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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 12

by Amber Flora

  I heard a loud clapping sound as Lori came hopping out of the bedroom.

  “Yay! That was seriously the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. You’re making me miss my father. I really need to call him soon.”

  Algon laughed heartily as I shot up and punched her in the arm.

  “O’Hara, I’m going to murder you. Do you not understand the meaning of privacy?”

  “Oh please, Ashtyn, you act as if you have never met me. You couldn’t possibly have thought my ear wouldn’t have been glued to the door.”

  I was beginning to miss the days I would flash when I got emotionally charged. It was a good excuse to avoid uncomfortable situations.

  “As entertaining as this is, and trust me when I say it is very entertaining, I must go inform the rebellion of our situation. When will be making this journey?” Algon asked, standing.

  “Tomorrow morning, human time. Think you can be ready by then?”

  Algon nodded and opened the door.

  “We will be ready. I’ll meet with Ben later to discuss further details.”

  I nodded as he kissed my forehead and disappeared.

  Instead of fear I felt a calm wash over me. I knew the trip would be hard and the battle long but something inside me was telling me it was going to be all right. With the dreamwalkers and wizards working together we could be a deadly force that even Damon’s magic wouldn’t be able to contain. He would get what he deserves and everyone he harmed would finally get peace.

  Lori turned to me and smiled.

  “We better get going, not much time.”

  “Huh?” I asked, thoroughly confused by her statement.

  “Shopping, duh. You don't expect me to let you go to Siberia without some warmer clothes do you?”

  I smiled, grabbed my purse and let her yank me out the door. I really did love my odd friend.

  Chapter 15

  I made my way through the halls of the sanctuary toward the archive. I couldn’t wait to find Cody and Mac and tell them that Algon’s rebellion would be going with us to Siberia. With the help of dreamwalker guards and wizard rebels we had a real chance at destroying the Credo once and for all. I was deep in thought when I realized I plowed into something or, to my great misfortune, someone. One trait I could never seem to get rid of was my unyielding clumsiness.

  “Bonnie, sorry I was thinking and … ”

  “I find that hard to believe,” she scoffed as she bore her accusing eyes into me.

  “Normally I would stick around and listen to all the reasons you hate me but I’m a little busy at the moment,” I huffed, trying to move past her.

  “Yes, I heard about your little trip. That’s why I came looking for you.”

  Bonnie Mass sought me out? I looked around to make sure time didn’t stop and the world hadn’t ended. Nope still here.

  “I’m sorry, can you repeat that? I think I’m going deaf.”

  “You really think you're something, don’t you? Always a snarky remark to avoid actual confrontation.”

  I hid my hands behind my back to contain the flames that were dancing off my fingertips. If it were anyone other than Cody’s mother I would have singed her eyebrows by now but I couldn’t do that to someone he loved.

  “What do you want, Bonnie?”

  “I’m curious, is it because you believe you're our savior that you're so self-absorbed or is it hereditary? Your mother was good about only thinking of herself as well. She thought the world revolved around her, taking whatever she wanted without any concern for others.”

  Holy macaroni, was this lady off her meds? I knew she harvested unfriendly feelings toward me but I didn’t know I was going to be walking into an ambush.

  “Are you trying to reach your monthly bash-Ashtyn quota all in one day? Honestly Bonnie, what is up with you?”

  She stepped closer toward me till we were mere inches away from one another.

  “First you had your sights on Cody but I guess he wasn’t enough for you so you moved on to Mac. Played him like a fiddle, didn’t you? How long until this Herrick guy gets his walking papers?”

  “Careful, Bonnie, I’m trying to keep it together but you are really pushing your luck here.”

  “What about your luck? The whole reason you are alive is that you somehow manage to get all the men around you to risk their lives for you time and time again. If you go to Siberia you will do nothing but endanger the very people you claim to care for. They will lose their lives trying to keep you out of harm's way.”

