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The Truth in Love: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Virgo

Page 6

by K. C. Stewart

  "A bond?" She shook her head. "No. We are mostly independent. Siblings stay close. I guess you might say Dean and I have a bond but bears keep to themselves."

  "I've noticed," he said and she rolled her eyes.

  "Thank you for the wine and pizza." Emilie stood up. He hated to have her leave but Carter was dead on his feet. He managed to get up and walk her to the back door. She looked like she wanted to do something, or for him to do something. Like, say, kiss. But if she wanted more, she'd have to take it. And his lips were hers for the taking. Hell, he was hers if she wanted him.

  "Goodnight Emilie," he said leaning against the door.

  She looked to be having quite the debate in her head. When her mouth finally opened, she awkwardly shouted "Night," and ran inside.

  Carter chuckled. He was going to have fun with her.


  Make a Virgo feel special and they will give you the world on a gold platter.

  * * *

  Carter wanted to give her the opportunity to make a move. Any move. Like, all she had to do was look in his general direction and he'd be good to go. But Emilie was a fickle creature whose avoidance tactics were like none other. That mind of hers was going to be the biggest hurdle in all of this.

  Since he had little in the way of patience, Carter decided he had waited long enough. He'd given her three days, had spent entirely too long washing his car and mowing the lawn that really didn't need it, and not a drape moved the whole time. He knew she was around, Carter made sure to be visible and available when she was home to make it easier for her to just peek her head out and say hello.

  That's all he wanted. A hello. Maybe a smile. He'd settle for a kiss and a declaration of love too.

  After doing some snooping, he found out that today was her first day of work and she got off in five minutes. He parked his truck outside of the library. Right in front of the door. He wanted to make sure that he was the first thing she saw when she came out those doors. Carter leaned against the passenger side door as he waited.

  Originally, he had planned on kidnapping her. Extreme, yes. Worth it, totally. But after thinking it through-- and being talked out of it by a fellow pack mate while on Lee's security detail-- Carter came up with the idea of taking her out to celebrate her first day of work. He'd keep it casual and light. There would be some hand holding and plenty of opportunities for her to kiss him.

  That was one thing he couldn't seem to bend on. Something told him that she needed to make this next move. As much as he wanted to sweep her off her feet, he had to let her come to him to some extent.

  When Emilie came out she stopped. She couldn't mask the surprise, or pleasure, of seeing him. Well, she did. It took her a second but that initial reaction was everything he could have hoped for.

  "Carter, hi," she said suspiciously, but with a smile as she came down the steps of the library.

  "Would you believe that I found out from Cynthia that today was your first day? See, here I thought that as friends, ones who have seen each other naked by the way, that you would have told me you started today."

  When he said "naked," her cheeks flamed up and she looked around to see if anyone had heard. Emile stepped in closer just in case. He loved her modesty.

  "Why do you insist on bringing that up time and time again?" she muttered.

  "Because I like the way your cheeks go pink." Carter reached up and brushed a finger over the blush.

  She never knew quite what to do about his bluntness. It took her off guard every time.

  "I accept your apology with the premise that you promise to share important things like this with me in the future."

  Her brows crinkled. "What apology?"

  "The one you are going to make to me right now. Then you're going to convince me that we should go get dinner and drinks to celebrate your first day." Carter looped his thumbs in his front pockets. "I'm going toss the idea around in my head for a little bit while you wonder if maybe you were being too forward. But in the end, I'll agree to go out with you but only if I pay."

  Emilie stared at him like he had completely lost it.

  "So what do you have to say?" he asked looking completely serious.

  Her facade cracked with a smile and a laugh broke out. "You are ridiculous, you know that?"

  He nodded. "I do."

  With a sigh, Emilie pursed her lips together trying not to smile. She rolled her eyes and he just waited. He knew when she reached "fuck it, let's just do it" level in her head.

