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The Truth in Love: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Virgo

Page 7

by K. C. Stewart

  He grabbed her hands and placed them at the bottom of his shirt. When he lifted his arms, she pulled it off then immediately ran her hands over his chest.

  "No thinking?" she half asked, half stated.

  Carter was hot for her, had been since the day he met her. She was a puzzle. Just when you think you only see straight unyielding lines, a curve shows up to throw everything off. With every new day, he was hit with new curves. It was an adventure he wanted to embark on.

  "No thinking. Just feeling." The skin on her back was hot as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed their bodies together. Carter caught her lips in a kiss. "Just us."


  A Virgo begins a romantic relationship with the intent on making it a lasting one. Quick hookups aren’t their thing.

  * * *

  Emilie laid on her stomach, a blanket pushed down to the dip on her lower back. Sun filtered through her gauzy curtains. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the morning light that illuminated her room.

  Carter was beside her. She couldn't see him but felt his warmth at her back, his lips on her skin and his finger tracing the ridges of her ribs.

  "What are these?" he asked, his finger going from tiny star to tiny star down her side.

  "Tattoo. You are incorrectly drawing the constellation Virgo."

  She turned her head towards him. He had bed head and a sleepy smile on his face. He was content and happy. His mood was like the sunlight, filling her room with warmth.

  "And the one on this side?" Carter began connecting the dots on her right ribcage.

  "Moon sign. That's Taurus."

  Emilie reached up to run her fingers through his hair.

  "Never heard of a moon sign." Carter tilted his head and captured her hand in his, placing a kiss on her palm.

  “There is a dusting of dots back here too,” he said brushing his fingers across the base of her neck.

  “Aries rising,” she answered.

  Carter actually looked interested. “What do they all mean?”

  This was usually the point where she would smile and change the subject. Bobby's eyes used to glaze over if she ever got started into the signs and houses. But she wanted to tell Carter…everything.

  As much as she didn't want to in the beginning, Emilie really liked sharing with him

  "There's all kinds of signs with ruling planets and houses. Each connection has a deeper meaning. It can get really technical so most people just stick with their sun sign."

  Carter started drawing shapes on her skin again. "Didn't take you for the tattoo type."

  She shrugged. Her body, like her mind, was personal. Not many knew of them.

  "Do you have any?"

  Carter shook his head. "Nope. Never had any desire to get one either but I like yours. They look like freckles."

  Emilie closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feel of his touch. That's what she had done last night and it seemed to have worked out well. Although there may have been a slight freak out after they had sex. It was done in the bathroom so he had no idea. She had just given him a part of her and that needed to be acknowledged by hyperventilating with a cool washcloth on the back of her neck.

  There was something about Carter that made her let her guard down. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she felt open around him. And what she was feeling for him was stronger than anything she ever felt for Bobby. He had wormed his way into her gravity field and now he was stuck in orbit.

  "Do you work today?" he asked while leaning down and kissing her shoulder.

  She nodded her head. "At eleven."

  "We'll have breakfast then I'll drive you in."

  "You don't have to do that."

  This time when he kissed her, it was on the lips. Emilie rolled into him, the sheet fell away and their bodies came together. She ran her hands over his back, loving the ridges of his muscles. He didn't take it further than kissing even though she could feel the evidence of his desire for her against her stomach. Carter ran a hand down the side of her cheek and into her hair, his eyes combing over every inch of her face.

  "I don't have to but I want to. I've got to run to the pack house anyway."

  Part of her wanted to ditch the job and spent the day in bed. There were times when she could be irresponsible but the second day of a new job was not one of them.

  "I'm going to get some coffee started," he said. "And get some clothes."

  She looked down. The sheet had parted and she got an eyeful. "Clothes are overrated."

  He snorted. "I’m pretty sure that is supposed to be my line. Meet me on the porch when you're ready." Carter rolled out of bed, found his pants on the floor and slid them on. Emilie propped her head in her hand and watched the show.

  She had a feeling that today was going to be a very good day.

  They were out on the porch enjoying the nip of the morning air. She had slipped on some pants and a t-shirt but was wrapped in a robe as well. It was blue and covered in white stars.

  When he first saw her, Carter held up a finger, asking her to wait and found a video on his phone. Emilie sipped her coffee and didn’t say a word as he struggled to find a certain video.

  “Ah ha!” he laughed as he found it. When he turned his phone around, he was all smiles. The beginning of The Sorcerer's Apprentice started and Emilie snorted a laugh.

  "All you need is the hat and you could be Mickey," he said as she came to sit beside him on the steps.

  "You're ridiculous."

  See, she said that but she was smiling so he won in the end.

  He wasn’t expecting any visitors that early so it was a surprise to see a truck slow and pull into the driveway. From the corner of his eye, he could see her back straighten. She looked down and made sure her robe was closed the whole way.

  Carter leaned over and kissed her cheek. "It's just Owen, my alpha."

  That news didn't seem to calm her any.

