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I am Jade

Page 11

by Victoria Danes

  I couldn’t speak past the tears, but even if I could there’s nothing I could have said. I believed her, and I felt her sincerity pour into me the moment I walked in the room.

  Once we calmed and dried our tears, we sat on the couch and I filled them in on everything. Including Seth and his disappearance.

  When I finished, they exchanged a glance I did not like.

  “What?” I asked.

  My father sighed. “If they are virgins then it leads me to believe that the auction is involved.”

  “The auction?” I quizzed.

  He nodded. “Every year an auction is held and virgin girls – among other things – are sold for the right price. All the monsters come out to play that night.”

  A shiver ran through me. “Sold to whom?”

  He shrugged. “Vampires, witches…other wolf packs. Virgin blood is pure, Jade. It is very potent and much coveted. Imagine the best drug taking over and giving you the most euphoric high you’ve ever had. All monsters desire such blood.”

  “And wolves?” I pushed.

  “Other packs may buy virgins for bartering with witches or vampires. Some may make them as prizes…brides to their betas.”

  I shook my head. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Sadly, no,” my father replied.

  “Have you ever used this auction?”

  “Alphas before me have, but I have personally never made a purchase. It is not my style.”

  “So where is this auction?” I quizzed.

  “The location changes. It is secret information.”

  “How do we get it?” I pressed.

  “We need to contact someone who participates, but they will not willingly surrender the location. We will have to use other methods,” my mother answered.

  “Can I get it from them using my clairvoyance?”

  “Most supernaturals know how to shield well enough to keep those like you out,” she replied. “But…” She stood up and rubbed her hands together. “Let us see if that is indeed what the case is regarding these girls.”

  “Is there something else I don’t know about?” I asked.

  She smiled gently. “All in due time, Jade.”

  She went into the kitchen, and I turned toward my father. “What about Seth?”

  “What about him?”

  “Transylvania is your territory. You want me to believe you didn’t know he was there?”

  He nodded. “You’re right. I smelled him the moment he entered my land. He had your scent all over him. If I could smell him others could too.”

  “What others?”

  “Others that wish to harm you, Jade. Others that would go to great lengths to get to you. They know you’d go searching, and they could use your connection to him to hurt you. To attach themselves to you and find you very quickly. You cannot do it alone.”

  “I think I’ll do what I want. I’m grown.” I snapped. “Couldn’t you protect him?”

  He sighed as if exasperated. “He was not mine to protect. Let us not quarrel now, Jade. One step at a time, please.”

  My mother came back from the kitchen with a container of salt and four long, white candles in her hands. After lighting them and placing them in holders in four corners around herself and chanting something I couldn’t understand, she reached for me. “Come, Jade.”

  I walked to her and once I was close enough, she opened the container and poured salt in a perfect circle around us. Again she chanted in a tongue I didn’t understand.

  “For protection,” she answered my unspoken question.

  I nodded.

  She took my hands and squeezed them. “You have to let me in, Jade. I cannot penetrate your shields.”

  “Am I that strong or are you that weak?” I asked.

  She smiled. “You are strong because you have had lots of practice with your shields in place. I have not done any witchcraft in a long time. However, do not think of me as weak. I will make sure we break past the protection spells.” She winked and then closed her eyes.

  I followed suit and closed mine too.

  Moments later, I felt like I was spinning. Cold air rushed around me and whipped my hair around my face. The air got colder and colder until my lungs protested, and I gasped.

  When I opened my eyes, we were on a mountain surrounded by snow and ice.

  I spun around in circles and took in the breathtaking view. The valleys and mountain peaks were lightly dusted with white. The trees proudly held the snow on their sturdy branches.

  “Where are we?” I questioned.

  She took in a deep breath and then scanned the area. “Feels like home,” she said.


  “Transylvania,” she answered. “I recognize these mountains.”

  “Why are we here?” I took a few steps into the snow.

  “I’m not sure. I can’t pinpoint the exact location but those western peaks are the Carpathians. The girls must be nearby.”

  I welcomed a breath of the crisp air. I could taste the winter on my tongue and smell a fire somewhere nearby. I looked up to see smoke in the distance. “This way.” I told my mother.

  She followed me through the dense snow. I could see a small house in the distance. It seemed to be in ruins, but I felt energy radiate from it. Someone had to be there.

  When we got close enough, I crouched down to avoid being seen by the possible tenants. My mother helped me back up.

  “We are not actually here, Jade. This is an illusion.”

  “Okay.” I stood up and walked closer to the door. The girls had left their imprint here, but they were not in the house. It was empty.

  I walked inside and leaned both palms on the cold stone wall. I felt the girls. Their fears and dread. They were hungry and tired. They were slapped around and taunted but not harmed badly. Whoever had them was not allowed to assault them too much. I could see them dressed in white dresses after they were scrubbed clean. Then the image changed. When I opened my eyes, we were no longer on a mountain. We were in a forest with vibrant colors, but the energy felt dark. The forest demanded attention as if it was starving and we were edible. Tree trunks and roots were webbed into the earth at impossible angles. The treetops were curving toward the ground instead of reaching for the sky. In the center of this forest was a perfectly round circle. Nothing grew there but grass. The edges of the circle seemed…burned. As if singed by flames. I wanted a closer look. I stepped forward, but my mother yelled and yanked me back.

