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Taming a Savage Gentleman: Taming the Heart Series

Page 10

by Tammy Andresen

  He chuckled in response and stripped her naked. “I want to see you, darling. You’re stunning.” There was a roughness to his voice. It sounded the way she had felt just moments before.

  “I want to see you too. Take off your clothes.” Their eyes met, his intense as he sat up and tugged his shirt over his head. He was as glorious as she’d remembered. Taut muscles with a sprinkling of hair on his chest. His broad shoulders tapered down to a trim waist.

  She propped herself up on one elbow, surprised she didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He tugged off his boots, then unlaced his breeches.

  The sight of him naked started her body aching again. She pushed herself up, kneeling on the bed.

  “My god, Flora,” he groaned. “You’re even more stunning than I--”

  She didn’t allow him to finish. She wanted to give him the same gift he’d given her and so she grabbed his hand and pulled him close. Their skin came into contact, sending delicious shivers all through her.

  Her lips found his and, tentatively, she pushed her tongue into his mouth. He groaned against her and she felt his manhood twitch. She touched him as he had her. Running her hands along his body, then softly, teasingly, touching his manhood. He grunted then groaned as she teased the way he had and a smile played on her lips. The power she had over him was intoxicating. Then, wanting to explore, she wrapped her hand around the shaft.

  His hand closed over hers, guiding her fingers. “It’s not going to take very long,” he moaned. “It’s been so long and I…”

  Every muscle tensed and his body shuddered out a climax. A groan ripping from his mouth. She hadn’t expected his pleasure to be so intensely gratifying for her but a wave a satisfaction washed through her.

  Slowly he grabbed her up and laid them both on the bed. Pulling the covers up around them, he tucked her against his body. “There. Now if my family asks, you haven’t been compromised.”

  “Oh, I’ve been thoroughly compromised.” She grinned sleepily. “Ruined, never to look at a man the same again.”

  He suddenly tensed, rising on one elbow. “A man? What man? If any other man--”

  “Stop.” She snuggled closer. “I only meant I didn’t know it would be so delicious.”

  “Ah. My apologies.” He stopped speaking but didn’t lie back down.

  After several seconds, she turned back to look at him. “Is everything all right?”

  “Fine,” he mumbled. His thumb came to stroke her cheek. “I’ve always been too savage for my own good. I’ll try to be better for your sake.”

  “I like you just the way you are. I like that you’re strong and capable and not afraid to stand up to the Loudouns of the world.”

  He laid back down then, his body pressed to hers. Never had she been so comfortable and, before she could resist, she fell into a deep sleep.

  TOM, on the other hand, lie awake for a long time. His perfect sunset lay in his arms for him to gaze upon for as long as he wished. Why sleep?

  He’d tell her tomorrow that the members of his family rarely had normal courtships. The Maddox family was known for their unconventional ways. But soon enough, she’d realize that his family loved her just as he did.

  Love. The word reverberated round his mind, but of course he loved her. He was giving up his position on this boat, and voluntarily joining the confines of marriage because of her.

  Stroking her hair, he kissed her softly, not wanting to wake her. It meant so much that she accepted him as he was but for her, he’d try to be a better man.

  “I love you,” he whispered softly.

  She smiled in her sleep.

  He’d keep her safe, always.


  Flora woke in bed alone. Sitting up, a nervous lump formed in her stomach. Tom wasn’t there and now that she passed the point of no return, she was suddenly afraid his absence meant he’d changed his mind. Then she looked at the dressing table. There sat a beautiful paper flower, folded from her stationary. Tossing on her dressing gown, she walked over to the desk and picked up the paper sculpture. Underneath it was a note.

  A flower for my flower. I’m sorry I had to leave, duty called. But we will arrive in Ayr today and then begin our future together.

  * * *



  * * *

  HER HEART MELTED. She loved him too. It was amazing that she had gotten on this boat with one plan and in such a short time, had another wonderfully different direction.