  Owen parked and got out of the truck. He was a big man, tall, wide shoulders and very capable. It had taken a few months to adjust when Owen took over after his father died. Carter and Owen had grown up together. He had proved himself time and again as a good friend and a good alpha.

  "I should get ready for work," Emilie said as Owen approached. She stood before he could persuade otherwise and went inside.

  "Didn't know we had a new bear in the area. We won't be having any territorial issues will we?" Owen asked as he watched her scamper off inside. Because of everything with Lee, Carter hadn’t gotten a chance to tell Owen about her arrival.

  "She's Dean's sister."

  Owen nodded. "Skittish."

  Carter leaned back against the post and sipped his coffee. "Only around new people. You've got to be around a bit before she warms up to you. It's worth the patience, though."

  Owen tilted his head as he looked at Carter. "You two?"

  He nodded taking a sip of his coffee. "I've been wooing her."

  "Going well I take it?"

  Carter laughed. After last night? Hell yeah! "Very well."

  He offered Owen some coffee but he shook his head. With pleasantries over it was time for him to spit out why he was really here. Scaring his girlfriend away couldn’t be his own purpose.

  "How's Lee?" Carter asked, taking a shot in the dark.

  Owen's face softened some. Those two had some history. For a few years, they all thought that he was going to marry her but Lee had more problems than any of them imagined and had left him. Owen found someone new, someone he was truly a match with and ridiculously in love with, but he always held a spot for Lee in his heart. They were good friends now and this was killing him.

  "She's better. Talking." Owen gave a strained smile. "Just started that up this morning. But that's not why I'm here."

  He finally conceded and took the seat on the step Emilie had vacated. "The timing is off. I wanted to do this days ago but with Lee, everything got put on hold. This is too big to hold, though."

  Carter had no idea where this was going. Owen was rambling which was very unlike him. His girlfriend, Mira, was the rambler, her sister even more so. In front of the pack Owen always looked strong. In front of a friend, he tended to let his guard down.

  "What is it, Owen?"

  His alpha ran a hand over the back of his neck and then looked at him. "We have an open Enforcer position. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

  Carter was shocked. Enforcer was a high position. It was a lot of responsibility and he couldn't think of a single reason why Owen would ask him. Then again, he just couldn't think in general at the moment.

  "Why me?" he asked.

  "Why not you?" Owen countered. "You are the most qualified person in the pack and since you already do the job every day with the police, why not with the pack too?"

  The pack enforcer was the Alpha's second in command. He was a cop, judge and jury to the pack. He had worked alongside the old enforcer before the job had made him do something he couldn't live with so he ran. Tyson was back with them now but he was changed. He refused his old position and even a life within the pack. Tyson was an extreme example of what could happen. Most enforcers lived content lives once they found the balance between work and home, much like a cop had to do.

  Damn it all but Owen was right, he did have some qualifications for the job.

  "I'll need to think about it."

  "Good," he nodded. "I would have been worried if you jumped on the idea from the start. It's not an easy job. I want you to talk to Tyson about it. He won't hold back on what it's like to be loved yet feared by the pack. Miles from the Susquehanna pack will be around for some time before he has to get back. Talk to him as well if you need to."


  "If you do decide to take it, there is a job at the Andora PD for you. Comes with a raise and some nice benefits."

  Andora was one of the most sought after departments. The chief of police was a shifter in the pack. Carter had tried to get in there but missed out twice. It was one hell of an incentive.

  "I'll think about it."

  Owen stood and twirled his keys around his finger. "Good enough. I'll see you around."


  Leave it to a Virgo to give the best advice they can when asked. They may not always speak their opinions forthright but if you want real talk, go to a Virgo. They don’t bullshit and whether you like it or not, they’ll be honest.

  * * *

  "So you haven't decided yet?" Emilie asked. It had been about a week since Carter's job offer. Emilie knew some basics about wolf packs and over dinner one night, he filled her in on how a pack worked. Bears were simple. They kept to themselves, claimed land and protected what was theirs. Wolves made it complicated, but if you were raised in it then it might not seem so bad.

  Carter picked her up after her morning shift at the library and drove her to Andora. He wanted to show her around. Or at least, that's what he said. Emilie thought what he really wanted was her opinion.

  "I haven't. The last two enforcers had bad endings. It's a hard job and can take a toll."

  They were walking down the street enjoying the unseasonably warm day. He had taken to holding her hand when they were out. The simple act always made her chest pound wildly. She liked the small claim it laid on them.

  "What are you really afraid of because you've told me about those enforcers. The one was demented. That had nothing to do with the job and everything to do with the fact that he was a psychopath."

  He couldn’t argue on that. "And what about Tyson? He had done the job for ten years."

  Emilie leaned into his shoulder. "He was put in a hard spot. But he didn't have your training. I'm sure you are much more prepared than he was for the job. Owen is right, you do it every day."

  "Yeah, maybe."

  What he wanted from her, she couldn't give. Carter wanted someone to just tell him what to do. But this was his life and his choice.

  "So," she prompted again. "What are you afraid of?"

