward for my information, a small percentage of the bounty would not come amiss….” Jaegar smiled at his trailing words.

  Arc felt his skin crawl in disgust of the man. So he wanted the reward and wanted Arc to do the dirty work of throwing a girl back into the chains of slavery. “Why not turn her in yourself and claim all of the reward?”

  Jaegar nodded as if this was an important question. “Well, you see, there are some distasteful rumors circulating around this quadrant of the galaxy saying that I’m somewhat on familiar terms with the escapee. And if the Corathian slavers were to hear that someone had known where their escaped slave had been for years without speaking of it, there could be some reprecussions,” Jaegar shrugged again and smiled.

  This man was the definition of selfish. He was clearly only interested in moving the people around him like pawns so he could reap as many benefits without any risk.

  Arc glared at the glowing image of the man and nodded shortly. “Well I thank you very much for your information. But I feel this matter is in the jurisdiction of the Vistran Guard and your help is not required.”


  “And if I were a certain someone, I would keep my mouth very quiet and leave this matter completely behind me. It’s just as easy for me to report a harborer of a slave to the Corathians. Furthermore, on Vistra, prisoners are open to speak and provide confessions if need be. I’d be curious to hear what Riley Andrews would have to say about you or her reason for coming to Vistra.” Arc ga
ve the speechless little weasel a sharp look. “Something tells me you would have more than the Corathian slavers looking for you.”

  Jaegar only got to make a squeak of shock before Arc snapped off the screen.

  His heart was made up. There was no way he would let Riley fall into anyone else’s hands. Clearly this girl had been living a life surrounded on all four walls by danger. It was up to him to try and knock a door through the walls and guard her into some safety.


  “What am I doing here?” Riley asked, sitting on the couch in Arc’s office. “Why aren’t you reporting me? Why aren’t you arresting me?”

  Arc moved the game pieces around as he set up the likki board, a game similar to human chess. Finally pleased with the set up, he looked at the beautiful brave girl sitting before him.

  “I’m not reporting you because you aren’t under arrest,” Arc said simply. Riley raised a delicate brow of sarcastic disbelief and gave a meaningful look to the door behind his desk, indicating her cell. Arc grinned at the spunky little brat.

  “No, the cell’s for your protection. I’m not going to report you. As far as anyone knows in this palace, you are just a human girl who has inexplicably landed in the big bad world of Vistra.” Arc’s hands ached to hold her close, to brush his fingers through her inky black hair. But he resisted. “And as soon as I break off that collar, it’ll all be true—you really will then just be a regular human girl.”

  Riley’s jaw literally dropped. Arc wanted to taste those soft lips. He wanted to feel his tongue slide against hers.

  “You’re kidding right?” Riley said, her eyes wide with shock. “Nothing and nobody can break a Corathian collar.” She hooked a finger underneath the metal shackle. “These things are for life.” Her eyes darkened a little in defeat as she said the words.

  Arc’s throat tightened. “Not if I have anything to say about it,” he said, almost tersely from trying to keep his rage in check. He felt such anger at the abuse she had had to endure for so long.

  Riley shook her head, unable to believe.

  “Corathian collars were made when the outside galaxy still had no contact with Vistra. Vistra is a warrior planet. We have honed our skills when it comes to creating or dismantling anything that can help us fight.” Arc pointed a blunt finger at the collar. “So far, there has been no metal or mineral that we can’t break and mold. Don’t worry,” Arc’s eyes creased with a gentle smile. “That collar’s coming off. I’ve already contacting a metalsmith in the next city over. He will be here in a few days. So until then, sit tight and be patient.”

  Arc spun the likki board towards Riley. “And maybe let me show you what real hopelessness means by trouncing your ass in a likki game.”

  As Riley kept shaking her head in disbelief, Arc was trying to steady his. He could feel his heart thumping loudly in his ears. He knew the truth.

  His heart had found its mate. He had found his reason to protect.


  And for the next three days, Riley lived in a fantasy world. Every morning, Arc would deliver a tray of delicious breakfast to her. He would talk to her about the day and of small news around the area. Riley had never felt such easy comfort with anyone else before. She felt safe and warm every time she was in the Vistran’s presence.