  Quickly bathing and dressing, she headed out onto the deck carrying her flower. As soon as she crested the hatch, she spotted Tom at the helm of the ship. He looked larger than life standing straight and tall, moving the wheel.

  He winked when he saw her and she gave a shy smile.

  Motioning for her to join him, she stepped up to the helm and he pulled her in front of him. From where she stood, she could just see land ahead.

  “Thank you for the flower.” She touched her hand to his on the wheel. “Where did you learn to fold paper like that?”

  “It’s called origami. I’ve made two trips to the orient for goods and learned the basics while I was there.”

  “It’s stunning.”

  “Thank you. Long sea voyages can be quite monotonous. It was an interesting way to pass the time.” His lips brushed against her temple.

  “How long did a journey like that take?”

  “Months. Not like these trips back and forth to Scotland.” He pointed to the shore. “Speaking of, there is the harbor. Once the tide goes in, we’ll dock.”

  Today, she would say goodbye to Loudoun, thank the stars. “Such a short trip and yet so much has transpired.”

  Tom didn’t respond and she looked back to see him looking fixedly at something on deck. Loudoun had emerged looking green beyond repair. He’d clearly continued drinking after last night’s discussion. His nose was still swollen and his clothing crumpled. A pang of sympathy reverberated through her. He looked like a man that was about to sink.

  He was staring back at the couple. He didn’t look sympathetic, but rather angry. She understood his feeling and it would be best for all of them when they parted company. “What a relief we are landing soon and Loudoun will be off the ship.”

  “We’ll try to make some sort of peace, I think. You’ll have to see him socially.” Tom grimaced.

  “Are you advocating peacemaking, Tom Maddox?” Her heart swelled with pride.

  “I’m going to be a husband. One must grow up at some point.”

  A smile split her face, and she laughed despite herself. “I told you. I like you just the way you are.”

  “Thank you, love.” His hand left the wheel and came to her waist, his face dropping next to hers.

  Would he kiss her? Here in front of everyone? She turned back towards him, craning her neck. Part of her desperately wanted him to do it despite the impropriety.

  “Ship off the starboard,” one of the sailors called.

  Tom’s head snapped up. Scanning the horizon, his eyes fixed on a boat. “Barrett,” he mumbled.

  “Oh, do you think Piper’s with him? Wouldn’t it be grand if they could come to the wedding?” She clapped, excited at the thought of her friend being at the ceremony.

  “That would be grand, but more than likely, he’s checking on me to see if I’ve taken good care of you.”

  “But you have,” she giggled.

  He smiled, but a touch of worry creased his brow. “I’m not sure my cousin will see it that way. But we’re about to find out.”

  Loudoun also fixed his eyes on the other ship, the duke’s emblem emblazoned on the side.

  Side by side the two vessels entered the harbor, the seas calming. While the tide was too low to dock, a gangplank connected the two boats.

  Flora bounced with delight as Piper came out on the deck waving, Barrett next to her. She was still ensconced between Tom and the wheel. For a moment she thought she might make her way to the rail to hail her friend but Tom’s grip tig

  Looking at him, his face was unreadable but his eyes were trained on his cousin. She glanced over to Barrett to see him staring back with the same straight shoulders and stoic mask as Tom. Before today, she hadn’t seen the family resemblance.

  Barrett helped his wife across the gangplank and stepped onto the deck of the ship. He gave a single nod towards Loudoun, who clenched his fists in response. Then the duke nearly stomped over to where they stood.

  “A word, cousin,” he growled rather than giving any sort of formal greeting.

  Flora had forgotten how abrupt Barrett could be. Piper more than made up for it with her very sunny personality but a sudden flutter of nerves rose in her chest. She was worried for him. “Your Grace,” she started. “I just want you to know--”

  “Explanations are not yours to make, Flora.” Barrett never even looked at her. He was too busy staring at Tom.

  “Barrett, manners.” Piper came to his side and she saw the redhead nudge her husband.

  “Forgive me.” Barrett grimaced. “Continue.”

