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Taming a Savage Gentleman: Taming the Heart Series

Page 9

by Tammy Andresen

  “I hope not,” Captain Andrews returned sounding very tired. “Lord Maddox would not be happy if anything untoward happened to his guest.” He continued to speak but they’d moved too far down the hall to be heard.

  He had her in his arms in a second, his lips finding hers. She melded to him. Picking her up by the waist, one of his hands sliding down to her backside. The round curve of it filled his palm as his insides clenched in longing. His lips ravaged hers, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself in her embrace. But he didn’t have more than a few minutes before he had to escape this room and find a suitable reason for his absence.

  He tore his lips away before he could change his mind and stepped back. “Lock the door behind me,” he whispered.

  He slid the lock, slowly and silently, and then opened the door a few inches. Carl had been left in the hall, but the man was a useless guard. Thank goodness for small miracles. He stood at the end of the hall, staring up the hatch into the night sky.

  Tom slipped out of the room and down the hall to his own bunk.

  * * *

  FLORA WATCHED HIM GO, an emptiness filling her. With every kiss, each embrace, she grew more certain, they were meant to be together. She knew he wouldn’t marry but she didn’t want to be without him.

  Perhaps in time she could convince him to become her husband. She offered a great deal, with any luck she could change his mind.

  She lay in bed, planning her onslaught. Just like a business deal, she was sure if she just took the right tact, he’d agree. Before she knew it, the sun was peeking into her porthole and she rose to dress. She’d sleep later. Right now she needed to plan.

  Heading out of her room, she saw Carl asleep under the hatch. She chuckled, stepping over him and climbing the steep steps to the deck. Fresh air would help sharpen her mind.

  The sea was calm but the wind blew at a steady clip and the sails snapped in the breeze. Taking a deep breath, her mind cleared as the air entered her chest. She’d simply state her case. Tom was a man who would appreciate honesty. Forthright information. She wouldn’t pressure his to answer right away but let him think about it. He’d appreciate that.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of boots on the deck. Turning, she saw the captain and Loudoun approaching.

  Loudoun looked awful. His nose was swollen, his face bruised. His hair was matted with blood on one side.

  Captain Andrews gave her an apologetic smile. “If we could have just a minute of your time. Loudoun has something he’d like to discuss.”

  Her body tensed. She hadn’t even had a cup of tea. “What’s that?”

  “After this trip, your reputation will be in tatters.” Loudoun’s lip curled and then he winced.

  “It shouldn’t be.” She crossed her arms.

  He swayed slightly on his feet. “Rumors of men in your room. Shipwrecks because of your behavior--”

  “Now see here,” Captain Andrews began. “You said you wanted to help her.”

  “Oh, he will.” Flora’s foot stomped. “After he ruins me.”

  “I see we understand each other.” He attempted to smile but winced again. “Of course I have the perfect solution.”

  She flicked her hand in a dismissal. “You can keep your solution. I’d rather be ruined.”

  “Captain Andrews here will act on your behalf. As captain of this ship he is obligated to protect you. He agrees that after your actions, marriage is the best solution.”

  She gasped, her eyes swinging to the older man. He looked stricken, as though he hadn’t expected this turn of events. “Now see here. I didn’t agree to blackmail. After Pete’s comments, I simply thought it would be best if she married.” The kind-hearted captain had his hands splayed out in front of him.

  There had to be a way out of this. Forced to marry Loudoun? It couldn’t happen. She’d appeal to the captain. Tell him the Duke of Manchester would be here in a few days. He’d vouch for her. Or Tom would help her. He’d never allow her…

  As if she conjured him, Tom appeared. “If anyone is marrying Flora, it’s me.”


  He hadn’t hit Loudoun nearly hard enough. Tom was about to rectify that, though. His fingers itched as he advanced on the group.