  He would then lead her out to his office and from there, he would let her have her reign of the space. She could tell the giant Vistran was intentionally letting Riley lead the pace of the day. He would ask her what she would want to do—read, likki, talk, sleep, anything. It made her feel a little empowered and confident. She actually started to believe that maybe Arc really could break her collar.

  And every night, Arc would lead her back to her cell and tuck her back into bed. His large hand would brush back her hair and his dark eyes would glow with a warmth that heated Riley all the way through.

  When she had landed in Vistra, Riley had been looking for freedom and a future.

  She had never thought she would find love.

  But she had. She had found Arc.


  “Ah so this is Corathian metal,” Jilm, the metalsmith said as he carefully studied the collar. His breath tickled Riley’s collarbone. “I’ve always been curious to see it. I’ve wondered if it really is as unbreakable as the rumors have made it out to be.”

  “And is it?” Arc asked, standing behind Jilm. He had had full confidence in the metalsmith before his arrival but now that the man was here, he hoped he hadn’t misplaced his confidence.

  “Well, this piece certainly is very strong and durable,” Jilm sat up and smiled down at Riley. “But not unbreakable.”

  Riley gaped at the metalsmith. Had she really heard him right?

  Jilm rooted around in his metal case and pulled out what look like pliers. “We have a laser that we’ve honed through a mineral native to Vistra that has yet to meet its match. It can cut through anything. And I am certain it will cut through this.” Jilm turned around. “Captain, if you could please assist me by holding the lady’s head as far back as possible?”

  Arc immediately took his place by Riley’s side. With a gentle hand against her forehead, he pressed her head towards his stomach, holding her securely. Riley breathed in deeply, taking in his scent and gaining courage from it.

  “Now just stay still,” Jilm said quietly.

  Riley could hear the sharp schwing sound as the laser turned on. A feeling of prickly heat burned against her neck. But almost immediately the heat went away and Riley heard the soft sound of the laser turning off. Riley let out a deep breath but then gasped when she felt something fall down her shoulders.

  A metal ringing echoed around the office.

  Slowly Riley looked down. There by her feet was her Corathian collar, the symbol for all her pain and suffering. Tears gathered at her lashes as she put a hand to her mouth.

  Jilm put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I can only imagine the pain you’ve been through, young miss,” he said kindly. “I hope it can all be put behind you now.”

  Jilm looked up and smiled at Arc. Arc shook the man’s hand.

  “Thank you so much for coming on such short notice, Jilm,” Arc said, his voice thick with emotion. He had seen the look of beautiful disbelief on Riley’s face as she had stared at the broken collar. “And of course, I hope you understand that this will all be confidential—”

  Jilm raised a hand. “Say no more, Arc,” he said with a broad smile. “You and I go quite far back and I give you my word to keep this to my grave.” Jilm stood up and shrugged, grinning. “Besides, I’ll be the only metalsmith now in the galaxy to have ever broken the Corathian collar. I can’t ask for more than that.”


  She could go anywhere. She could do anything.

  There was nothing to keep her in the shadows any longer.

  Riley sat back against the wall of her cell. She finally had it: freedom.

  But it didn’t taste the way she had expected it too.

  The office door opened and Arc stepped in. With a warm smile, he entered her cell.

  Now her heart was crying out for a different kind of freedom. A freedom from loneliness, from solitude. Her heart wanted more—it wanted love.

  Arc took his usual seat in the cell.

  “Have you given more thought about your options?” he asked, trying to swallow his own selfish desires. He couldn’t keep this girl by his side right after she had just gained her independence. That wouldn’t be fair. “The Saturn colonies could offer you some opportunities. Or Jupiter. Or if you would like to stay on planet, Jilm has said he could take you back to his city. He would be more than happy to help you find work and settle down.”

  Riley bit her lip. How long had she been searching for a place of her own within this vast galaxy? She just wanted to carve out her own little home where she could be free from fear and pain. Riley had thought it would never happen for her, that it would be impossible.

  And yet, when she looked into Arc’s eyes�
�she felt home.

  “I would like to stay on planet,” she said finally.


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