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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 96

by Jamie, Danielle

  Rolling her eyes, I see a spark return to them, even if it’s only for a moment, “A ‘thank you’ would be nice you know, since we can’t seem to get your ass to leave this place. You do know you look like a homeless person right now. Right?” Shoving a coffee into my hand, Brooklyn purses her lips at me before turning and digging into the paper bag.

  “I showered this morning, and changed into the fresh set of clothes y’all brought me, so stop bustin’ my balls. I refuse to leave this place until Savannah’s awake, and shaving is the furthest thing from my mind.” Taking a sip of my coffee, I watch as Brooklyn pulls out two cinnamon buns. My stomach immediately growls on cue.

  “I swear you’d starve if we didn’t feed you. You have to take care of yourself Kayden. Savannah is going to need you more than ever when she wakes up. She is going to wake up, and when she does, she’s going to need all of us to be strong for her. Especially with that piece of shit still MIA.” She hands me the cinnamon bun and plops back into the chair beside me.

  We sit there in dead silence for a few minutes. The only sounds in the room are the television, the machines and us chewing. I hate nothing more than awkward silence.

  Brooklyn’s right. I need to pull my head out of my ass and think about Savannah.

  With each day that she lays in this bed, the angrier I get with that piece of shit, Zak. He better be prayin’ that the cops find him and lock him up safely in a cell. Because if I find him first, he won’t make it to prison, he’ll end up in the ground right beside Jacob.

  Taking the last bite of her bun, Brooklyn sips her coffee as she stares out the window. I can tell right away she’s not watching the cars outside, she doesn’t see anything. She’s got the same faraway look in her eyes that I’ve had for the last two days I’ve spent sitting in this room.

  Until Savannah awakens; Brooklyn, her parents, and I will be right here by her side waiting for her to pull through this. These last two days have been torture. I never thought I’d ever love again, and now that I’ve found Savannah, I won’t let our love story end this way.

  Kayden, Jax and Dixon at the Club in the Bahamas’

  Charlie’s On The Beach is packed with woman in dresses that shouldn’t even be called that because they barely cover their asses. The music is blasting; mixing with the roar of the ocean that’s only a few feet away. Charlie’s is one of the most popular clubs on Paradise Island, and Dixon’s favorite place to come and pick up woman when we’re down here.

  I’ve spent the last few hours drinking Coronas and playin’ pool with the guys, but it’s been hard to enjoy myself, because all I can think about is Savannah. I hated leaving her at my house, but Dixon was adamant that we have a boy’s night out. He can’t come to the Bahamas without going out and getting a piece of ass.

  It’s been fun getting out and hanging with my boys, but when I planned this getaway to my Island, the idea was to spend the entire time with Savannah, helping her recover and have some fun. She said she and Brooklyn are having a girl’s night, watching romantic mushy shit, so I guess it all works out to where all of our friends are happy.

  “Kayden, it’s your turn bro.” Dixon says poking me with his pool stick. He flashes me a cocky grin as he slides back onto his stool. He’s had two blonde bimbos hanging on him all night. They both take a seat on his lap and giggle, as he takes turns whispering in their ears. I can only imagine the shit he’s whispering to them right now.

  Nodding, I take a long pull from my beer and set it down on our table. I make my way around the pool table as I try to find the best shot. Leaning over the table, I line my pool stick up perfectly with the cue ball and set my attention on the solid six ball, “Six, solid, left corner pocket.” I shout, hitting the cue ball and watching as I sink the ball.

  “That’s how it’s done boys.” I say matter-of-factly.

  I let out a loud chuckle as Jax slams his shot glass down on the table and yells my way, “For fucks sake; I’m gonna be out a hundred dollars mate. I need to get your ass drunk so I can win my money back!”

  “I can kick your ass in pool even if I was on the verge of alcohol poisoning!” I laugh as I set up my next shot.

  Just as I’m leaning over to call my next ball, someone gooses me. I jump and spin around to find some tall, brunette with legs that go on forever, wearing a barely there black dress. She eyes me up and down seductively, sliding her lips over the straw that’s sticking out of her fruity cocktail.

  “Not interested.” I say dryly standing my pool stick up beside me.