  He might be prone to violence, but he was straightforward and honest. Unlike that weasely git Loudoun, always trying to worm an engagement out of Flora. Whatever his own future with her was, he’d be damned if he’d allow that man to sink his wretched hooks into her.

  “This is not a conversation for you,” Loudoun growled.

  “I beg to differ,” Tom answered even as Flora beamed at him and rushed to his side. Holding out his arms, she stepped into his embrace and he crushed her against him.

  He took a deep breath, filling his nostrils with the scent of her. It calmed him somehow. With her safe in his arms, he no longer felt the need to murder Lord Loudoun.

  “Did you really mean it?” she breathed, ignoring Loudoun entirely. “You’d marry me?”

  Warmth spread through him at the sound of her earnest voice. “Flora,” he whispered. “I already told you I would.”

  “Don’t call her that,” Loudoun seethed, stepping closer.

  But the captain smiled too, looking relieved. “Well that’s sorted out then.”

  Loudoun’s entire face turned purple. “He hit me. I want him thrown in the brig.”

  “I…I… just,” the captain stammered.

  “He’ll do no such thing.” Tom spoke quietly but with authority. “I was defending Baroness Segrave’s honor. I was acting within the gentlemen’s code.”

  “You see, Lord Loudoun. No need for the brig.” Captain Andrews smiled.

  Tom should have realized sooner that Loudoun would take advantage of the captain’s soft nature.

  “He can’t marry her, he isn’t even a lord, never mind a member of the peerage. She’d practically be ruined.”

  “I don’t know about all that,” Captain Andrews replied.

  “Neither do I,” her mother answered. “Are you getting married, dear?”

  “There is some question in regards to my virtue.” Flora beamed at her mother. Tom couldn’t help but smile as well. It was all so right. That was the only word he could think of. Right.

  “I have done as I agreed I would.” Tom cleared his throat. He and Flora would need to discuss this later. He wanted her to understand that it was more than just duty. But that was a discussion for another time, when they were alone.

  “You knew about all of this?” Loudoun’s face was a distressing shade of purple.

  “Lord Loudoun.” Her mother’s eyebrows rose up. “Any impropriety was done for Flora’s aid.”

  “But you’ve agreed to give him Flora’s hand? Over mine?”

  Flora’s mother crossed her arms but did not answer further and Loudoun turned on his heel and marched off.

  “When would you like the ceremony to be?” Captain Andrews asked.

  “What?” Flora responded, her eyes growing wide.

  Tom’s gut clenched. She didn’t actually want to marry him. She’d only wanted to avoid marriage with Loudoun. His arms slipped from around her. “Captain, please allow us a little time to discuss.”

  “Of course.” He nodded.

  “Perhaps we could take a stroll around the deck?” Lady Segrave asked the captain. He extended his elbow to her and she grasped it saying, “We’ll be right back, dear.”

  Tom knew what she meant. They were being watched.

  FLORA TRIED NOT TO PANIC. While it was her heart’s desire to marry Tom, she didn’t want to trap him into a marriage he’d regret. She thought she’d have time to convince him slowly. While she appreciated his willingness to save her virtue, she did not want a husband that did not want her.

  He’d stepped away from her, and the wind bit into her skin. Her shoulders hunching, she blinked a few times. Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders again. “I know this situation is less than ideal--”

“It is exactly what we made it to be,” he answered. His voice sounded cold, distant.

  Not knowing how to answer that, she pushed on with what she had been about to say. “If you wish not to marry me, I’ll understand.” She turned away not wanting to see his reaction to the next part. “But if you’ll let me, I’d like to tell you all the reasons I’d make a most excellent wife for you.”

  The silence stretched out for so long that she finally had to turn to look at him. His mouth hung open in what looked to be disbelief. Finally he cleared his throat. “You’ll tell me?”