  "I'm sorry, Carter," she said dully, the corner of her lips twitching with a laugh. "Want to go celebrate with me?"

  He didn't leave her hanging. Carter pushed off the car door and opened it for her. "I know just the place."

  Emilie found Carter's dating maneuvers cute. Yes, he could have asked her out to dinner earlier and she would have said yes but then she would have thought about it and after some debate, she would have backed out because she was tired after work and just wanted to go home. Ambushing her right away was the best way to guarantee she went.

  It wasn't that she didn't enjoy his company or anyone else for that matter. It was just that being social took some work. It was tiring for someone who was independent, introverted and a Virgo. Those things all worked against her.

  He took her to a bar one town over. It was a shifter bar and nearly empty. She got concerned when the door said 'Closed' but they went in any way.

  "Hey Carter," the older man behind the bar said when the bell overhead jingled. "We are closed today for a private party," he said glancing at Emilie. She got the distinct feeling she wasn't welcome.

  "And we are part of that party," Carter said with a hand on her back so she couldn't escape. He looked her way and winked. "Chuck this is Emilie. She's the new bear in town. Dean's sister."

  Chuck's face lightened up with a smile. "Well, in that case, grab a seat anywhere ya like. It's pack only tonight," he said when Emilie clearly looked confused.

  "I'm not pack," she said a bit dumbly. The whole situation had her tingling to run. The ambush, the closed bar, the word 'party' and now a pack only function. Emilie didn't want to make a fuss. They should probably just go home and have some drinks there. Yeah, home sounded great.

  Chuck leaned on the bar top and gave her a smile that eased her just a little. "I kinda figured, you being a bear and all. But shifters are welcome too. It's not a pack meeting or anything. Since Lee is..." His face wavered. "Well, I'm not feeling much up to dealing with the regular folks. So the next couple days it’s just going to be pack and those alike."

  Carter directed them over to some high-backed booths. There was half a dozen or so other people there. Only a few looked their way. Carter chose a lone booth in the corner.

  "This is a shifter bar," Carter explained as they sat. "I probably should have told you that part first. Sorry." He looked sincere, so she'd let him off this time. "Did you want to go?" She knew if she said yes, he would take her home or anywhere she wanted to go. That got him points in Emilie's book. Bobby had been a social creature and as easy going as he was, he craved nights out with friends. No matter how uncomfortable, bored or miserable she was, Bobby never offered to leave on her account.

  The unease in her stomach was settling. Carter was also a social creature. Most people in town knew him. But he seemed to understand the need for time alone. She'd watched him enough over the past two weeks to see that he liked a balance of social and private time. Her scales may balance differently and he respected that.

  "No. It's fine. I'm good."

  He didn't quite look like he believed her.

  "So tell me about your day. Do you enjoy the library?"

  She nodded. "I do. We all seem to be cut from the same cloth over there. I think I'm going to fit in just fine."

  They ate and drank but mostly talked. The place stayed quiet, only a few people coming and going. No one bothered them, even though she saw Carter make a few head nods in people's dire
ctions. By the time they were done, she was decidedly happy that she had stuck it out.

  He gave her a ride home. Since she lived next door and had walked to work that morning, it only made sense. She wasn't sure what tonight had been. It was light, like a diet date. Was he testing the waters to see if he wanted to pursue something or was he trying to not scare her off by going fast? Considering the kiss they shared a few days ago, she guessed it was the latter.

  Maybe she'd ask him out next, make it known she was interested. Two weeks ago she would have balked at the idea but he had gotten under her skin. And since she was starting over, what better way than with someone who was opposite of everything she normally went for.

  "I can tell you think this is over," he said as they pulled into the driveway. "But it's not. That was phase one."

  Oh, this ought to be good. "There are phases?"

  He grinned. "I can list them for you if you'd like."

  Emilie laughed. "I do love a good list."

  "Phase two," he said as they got out of the truck. "Begins with both of us going into our respective houses and getting comfortable. Then we'll meet out back for a fire."