  We both fell and were instantly back in the hotel suite.

  I panted as I looked at her, but she looked at my father with misty eyes. He nodded as if he understo od her distress.

  “It’s not the auction is it, Carmen?”

  She shook her head. “No. It is not.”

  Chapter Twenty-three


  I got to my feet and helped my mother to hers.

  “What is it, Mom?” I asked, irritated by the lack of information.

  “The auction is not the reason these girls were taken.”

  “Then what? If you know the reason, please share.” I prompted.

  “The legend of the ladies has always been a frightening subject. They cannot be mentioned by name because there is a risk they will retaliate. It is said that they are daughters of the moon but some believe they are daughters of Alexandru Macedon, and that they drank a tonic made by a witch. They danced in the forest under the enchantment of the moon and charred the earth with their steps in a perfect circle. Nothing can grow there anymore. No one can step inside it or they will be disfigured. It is also said that their beauty is not for mortal eyes to behold and those that see or hear them are punished severely. Only the dance of the Calusari and the presence of the black horse can cure the punishments. Legend also says that sometimes beautiful young men or women can fall victim to their song and their beauty and they can take these youngsters and trap them in their dance of death. Others believe that the virgin blood is used to maintain their immortalit
y and youth. Every seventeen years, it is thought that they seek girls directly related to them.”

  “So these girls are related to them somehow?” I asked.

  “I assume, yes,” my mother responded.

  My parents exchanged a glance.

  “Somehow, they must be related. Some people believe that while the ladies come in groups of three, seven, nine, and twelve each group offers different wishes. Each chant has to have the proper sacrifice. The ladies of light grant love and happiness and fertility to those who seek them. Your father and I…when we couldn’t have children, we summoned them, and I drank from their enchanted well and soon after I became pregnant with you. I wonder if the parents of these girls somehow did something similar but instead summoned the wrong ladies or were tricked into it.” My mother offered. “Your beauty, power, and virginity put you at risk, Jade. They can sense you. They can bewitch you if you get close enough. I cannot let you near that forest.” My mother told me.

  Who knew my virginity would be such an issue?

  “Mom, I have to go. I need to finish this. If you’re that worried come with me and keep me safe.”

  “They have no use for you if you are not a virgin.” She blurted out.

  My cheeks reddened. “Really? We are going to talk about my virginity?”

  “Absolutely not.” My father cut in. “That sacred part of you is important for your future, but it does, however, make you a target in more ways than one. Your potent blood could do many things.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That is a question for another time, Jade.” My father countered. “Soon, we will need to sit down and talk about what your duty is in this pack.”

  “I don’t belong to a pack.”

  He grunted. “You belong to me, Jade. Like it or not. You are a princess to this pack and you will behave as such and fulfill your obligations.”

  I shook my head. “Wonderful. I will let that marinate. I have to go,” I said as I headed toward the door.

  “Where?” My mother probed.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, Mom. Maybe I’ll go get drunk and have sex with a total stranger.”

  “Jade…” my mother whispered.

  I inhaled sharply and tried to stifle my anger. “Sorry. I just need some air. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I shut the door behind me.

  In the hallway, I took out my cell and dialed Faust’s number. He answered on the first ring.

  “I need a meeting set up with the all the parents,” I said.

  “You got it. When?” he asked. He sounded sleepy. I felt bad for waking him knowing how little sleep he actually gets.

  “Tomorrow some time.”

  “I’ll get it handled. What’s up?”

  “I might have come across something. I’m not sure yet.”

  “Okay,” he said.

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “Are you all right, Jade?” He questioned after a minute.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to talk?” He quizzed.

  “No. Thank you. I need…a drink maybe.”

  “Do you want me to join?”

  I shook my head even though he couldn’t see. “I think I want to be alone. It’s been a hell of a day.”

  “Okay, then. Take care, Jade.”

  “You too.” I hung up.

  When I stepped out of the hotel lobby and into the night, I was surprised to see Stephan and Adrian leaning against my car. They both smiled as I approached, but I didn’t smile back.

  “What the fuck are you two doing here?” I asked, walking right past them.

  “I know you wanted to see him and against your father’s wishes, I called him to comfort you.” Stephan admitted.

  Adrian walked beside me but didn’t talk.

  I glared at Stephan.

  “Come on, Jade. It’s still me,” he said.

  “I don’t know who you are, Stephan.”

  He got in front of me and placed both of my hands over his heart. “Yes, you do.” His beautiful face was serious. “It’s still the same me that can sing you to sleep and offer you comfort when you’re hurting. The same me that watches old movies with you while eating rocky road ice cream. The same me that has hurt with you and laughed with you all these years.”

