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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 13

by Amber Flora

  “Where is Cody?”

  They all looked at each other and I wondered if they were playing rock-paper-scissors in their minds to decide who would share the news.

  “He is with his mother trying to decide what should be done with her. He refuses to sit out on going after Damon. Seems to be the theme around here., Ben accused.

  “I need to talk to him.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea right now, sweetie. He’s not taking this very well.”

  I knew Gloria’s heart was in the right place but she didn’t understand the way I did. As angry as I was over Bonnie’s betrayal I understood why she did it. I mean I would never stab a person who someone I loved cared for, but the woman was hanging on by a thread and I had cut the remainder of her sanity.

  “Please just talk him into coming to see me. I need to try and reach him before he does something he’ll regret.”

  Mac sighed, placing my feet back on the bed and rising.

  “I’ll go fetch him but ya have to do me a favor in return.”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “Ya gotta put a leash on your vibrant. Ever since he discovered who was the cause of your pain he’s been knocking down doors searching for where we stashed Bonnie. If ya don’t do something soon Cody won’t have to make a decision; Herrick will make it for him.”

  I gritted my teeth fighting the word vomit that was about to unleash itself. I knew Herrick would be furious when I told him about the attack but I stupidly didn’t think through telling an assassin the name of the person who had injured the woman he loved.

  “You get Cody to meet me in the council room in twenty minutes. I’ll handle Herrick.”

  I sat at the end of the large table in the council room trying to wrap my mind around the day's events. Every time I think that the day’s I’ve had couldn’t get any stranger, I’m proved wrong. I wondered how long it would take to accept that this was my life and stop being surprised when things get bizarre. Cody slowly walked into the room with his head bowed and hands stuffed in his pockets. He didn’t sit; instead he leaned against the back wall unsure what to do next.

  “Thanks for coming,” I said, trying to sound perky instead of upset.

  “I’m glad to see you’re up and moving around so quickly,” he responded, still ignoring my eyes.

  I rose from the table and went to stand in front of him, placing my hands under his chin and raising his head to look at me.

  “Your mother did something unthinkable. … ”

  “You don’t think I know that? You think I’m not ashamed? That I’m not ripping myself apart for being associated to your pain?” He tore away from me, pacing the floor.

  “You didn’t let me finish! Yes, she did something unthinkable but I understand why she did it. Your mother lost her husband and daughter because of a battle that centered around my mother and Ser’ie. Now, twenty-nine years later, she may lose her son and others because of a war involving me and Damon. The scenario is nearly identical. It’s as if she is living the past all over again, only this time she saw an opportunity to prevent it. Dakota, I’m angry and I’m hurt but I can’t ignore the truth. Knowing me is dangerous; people get hurt, some even die. I can’t tell you the number of times I thought of pushing you all away so you don’t have to live this life. Hell, most days I wish I didn't have to. I’m not condoning what she did but if the roles were reversed I can’t say I wouldn't have done the same.”

  Cody stopped in his tracks. He watched me as if he was seeing me for the first time.

  “How can you be so accepting? She nearly killed you. She acts as though she is the only one who has ever lost someone. It’s all my fault. I knew she was losing it and I ignored it. I wanted so much for her to be the mother I grew up with that I pretended as though there was some humanity left in her. That her love for me would be enough to keep her sane.”

  “Her love for you is why she did it. This isn’t your fault, Cody. Think about what you just said. We all do crazy things to protect the people we love. I’m not saying I’m ready to hug it out with her and move on but don’t condemn her to death for being a mother.”

  Cody shook his head and started pacing again.

  “If I don’t kill her, Herrick or Mac will. They will tear her apart for the pain she caused you.”

  “Are you kidding me? Be serious, Mac loves her the same as you. I know he is upset but given enough time he will forgive her.”

  Cody locked eyes with me.

  “And the vibrant?”

  As much as I wanted to ease his mind on that matter I couldn’t. I honestly had no idea what Herrick would do to her. Even after I talked to him about my feelings toward the matter he refused to accept my explanation. I did for the time being manage to get him to stop searching for where they were holding Bonnie, but if he saw her, I couldn’t promise she wouldn’t be harmed.

  “I will do everything within my power to protect Bonnie from Herrick. Don’t let this destroy your love for one another. Cody, I’m begging you, give yourself time to process everything before making a decision that will alter your life forever.”

  He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me so tightly I thought he might break a rib. When his body began to shake and I felt his arms trembling I knew the dam had burst. Even the strongest man had his breaking point. I didn’t move. I just stood there wrapped in his unbreakable hold as the strong protector let go.

  Chapter 17

  “Are you insane? Is this what love is, accepting ludicrous requests as if you were just asked to decide what you want for dinner?” Herrick huffed, sitting on my couch in the cottage.

  I had flashed home to gather some stuff for the trip. Since none of us had ever been to the part of Siberia where Damon was hiding, we had to get there the old-fashioned way, which meant hundreds of dreamwalker guards and wizard rebels were about to travel across the world together in a C-130 military plane that Ben had somehow procured. Unfortunately soldiers weren’t the only thing we were transporting.

