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In Bear's Bed

Page 9

by Carol Lynne

  “Yes you do and very well I might add,” Nate laughed.

  Liam barely had the strength to playfully punch Nate in the side. He rubbed across the beautiful brown skin with the raspy texture of his morning whiskers. “I don’t wanna get up.”

  “Me either. Let’s skip until after lunch. We can rethink the rest of the day after we get some food in our bellies.” Nate easily lifted Liam higher in the bed and removed the soiled condom for him.

  After giving Nate a deep-throated kiss, Liam plucked at his love’s nipples. “So you wanna talk about the phone call?”

  “Nope, I’m still gathering pros and cons.”

  “Fair enough.” Liam traced Nate’s flaccid cock with his hand. “Let me know if I can sway you in any fashion.”

  Laughing, Nate slapped Liam’s bare ass. “Behave.”

  After an eventful morning spent in bed, Liam led Nate towards the kitchen. They found Charlie at the stove, stirring a pot of soup. “Hey,” Liam said as he went to the fridge.

  “Hey, I thought the two of you would never come up for air,” Charlie joked. “I have some good news. I finally managed to find a cook and general housekeeper that was willing to put up with you slackers.”

  “Really? When does she start?”

  Charlie shook his head. “Not a she, a he, a retired Marine to be exact. His name’s Jack Hershey and he should be here in a week or so.” Charlie grinned. “I have a feeling he’ll keep you guys in line.”

  Liam was shocked. “A retired Marine? Damn, talk about coming out.”

  “Who said he was gay? Are you stereotyping, Liam?”

  That brought him up short. “Why else would a man take a job in a gay dorm?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because he needed a job?”

  “So he’s straight?” Nate asked, stealing a piece of ham from Liam.

  “Didn’t say that either.” Charlie turned off the stove and poured his soup into a bowl. Sitting at the large island beside Nate, he started eating.

  “Well?” Liam asked, unable to take the suspense.

  “I don’t know what his sexual preferences are. He applied. I checked his references, talked to him on the phone and hired him.”

  Liam rubbed his freshly shaven jaw. “A mystery man? I like it.”

  A growl from Nate had Liam laughing. “Oh stop it and eat your sandwich. I have enough on my plate at the moment.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Dad?” Bear set down his backpack. “What’re you doing here?”

  Ben Tucker rose from the couch and walked towards his son. “What? I fly across the country and that’s all you have to say?”

  “Sorry,” Bear answered, giving his dad a hug.

  When Bear went to pull out of the hug, his dad drew him in again. “I’ve missed you, son.”

  Bear closed his eyes at the uncommon display of affection. What was going on? “Dad?”

  His father finally released him and stepped back. “Why don’t you put your things away and let me take you to dinner?”

  “Okay, Liam should be back from practice any time, can he come?”

  “Not this time. I need to talk to you alone. What I have to say doesn’t concern him.”

  “You’re wrong, Dad. Everything about me concerns Liam.”

  “Who said this was all about you? I want to talk to my son. Can’t I do that without his lover hearing all my personal thoughts and feelings?”

  Bear could tell he’d pushed his dad far enough. “I’ll go change my shirt and write Liam a note.” Bear turned and went up to his room. After dropping his pack on the floor, he opened his closet and chose a black sports shirt.

  Taking the shirt to the bed, he sat down and tried to think. He’d called the doctor’s office that afternoon to schedule another appointment. He was really leaning towards having the operation, but he had a few questions he needed answered first. Now this. God, he really didn’t need a long drawn-out talk with his dad.

  Getting his shirt changed, Bear scratched a quick note to Liam and left it on the bed. How sappy and girly was he that he kissed the piece of paper before releasing it?

  Pulling his hair back, Bear fastened it with an elastic band at the nape of his neck. He knew his dad didn’t approve of his new hairstyle, better to tie it back than risk a dressing down.

  As soon as he started down the stairs, he heard Liam’s voice. As he neared the bottom, both heads turned towards him. “Hey,” Bear said casually. He walked over and gave Liam a quick kiss.