  That sounded lovely. Emilie approved of phase two.

  Being the excellent planner that he was, Carter had the fire pit ready to go. All he had to do was light it. He also had a bag of marshmallows, roasting sticks and blankets right by the door. So far he felt the date was going well, she took to the kidnapping with a laugh and once they sat down and found some privacy, the bar had gone well too. But Carter wanted her to know without a doubt that he was going to actively woo her.

  He had just lit the fire when she came out. Although she definitely looked more comfortable, she wasn't dressed for the weather in thin cotton stretch pants and a long sleeve t-shirt.

  "Might want to grab a sweatshirt," he said. Every woman he had ever known was always cold. They could be on a beach in Florida and still find a draft that made them chilly.

  "I run hot," she told him coming to stand beside him and gaze at the flames. "Actually, I'll probably be too warm in this."

  "Well in that case..." Carter slid an arm around her waist and tugged her along as he sat in the only chair. It was such a shame that they were going to have to share it. "You can keep me warm."

  She was smiling but her eyes were calculating. Emilie was always watching. Always thinking. She had cop eyes. They took in everything at all times. When she came to whatever conclusion her mind was drawing up, her arms slid around his neck and she leaned into him.

  "I feel like you want something but don't want to ask for it." Her lips were close to his. Their heads tilted in towards each other. The fire reflected in her eyes. Dancing and twirling. He found that there was a heat there that didn't come from the fire.

  "Why would I not just take what I want?" As he held her, he moved his hand to settle on her hip. Her shirt rode up enough that he could feel the warmth of her skin.

  She looked down at his lips as the corners of her mouth lifted into a smile.

  "You're too nice for that. Gentleman ask or wait, they don't just take."

  Was she...was she challenging him? There was a glint of mischief in her smile. Carter guessed that was exactly what she was doing. He wanted to show her just how wrong she was. Carter usually took. If it had been anyone other than Emilie on this date tonight he would have kissed her half a dozen times by now.

  He touched her face, a brush of a thumb over her cheekbone. Her eyes wavered, getting heavy at his touch. Always surprising, his Emilie.

  "What if I'm waiting on you?" he asked, his fingers running down the column of her neck.

  "I don't see what you're waiting for," she said, her voice definitely challenging him this time. "I'm sitting. Right. Here." Each word enunciated so there could be no misinterpretation. He had her in his lap, in his arms, willingly. She was telling him to take.

  So he took.

  Carter grinned before thrusting his hand in her hair and pulling her the few inches toward him. Emilie met him with the same intensity. They shared one long kiss. The kind that tingles from your toes up to your back and heats your cheeks. The kind that lasts for minutes but feels like hours. When Carter kissed Emilie, it wasn't about seeking pleasure. Well, it wasn't only about the pleasure. It was about her and it was about him and the connection they shared.

  Emilie was incredibly reactive. If he brushed his tongue over hers, her hands would tighten in his hair. If he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, she pulled them closer together. If he touched her bare skin anywhere, her breath would catch letting him delve deeper into the kiss.

  Her chest was rising rapidly when she pulled back. He watched, mesmerized by her as she bit her swollen bottom lip.

  "I like kissing you," she said leaning forward for another quick kiss. A soft moan in her throat. Her hair fell forward, shrouding them for the world.

  "That's good, because I like kissing you too." He tucked some hair back behind her ear. The light from the fire creating a soft illumination between them.

  Emilie turned with a smile and leaned back against his chest, their heads tilted together.

  "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said looking up at the full moon. She looked calmed by it. Like she was looking at an old friend. Most of the people in his pack felt some connection to the moon. He knew without looking when the moon was new or full, it was a tingle under his skin. But when Emilie looked up, it was more calculating, she was studying the night sky, not just appreciating it.

  "Yes, you are." He had his eye on the only beautiful thing he could see. The one in his arms.