  She lets out a light, airy laugh, “I’m pretty good at changing people’s minds.” Seeing her words aren’t fazing me, she rests her hand on her hip, purses her lips and asks, “Let me guess…girlfriend?”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes at her. I’ve been fighting off women all night; the drunker they get, the bolder they become. They’ll stop at nothing to get your cock. “Yeah, I gotta girlfriend; sorry baby, not interested.”

  Stepping closer she brushes her breasts against my arm, “Your loss…baby.” She says in a soft, seductive tone, sliding her fingers slowly down my bicep.

  I shake my head as I see her making her way over to Jax, on the other side of the pool table. He flashes me a shit eatin’ grin and shouts, “Shots!”

  We all crowd around our table while Dixon pours us all a shot of Jim Bean. Dixon and Jax thought it’d be fun to make a drinkin’ game tonight, so we’ve been taking a shot every time a girl hits on me. We’ve done six shots over the last two hours, and now we’re adding shot number seven to our tally.

  I am pretty sure I’m going to be regretting this idea in the morning.

  After two more games of pool, a few more Coronas and way too many shots, I’m past fuckin’ wasted. We just left the bar and are getting all strapped into the helicopter so we can fly back to the Island.

  Sitting back in the seat, I close my eyes and try to stop my head from spinning. I’m goin’ to be hurtin’ tomorrow with the world worst fuckin’ hangover. Fuck Dixon and Jax, and their fuckin’ shots game. I’m pretty sure we’re tinkering on the edge of getting’ our stomachs pumped after all the alcohol we’ve consumed tonight.

  They found the whole thing entertaining, but for me, not so much. After the first hour, I was beyond annoyed with having to spend the entire evening having my ass groped, or someone trying to grab my cock. Women have no fuckin’ shame! And they say men are bad? Women get away with that shit way easier than a guy, if I grabbed a woman’s ass or tits I’d be leavin’ the bar with a fuckin’ handprint on the side of my face.

  Jax and Dixon are used to the old Kayden, who’d find the hottest girl in there and fuck her before we even left the club. The old Kayden would’ve gotten a kick out of all the touchy feelly drunk chicks. That guy is long gone. Now I only want one woman grabbing my anaconda, I plan on keepin’ it that way until the day I die.

  No one can hold a candle to Savannah; she is the epitome of beautiful. The place was crawling with a gorgeous woman whom I could’ve danced with because technically dancin’ isn’t cheatin’, but my hands only ache to touch one woman’s body. If I had given in and danced with one of them, I would’ve ended up dealing with a fuckin’ headache. She would’ve gotten the wrong idea and then trying to let her down easily, in the end, would have made me look like a dick because she’d think I’d led her on.

  Even if that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t doubt for a second that some fuck face would take a picture of me dancin’ with a girl and sell a story to some gossip magazine saying that I came to the Bahamas’ with my boys to party it up and cheat on Savannah. All of that would’ve made for one shitty ass night. So I gladly spent the evening drinkin’ and playin’ pool. Now that we’ve had our fun; I’m ready to get the fuck home.


  Jerome met us at the tarmac with one of the Jeeps. It was a chore and a half squeezin’ all of us into that fuckin’ thing. Jax sat shotgun, and I got the fuckin’ joy of being stuck in the back seat with Dixon and his two p
laymates for the evening. I just pray that Brooklyn is asleep, because I don’t feel like listening to her go off on Dixon for bring these two back with him tonight. She acts like seeing him with other women doesn’t bother her, and she tries to retaliate by using Jax to make Dixon jealous, but I see straight through her façade.

  We all stumble into my mansion, and of course I trip trying to walk up these fuckin’ stairs. I hear everyone roar with laughter. “Shut up, assholes!” I slur, as I grip the railing, and slowly make my way up to the second floor; stairs and my drunk ass do not mix.

  “I’m glad I’m not as shit faced as you Knox, because I gotta show these two ladies what it’s like to ride a real cowboy.” God, Dixon is such a pretentious douchebag sometimes. I just ignore him and focus on not falling flat on my fuckin’ face again.

  “I just love your accent, it’s so sexy.” Bimbo number one says in her high pitched fuckin voice.