  “I left you a note. Dad wants to take me out to dinner. Are you going to be okay for dinner on your own?” He tried to convey his frustrations with the situation without speaking.

  Liam grinned and kissed him again. “I’ll be fine.” Liam looked around Bear. “He has a test to study for so don’t keep him out late.”

  Bear heard his dad scoff behind his back. He mouthed the words, “Thank you,” and squeezed Liam’s hand.

  “Don’t forget something,” Liam whispered. “You’re a man.”

  Looking around the Grog and Galley, Bear was impressed. “I can’t believe I’ve gone to school here for four years and I’ve never been to this place.”

  “Charlie told me it was a good place to go for privacy,” his dad remarked, studying the menu.

  Bear studied the high-backed booth they were seated in. Definitely private, but why did they need it? “Dad? Can you please talk to me? I’m going nuts trying to figure out why you’re here.”

  Ben held up a finger and motioned the waiter over. After giving their orders, Ben leaned heavily on the table and sighed. “I came to give that coach of yours a piece of my mind.”

  “But, Dad…” Bear tried to interrupt.

  “Let me finish. I came to give him a good dressing down until he made me sit and watch highlights from the last couple of games you’ve played.” His dad sat back in the booth as a waiter brought their drinks.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you’ve had problems for a while? It was plain as the nose on your face you were struggling to get through those games.”

  Bear stabbed his fork into the complimentary bread on the table and shrugged.

  “That’s not much of an answer.” His dad took the fork out of Bear’s hand and placed it back on the table.

  “If I’d said anything to Coach or Julian, they would’ve benched me earlier.”

  Ben shook his head. “I have to tell you, son, I was shocked when I saw the tape of your last game. There seemed to be no warning. One minute you were fine and the next you were face first on the field. But you know who I really felt sorry for?”

  Bear shook his head. “That fella from the other team. When you get the chance, I want you to sit down and watch that tape. That defensive lineman hit you just as you fell. His face said it all.” Bear’s dad reached across the table and took his son’s hand. “He thought he’d done it.”

  He remembered Liam saying something similar. Liam had told Bear the guy’s eyes would haunt him for years. “I was okay. I got up and walked off the field.”

  “Yeah, you did. Justin helped me see something though. What if you hadn’t? What if your heart had stopped at that precise moment? How do you think that boy would’ve felt? I bet he never would’ve played football again.”

  “What are you saying? That you’re happy Justin benched me?” The waiter brought their food and Bear looked down at the thick steak. Maybe they had doggy bags?

  “No, son. I’m not happy Justin benched you, but I understand why he did.” His dad made no attempt to eat. Seemed they might need two doggy bags. “When I was in school and the doctor advised me to quit football, I did. From that moment on, I’ve thought of nothing but myself and how that decision impacted my life. When you were born I was so damn glad to have another male in the house, I wanted to share my passion with you.”

  Stopping long enough to take a sip of water, his dad continued. “It made me happy when you showed signs of inheriting your old man’s gifts. I know I pushed, and I kno
w now I made you feel like you had to play for me. I’m sorry. When the doctor advised you to quit, I saw my life repeating itself, and I didn’t want that for you. Once again, I was selfish.”

  “No, Dad. I wanted to play, too. I knew you gave up your dream and I wanted to live it for you.”

  “But we didn’t think about everyone else. How our decisions would affect our coaches, team-mates and even opponents.”

  Bear saw his opening and decided to take it. “I made a doctor’s appointment. I want to find out more information on the defibrillator. I know you need to check with the insurance company and see if they’ll even cover it, but if they will, I think I’m going to get one.”

  “So, no more football,” his dad said, sounding resigned to the fact.

  “Well, I’m hoping maybe I can get a job coaching. If not for a living, maybe I can coach kids or something.”

  “And you think that would make you happy?”

  “I think so,” Bear said, taking a bite of his baked potato. “I’ll finish my teaching degree and see if I can get a job around here until Liam graduates. Although it sounds like Bianchi Bytes is hot after Liam for a fulltime position with their company when he graduates.” Bear gave his dad a playful wink. “Liam will be the one making the big bucks. I’ll be a kept man.”

