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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 97

by Jamie, Danielle

  After tipping Nikko, he heads back up to the pool to check on preparations’ for Savannah’s party, leaving me to stand on the beach alone. My phone buzzes making me jump. I’m a ball of fuckin’ nerves right now; I hope I can keep it together long enough to give Savannah time to read the last clue before I propose. It’s going to take everything in me to not immediately drop to my knee and ask her to be my wife the second she stands before me.

  Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I open up the new text message and see it’s from Brooklyn,


  The party looks AMAZING! Savannah’s going 2 <3 it.

  Remember just BREATHE she will say YES!! J

  Savannah is lucky to have Brooklyn. She truly loves her and will do anything for Savannah. I couldn’t have pulled all of this off without her help. I definitely owe her, because she kept Savannah distracted by the pool all morning so I could get all of this done for her. It’s almost impossible to surprise her because Savannah has zero patience. It’s just another reason why I love her; she’s a stubborn pain in my ass that keeps me on my toes.

  The sun is slowly sinking in the horizon casting a ray of orange, reds and pinks across the ocean. There’s a gentle warm breeze blowing off of the water, and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I look straight ahead as I hear the sound of a horse trotting across the sand, as it makes its way towards me. My breath is instantly sucked out of my lungs the moment my eyes meet Savannah’s.

  She looks angelic on the horse with the sunlight illuminating behind her. She is absolutely breathtaking in the new dress and boots I left for her. She roams her eyes over me, and the rose petals strewn around the beach. She looks as nervous as I feel, and I think she’s figuring out quickly what is going on.

  Just breathe Knox, just breathe…, I keep repeating to myself, as Savannah slowly makes her way towards me. It feels as if time has frozen, and the entire world around us has faded away, leaving no one, but her and me.

  I thank God when she finally steps inside the heart I’m standing in the center of. She made it in time for the sunset. Everything is perfect.

  Savannah is beaming, the excitement I see pouring out of her makes my heart skip a beat. I worked my ass off to make this fun and exciting for her, because I want today to be a day she’ll never forget. Leaning up on her toes, she snakes her arms around my neck. Savannah flashes me a nervous smile before she presses her delicious pink strawberry flavored lips to mine. Holding her tightly against me, I feel Savannah melt into me as she moans sweetly against me lips.

  Pulling away from my lips, she drops back onto the heels of her boots and holds her hands nervously in front of her, “Thank you for this, Kayden; this has been the most amazing birthday, and so much fun.”

  My stomach flip flops and my breath hitches, I’ve been waiting all day for this moment. If Savannah thought this afternoon was amazing, she’s about to get the biggest surprise of them all.

  I let out a nervous laugh as I take her hands into mine, spinning the infinity ring I gave her for Christmas. I slide my eyes up to meet Savannah’s and flash her a nervous smile, “When I gave ya this ring, Savannah, it was a symbol of my love for you. That day I promised that my love for you was infinite…Forever. There’s no one else I’d rather grow old with, baby, than you.”

  As the words leave my mouth, Savannah’s eyes begin to sparkle as they open up wide, and an adorable smirk dances across her lips. The happiness radiating out of her eyes, at this very moment, makes her appear even more beautiful, if that’s even possible.

  Nervously, I reach into my pocket and pull out the glass bottle containing my last clue to Savannah’s final birthday present. “Here’s your last clue, baby.” Handing the bottle to her feels surreal; this is it the moment I’ve waited weeks for, more accurately my entire lifetime for.

  “What is this, Kayden?” Savannah asks; her voice is barely above a whisper as she pours the note out of the bottle and into the palm of her hand.

  “Open it and you’ll see. I hope you liked your other birthday presents, Savannah, but I’m really hoping that you’ll love your final gift.”

  Savannah’s face swiftly changes to a look of complete shock, as she unrolls the paper and reads her final clue. It feels like a fuckin’ eternity before she finally finishes reading it. She looks back up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes so full of love and happiness.

  With tears streaming down her face, Savannah drops the letter into the sand and stares up into my eyes. The love I feel when our eyes meet is overwhelming; it’s taking every ounce of strength I have to fight the tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I blow it out slowly as I take Savannah’s hand into mine and slowly drop down onto one knee in front of her.

  “Savannah Elizabeth Livingston, I love you with every fiber of my being. A life without you in it, is just not possible. I need your love just as much, if not more, than I need air to breathe. You’re my soulmate…my other half, the missing piece to my crazy puzzle. I want to grow old with you, spend our evenings sitting on our porch, sippin’ on sweet tea outta mason jars. I want to have tons of little blue eyed and blonde haired mini Savannah’s running around Sugar Land, and maybe, a few green eyed and brown-haired, rough and tough boys tackling each other in the field beside the barn. I want to experience every crazy, intense, blissfully happy moment with you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ll live every day the happiest man in the world, as long as it’s with you by my side. So baby, will you marry me? Make me the luckiest man on the entire freakin’ planet, and say yes to becoming my wife?!”

  Blinking down at me through her tears, Savannah smiles as a tear slides over her lip. She then drops to her knees before me, wrapping her arms around my neck, “Of course, Kayden! I want that…all of that! You and I forever, Knox. You and I until the end of time. I’d love nothing more than to become your wife.”