  She went to speak again but this time Tom interrupted. “As Barrett said. Explanations are mine to make.” Tom gave her waist the lightest squeeze. “We’ll be back shortly.”

  She gave a little huff. “Why are they yours to make?” She took his hand off her waist and replaced it with both of her hands on her hips. “This was as much my doing as yours and I’ll not be ignored. If this is how marriage is going to be then perhaps there is nothing to discuss at all.”

  Tom glared at Barrett. “Do you see what you’ve done?”

  “You’re going to blame me?” Barrett shot daggers back.

  “Can you tell they are related?” Piper smiled, waving her hand. “Pay them no mind. They are both all bluster.” She walked over and gave her friend a hug, whispering in her ear. “Besides, we have much to discuss. Let them think they run the world.”

  Flora gave a nod, but she didn’t want them to think they had won. Barrett Maddox could become king of England for all she cared but he wouldn’t decide her life.

  Linking arms with Piper, she turned away, walking down the deck. The hair on her neck tingled. And though she didn’t turn back, she knew both men’s eyes were boring into their backs.

  Piper patted her hand. “Now instead of blustering over who made what mistakes, they will be wondering what we are discussing.”

  Flora sighed. “That is all well and good but I want to manage my own affairs. I begin to worry that he, or any man, will be overbearing when they start acting like that.”

  Piper gave her a sidelong glance. “Tom is accustomed to strong women. Isla, his sister, is incredibly talented and they celebrate it rather than suppressing it. If you want a husband that leaves room for your talent, you couldn’t have chosen better. But Tom can’t let Barrett challenge him without pushing back. Tom has his own claim to make in this business.”

  Flora started. What a fool she was. In her attempt to assert herself, she was mucking up Tom’s business. Looking back, his eyes were still following her and she gave him what she hoped was an apologetic smile. In the future, around Tom’s boss, she would keep her opinions to herself.

  TOM WATCHED the two women walking, whatever he had wanted to say to Barrett forgotten. Flora was upset because he had silenced her. Only time would convince her that he truly would be content to allow her to run her own estate. But he wasn’t doing a bloody good job of assuring her today.

  “She has you twisted in knots, doesn’t she?” Barrett chuckled. “I thought she might.”

  It took a moment for those words to sink in. Barrett had suspected he’d fall for Flora? “You planned this?” He couldn’t keep the incredulous tone out of his voice. “What are you giving me a hard time for?”

  “You deserve it, more than likely.” Barrett shrugged.

  “Did my father put you up to it?” Not that it mattered now. He was in love and nothing would stop him from marrying Flora.

  “Of course not. He wants you to start back up in the family business. Flora makes that highly unlikely. But in the end, he’ll be happy with the path you take, I think.”

  “Marrying Flora?” he asked, turning towards his cousin.

  “Yes, among other things,” the duke responded evasively.

  “What the hell is that supposed to--” He stopped talking as Loudoun approached.

  “Your Grace.” Loudoun gave a stiff bow. “I’d like a word.”

  Barrett nodded without speaking and began walking towards the captain’s quarters. Turning back, he said to Tom, “Join me in five minutes.”

  Tom couldn’t help but grin. Barrett had just told Loudoun exactly how much time he had. Pulling out his pocket watch, he looked at the time. In exactly five minutes he’d knock on that door.

  But it turned out to be entirely unnecessary because three minutes later, Loudoun stormed out of the captain’s quarters and back onto the deck.

  Tom watched out of the corner of his eye as Loudoun made a lewd hand gesture toward him and then flung himself down the hatch.

  Turning, Tom headed for the cabin, one corner of his mouth quirking up into a grin. Seeing Loudoun miserable was so satisfying.

  Barrett was already at the captain’s desk, reading Tom’s log of events. He had submitted them to the captain that morning, having reached the harbor. Tom tossed himself into a chair and waited for his cousin to finish. It was a welcome break and then there would be far less to explain.

  “He knocked her into the water?” Barrett shook his head. “That man is a plague.”