  I wanted to cry, but I shook my head and yanked my hands free. “It’s not the same.” I hurried into a bar with blaring music.

  Once inside, I ordered a shot of tequila and downed it. Stephan and Adrian both flanked me.

  Adrian gave me kind eyes.

  “I’m sorry for being so harsh with you.” I apologized. “None of this is your fault.”

  He shrugged. “Stephan filled me in, but I did bite you. You don’t have to apologize for anything.”

  Stephan put his hands in his pockets and opened his mouth to talk, but I raised a hand to stop him.

  “Never mind, don’t talk. Don’t say anything.” I downed another shot. “You’re my father’s guard dog.” I made a sour face and slammed the small glass down on the bar.


  “Jade, maybe you should slow down.” He urged softly.

  I laughed bitterly.

  Yes, I loved Stephan, but I was tired of being lied to and betrayed by the men I loved. He lied to me for years.

  Another glass later, I wiped my mouth and gave Stephan my best serious eyes.

  “Guard me, doggie,” I said and then leaned in to whisper. “I’m about to get into trouble.”

  I walked away from him and toward the dance floor. My hips swaying as I walked. Stephan and Adrian both turned to watch me. They leaned back on the bar, keeping their distance but watching.

  Stephan knew if he would follow me, I would resist him, and he might risk forcing my beast and his out in public. There were too many casualties.

  I pushed through the crowd and made myself room.

  The beat of the music danced through me, and I became someone else that moment. I let the she-wolf inside me take over.

  I believe the song was “Chains” by Joe Jonas.

  Stephan watched me intently while Adrian crossed his arms.

  A hopeful man with desire in his dark brown eyes invaded my personal space and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He pulled me close and moved with me, forcing my face to his. I caught the man’s hands, lowered them to his sides and then made a slow circle around him until I was behind him.

  He became still…anxious.

  His heart beat with need and anticipation when my hands ran up his back and gently rested on his shoulders.

  My eyes bore into Stephan’s and then Adrian’s.

  I smiled with predatory teeth.

  My mouth was above that man’s throat now – so dangerously close to that speeding pulse.

  I licked my lips and lowered my head.

  Before my mouth could make contact with that salty skin, Stephan moved in, but I moved faster.

  I had moved on to another eager man.

  Stephan moved again through the darkness – too fast for human eyes to see.

  He gripped my wrist.

  I growled at him, but he didn’t hesitate. He pulled me away from the man effortlessly and spun me into Adrian’s awaiting embrace.

  “Yo!” The man protested when he turned around.

  Stephan’s eyes ripped through the man and forced him away from me. “If you like your Adam’s apple where it is, I suggest you back the fuck off!” Stephan growled.

  With wide eyes, the man put both hands up in the air and moved backward. Stephan turned his attention back to me. “Have you had enough fun yet, Duchess?”

  “No,” I said, raising my chin.

  I wanted to walk away, but Adrian pulled me against his body and moved with me. Danced with me. I didn’t protest.

  Well, maybe the first second, but then I welcomed that hard body and the promise of those muscles. The feel of him against me. The caress of his hands on my waist.

  We moved together in uniso
n, one with each other, one with the music. With eyes locked and breaths deep, hearts drumming louder than the beat and lips too close to pass the opportunity, I put my hands behind his neck and brought him closer to my lips. He moved his mouth away. Stephan was in front me. The three of us then danced together.

  I put my hands on Stephan’s chest and leaned into his mouth. “I think I found trouble you can’t guard me against.”

  I stopped dancing.

  Adrian let me go. Yet I didn’t go far. I walked up a few stairs and took a seat at a round table on the balcony.

  Stephan sat across from me, Adrian hadn’t followed.

  “What’s happening to me?” I asked not looking at him.

  Stephan sighed. “It’s not you. It’s the wolf. They are lustful things.”

  I looked at him. “How do you handle that?”

  He smiled. “It’s challenging, I assure you, but it gets easier with time.”

  “I don’t like these feelings. I don’t like not being in control.”

  “It’s a learned skill, Duchess. Don’t worry, you will get a handle on it and then you will have better control over…everything.”

  A waitress came over to us. She was wearing a short black skirt, a white top, and fishnet pantyhose.

  “What can I get you?” she yelled over the music.

  “Vodka and cranberry.” Stephan ordered.

  The waitress nodded. “How ‘bout for you, hon?” She turned to me.

  “Cosmopolitan,” I said.

  She nodded and walked away.

  “I thought about taking that step with Seth.” I confessed to Stephan. “I should have because now I regret it. What is it like, Stephan?” I asked looking up at him.

  “What’s what like, Duchess?”

  “You know what,” I said frustrated. “And don’t play the pretenses anymore. I know you’ve been with plenty of women.”

  Stephan rubbed his chin. His eyes were unsure, but his face was amused.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t be talking about this. Although I could shield most of my private thoughts from Lucian, he is alpha, and he is strong enough to break down that barrier as well. “Last thing I want is for your father to stumble onto this conversation and the fact that I disobeyed him and allowed you to be around Adrian.”


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