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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

Page 11

by Natavia

  “I’m going to bleed out and die. I’m getting cold,” she said. I shifted back then cradled her.

  “Hold on Anik, you got to hold on,” I said. Kanya’s beast ran over to us. Goon killed another wolf; three of the wolves were dead. The eighteen-wheeler slammed on breaks, sending Kanya’s Range Rover into the air as it jack-knifed. Goon and Amadi ran towards us.

  “We have to go before humans arrive,” Amadi said. The wolf with the red paintings on his face watched us from the other side of the road then he and the other wolf disappeared.

  “We will fight them again but we have to save Anik,” Goon’s voice came into my head.


  I paced back and forth by our bed as the pack worked on her. I still had her blood on my skin. I didn’t know what to do because I’d never felt for another the way I felt about her.

  “Calm down, bro,” Amadi said to me. I punched a hole in the wall.

  “I can’t calm down until I find out who that wolf is that attacked her. You saw how they attacked her! I’ve never even attacked a deer that way when I hunt. They know her, bro; I saw how that nigga looked at her. He wanted her to die,” I said.

  “I’m going to bite her neck until her pulse stops after I give her my blood. She will heal quicker but you have to step out of the room,” Goon said.

  “Nigga, step out of the room for what?” I asked.

  “He is going to kill her then his blood will pump through her veins. If he heals her while she is in this much pain, it will send her into shock. The healing hurts worse than anything, it burns,” Amadi said.

  I looked at Anik and she was barely holding on. “I’m not stepping out of the room,” I said.

  “Muthafucka when I bite her your beast is going to want to challenge me. It won’t understand that I’m trying to save her. You think I feel like fighting you right now? Now, step the fuck out of the room!” Goon shouted, his eyes turning blue. Kanya and Jalesa stormed into the room with towels and more blankets. Amadi pulled me out of the room. Anik’s blood was all over him, too.

  “This blood is giving me flashbacks,” Amadi said to himself. The door slammed behind us and moments later I heard the sound of Anik’s neck being snapped by Goon’s jaws. Amadi winced then I growled.

  “Calm down, Dayo,” Amadi said to me. A heatwave ran through my veins as my body started shift. “He is only saving her. Your beast needs to know that!” Amadi said.

  “Where is all of this blood coming from?” Arya asked wiping her eyes from sleep. Relief overcame me. “What’s the matter Dayo? Why are you crying?” she asked me. I didn’t know tears ran from my eyes because it took a lot for a beast to cry. I have never cried before because I never had a reason to.

  “Dayo is just upset right now, Arya,” Amadi answered for me.

  “Where is my mother?” Arya asked. I picked Arya up then walked her back to her bedroom. I stepped on something.

  “What the fuck was that?” I shouted out and when I looked down it was some object that she called a “Barbie”.

  “Kanya said that you have a very bad mouth,” Arya said after I lay her back down in the bed.

  “Your lil’ bad ass knows every curse word there is so don’t act surprised,” I replied.

  “My mother is in heat, isn’t she? Aren’t you supposed to be making pups with her so she can stop sweating all the time?” she asked me. I grabbed a Teddy bear then shoved it in her arms.

  “This is what your grown ass should be worried about,” I said. I stood up then she laughed.

  “That’s where the blood came from. My father used to tell me, when I see blood that means I’m ready to mate,” she said.

  “What happened to your father again?” I asked Arya.

  “He was killed. Can you tell me a bed-time story?” she asked me. I sat back down next to her.

  “Once upon a time there was this little girl and she was grown before her age. One day she came home pregnant because she let this little boy touch on her in school. She told her mama she was pregnant and her mama whipped her ass. The little girl never looked at a boy again,” I said.

  “What happened to the baby?” she asked.

  “It was raised as her sister because the little girl was too young to be a parent,” I said then she frowned up her small face then growled at me. Her little canines showed, which caused me to chuckle because it was somewhat adorable.

  “That wasn’t a story!” she said.

  “I know but it was a warning. Now take your little grown ass to sleep,” I said then walked out of her room.

  When I walked into the hallway, I heard Adika and Izra’s voices. They were arguing. “Shut the hell up, Adika, before I throw you out of the window to see if cats can really land on their feet,” Izra said to her.

  “I will make your dick disappear,” she shouted back at him.

  “Good! That way I won’t have to fuck your sneaky ass with it again,” he said. Izra paused then looked at me. “Damn, nigga, what happened to you?” he asked. Izra and Elle wasn’t with us when it happened. He didn’t know what was going on.

  “Anik was attacked,” I said to him.

  “Where is she?” Adika asked.

  “In our room with everyone else. I’m not allowed to go in,” I said then Adika disappeared.

  “You know out of all the times she disappeared this will be the one time I hope her dumb ass stay where she’s at,” Izra said. I shook my head.

  “Who attacked Anik?” Izra asked me.