  “Agreed. The longer I know him, the less I care for him.”

  Barrett gave a nod of agreement but kept reading.

  “Good job, docking the ship. I would have made the same choice.” Barrett didn’t look up and so Tom gave a one word answer.

  “Thanks.” He rubbed his temples, anticipating the next part.

  He knew Barrett had reached the part about the uprising because his eyes jumped from the page and flew to Tom. “They didn’t.”

  “Keep reading.” Tom waved toward the journal.

  Barrett’s eyes narrowed into slits. “I’ve never liked that man.”

  He had clearly just read about Tom’s suspicions that Loudoun was involved. “I agree but enlighten me as to why.” Tom sat up in his chair.

  “He’s a layabout. The man has never put in an honest day’s work. Then there is the drinking. He’s a reasonable chap when not drunk but he’s drunk often.” Barrett ran his hand through his dark hair. “It’s why I asked you to keep a careful eye on Flora. She is a beautiful girl with real potential. Loudoun would waste it all. While she’s got a good head for numbers, she doesn’t have the strength to keep a man like that in check. Loudoun needs a woman with an iron backbone if he’s fit to marry at all.”

  “And me? Why do you think I’d make a good prospect for Flora?” Tom leaned forward then.

  “You’re family. That means I think you’re generally awful.” He grinned as he spoke.

  “Very amusing.” Tom chuckled too.

  “I jest. I think you’re an ideal candidate for Flora.” Barrett leaned back in his chair.

  Tom gave him a long look. Admittedly, he had not expected Barrett to say that. “Again, I agree. But once again, enlighten me.”

  Barrett laughed deep and hard. “You don’t need me to tell you your worth. You’re about to run a branch of the largest shipping company in the world.”

  “Pardon me?” Tom blinked twice, unable to process what had just been said. To run a business like Maddox Shipping would be a dream come true. It would prove to himself and his family he had real worth. And while Flora seemed content with him just as he was, he could go into their marriage feeling equal and she would be assured he had his own business to attend.

  “It’s time for Piper and myself to return to America. Piper misses her home and Ethan has been running the American branch. He and Sybil need to return to look after Sybil’s estate.”

  Tom n
odded. Ethan was Barrett’s business partner. He was an American who had married an English countess. “I am thrilled with the offer. But won’t Ethan expect to run Maddox Shipping here?”

  Barrett shook his head. “Sybil doesn’t have Flora’s head for business. Ethan needs to concentrate on her estate.” Barrett ran his fingers through his hair. For the first time Tom noticed it was tinged with grey. “Besides, we’ve both grown tired. It has been twenty years of building and expanding. I think we’d both like to play a smaller role.”

  A grin spread over Tom’s face. This was the opportunity he’d been working towards. “I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t. So, what is the plan with Flora?”

  “Get Loudoun off this ship then sail to my family. I think they’d like to attend the wedding.” It was Tom’s turn to run his hands through his hair. “Flora is worried they won’t approve. I suspect my father will be thrilled I am marrying at all.”

  “And a member of the peerage at that.” Barrett winked, a most uncommon gesture for him. “But I can accompany you if you’d like. I am sure Piper would want to attend the wedding.”

  Gratitude had Tom jumping up to shake Barrett’s hand. “Most excellent plan.” He knew Flora would be greatly comforted and his father would most assuredly approve when he discovered the Duke of Manchester was behind the match.

  He’d likely be disappointed that Tom wasn’t working in ship building but then again, his daughter milled the lumber, his eldest son built the ships, and now Tom would run the shipping company.

  All at one he realized his father, also a second son, had built a business that may be the greatest in all of England.

  “If you would excuse me, I’d like to tell Flora.”

  Barrett gave a single nod and then returned to the desk. “Once I am done the journals, we’ll return to The Destiny. Will you be ready to sail in the morning?”

  Tom gave a nod and exited the captain’s quarters expecting to see Flora with Piper on the deck. But Piper stood alone.


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