  He looked down at her, his mouth a hard line. Men never liked admitting to fear. She doubted he would tell her but maybe it would get him thinking.

  Something changed in his eyes. Some understanding. Clarity. What he said next surprised her.

  "Failure. I'm afraid of failing."

  Her brows rose in surprise, not because of his answer, that was a perfectly normal response but because he actually told her. It meant he felt safe with her.

  Emilie smiled. His trust was intoxicating. They were steadily growing closer. The last week was the best kind of whirlwind. Everything she learned about him made her want to know more. He was a “what you see is what you get” kind of man. Unlike Emilie, who hid away only letting bits of herself out for the world to see, Carter laid it all out.

  "Failing is always a possibility, but Carter, what if you fly? What if this is the push you need to be your best self? I'm not saying you should do it, that is your decision, I just think you should look at this from all angles. Yes, you could fail but you could also fly."

  His face softened into a smile. "You're really good at that," he said leaning in toward her and kissing the top of her head.

  "What?" she asked with a grin.

  "Advice with just a hint of a compliment. I'm feeling pretty invincible right now."

  Emilie didn't have a chance to respond. Her phone began buzzing wildly in her pocket. The interruption completely ruined the moment. Carter moved backed and dropped her hand so she could fish out her phone.

  It was Dean. She had half a mind to ignore the call but then she noticed the dozen or so texts he had sent her.


  "Where the hell are you?" he barked.

  Her eyebrows shot up, Dean rarely got upset. "Uh, out with Carter."

  She looked to him and he was frowning at her. "Everything ok?" he asked quietly. She shrugged.

  "You need to get home now."


  He sighed. "Just get home. I'll explain then. Oh, and bring your guy. We're going to need his help."

  Dean hung up on her and she looked at her phone like it stung her. Her brother was calm, cool and collected. Nothing frazzled him. Whatever this was, was serious.

  "Did you hear all that?"

  Carter nodded. "Yes, I think our day is finished here. Let's head home."

  They walked back to the car, Carter asking a few questions about what Dean had said. Neither of them could figure out what had him so worked up.

  He was waiting for them outside, pacing the length of the porch. Emilie got out of the truck before Carter could come around. There was a time for chivalry, now was not it. He didn't seem to mind, though. His interested had been peaked by the vagueness of it all and had already started up the steps.

  "What's going on?" he asked Dean.

  "Inside," Dean snapped and went in the door she had locked before she left.

  That mental note to collect her keys made an appearance again.

  She turned once inside and faced him. Dean pointed to her couch as she opened her mouth and told her to sit.

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to fly.

  "Dean, what the hell is it? You are stomping all around here like a menstruating Godzilla."

  Carter took a seat on her couch and patted the spot beside him. Dean was still agitated and wouldn't start until she sat. With an eye roll, Emilie walked to her couch and dropped onto the couch.

  "Ok, fine. I'm sitting. Now spill."

  With a deep breath he dropped the bomb. "Bobby is being arrested for your murder."

  "WHAT?" she yelled and stood up.

  Carter pulled her back down with a hand on her shoulder. "Let him explain."

  "Actually, that's about it. I was just notified an hour ago that he had been arrested. I didn't even know there was an investigation in place."

  Immediately Carter slipped into cop mode. "I can do some digging on this and find out what's going on. Who was the closest pack
to you up there? I can contact the alpha and see if he has any cops that can help," he asked her.

  "Um," she rubbed her head still digesting what Dean had said. "Outskirts of Adirondack Pack but there was more of a population of St. Lawrence. I don't know the alpha. I was on land in between the two so I never introduced myself."

  "Owen will know," he assured her.

  "What can I do to stop this?" Emilie looked at Carter, he was the only one not shaken by the news. Dean may not have liked Bobby but he also wouldn't sit by and let this happen to him. Neither would she.

  Carter sighed, his lips pressed together as he looked at her. "Two options. We either find your body to prove he didn't do it or you come out of hiding and set everything straight. I can't legally recommend the first since I am a cop."

  "Will she be charged with faking her own death?" Dean asked.

  "If we can get a hold of someone from the other pack and explain the situation, I think we can work it all out. If we are lucky, we'll handle it outside of the media's reach."

  Emilie grabbed his hand and linked her fingers with his. She wasn't looking at Carter, it was easier to think when she stared at the coffee table, but his fingers tighten around hers giving her comfort as much as strength.

  If she went up there, she'd have a fiancé again. She'd have another life to straighten out. But she couldn't, in good conscious leave Bobby in jail for a crime he didn't commit.

  "I have to go," she said softly. Emilie turned her head and found Carter watching her, sadness filling his eyes. "I'm sorry."

  Carter was doing his best to stay professional but hiding his agitation was getting increasingly difficult. As a cop he knew what the ramifications were if she did not go. Not just the legal consequences but the mental ones. Emilie would never forgive herself.

  As her boyfriend, he didn't want her to go. She'd be going back to her fiancé. Sure she said that they had been drifting apart towards the end but what if she was just saying that at the time because she had no option to go back to him?


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