  “I don’t know,” I said to him then he patted my back, “Be easy, bro,” he said then walked down the hall to my room. Kofi came up the stairs with something hot in a cup. He went to my room too; everyone was there but me.

  An hour later I walked into our bedroom after I showered in the hall bathroom. Anik was sleeping peacefully. She looked like she’d never been in a fight; her face glowed like never before. She reminded me of a sleeping angel. I got into bed with her then pulled her close to me. I swallowed her frame up in my embrace, feeling the warmth of her body. She slightly moved then growled. “You are squeezing me,” she whispered then I let her go.

  “I was afraid,” I said to her then she smiled with her eyes still closed.

  “You must have been because you are not an emotional beast. You fight your feelings like they are your enemy,” she said. “ARRGGHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed.

  “What happened?” I asked as I jumped up.

  “These darn cramps are killing me!” she said as she clutched her stomach. “I’m being punished for something. I was attacked and now this,” she said. I gently pushed her back then climbed out of the bed.

  “Who was that nigga, Anik? And don’t lie to me,” I said to her.

  “I don’t know,” she answered.

  “I saw the way he looked at you!” I shouted which caused her to jump.

  “Why are you yelling at me?” she asked.

  “I want to know what is up with my soulmate. If you got some things with you then I need to know. You could’ve died on me and you need to take this seriously,” I said to Anik.

  “I’m telling you the truth,” Anik said to me.

  “At first it was a witch who tricked me and lied to me and now it’s my soulmate. My luck with immortals isn’t good and I’m pissed off,” I said to her then she reached out to me.

  “I’m telling you the truth. I was at the club Roar and they followed me. I’m in heat and they could’ve picked up my scent,” she said. It was possible but there was something about her story that didn’t sit well with me.

  “A wolf attracted to a scent isn’t going to kill you. Maybe rape you if they can’t control their beast, but not kill you. You were ambushed and those wolves didn’t give two fucks about the scent that dripped from your pussy,” I said to her. Anik pulled away from me then laid down. She turned her back toward me. I walked out of the room.


  “My mate is lying to me, bro,” I said to Goon as we lifted weights.

�Of course she is but for what reason? We all know that she lied. The real question is what she is hiding from? Her thoughts are normal, so whatever it is she isn’t trying to think about it,” Goon said.

  “She’d better tell me or else I’m not knocking her up. She wants me to give her pups when I don’t even know who the fuck she is now. I don’t like secrets, bro. I’ve been a caged animal for months behind Keora and now this shit. I can’t deal with this right now,” I said.

  Elle walked into the gym room. “What’s up, bro?” I asked him.

  “Nothing,” he said. I wasn’t used to seeing Elle that way. Elle was the older brother that took on the father role at times. He was no longer himself. Elle picked up a fifty-pound weight then hurled it into the wall.

  “What the fuck,” I said. Elle paced back and forth with his eyes changing as he took deep breaths to calm down. He growled then picked up another weight. He hurled the second weight into the wall; the weights made two large holes inside the wall.

  “Yo, you need to chill out!” I said to him then Goon shook his head telling me to keep quiet.

  “Let him vent,” Goon’s voice came inside my head. I sat still and watched as Elle paced back and forth, messing up the gym room.

  “That’s enough! I can’t take this shit no more, bro. What is wrong with you?” I asked him.

  “I wasted my time for a human, is what is wrong with me. I watched her live her life when I could’ve been living mine,” he fussed. Camille died days ago and Elle still couldn’t get over it.

  “Nigga, we live for like, almost ever. What time did you waste?” I asked him.

  “That’s beside the point,” he said.

  “I’m not following you right now, bro, it’s not too late. Camille lived a loonnggggg life and it was time for her to go,” I said to Elle. Anik walked past the room with her scent lingering. I followed her into the kitchen. Sweat seeped through her robe and her skin felt clammy when I touched her. Her eyes were the color of her beast. Her fangs were sharp and her lips were black because she was stuck in mid-shift. Mid-shift is when the human form is trying to shift but the body is fighting with its beast to be released.

  “My cramps are getting worse,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “ELLE!” I called out to him because Kofi had left the house. He came running into the kitchen.

  “What’s going on? Are you okay, Anik?” he asked her then felt her forehead.

  “Her cramps are getting worse,” I said to him.

  “She will need to mate tonight,” Elle said to me.

  “Not until she tells me what she got going on. I’m not giving her pups until then. She doesn’t understand the meaning of this pack and that we don’t keep secrets,” I said to Elle.

  “You are not playing fair,” Anik said to me then her body collapsed. I hurriedly ran to her and she was burning up. Her temperature rose and it was higher than ever before.

  “Tonight during the full moon she will be ready to mate. You have to take her upstairs and wrap her up in ice-cold towels. She will sleep and when she wakes up it will be time,” Elle said.

  “Is everything good in here?” Goon asked when he came into the kitchen. He froze when he saw me cradling Anik.