  “I know you are worried about them but I can take care of myself. This isn’t just about my vendetta with Damon. We have to rescue Kat, you don’t know what he is capable of.”

  Bonnie shook her head and I couldn’t decide if it was to disagree with me or stop the thoughts in her head.

  “I know his type, I have lived a very long time. He isn’t the first bad guy I’ve come across.”

  “Then you know how important it is to get Kat back.”

  “I know Dakota is my flesh and blood. That I have had a hand in raising both Fintan and Katrina and thanks to you they have all suffered in some way. You are destruction just like your mother. Wherever you go, sorrow is sure to follow.”

  I reached up to touch Bonnie on the shoulder in attempt to calm her. Hearing the pain in her voice relinquished any anger I had previously felt.

  “Don’t touch me! I can’t lose anyone else because of a so-called prophecy. I tried to let it go, to let Dakota make his own decisions, but no matter what you do to that boy he still stands by you. No more, it ends today.”

  “Bonnie I know you're upset … ” It took me a second to register what had happened. Before I could finish my sentence, Bonnie closed the gap between us. I stupidly thought she needed comforting and went to wrap my arms around her. Then the pain came — mind numbing, blinding pain. I placed my hand on my stomach, looking down to see it was covered in blood, my blood. My eyes shot to Bonnie holding a knife. She had tears in her eyes but she didn’t come to my aid.

  “I’m sorry, Ashtyn, I have to protect my family. It’s all I have left.”

  I tried to remain standing, to make my feet move, but the pain was too much. I could barely breathe. As my legs gave out and I feel to my knees I saw Cody and Mac come around the corner. They looked at Bonnie and then me. I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I was beginning to lose consciousness but I saw Cody grab his mother as Mac rushed to my side. He held me in his arms as my eyes began to flutter. I felt his wet tears as he pressed his cheek to mine. I don’t know how others have dealt with dying but I wasn’t afraid for myself all I could think about was what would happen to those I loved when I was gone. I didn’t want to leave this world without knowing that Katrina and Herrick would be okay.

  “Don’t let him hurt her; he’ll never forgive himself,” I whispered into Mac’s ear right before it all went black.

  Herrick’s eyes shot open as the searing pain overcame him. He leaned over the couch and retched.

  “Aw, now ya gone and done it. I’m not cleaning that up,” Brian said, looking disgusted.

  “The pain … It’s unbearable,” Herrick screamed, holding his side.

  “It’s going to be all right lad, ya were stabbed but yer healing.”

  Herrick managed to pull himself up onto wobbly legs.

  “Not my pain.”

  Brian gave him a confused look as he tried to get Herrick to lay back down, but Herrick shoved him back.

  “Where is Ashtyn?” Herrick yelled through the agony.

  “Relax son, she is in dream realm. She’ll be back to check on ya soon enough.”

  “Take me to her.”

  “Now, lad, ya gotta heal. Lie down.”

  Herrick seized Brian by his shirt, pulling him closer.

  “Not my pain!”

  Herrick ran through the hospital wing searching every room. She was near. He could feel her. He had to get to her before it was too late. Finally he spotted Mac sitting next to a hospital bed
, his hands gripping an unconscious Ashtyn. Herrick’s heart felt like it was being crushed and he nearly fell over.

  “What happened?” he asked harshly to Mac, looking between him and the woman who freed his soul.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Mac croaked out, brushing Ashtyn’s matted hair away from her face.

  “Move away from her,” Herrick demanded, inching toward Ashtyn’s side.

  “Now isn’t the time to be a wanker. I’m just looking for something to bash my fist into.”

  “You can try but I promise you that you’ll end up right next to her.”

  “Ya weren’t here. What was I supposed to do? Leave her here alone?”

  Herrick sighed, rubbing his head.

  “I’m not bloody jealous, I want to heal her.”

  Mac looked at Ashtyn’s wound.

