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In Bear's Bed

Page 10

by Carol Lynne

  “I can’t hold it,” Liam panted as Bear continued to tongue-fuck him.

  Without stopping, he reached around and gripped Liam’s cock giving him the silent go-ahead. Two strokes later, warmth covered his hand as Liam exploded.

  “Nate,” Liam screamed.

  Chuckling, he pulled back. “Well, I’m sure the whole house knows what appetisers we’re having before dinner.”

  Liam fell to his stomach and rolled over. “Don’t care,” he said, wrapping his legs around Bear’s torso. “More,” Liam begged.

  Bear was more than ready, so he wasted no time thrusting in to the hilt. Once his cock was enveloped, he let out a loud growl.

  “Talk about me.”

  “Shhh, let me concentrate,” Bear said, trying to wipe the grin off his face. Liam’s body felt like heaven wrapped around him, but he couldn’t move like he wanted. “Sorry, love.” He repositioned Liam’s legs over his shoulders. “Better,” he groaned as he plunged in and out of Liam’s ass. “Damn.”

  With his hair swinging back and forth in rhythm with his thrusts, Bear watched as sweat dripped off the tip of his nose to land on Liam’s chest. He felt his sac draw up tight as Liam continued to moan under him.

  “Soon,” he gasped.

  “Fill me,” Liam panted.

  Burying himself as deep as possible, Bear did just what his man had asked. The orgasm continued for several long seconds as his seed filled Liam. With an all-over body shake, Bear released Liam’s legs and fell to his side.

  “Breathe, baby,” Liam crooned, stroking Bear’s sweaty chest.

  “I’m okay,” he mumbled. His man tried to take such good care of him since the operation.

  It had already been two months and he felt no after-effects of the surgery. The whole ordeal had opened his eyes to life and the importance of doing what he could to live a long and happy life with Liam. Shortly after being released from the hospital, Bear had gone to talk to Justin. He appreciated his coach’s willingness to go to bat for him with the Athletic Board, but Bear had decided he was done.

  Justin had shaken his hand and told him to drop by anytime he needed a stinky locker room fix.

  The buzzer in the hall sounded, alerting the dorm that dinner was ready. In that respect, dinner was different than at the regular dorms on campus. There, you had a set dinner schedule and showed up when you could. At BK, Jack ran the house on a tight schedule. If you weren’t at the table within ten minutes of the buzzer, you had to fix your own.

  With his stomach rumbling, Bear turned his head to look at Liam. “Help me up?”

  Liam bounced off the bed and tugged on Bear’s hand. “Come on,” he grunted as he helped Bear out of bed. “I’m starving and it’s fried chicken night.”

  The thought of Jack’s crispy-skinned chicken gave Bear enough energy to lean over and pick up his clothes. “Jack and Charlie were arguing again when I came home earlier.”

  Liam zipped up and shook his head. “Those two are like oil and water. It just doesn’t make sense to me. They’re alike in so many ways, but you get them in a room together and POW one or both of them seem to explode. It’ll be a wonder if Jack lasts out the semester.”

  “He’d better. That man cooks even better than my own mom.” Bear winced when he realised what he’d said. “Shhh, don’t tell momma I said that.”

  Liam mimicked locking his mouth and throwing the key over his shoulder. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” Bear opened the door and motioned for Liam to go first. As they walked down the stairs, they met Sam walking up with a plate loaded with chicken. “Eating in your room?” he asked.

  “Better than trying to eat in the middle of a battlefield,” Sam answered.

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Great. What’s it over this time?”

  “Charlie was trying to tell Jack the green beans needed a little bacon grease in them. It seems Jack took exception to that and told Charlie he was banned from the kitchen while he was preparing a meal. To which Charlie took exception. Now the two of them are sitting at opposite ends of the table pouting. I just got yelled at for asking if we had anything for dessert.”

  Sam put his hand on Liam’s shoulder. “It’s not pretty, my friends.”

  “Thanks, man.” Liam turned back to Bear. “You don’t happen to have any football helmets handy that we could wear to protect ourselves, do you?”

  “Tough it out, soldier,” Bear barked in his best imitation of Jack.

  “Oh, geez,” Liam chuckled and made a show of saluting and marching down the rest of the stairs.

  Bear pulled him up short before they entered the dining room. “Remember, don’t take sides. You never know when that will come back to bite you on the ass.”

  Liam gave him a deep tongue thrusting kiss. “Give me about thirty minutes and then we’ll talk about something biting me in the ass.”

  Laughing, Bear pushed open the door and made a display of growling and licking his lips. “No need for conversation.”

  Walking in, they were greeted by two stony faces. “Good evening,” Bear said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Hi, Bear,” Charlie replied. “I assume Liam’s with you?”

  “Right here, boss,” Liam piped up as he handed a plate to Bear. They began to load their plates.

  “Jace stopped by earlier to drop off another packet of data. He wants you to give him a call when you get it.”

  Bear and Liam looked at each other and grinned. Liam set his plate on the table and squirmed a little in his chair. Making it obvious to everyone that could see he’d just been reamed. Rolling his eyes, Bear reached out and stilled his lover with a hand on his shoulder.

  Realising what he was giving away, Liam blushed.

  “Can’t you see the man’s trying to enjoy his dinner? Why do you have to bring up work at the table?” Jack questioned Charlie’s methods.

  “Oh, now look here. I’m the director here, not you, and if I have a message to give to one of my residents I’ll do it as I see fit,” Charlie replied in a raised voice.

  Immediately, Charlie and Jack started arguing back and forth across the table. Bear didn’t care. He was concentrating on the melt-in-your-mouth chicken. He felt Liam’s hand on his thigh and glanced over.

  Liam mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Bear mouthed back.

  As Liam went back to his food, Bear continued to stare at him. Maybe he could get a teaching job in one of the small towns around the area. He could rent a small house here in town and commute while Liam finished school. Maybe they’d stay in town or maybe they’d end up at one of the satellite offices of Bianchi Bytes. The location didn’t matter to him. He could get a job anywhere. The most important thing was sitting beside him.

  He grinned to himself as he thought about the two of them ten years down the road. Bear wondered if Liam would cut his hair. Executives didn’t usually have shaggy hair. He could easily picture Liam with a shorter style, strands of grey threading through it in the coming years.

  “Pass the salt,” Liam elbowed him in the side.


  “The salt.” Liam gestured. “Where’ve you been?”

  “Our future,” Bear replied with a smile.

  About the Author

  An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a fulltime mother and a fulltime writer. These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.


  Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Carol Lynne

  Campus Cravings: Coach

  Campus Cravings: Side-Lined

  Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

  Campus Cravings: Off-Season

  Campus Cravings: Forbidden Freshman
  Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

  Good Time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

  Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

  Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

  Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

  Cattle Valley: All Play & No Work

  Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

  Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

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