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “Well I don’t like it.”

  I laughed, reaching for his hand. “Welcome to dating.”


  I suddenly realized we never discussed being in a relationship. Sure, the guy had said some incredibly romantic things but Herrick was far from the celebrate anniversaries and remember your birthday kind of guy.

  “I, um, … well … ”

  Herrick laughed, reaching around my waist and pulling me to straddle him.

  “I’m kidding, hummingbird. If anyone is going to be able to make me wear a tie and go on fancy dates it’s you.”

  I sat on his lap, brushing my hand through his soft wispy hair.

  “Oh good, the Ice Capades are coming to town next month.”

  His gray eyes got wide and he cleared his throat.

  “Kidding,” I laughed, kissing his incredibly sexy lips.

  He held me tight against him, resting his head on my chest.

  “I love the sound of your heart beating. Feeling your emotions is an incredible experience but to actually feel your heart beat faster in my presence, it’s an exhilarating feeling.”

  My cheeks blushed at his words.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, love. I can sense anyone’s emotions but knowing I can make your heart beat as it does when you're near me, that’s the gift.”

  I pulled his head back so I could look into his piercing eyes, the eyes that made me forget my thoughts and catch my breath. He cupped the back of my head and pulled my lips toward his. My body shivered from the sensation of his kiss. The heat from his healing powers mixed with my desire nearly unraveled me. I could feel his arousal through his jeans and it took all my resolve not to delay our obligations just a little while longer.

  “Promise me you will focus on the task and not who will be tagging along,” I said, pulling away from his embrace.

  “I don't know if I can, love. It makes no sense to me. Why in the world would we b
ring the woman who nearly killed you with us to fight the Credo?”

  “Cody doesn't want to leave her alone. Aside from Gloria there will be no one left to watch her and he is afraid she will disappear, or, worse, hurt someone else. Until he decides her fate he wants to be able to keep his eyes on her.”

  “Well putting her in the middle of a war might solve his dilemma. It’s bad enough I’m letting you go into the lion's den, now we have another woman to worry about?”

  My face hardened and I had to stop myself from lashing out at him.

  “Be angry all you want, I’m not taking my words back.”

  “You said you wouldn’t read my emotions,” I pouted.

  “No, I said I wouldn’t tell you I knew what you were feeling. Besides I didn’t even have to. You always pucker your lips when you're angry, like your forcing your mouth to keep quiet.”

  I jumped off his lap and grabbed my bag, putting it over my shoulder.

  “Ugh, you’re so frustrating sometimes.”

  “And I suppose you are a delight twenty-four, seven? I’m in love, not stupid. Granted, I love you for who you are but let’s face it, hummingbird, your mood swings abound.”

  “Well if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. Even before you got your emotions you ran hot and cold. One minute you were the stiff vibrant, all business. The next you were heroic and kind.”

  “I blame it on your poor influence,” he shrugged.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. I am not some fragile girl who needs a big bad protector. Maybe at one time, yes, but not anymore. I’m not saying that I will win this fight. I don’t know what is going to happen when we find Damon but one thing I am certain of: He has to pay for his crimes and I want to be the one who seeks retribution. I want you with me but do not for one second think that you could stop me from finishing this thing.”

  Herrick stood, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

  “I would never think of clipping your wings, hummingbird, but you should know something as well. I will always protect you, even if it’s from yourself. Before I even realized my feelings I had the burning need to look after you. Now that you mine, no realm nor god could stop me from keeping you from harm. I will try to keep your feelings on the matter in mind but hear me when I say I have my own reason to want Damon dead and if I get the chance I will take it.”

  “I know you're upset about what he did to your mother but he killed my grandmother and kidnapped Katrina.”

  “You think I’m talking about Jewel? Yes, it upset me but that’s not what drives my fury. It’s what he did to you, what he could have done, the things you endured because of him. It makes my blood boil to think that I could have killed him long ago and I did not.”

  I looked around the cottage. Staring at the pictures of my Uncle and Lori that hung on the wall. The jewelry box my father gave me sat on the bookshelf. I didn’t know if I would ever see it again. So many memories for such a little place. No matter how much evil fell upon me in the last few months, it could never take away all the happiness I had lived over the years. I brushed my lips against Herrick’s in an attempt to calm him.

  “Let’s not think about all of that now. Retrieving Kat and getting everyone home safely is my main concern. Whatever happens in between shouldn’t be determined in this moment. No matter how this ends, remember that I love you with every beat of my heart.”

  I knew he could feel my emotions, that in this moment he felt how sincere I was. If I could give him nothing else, I could at least ensure that he knew without hesitation that he was truly loved.

  There is nothing like watching dozens of soldiers pile into a large aircraft to solidify the unnerving feeling of war. I wasn’t too frightened over the impending battle, at least not my part in it. What terrified me was that this fight was going to take place in human realm. I couldn’t bear the thought of innocent humans getting caught in the crossfire. Herrick assured me that the area of Siberia where Damon was hiding was desolate. The closest town was Oymyakon and even it was densely populated, or at least that’s what I was told. It's not as though I vacation in Russia often or ever. Brian, Cody, Ben and my attacker Bonnie sat on one end of the plane while Mac, Herrick, Algon and myself sat on the other. We all decided it was best to keep Herrick and myself as far away from Cody’s psychotic mother as possible. I would have thought that Mac wouldn’t want to be within ten feet of Herrick after everything that happened but it seems attempted-murderer mother figure was worse than woman-stealing vibrant. Now we know.