  “She has blood dripping from between her legs. Is that normal, Elle? Kanya didn’t bleed that much,” Goon said as he stared at the blood dripping on the floor.

  “All female wolves bleed differently,” Elle responded. I hurriedly rushed Anik inside our bedroom then ran the shower. The water was ice cold when I stuck her in, she slowly opened her eyes...


  I knew Sosa was going to find me but it wasn’t me I was worried about. Sosa cared less about me because it was Arya that he wanted. After Dayo carried me out of the shower in his strong arms he laid me down in our bed. Elle and Goon brought me cold towels. Amadi came in with herbal tea then I smiled at him. “I haven’t been seeing much of you lately,” I said to him then he smirked.

  “That’s because he been getting some pussy. About damn time, nigga,” Dayo teased then patted his back. Kanya and Jalesa came in to check on me after they came home from work. Arya was out with Adika; Izra and Kofi were missing. I started to get sleepy and everyone left the room except for Dayo. I hated that I lied to him but I was ashamed of where I came from. I was ashamed that I was a slave to a wolf that only wanted me to raise his daughter. I was ashamed that Arya was only ten years old and was already preparing to carry pups.

  Dayo rubbed my stomach with his strong hands. “Are you scared?” he asked me.

  “No, are you?” I asked him.

  “I’m scared of losing you, Anik,” he admitted then I squeezed his hand.

  “I love you, Dayo. I felt it when I first laid eyes on you. I will always be in your heart,” I said to him.

  “You sound like you are ready to die on me or something,” he replied. He kissed my lips then I closed my eyes as the wet, cold towels soothed my body. Moments later, I fell asleep.


  When I woke up I got back into the shower; I felt much better. I would’ve been doomed if I went into heat alone because Arya wouldn’t have known what to do. I dried off then oiled my body with Amadi’s oil that made my skin glisten. I took the two braids out of my hair then fluffed it out. The thick tendrils fell down my shoulders then, afterward, I applied my make-up. I wanted to take Dayo’s breath away. I sat in the middle of the floor naked with my legs crossed then said a silent prayer. I prayed for my family that Sosa killed and the new beginning of life that Dayo and I were going to create.

  Moments later, Dayo walked into our bedroom with a slab of raw meat on a tray and my favorite part of the deer, its heart. It was fresh and still warm. I instantly picked it up then bit into it. The tangy taste of warm blood filled my mouth, which caused my stomach to growl. It felt like I hadn’t eaten in months.

  “Arya is asleep,” Dayo said to me. He did a great job making sure she did homework and chores. He stayed on top of her and corrected her when she was wrong. He did it in his own way but she listened to him.

  “Thank you,” I said to him. After I was finished eating, I had a glass of wine to relax my nerves. The bright moon started to peek over the night clouds. I felt the wave come over me like a burst of energy that traveled down between my thighs. My pussy throbbed and ached, which caused me to growl then moan. It was a feeling that I had never felt before and the wetness started to drip from between my slit. I touched myself then squeezed my breasts.

  “Ummmm, Dayo, it aches,” I moaned. He picked me up then laid me down on the bed. He spread my legs then nuzzled his nose into me then growled loudly. His fingers spread my pussy lips apart; he looked at me as his eyes changed color. He stuck his tongue inside me, which caused my lower body to rise up from the bed. I gripped his strong shoulders then howled as his tongue moved in and out of me. He laid his tongue flat across my swollen bud then sucked on it.

  “SHAT!” I shouted as my body trembled. I toyed with my hardened nipples. I squeezed them and pulled on them as another force took over my body. He pulled away from me then laid down on the bed. I straddled him then he lifted me up by my hips like I was a feather. He placed me on his face then turned me around. He pushed me forward. “You know what to do,” he said to me as I stared at his huge black dick. My hand gripped around half of his width. His tongue went back into me as his nails dug into my ass cheeks. I licked the tip of him, tasting the sweet serum that dripped from his dick. I kissed the tip of his head then it throbbed. He smacked my ass then stuck his tongue further into my hole. He growled as he slurped and sucked on the essence that dripped down my inner thigh. He thrust himself further into my mouth and down my throat. I almost gagged as his girth filled my throat. He pushed more into my mouth then smacked my ass.

  “Relax your mouth,” he moaned against my pussy. Spit ran down my hand as I sucked his thick member. The harder I sucked the more he ate me out. When he sank his teeth into my vagina lips, I sat up then rode his fa
ce, screaming as I climaxed. He jerked himself off as I rode his face faster. His tongue never missed a beat as my pussy swallowed his lips. I grabbed my breasts as I came again. Dayo’s nut shot straight up into the air then drizzled down his shaft. He pushed me forward so I could taste him. I cleaned him off as he moaned my name. He was harder than before. The veins in his dick thickened as he grew. I positioned myself in the doggy-style position, which was our mating position. I wanted it badly as I leaked from between my legs. Dayo positioned himself behind me then spread my cheeks.


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