  Dixon lets out a loud chuckle, “Thanks Darlin’, I find these perky tits of yours sexy.” I gag a little as I hear the sound of Dixon’s lips on Bimbo number one, making her giggle like a fuckin’ hyena.

  “What about me?” Bimbo number two whines. I hear Jax snickering behind them.

  “I think he loves both of your knockers equally, baby.” Jax says sarcastically maneuvering around them, and coming up beside me. We trade glances, and both smile as we make it to the hallway leading to our rooms.

  “Jax, your accent is so freaking sexy too! Where are you from again? England?” Bimbo number two asks for I think the fiftieth fuckin’ time tonight. God, how are some chicks seriously this dumb?

  Stopping in front of his door Jax smirks at her, “Close…Australia. Good night ladies.”

  I stumble a few more feet, and stop at Dixon’s door. Leaning against the wall, I try to steady myself, so I can make it the rest of the way to mine and Savannah’s room; I wonder if she’s still awake waiting up for me?

  Just as I’m about to tell Dixon goodnight, I hear a door open. Turning my head, I see Brooklyn poking her head out of her room.


  “Can you guys shut the fuck up? People are trying to sleep ya know!”

  “Sorry we woke you Brooklyn, we’re all heading to bed now.” I tell her sympathetically, but my words come out just slightly slurred. I definitely drank way too fuckin’ much tonight.

  Dixon starts laughing behind me at something one of his bimbos said. Brooklyn rubs her eyes and steps out into the hallway narrowing her gaze on Dixon.


  I hear the click of another door and out pops Savannah’s head. She must’ve heard all of us out here and came to see what was going on. Brooklyn doesn’t even notice, her sights are set entirely on Dixon and the two chicks with him.

  “I see you found some skanks while you were out?” Turning, Brooklyn eyes them up and down, her lips curl up in a mischievous grin. “Little tip for you two, this one,” She says motioning her thumb towards Dixon. “He’s tiny…like this little.” She laughs, holding her thumb and pointer finger up with about an inch space between them. “You’re better off leaving and pleasuring yourselves than spending the night with this asshole. Plus, he only lasts five minutes...if he’s lucky.”

  Oh, my fuckin’ God! I can’t help but burst out laughing. Coughing as I try to muffle my laughter, I shoot Dixon an, I’m sorry look, but fuck that was funny!

  Savannah’s covering her mouth, trying to hide her laughter too. God I love her. She’s too fuckin’ cute.

  Clearing his throat, Dixon furrows his brows at Brooklyn, then turns to Bimbo one and Bimbo two, “Don’t listen to her ladies. She’s just jealous ya’ll are going to be spending the evening in my bed and she ain’t.”

  Spinning on her heels, Brooklyn storms back into her suite slamming the fuckin’ door so hard it echoes all the way down the hall.

  “Well, this just got awkward.” I say sarcastically. It’s taking everything in me to not burst out laughing again.

  I can’t stand being this far away from Savannah, and she looks down right irresistible in my Texas tee. I stumble towards her with a big ass grin on my face. God she looks delicious. I slowly lick my lips, as I imagine tasting every inch of her sinfully sexy body.

  Looking over my shoulder I yell, “Goodnight Dixon, and Thing 1 and Thing 2.” Brooklyn is a girl after my own heart; her nicknames were pretty fuckin’ close to mine. I don’t think they’d appreciate me calling them Bimbo 1 and Bimbo 2, I laugh to myself. “Please keep the noises down. Me and my lady would like to fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean tonight, and not the sound of you three fuckin’ like rabbits.”

  “Can’t make any promises bro, but we’ll try.” Dixon gives me a wink and disappears into his suite. Rolling my eyes, I stumble the rest of the way down to Savannah and follow her into our suite.

  Falling back onto our bed, I slide my eyes over her body, I can’t stop smiling as I take in the sight of the sexiest fuckin’ woman on the planet. “I love it when you wear my t-shirts.”

  Savannah makes her way across the room, shaking that fine little ass of hers the entire way. She stops just a few inches away from the bed and looks down at me with the sexiest little smirk on her gorgeous lips. “I love wearing them, and I absolutely love smelling your delicious scent while I’m sleeping.”

