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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

Page 10

by Natavia

  I shifted then charged into her. She disappeared. A dozen small snakes slithered across the floor. Sosa shifted then growled at me as he circled me. I charged into him then sank my teeth inside his throat. I slammed him into the wall then leaped on him to bite him. Dash stared at me.

  “Finish him off,” I said to Dash then he laughed.

  “You do it! You are the king of Anubi, remember?” he replied.

  “You are a traitor!” I said as Sosa attacked me along with Dash. I slammed them both onto the floor then leaped out of the window into the deep woods but a force yanked me back. There stood Ula, looking at me.

  “The party just started,” she said.

  I shifted back to man form. “What did you do to my pup, Dash?” I asked her.

  “He saw the coward that you really are. Saka created me to be his messenger. I know all about you and what you have done. I know about Naobi turning against her father. I know everything! When Sosa told me about our special visitor, I was shocked. King Ammon decided to visit Earth, so why not pay him a visit? Sosa gave you up and so did Dash because I have more to offer than you do. I will fix all of what my father wanted me to fix. I have you and now all I need is Naobi,” she said.

  “Naobi will catch you,” I said. She laughed.

  “If she can see me, her pure heart won’t allow her to see evil. My father created me from the darkest magic. He knew that Naobi was going to become stronger and then put him away. He had a vision of it all and now his dream may come true. I’ve waited many years for this moment. He knew of her mate and how she was going to come to live on Earth. Why do you think he kept me here on Earth?” she asked.

  “I will rip your heart out if you touch her!” I growled.

  “You don’t even love her! Who are you fooling? Saka showed me everything! I know more about your beast than you do. What you did to her father will forever be a pain on her heart! That is not love! It’s greed and pure evil,” she spat. I was ready to shift.

  “When I take the soul of your beast I will see all of what no one else has seen. I will do what my father sent me to do and that is to show Naobi the truth. Even if it kills her she will know the truth. If she forgives herself for what she did then I will kill her myself,” Ula said. She kissed me then sucked my soul out of my body.


  “Wake up,” I said as I shook Dayo. He sat up then looked around.

  “Damn, my back hurts,” he said. Dayo and I spent the night in the woods making love. I was still in heat and each day that passed the sensation was worse. Dayo spotted a deer then shifted. He tore into the deer without suffocating it first. His beast dragged the deer to me then laid it down by my feet. I shifted into my beast then bowed my head over my kill. After I was done praying to the spirits of the afterlife, I went for the deer’s stomach. Dayo growled as he pulled the warm, bloody flesh away from the deer. After we finished eating, we cleaned each other’s faces off. We shifted back then got dressed to head to the house. As soon as I got in the house, I showered then got dressed for work. Kanya took Arya to school because I was running late.

  When I closed the bedroom door, Izra was coming out of his bedroom half asleep. He rubbed his eyes. “Ay yo, Anik, did you see Adika?” he asked me.

  “Not yet I just came home a few minutes ago. She might be at the store,” I said to Izra. I walked down the stairs and he followed me. Adika and Kofi came into the house laughing.

  “Where the fuck you been at?” he yelled at Adika, startling her.

  “Kofi and I went hunting. I tried to wake you but you were in a deep sleep. But what’s new because all you did was drink yourself to sleep last night,” Adika said to Izra.

  “You and Kofi went hunting, huh?” Izra asked. I knew in his tone he wasn’t too pleased with the situation. I wondered where his mood came from because the rest of the pack was fond of Kofi.

  “Is something wrong with Kofi and I hunting?” Adika asked Izra.

  “Read my fucking mind and you will know what’s wrong with it,” he spat. I was running late for work but I couldn’t leave. I had a feeling something was going to break out and I didn’t want that to happen.

  “You don’t talk to your mate like that!” Kofi said to Izra.

  “Look at this shit. Go on ahead and defend your baby mama. The both of you ain’t shit but some lying muthafuckas. Go ahead and tell the whole pack how you two ancient dinosaurs were intimate and having pups and shit,” Izra said. Adika burst into tears.

  “I wanted to tell you but it was too hard. We didn’t want to hurt you,” she said.

  Izra growled as his eyes turned. “Well, it’s too late for that shit, isn’t it? We are supposed to be a pack that can trust each other. Well, that’s what you taught us anyway, right?” he asked Kofi.

  “It was a very, very long time ago. I didn’t mean for it to be like this. I have a mate and Adika loves you very much,” Kofi said to Izra.

  “This shit is for the birds,” Izra said then walked away. Adika was ready to follow him but Kofi stopped her.

  “Let him cool off because he is still drunk. He isn’t the best person to talk to when he is mad,” Kofi said sadly then walked up the stairs. I hugged Adika then she cried on my shoulders.

  “I’m losing him, Anik. I felt it a couple of nights ago when he came home late. I shouldn’t have brought that wolf into our life. I have a feeling it’s her. I sent him to take her a few things and since then he has changed,” Adika said to me.

  “Wait a minute, what?” I asked.