  “She already had a healer visit her. He said he did all he could do. The damage was extensive and she’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “I felt her pain, Mac,” Herrick whispered, unable to believe what he was saying himself.

  “Aye, you are a vibrant. I’m sure even unconscious she is giving off some kind of emotion.”

  Herrick slammed his fist into the wall next to him.

  “No! That’s what woke me. I physically felt her pain. It was unbearable. It was like we were linked to one another.”

  Mac jumped from his seat by her side.

  “You what? How?”

  “I don’t know, I can’t understand it but I know what I felt. Maybe it has something to do with the bonding of our blood during the ritual. Regardless of why it happened, it did.”

  “Oh, well, isn’t this just lovely. Ya just had to work some kinda voodoo on the lass and seal the deal, huh?”

  Herrick raised a brow.

  “Now who’s jealous?”

  “Bugger off.”

  “Mac, if you do not get out of my way and let me get to Ashtyn I will break every bone in your brooding body.”

  Mac raised his hands in surrender and started backing out of the room.

  “Do ya really think you can heal her? I mean you’re still recovering from a stab wound yourself.”

  Herrick glared at the Irish boar. “Yeah, remind me to thank you for that. I’m not going to sit here with the ability to do something and not. If I can heal her, I will no matter the cost.”

  “Just this once, I’m rooting for you.”

  Herrick pulled the chair closer to the bed. He ran his hand along her pale cheek. She looked so frail, nothing like the firecracker he’s come to know. He gently removed her blanket to expose the bandage wrapped around her bare stomach. As delicately as he could, he loosened the wrapping enough to softly place his hand on her wound.

  He didn’t make a habit of healing people, especially prior to his ability to feel his own emotions. He had healed a few soldiers on occasion and one of his aunts when he was younger. Even the previous times he healed Ashtyn it never felt like it did now. His entire body hummed with sensation. He looked at his hand in amazement as a bright white light radiated from it. The heat that emanated between them almost made him pull away but he would catch fire before he would give up. Keeping his hand on her stomach, Herrick bent down and brushed his lips against hers, trailing them down to her ear.

  “I am yours and you are mine. Come back to me, hummingbird.”

  Chapter 16

  My body felt like it was burning from the inside out. I was startled awake, completely confused. Once the fire in me subsided I was finally able to focus on my surroundings. I turned my head to the right and noticed a head resting on the edge of the bed. Even with his face buried in the sheets I would know that black tousled hair anywhere. I ran my hand through his thick hair, rousing him. Herrick’s eyes blinked a few times as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “You’re awake,” he said, almost like a question.

  “Yeah, I actually feel great. How long have I been out of it?”

  Herrick pulled back the blanket that lay over me, looking down at my stomach.

  “How is this possible? You have only been out of it for a few hours.”

  My eyes fell to where I had been stabbed. There was nothing there. My skin was as smooth as it had been when I awoke this morning.

  “Okay, I’m not going insane, am I? There was a giant hole there before, right?”

  “Bloody hell, love, I don’t even see a scratch.”

  “Wow, you are an amazing healer. I had no idea you were so powerful.”

  He just keep staring at my stomach in shock.

  “I’m not. I mean, I wasn’t. You shouldn’t have been able to heal that quickly from a wound so severe, especially without even a scar. Ashtyn, something very ... odd happened to me when you were hurt.”

  I sprang up from the bed as the fog cleared from my mind.

  “Herrick! You’re awake!”

  He laughed, placing his arm on mine.

  “Brilliant deduction, dreamwalker.”

  I smacked his shoulder in a playful manner.

  “I mean, when? How?”

  “I think it was because of you. I woke up in excruciating pain. Somehow I knew you were hurt and when I went to heal you my hand actual glowed. It felt like someone touched me with a hot poker.”

  Herrick’s account of the last few hours didn’t add up. What could possibly have caused him to be connected to me in such an intimate way? Not to mention my miraculous recovery. He rose from his chair and sat next to me on bed. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder.