  She nodded, encouraged by the question. Stepping closer she licked her lips in preparation. Her hands clasped. “I don’t require the coddling so many women seem to. I can take care of myself for the most part. Though not on this trip, apparently.” She grimaced at those words. “But my income is solid and growing, my connections are very good. You’d be able to start whatever business you wanted or you can continue to sail, though I’d miss you. I can, of course provide children and--”

  “Flora,” he groaned, pulling her into his arms. “While your speech is excellent, it’s entirely unnecessary. I’ve been thinking up ways to convince you to marry me.”

  “But, but you don’t want to marry.” She blinked up at him, dumbfounded.

  He chuckled. “I’m pigheaded, but not completely daft. Only a fool wouldn’t want to make you his own.”

  “Oh,” she sighed, her heart near jumping out of her chest. Tom was hers.

  “I was concerned you wouldn’t want to marry a commoner.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  She reached her hand up to touch his cheek. “I want a man of worth. Not a title. You’re most certainly that.”

  “Thank you.” He turned his head to kiss her hand. “I needed to hear that.” He pulled her closer still. “Tell me, what do you need to hear?”

  Flora took a breath. Here is it was. Her chance to ask about the estate. This was the moment that she had been anticipating. “That you will allow me to continue to run the estate.”

  He blinked twice. “It’s your estate. Why wouldn’t you?”

  The beating of her heart nearly drowned out the sound of the ocean. “Many husbands wouldn’t--”

  “I know you’re right, but I’d be a fool to ignore your talents. Though your suggestion to start my own business is a good one. I’m going to need to do something with myself. “

  “You won’t continue sailing?”

  “I doubt it,” he answered. “It’s not the life for a family man. Besides, I like the idea of being my own boss.”

  Happiness burst from her chest. “We’re getting married.” She could feel the grin nearly splitting her face.

  “We are.” Kissing her forehead, he asked, “Would you mind if we waited a few days? After dropping off Loudoun, we could make a brief stop at my sister’s so that she and Gavin could take part in the ceremony.”

  “What a lovely idea,” Flora answered. His family should be here too and she was anxious to meet them. Isla was inspiring to her and for the first time in her life, she’d have a sister.

  “I’ll try to be a good man for you. Curb my temper, be more proper—“

  She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him then. “Just so long as you’ll help me with the Loudouns of the world.” None of that mattered now. They’d be together, and that was all that mattered. She’d found a man who was both strong and accepting of her talents.

  “That I most definitely can do.”

  “Let’s tell my mother and Captain Andrews all of our amazing news.” Reaching for his hand, she began pulling him along the deck. She floated across it, joy bubbling inside her.

  He stopped her, holding her close again. “In just one minute, love.” His lips came to her ear. “Since we are going to be married, will you allow me into your room tonight?”

  Her breath hitched as she leaned back to look at him. Yes, they had shared a bed but they hadn’t done that… it was surely what he was asking.

  Their courtship had been anything but conventional and their marriage certainly wouldn’t be with her running their estate. Why should this be any different? “Yes,” she said.

  His body hardened against hers, all of it, and she nearly groaned from the excitement that coursed through her.

  Bending his head down to hers, she knew Tom would kiss her. Her lips parted softly in anticipation for the pleasure they would surely bring.

  “Flora,” her mother called.

  Tom’s head snapped up but he winked at her. “Soon,” he whispered wrapping his arm around her waist and walking towards her mother.

  She nodded then turned to her mother. “Tom has had a wonderful idea. He’d like to stop on the return trip to see his family so I can meet them and then they can attend the wedding.”

  “That is splendid,” her mother returned but her smile faltered.

  Why would her mother hesitate? All at once, Flora realized that Tom’s family may find their unconventional courtship far more worrisome than her mother had. Oh dear. What if her new family didn’t approve?


  Flora paced her room in her night rail. She’d finally pushed her mother and Mary out but now she was left alone with her thoughts.

  Perhaps she should deny him entrance. It would be easier to explain when she met his family if she wasn’t actually ruined. They’d likely not believe her but at least she could take comfort knowing she was virtuous.