  His dad gave a grunt and picked up his fork. Evidently their problems had been worked out because as Bear shovelled food into his mouth, he watched his dad do the same.

  “So you’re dad is staying in town?” Liam asked snuggled against Nate’s bare chest.

  “Yeah, he said he’d wait and go to my appointment with me before heading home.”

  Liam rolled over on top of Nate and straddled his stomach. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Nate wrapped his hand around Liam’s half-hard cock. “Don’t be too proud. I haven’t agreed to do it yet, and I don’t even know if Dad’s insurance will pay for the operation.”

  Thrusting into Nate’s hand, Liam moaned. “My dick’s so sore it’s bordering on pain but don’t stop.”

  “Oh, my poor baby, has big ole Bear worn you out?” Nate released his grip on Liam’s cock and pulled him down against his chest.

  Liam yawned and nodded his head. “Wouldn’t want you to get tired of me the first year. I have to leave something for the next sixty.”

  “Seventy,” Nate disagreed.

  Liam’s mood sobered. Kissing the skin over Nate’s heart, he sighed. “I sure hope so. I’ll need at least that long to show you how much I love you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Pacing back and forth in the lobby, Liam checked the clock on the wall once more. He still had five minutes before visiting hours. He wondered if the nurses would try and stop him if he went up a few minutes early. Screw it.

  Liam took the elevator to the fifth floor. Looking down at his wrinkled T-shirt, he sighed. That’s what happens when you spend the night in a chair. He’d brushed his teeth, but had yet to change his clothes.

  Nate’s doctor had chosen to perform the surgery in Coeur d’Alene, about an hour and a half away from the college. Liam knew he could’ve borrowed a car and driven back and forth, but he felt better just packing a duffle and sticking around the hospital.

  Stepping into Nate’s hospital room, he was greeted by his favourite smile. “Well, don’t you look chipper?” Liam walked over to the bed and gave his man a kiss.

  “I feel pretty good,” Nate said. “I think they’re letting me out soon.”

  Liam yawned and stretched his sore back. “Let’s hope. I love you, but my back is killing me.”

  Nate scoffed. “That’s your own fault. Mom and Dad offered to get you a room in their hotel.”

  “I know, but I wanted to stick around the hospital, and it’s only for a day or two.” Liam positioned a chair beside Nate’s bed.

  “Forget the chair, and sit beside me on the bed where I can reach you.” Nate patted the bed beside him.

  “It’s okay? Your surgery was less than twenty-four hours ago.” Liam asked as he put the guard rail down. He helped Nate scoot over and took a seat.

  “I feel fine.” Nate ran his fingertips over the small piece of gauze taped just under his collar-bone. The incision is a little sore but that should heal in no time.”

  Nate surprised him by taking his hand and placing it under the sheet onto his chest. “Feel anything different?”

  Liam ran his palm over the smooth skin. “They shaved you?”

  “Yep,” Nate said with a wink. “My left side is hair-free.”

  “All of it?” Liam’s hand wandered down the smooth body to brush across Nate’s groin. “Damn that’s sexy.” He continued to pet the soft skin until he noticed the right side of Nate’s groin was still furry. “I think you should do the whole thing.”


  Liam shrugged and grinned. “Maybe. I never really thought about it before, but it’s nice. How does it feel from your side?”

  Nate reached down and moved Liam’s hand to his brick-hard cock. “Sensitive, can’t you tell?”

  With a groan, Liam shook his head and released his hold. “You’re trying to get me in trouble.” He licked his lips. “But man would I love to run my tongue across that skin.”

  The nurse walked through the door to check Nate’s vitals. Liam jumped off the bed and Nate started laughing. “Later, love.”

  Liam blushed from his nose to his toes and took a seat in the corner. He watched the nurse fuss over Nate, biding his time until he could resume his spot on the bed. As she replaced Nate’s IV bag, Liam made idle conversation. “I talked to Julian. He said to tell you he was thinking about you. He also had some really good news, Rudy quit.”