  She gave him one of those smiles he loved so much. The one where her eyes crinkled and the tips of her lips tilted up. She'd given him a side eye but the pleasure of the compliment outweighed her inability to respond to it.

  "Shouldn't you be with your pack tonight, howling at it?" Her fingers ran over his arm. So light it almost tickled. The hair on his neck stood on end as she made senseless patterns.

  "Yes I should, Miss Sarcasm, but Owen made it optional. He wasn't feeling in the running mood because of Lee."

  "So you are fighting the urge to shift?"

  "I'm not fighting anything except kissing you again," he said honestly.

  There was that smile again. She surprised him by turning her head and capturing his lips in a kiss. When her tongue ran over his bottom lip he drew her in closer.

  "You don't have to fight it," she said against his lips. "Lord knows I'm not, at least not anymore. I want you to kiss me, Carter. Anytime. All the time."

  He obliged because how could he not? Her words were so sweet but her tone was full of need. Carter wanted nothing more than to satisfy those needs.

  "So what does it mean?" he asked when she settled back against him and looked back at the sky with a soft and content sigh. "The moon that is."

  "Why do you think I would know?"

  "Because I've seen you sitting out here staring at it. You also have a moon phase calendar on your fridge and you left your birth chart on the porch last week. I don't know what a birth chart is but I'm assuming it's related."

  "Putting those cop skills to good work I see."

  "Sassy," he said nuzzling into her neck.

  "I am into this stuff as you so eloquently put it."

  "So what's it mean?"

  "Fulfillment." The husky way she said it made him think of certain ways he'd like to fulfill her. "Momentum. Lunar energy is at its peak right now."

  "That so?" he asked as she turned her head, her lips a hairsbreadth away.


  His hands came around her stomach as they kissed. Each one harder, deeper, needier than the one before. Carter brushed a hand under her breast while his other sought the skin of her stomach. She moaned in his mouth.

  To his surprise and delight, she had gone braless. It was like she was leaving him breadcrumbs for him to follow.

  "Emilie," he said following the ridge of her ear with his nose and then suck
ing her earlobe into his mouth. "Do you want to go inside?"

  He nibbled on her ear and felt her shudder. Under her shirt, his hand traveled up to cup her breast and run a finger over her beaded nipple.

  "God yes," she said, arching into his touch while grinding her ass into his stiff cock.

  He let her go after a firm pinch to her nipple. She laughed as he tugged her along. But when they hit the warmth and lights of the house, something changed. The reckless desire was reigned in.

  Carter took her upstairs to her bedroom. Before pointing her to the bed, Carter pushed her against the wall. He could feel with every step Emilie closing herself off. The two minutes it took for them to come inside and upstairs was enough for her mind to go into overdrive. Her kisses weren't as open now, her touch not as wild. There was conscious thought where once had just been feeling. Carter had to turn her head off.

  "Emilie," he said, his forehead resting against hers. Her hands were on him but they weren't tugging at his shirt like before. They were pulling him forward. "I promise you, this isn't going to be a one-night thing. Tomorrow I'm not going to call you. I won't need to because I'm going to be in bed with you, waking up beside you."

  Her eyes were wide as she listened. That was something he loved about her. When you were talking, Emilie listened wholeheartedly.

  "It's time to turn this head off for a while." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. When he pulled back, he lifted her chin so that he had her attention. "Just focus on me. On what we are doing. On what feels good."

  Her chest had begun to rise and fall with increased breath. Carter ran his hands down her sides. When he reached the hem of her shirt, he lifted it up and over her head.

  "I want your eyes on me the whole time. If I see you straying, there will be consequences."

  Her pupils dilated at that last word. He'd caught her attention again. Carter kissed her swollen lips before she could respond. He kissed the words, the doubt, the questions right out of her.

  "I know living in the moment can be hard for you." He traced a finger over the smooth skin of her breast. "So focus on what I'm doing to you. I want you vocal. I want to know what you are feeling."


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