  A knock interrupted her thoughts. Covering her cheeks with her hands, she cleared her throat and whispered, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me,” Tom whispered back.

  It was almost as though she floated to the door, her nervousness making her feel dizzy. Slipping the lock over, her shaking hand opened the door a few inches. “Tom, I don’t know…”

  “Let me in before someone sees me,” he huffed.

  She opened the door then and stepped aside, closing it quickly once he entered. Taking a breath, she turned back to him. He was closer than she’d thought and his proximity startled her. She took a step back and crashed into the door.

  He grinned. His hand came up to lightly caress her cheek. “We’re already getting married. No need to be discovered.”

  “Oh. That is quite funny. I wasn’t… I’m not…” she stammered.

  “What’s wrong, Flora?” He stepped closer, his heat seeping through her thin clothing. It relaxed her. Cupping her cheek with his palm, he kissed her between the eyes.

  “Our marriage is rather rushed and under less than normal circumstances. What if your family finds fault?”

  “My father will be thrilled that I am marrying and doubly so that you are of the peerage. He will not ask further.”

  “You’re sure? Because if we do this, I’ll have no moral ground to stand on.” She bit her lip.

  Understanding dawned in his eyes. “I’m sure. But, if it would make you feel better, we’ll wait.”

  And just like that, all her anxiety went away. He was the perfect man for her. “How did you know to say that?”

  He grinned. “You, my love, are worth waiting for.”

  “You are worth giving in to.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him then. It was light, soft, the only kiss she was comfortable initiating.

  His hand came to her waist, moving her closer to his body. “How did you know to say that?” Pressing his lips to hers again, he pulled her closer still.

  “We’re meant for each other, I suppose,” she breathed between kisses.

  “I’ll tell you what. Let’s compromise. We won’t do that but there are other ways to please one another.”

  “Such as?” she asked.

  But rather than answer, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, he began kissing her again. But this time his hands weren’t just at her waist. They were traveling the length of her. From her hand, across her shoulder, down her side, over her hip. It was as though he was tracing her outline. Learning her curves and angles. When he reached her foot, he
started back up again the other side. As he began to make his way down her again, instead of stroking down her side, his fingers lightly skimmed the top of her breast.

  His touch had been relaxing, soothing her jangled nerves, but this sent a flash of lightning cursing through her as her nipple hardened and an ache started between her legs.

  He traced around the breast and then over it again. She throbbed, need building and a desire for something more. As he lightly tweaked the raised nipple through her night rail it felt better and more frustrating all in the same moment.

  She needed more of this. Harder, more wanton. He lowered his mouth and sucked the peak in, fabric and all, and a moan ripped from her throat. The pleasure and the need tightened further. “Please,” she begged.

  She felt his grin. As he moved to lavish attention on the other nipple, his hand reached for her ankle. It travelled up her leg once again but this time, under rather than over her clothing.

  The slow light touch was driving her mad. She tried to keep still but part of her longed to be touched right at her core and she squirmed under him.

  “Oh,” she moaned, wanting more still. His fingers brushed her again, teasing with their lightness. Then again, each pass with just a touch more pressure. By the time he laid his fingers on her, she was wild with want and desperate for his touch.

  Hot and ready, he inserted a finger inside as the heel of his hand rested against her nub. She bucked at the pressure. “Yes,” she hissed.

  His other hand had worked her night rail over her hips and as the cooler air descended on her breasts, his mouth worked to heat them.

  Her hands tangled in his hair as her body rocked to a rhythm it instinctively knew. “Tom,” she begged.

  “That’s it, my love,” he crooned. “You’re so beautiful.” His tongue lapped at her nipple. It was all too much. Her body tightened in the most delicious way and then she was careening over the edge.

  As spasm after spasm washed over her, her body went from taut as a bow to pudding in a bowl. Her fingers were still in his hair but they were looser now, languidly stroking through the locks. “I can’t move,” she purred.


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