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “Nope, I guess Charlie threatened to give Rudy tolerance training every week until he learned to love his fellow man. Evidently that was all it took,” Liam laughed.

  “I then called Charlie to congratulate him, and to let him know everything went fine. Charlie said he was glad I called. I guess Michael had been hanging out at the house until he got word of your condition. I think Charlie was happy to be able to give him the news so he could go back to his own dorm.”

  “Michael’s a good guy,” Nate commented, sitting up so the nurse could check his lungs.

  “Yeah, I have to admit, he’s grown on me. Kind of like a friendly fungus,” Liam added at the last second.

  “Charlie also said Jack wants a list of any dietary changes from your doctor.” The nurse left and Liam took his spot next to Nate.

  “I don’t think there are any. I’ll ask, though.” Nate tugged on Liam’s wrinkled T-shirt until he could reach his lips. “Kisses, they’re my only dietary necessity.”

  Liam opened to Nate’s questing tongue immediately. A throat clearing from the doorway finally broke their kiss. “Hi,” Nate greeted his parents.

  Maureen Tucker clicked her tongue and shook her head. “You boys better behave.”

  Relinquishing his hold on Nate, Liam got up and went back to his chair in the corner. “Sorry, Mrs Tucker.”

  Maureen waved away his apology and kissed Nate on the forehead. “How’s my baby?”

  “Good.” Nate smiled at his mom. Liam chuckled. Oh he could see Nate working that smile with Maureen for all it was worth. He bet Nate got away with everything growing up just by using those pearly whites.

  “Doctor Hutchins said barring any unforeseen problems, you should be released first thing in the morning.”

  “Cool,” Liam said. He couldn’t wait to get Nate back to their room so he could take care of him. Nate gave him a heated look. Liam grinned back knowing they were thinking the same thing.

  The second-half of the fall semester Bear got to observe in the high school classroom where he’d be student-teaching. As he walked into BK after a long day, he was greeted by yet another argument coming from the kitchen.

  Rolling his eyes, he retreated up the stairs to his room. “God you look good,” he said as
he opened the door to see Liam stretched out on the bed.

  “I’d look even better if you came over and undressed me,” Liam commented as he unzipped his fly.

  Never one to allow an opportunity to get inside Liam’s jeans pass him by, Bear unbuttoned his shirt as he made his way towards the bed. Towering over Liam, he slowly stripped, enjoying the way his lover watched. When only his underwear remained in place, Bear ran his hand over his erection. “Show me how much you want me.”

  Liam’s brow rose as he grinned wickedly. “You sure your heart can take it?”

  “My heart’s fine, it’s my cock that I’m not so sure about, but try me.” Bear slipped his hand under the waistband of his briefs as he slowly stroked his cock.

  Quickly pulling off his clothes, Liam spread his thighs. “Like what you see so far?”

  “Keep going.” Bear tried to keep his voice cool, but he was dying inside as Liam turned over to his hands and knees. “What the fuck?”

  Liam looked over his shoulder at Bear. “I thought I’d surprise you.” He grinned as he wiggled his ass.

  Reaching down, Bear moved the black butt-plug from side to side. “How long have you been laying there with this in?”

  Moaning, it took Liam several moments to speak. “For about thirty minutes.”

  Bear pulled the plug out several inches before slamming it back inside. Liam’s back bowed as he began panting. “Please, need you.”

  “Oh yes, you do,” Bear answered. Since his stay in the hospital, and their subsequent blood tests, they’d foregone the use of condoms, but lube was still a necessity. Without taking his eyes off Liam’s ass, Bear reached over and withdrew the lube from the top of the bedside table.

  After pushing down his briefs, he applied a small amount to his cock. “I’m going to take this out so I can see that pretty hole.” The plug was removed slowly and tossed on the floor. Before entering Liam, Bear bent over and licked the hungry-looking hole, slipping his tongue inside. They both moaned at the penetration.


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