  “Why did I have to bring so many clothes? Are we vacationing or fighting?”

  “Because it’s about thirty below there. Unless you want to become a pretty ice sculpture you will wear everything I suggested,” Algon said in his protective-father tone.

  “Holy macaroni, how are we going to fight in ten layers of clothing?”

  “Warmly I suppose,” Herrick joked.

  “Aye, don’t know why yer upset. You have your own personal heater. All ya gotta do is light up those palms of yours,” Mac added.

  I snapped my fingers, causing a small flame to flicker.

  “Oh yeah, you’re right. Sucks for you guys.”

  Herrick and Mac laughed but my father didn’t seem to find it too funny. I yawned, looking at my watch.

  “How long will it take to get there?”

  “About 16 hours. We’ll have to stop and refuel along the way. Why don’t you get some sleep, love, you have been through quite a bit in the past twenty-four hours,” Herrick said, kissing the top of my head.

  “How many Credo soldiers do you think he has?” I couldn’t help but worry about what was to come. What if Damon’s soldiers outnumber us two to one? How could I live with myself knowing I led so many people to their deaths? That’s if I live at all. Math isn’t my strong suit but I doubted the chances were high that we would all make it out of there alive.

  “I say we’re pretty fairly numbered. Damon lost about a dozen soldiers during the last fight. I doubt he has had time to train new recruits since then,” Herrick said.

  “Aye, especially since you’re no longer there to help with that, huh vibrant?”

  I knew it would be too much to hope for that Mac could hold his tongue for sixteen hours.

  “Perhaps you can replace me, since you’re so good with a dagger,” Herrick said.

  “Not good enough, apparently.” Mac looked to where he had damaged Herrick in the ring.

  “Enough! You’re like a couple of teens. Is this how you go through life? It’s no wonder you two have been single for decades. I’m going to talk with Ben about the strategy when we arrive. When I return you two better have your squabbles worked out. Personally, I don’t think either of you are relationship material but what do I know, I’m just her father.”

  Algon eyed me with a disappointed look before rising and heading toward the other end of the plane.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but my father is right. You both are important to me and if you can’t resolve your issues and at least be in the same room without wanting to rip one another's head off then I don’t know how we're going to win the war. I’m taking a nap. Try not to kill each other in the meantime.”

  I moved to the opposite side of the plane where my father had been sitting. I knew I had to get some sleep, I wouldn’t be good to anyone suffering from exhaustion. I lay my head back and closed my eyes, hoping the Sandman would find me.

  Herrick watched the spunky brunette sleeping in what he could only assume was an incredibly uncomfortable position. A portion of him couldn’t understand how he had come to love her so deeply in such a short amount of time but the other half knew exactly how it came to be. Ashtyn saw him, not the man he had forced himself to be but the real him, the man he never even knew he could be. She managed to pull him from the dark and bring him into the light.

  “I’m sorry,” Herrick said, not wanting to look at Mac.

  “Damn right ya are. Wait, for what?”

p; “I can feel what you feel, Mac. I know how much you care about her. I also remember not too long ago I was where you are.”

  Mac turned toward Herrick.

  “Aye, but not now are ya?”

  “Yet, somehow I still envy you.”

  Herrick looked back to where Ashtyn was sleeping.

  “Well if ya want to be single again, lad, you’ll get no qualms from me.”

  “That’s not what I meant, thanks. I’m talking about Ashtyn’s visit with the so-called sister of fate.”

  “Aye, she told me about their little meeting. What does that have to do with me?”

  Herrick thought about Ashtyn’s words when she sneaked into his dream. When he first heard her voice, he thought about turning around but then she began to open up to him like she never had before and he couldn’t force himself to ruin the moment. She was yanked out of his dream at the same time he summoned the courage to turn around.

  “Your feelings aren’t the only ones I know. I can sense how Ashtyn feels about you. This whole emotion thing is new to me. I’m not sure if the amount of jealousy I feel toward you is warranted but most of all I’m envious that there is no doubt that her love for you is true. Chloe told Ashtyn that she and I were fated for each other. While it’s a nice sentiment I can’t help but wonder if her love for me is genuine or because the fates made it so.”

  Herrick watched as Mac lay his head back on the wall of the plane and closed his eyes.

  “Listen up, ya wanker, because I’m only going to say this once and if ya tell anyone I’ll deny the whole thing. You’re looking at this all wrong. Don’t think of it as she loves you because the fates willed it. The fates willed it because she loves you. Think about how stubborn the lass is. No one, not even fate, could make her do something she didn’t want to do. They tied the two of you together because they knew how important you would be to her.”

  Herrick could feel the truth in Mac’s words. He wished his conviction was as strong but some small part of him was still plagued by uncertainty.


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