  “I did what you told me to do and found a wolf to carry his pup. He didn’t want to do it and that’s where our problems started. I kept asking him and asking until he finally gave up. I cursed him,” she said sadly.

  “You cursed him?” I asked her then she pulled me to the side.

  “The wolf is in heat and Izra wasn’t attracted to her scent until I cursed him. I wanted him to impregnate her but my curse backfired. I was hoping when he took her the meat he’d sleep with her. But I think he ended up feeling something for her. The only way the curse rubs off is after he mates with her,” Adika said. I started to growl but I caught myself.

  “I was for the idea if he was willing to do it for you. But once he said he didn’t want too you should’ve left it alone, Adika. I don’t know what to say because I feel bad. I’m starting to feel like it’s all of my fault,” I said.

  “It’s not your fault and you are right. Once he said no I should’ve left it alone. I brought a female into our relationship. She is even staying at my old apartment,” Adika said. She was ready to tell me something else until Izra walked past us fully dressed.

  “Where are you going?” she asked Izra. He chuckled. At first I thought maybe Izra was going through something but I could tell he was cursed. He didn’t have the same attitude and he just wasn’t himself. I could tell by the way he looked at Adika that his love for her was slowly drifting away.

  “OUT!” he said then left the house. The door slammed and echoed through the halls.

  “I have got to fix this, but whatever you do, please don’t tell the pack. Goon might even ban me from everyone. Even though it was a harmless spell it’s still a spell,” she said. After I promised her I wouldn’t tell anyone I left for work. I guess I wasn’t the only one with a secret, which made me feel even worse about it.

  Two hours later…

  “So, do tell why you were late for work,” Anastasia said to me.

  “She was getting some dick,” Kanya said then laughed. I blushed with embarrassment.

  “My heavens that sounds good right about now. A big, pretty, black cock,” Anastasia said.

  “So, how was Club ROAR? Adika and Kanya told me you went. I love it! You need to see the show when two guys fuck one girl,” Anastasia said then fanned himself. He was very, very animated. I couldn’t believe humans acted that way.

  “We should go tonight,” Kanya said.

  “Ummm, I don’t know about that,” I said.

e close late tonight so we can go when we leave from work. I want to see what Anastasia is talking about. I’ve never seen a sex show up-close before,” she said excitedly.

  “Let me call Dayo and tell him I will be home late,” I said. I sent Dayo a text letting him know I wasn’t coming straight home. He texted me back stating that if I came home too late, he was going to let me suffer on the night he and I mate.

  “What did he say?” Kanya asked.

  “He said it was cool,” I answered because Anastasia was listening to us.

  “He said if I come home late, he will let me suffer on the night we mate,” I said into her mind and she laughed until tears filled her eyes.

  “I can actually picture him doing that to you,” she replied.

  “Where is Jalesa?” I asked after I noticed she hadn’t come to work. Adika was supposed to be working also but I knew she had business to take care of.

  “Jalesa has been locked away with Amadi in the bedroom. Adika was supposed to show up but she isn’t answering my messages,” Kanya said. The store started to get busy and it stayed busy until it was time for Kanya to close. After closing the store we all got into Kanya’s new Range Rover then headed to the club.


  “What on Earth is he supposed to be? A tiger?” Kanya asked as the same guy Dayo and I saw eat raw meat sat inside a cage.

  “A wolf,” I said.

  “What a disgrace to our kind,” she said then laughed.

  Anastasia got down on the ground. He brought his leash with him. He had on a spiked collar with a leather and fur leash attached to it. A man walked up and openly rubbed Anastasia’s ass. “Whoa,” Kanya said.

  “It gets worse,” I said. I ordered two shots of Patrón from the bar. Kanya ordered a bottle of wine.

  “I think I need something stronger. I thought that maybe you were exaggerating a little bit and now Anastasia is in his own world, so I didn’t believe him either. This place is like a big den of horny people,” she said before she sipped her wine from the bottle. A White man walked up to her then playfully bit her neck while gripping her bottom. He smoothly started humping her leg. “My god Goon doesn’t even do that and he is always horny,” she said to me. She gently pushed the guy back.

  “Work it, hunty,” Anastasia screamed while sitting on a big man’s shoulder. He reminded me of a small child as he sat up there. I regretted going to the club without Dayo because he made it seem more exotic. The guy left Kanya alone once she bit his arm with her sharp teeth.

  Seconds later, Kanya dropped her bottle of wine when she jumped up, startled. “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “Goon popped into my head scaring the crap out of me. He is not happy about that man rubbing on my bottom and kissing my neck,” she said nervously.

  “You want to leave?” I asked her.

  “Umm, yeah, because I’m really not about this life. I love sex but this shit here is creepy. Oh my god, is Anastasia eating raw meat?” Kanya asked. When I looked Anastasia was being tossed around the crowd as he howled like an animal with a raw steak in his hand. Blood was smeared all over Anastasia’s face. I couldn’t believe how hard he partied—he was the center of attention.

  “I guess he isn’t coming to work tomorrow,” Kanya said. I started to sweat and my stomach started to cramp. The room was spinning. I grabbed Kanya’s arm.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I don’t feel too good,” I said as another cramp shot up my spine. It caused me to double over.