  She’s so fuckin’ adorable and incredibly sexy without even tryin’. My cock aches just hearing that sweet voice of hers, but seeing my shirt stop just above her knees is killin’ me. I want nothing more than to run my tongue along the inside of her thigh, and taste her sweet pussy that’s hiding under the hem of my shirt.

  I motion for her to join me on the bed. As I slowly drag my teeth over my bottom lip; my cock throbs and she shivers with the anticipation of my touch. “Come here baby. I need to taste those lips of yours as much as I need air to breathe.”

  As soon as her knees hit the bed, I wrap my arms around her. I’m so drunk; my head is swimming. Not being able to keep my balance, I fall back on the bed laughing as I hug her tightly against me. Savannah is giggling on top of me; her laughter is like music to my ears after all the shit she’s been through. Rolling onto my side, I lay her down beside me. Gazing into her eyes, I get lost in them momentarily, “God, I missed you.” I murmur against her ear as I trail kisses along her neck.

  After gracing me with a short sweet kiss, a yawn escapes me. Savannah immediately takes notice at how exhausted I am. Fuck, I could kick my own ass for drinkin’ so much. I really should’ve skipped those Coronas since I knew we’d be doing shots all night. After helping me get out of my clothes, we climbed under the covers, Savannah snuggling tightly against my body; I swear it’s as if my body was made just for hers. Within seconds, we’re both passed out. Savannah actually has a peaceful night of sleep, without having one single nightmare. Slowly, she’s getting back to her old self; it’s just going to take time.

  The Scavenger Hunt

  Closing the door to our suite, I head towards the wall of elevators, climbing in I punch the lobby and pull out my phone. Leaning against the wall with shaking fingers I type a text to Savannah.


  Leave the pool & come up to our suite…alone. ;)

  I just left Savannah’s final clue in our room. I’ve been running around my hotel all morning getting this scavenger hunt set up. I’m a ball of fuckin’ nerves right now. I pat my pocket where the final gift is and let out a shaky breath just as the elevator dings and the doors slide open.

  The lobby is packed full of people; February is a busy time for my hotel in Maui because people want to escape the cold winters and come to a tropical paradise. My guests are probably none too thrilled to learn I’ve closed the 2nd pool area for the day. I have my staff working alongside the party planner I hired down at the pool getting it all set up for Savannah’s party this evening. I want today to be the most amazing day of her entire life.

  Exiting the hotel, I make my way down to the beach. That’s the last place I have to set up
and the last stop on Savannah’s scavenger hunt. I have a horse ready and waiting for Savannah down on the one end of the beach, and I’ll be impatiently awaiting her arrival on the other end of the beach. If everything works out as planned, Savannah will be arriving just as the sun is setting.

  I spot one of my employees waiting for me near the shore with a bag of rose petals in his hand. My stomach does flip flops as I approach him; I’ve never been so fuckin’ nervous in my entire life. “Hey, Nikko. Thanks for helping me with all of this today, I really appreciate it.” I tell him extending my hand out to shake his. He was supposed to have the day off, but volunteered to come in and help me get the scavenger hunt set up. He’s one of my best employees here at the hotel, and no one else I’d rather trust to help make this perfect.

  “No problem, Mr. Knox; it’s been an honor to help, today’s a big day for you.” He flashes me a big smile and hands me a bag of petals. “We don’t have much time sir, so we best get to work.”

  I let out a nervous laugh, “Yes, we should. I’ve never been so nervous in my entire life. I swear; I’m sweatin’ bullets.” I joke tearing open the bag of rose petals. “How should we do this? I was thinking, make a heart with the petals and then sprinkle the rest around the area. What do you think?”

  Nodding his head Nikko slaps my shoulder, “Sounds perfect, boss.”

  We waste no time getting to work, after fifteen minutes we’ve got the entire area perfect. I take my place in the center of the massive heart made of out hot pink rose petals. Nikko pulled out the last item needed for the scavenger hunt and hands it to me, “I found the bottle in the gift shop, I hope it’s what you were wanting.”

  Looking down at the bottle in my hand, the corner of my lips curl up in a ghost of a smile, “It’s perfect.” I tell him as I dig the last note to Savannah out of my pocket. I roll it up and pop the cork off of the glass bottle, sticking it inside. I push the cork back into the bottle and slip it into my pocket.


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