  “I was so worried about you. I couldn’t do anything to help and it was driving me crazy.”

  He kissed the top of my head, pulling back to look into my eyes.

  “You did more than you know. You gave me exactly what I needed.”

  I searched his gray eyes trying to understand his meaning.

  “You mean being jolted awake by the feeling of having your guts ripped out?”

  He smiled, shaking his head no.

  “While I was taking my little nap I remember dreaming of the cabin in Alaska. At first my mind drifted there to relieve a moment from my past. I was just sitting on my bed envisioning a beautiful brunette cuddled up next to me talking my ear off while I was trying to sleep when, lo and behold, she appeared. For a second I thought it was just part of my dream but then she said something I never would have imagined her saying. She told me that she loved me. This gorgeous, stubborn, possibly bipolar woman told me that together we could find peace.”

  My faced turned crimson and I seriously thought about bolting from the bed or flashing home to allow myself time to process what had just happened.

  “You heard me? But how? You weren’t supposed to know I was there.”

  His smile was so wide you would have thought he just found out he won the lottery.

  “I’m not human, Ashtyn, I’ve been around for a while. You think you’re the first dreamwalker to invade my dreams?”

  “Herrick, I’m sorry, I thought you wouldn’t hear me. I was just so worried when you didn’t wake up. I panicked.”

  Herrick’s brows furrowed and his smile faded.

  “Are you saying that you didn’t mean any of it?”

  I placed my hands on either side of face, gazing into his beautiful gray eyes. They looked so pained and it made my heart tighten.

  “What? No! It’s just embarrassing, that’s all. I had hoped to have more time to practice my speech, set the mood,” I rambled, trying to calm his fears.

  He managed to cut me off by seizing my mouth and caressing my tongue with his. I instantly forgot everything I was saying as the warmth of his touch consumed me.

  “It’s you,” I whispered as he finally released me from his thrall.

  “What?” he laughed.

  “You once asked me who I longed for, who dominated my thoughts. It’s you, when I close my eyes you are who I see.”

  Herrick gripped the back of my neck, pulling me into him
once more, kissing me with a burning desire. My entire body burned with the need for him.

  “You are my everything, hummingbird. My moral compass, my compassion, my entire reason for being. I swear to you I will be the man worthy of your love. My heart beats in rhythm with yours. Without you my existence has no meaning.”

  Tears rolled down my eyes. I could never have imaged that three short months ago when this odd gray-eyed rockstar walked into my life that he would become my world. Now there was no doubt in my mind that I was in love with this man. Regardless of fate, I knew with every fiber of my being that he was the one I had been waiting for. No matter what the future would hold he was the one I wanted by my side to weather the storm.

  I smiled as Mac, Gloria and Ben walked into the room. Their sour faces told me they were taking my assault a lot harder than I was.

  “Jaysus, lass, ya gave us the fright of the century.”

  Mac sat on the edge of my bed picking up my feet and putting them in his lap to massage.

  “I feel great, not even a bruise.” I pointed to where I had been injured.

  “Thank the gods. We were beside ourselves with worry,” Gloria said, kissing my cheek.

  “Good timing, huh? How long until we leave?” I asked, looking between my friends.

  “Ashtyn, is this another one of your jokes? There is no possible way you are coming with us.” Ben grunted his disapproval.

  I yanked the covers off myself ready to jump out of bed until I remembered I was half-clothed. Mac’s eyes went wide, Ben spun around so quickly I thought he was going to snap his neck and Gloria busted out laughing. I scurried back under the blanket, covering my head in shame. Mac slowly pulled back the sheets enough to expose my humiliated face.

  “Do that again and I’ll take ya wherever ya want.” Mac wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Guys, seriously, I am fine. If I thought I couldn’t handle it I wouldn’t go and put you all in danger.”

  Saying that reminded me why I was stabbed in the first place.


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