  “Let’s walk to the bathroom,” she said pulling me through the crowd. She pushed open the bathroom door and it was empty, which wasn’t a surprise. Everyone was busy acting like animals. I frowned up my nose when I pictured them going on the floor like animals instead of using the bathroom.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if those crazy assholes out there pissed on the dance floor. Have you ever seen a club bathroom this clean?” she asked. I went into the stall.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” I said as I pulled down my black dress pants.

  “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed as blood seeped through my panties.

  “Kanya, I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding, what should I do? Oh my god, blood is coming from my vagina,” I said.

  “Your body is preparing itself to carry pups. Your uterus is expanding before you get pregnant,” she said.

  “I’m going to be carrying pups?” I said still not believing it. “I’m scared,” I said then burst into tears. Kanya gave me wet paper towels to clean off with. “Dayo, calls this a hoe bath,” I said then chuckled a little.

  “I’m not surprised at all but look on the bright side. Tomorrow night or maybe sooner, he will impregnate you and those cramps will go away,” she said. I trashed my panties then used a paper towel as panties until I got home. I washed my hands then walked out of the bathroom. There was a woman onstage and she had the same markings of a Chippewa wolf. I stopped as I watched two men sexually touch her. One was entering her body as the other man sucked on her breasts, which was odd because Chippewa wolves didn’t sleep with humans or believe in engaging in sex without a connection.

  Kanya pulled me through the crowd as my eyes never left the stage. When we left the club we walked down the long hall in the tunnel, then climbed up the ladder and out of the pothole. As soon as I got inside Kanya’s truck I put my seat belt on. “Are you okay? Did you see something?” she asked.

  “I’m fine,” I said to her.

  “Are you sure? I feel like you aren’t. Are you running from something?” she asked me.

  “No, I’m just nervous about having pups, that’s all,” I said.

  “It’s a beautiful feeling, Anik, because your connection with Dayo will be so much stronger after you mate. It’s like a love that you never knew existed in the real world. It’s almost like a fantasy come true,” she said as she pulled out of the parking lot. She turned up the radio as she sang along with the song that played. I looked out of the window. My cramps came harder then I burst into a heap of sweat.

  “Please get me home,” I said as my hands started trembling. Kanya sped up then slammed on the brakes.

  “What the fuck is that?” she asked. When I looked there were five wolves blocking the small road. Yellow eyes glowed at me. The pack leader stared at me with his white and gray fur. He had a red dot in the middle of his forehead. I had a feeling he was around me when I spotted the Chippewa woman at the club. He was who I had been running from as well as Arya’s father.

  “He looks like your wolf with the red paintings,” Kanya said then growled. Her eyes turned gold and so did her nails as her teeth sharpened.

  “I don’t think so,” I said because I didn’t want to be kicked out of the pack. Sosa jumped on Kanya’s truck and the impact shattered the windows. Glass flew into my cheek; I was in too much pain and my body wouldn’t allow me to shift.

  His sharp teeth snapped at me as his pack howled. Kanya’s beast charged into him through the windshield. I slowly began to shift again as I blocked the pain out. When I finally shifted I charged into the wolf that had his teeth into Kanya’s hind leg. I heard howling and I knew that loud hoarse howl from anywhere. It was Goon, he saw visions of Kanya being attacked.

  I was attacked by two wolves as they clawed and bit into me. I tackled one of them—my teeth pierced through the thick fur around his neck. Blood squirted into my mouth as my beast shook him down. The other wolf bit my shoulder to slow me down. Kanya’s jackal howled out from Sosa’s strong bite. The wolves that were on me tried to kill me. They were ordered to kill me because I ran away with Arya. A bolt of lightning came out of the sky then cracked the ground. Goon’s beast eyes glowed as he tore into Sosa and the other wolf. Dayo’s and Amadi’s beasts charged into the wolves that were trying to rip me apart. An eighteen-wheeler came speeding down the dark road. Dayo dragged me by the back of my neck to avoid me getting hit. He laid me down in the woods on the side of the road. My body transformed back slowly as I coughed u
p blood. Dayo’s beast whimpered as he licked the open gashes on my body.

  “I’m going to bleed out and die. I’m getting cold,” I said to him as blood filled my lungs. I closed my eyes as I suffocated.


  Goon, Amadi and I were hunting when he told us he saw Kanya and Anik being attacked by a pack of wolves. Goon teleported, bringing us with him. I saw five wolves attacking Kanya and Anik. Kanya’s beast was stronger than Anik’s, so she held her own. Kanya heal just as fast as Goon. My mate was covered in blood as two big wolves savagely tore into her like a meal. I snapped the wolf’s neck in half that was trying to kill . He died instantly. An eighteen-wheeler was speeding down the small, back road then I hurriedly pulled Anik to the side. Blood was pouring out of her and her pretty face was no longer recognizable. I licked her, hoping it would stop the blood draining from her body. A river of blood flowed underneath my paws.


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