  She flutters kisses all over my face, finally stopping at my lips that are aching to be pressed against hers once more. She’s made me the happiest fuckin’ man on the entire planet! Savannah is going to be my wife; today is not only the happiest day of her life, but my life too.

  I wrap my arms tightly around her as our knees sink into the warm sand beneath us. I kiss Savannah so deeply it makes my entire body feel as if it’s floating on air. I kiss her, as if my body will die if her lips are not connected with mine. Moaning into her mouth, I caress her tongue with mine. Slowly sliding my hands along her back, I slid my fingers through her hair. Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, we pull away from each other, both of us with big goofy grins plastered across our faces. Savannah’s lips are red and swollen from my kiss; there’s no other way I’d rather see them.

  Bringing her hands to her face, Savannah gently wipes the tears away from her face. She smiles up at me, as I dig into my pocket and retrieve her ring. I got so caught up in the fuckin’ moment I forgot the damn ring! I can’t believe I dropped down on one knee and proposed to Savannah without showing it to her.

  “I was so nervous, I forgot to take the ring out!” I blurt out nervously popping the box open.

  Savannah lets out a loud gasp as she takes in the custom made infinity engagement ring I designed for her.

  Slowly, I slide it onto her finger; it looks perfect on her delicate little hand. She stares down at it, not saying a word. Covering her mouth with her right hand, more tears fall as she takes in the three carat princess cut past, present, and future ring with infinity loops on each side made out of tiny diamonds. The entire surface of her ring is covered in diamonds; the slowly setting sun is hitting it perfectly, causing the diamonds to sparkle in a ray of colors.

  Finally speaking, she says, “This is perfect, Kayden. If I could design the perfect wedding ring…this would be it.” She takes my face in her hands, and pulls it down to hers for one more kiss. Smiling against my lips, she murmurs, “I love you, Kayden, and I cannot wait to be Mrs. Kayden Knox.”

  God, she will never understand how deeply my love for her runs. I cannot wait to make her my wife, and spend the rest of my life loving her.

  Valentine’ Day

  Grabbing a chocolate covered strawberry from the box I got Savannah for Valentine’s Day, I climb onto the bed beside her, dangling it playfully above her head. I flash her one of my panty meltin’ smiles, and say, “Happy first Valentine’s Day, baby.”

  Discovering her lying in our bed, wearing nothing but a rhinestone bow shaped necklace is the best Valentine’s Day gift ever!

  “Happy first Valentine’s Day, Kayden.” Savannah says, as she seductively sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and nibbles on it. Sliding her gaze from me to the strawberry she laughs, “Are you going to feed me that or just tease me all night?”

  God, she is the most impatient woman on this planet, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  I let out a low chuckle, as I slide the tip of the chocolate covered strawberry along her bottom lip. Savannah opens her mouth to take a bite, but I pull it away before she can get it. “Uhh, uh, uh…I need a kiss first. Then you can enjoy your Valentine’s dessert.”

  Rolling her eyes, Savannah lifts her left hand that’s now sporting the three carat engagement ring I gave her last week for her birthday. She slides her fingers through my hair, “I thought these chocolate covered strawberries were the entrée, and you covered in chocolate and whipped cream was my dessert?” She says seductively as she fists my hair, pulling my lips down to hers for a short, sweet kiss. Savannah’s lips taste sweeter than the finest chocolates in all of Europe.

  I don’t know what the hell I did to ever get so lucky, but dayum I love this woman!

  After Savannah Went Back to Los Angeles

  It’s been one week since my world was ripped out from under me. I’ve tried to stay positive, but as each day passes by, they all blur together into one big painful fuckin’ existence. Every day, I send Savannah flowers so she knows I’m thinking about her. I send texts telling her I love her, and will wait for however long it takes.

  It’s painful going each day without her here. I understand why she ran, but it doesn’t lessen the pain I’m feelin’ with each moment that goes by and she’s not here by my side. I haven’t been back to the beach house since she left; it’s too painful seeing all of her things and not having her there with me. I’ve spent the entire week here in Sugar Land, working from my home office. I can’t face anyone right now; I may blow up and do something that I’ll regret. For now, I’ve stayed cooped up here, doing whatever I can to try and distract myself, so I’m not dwelling on Savannah being back in Los Angeles.

  Every time I think about that fuckin’ article and Nadia, my head wants to explode from the rage that’s coursing through me. She’s lucky she’s a girl, because if she wasn’t, I would’ve already beat the truth out of her. Stupid fuckin’ bitch. Why do these bitches sell false stories to the press? It is beyond me. You make yourself look like a fuckin’ slut, and destroy people’s lives without batting a fuckin’ eye. All for a few hundred dollars in their bank account?

  Savannah said she needs time apart. When she walked away with her suitcase in her hand, I swear my fuckin’ heart was ripped out of my chest and then tossed into a blender on high speed. Every day since she left, I’ve spent the majority of my time working out, trying to burn off this anger that’s consuming me. When I’m not working out, I’m gettin’ shit faced so I can fall into a dreamless sleep. Without it, I’d never sleep a wink. The bed feels so empty without Savannah lying beside me.

  Needing to blow off some steam, I pop my earbuds in and crank up Breaking Benjamin on my iPod and get on the treadmill. Setting it for a steep incline, I skip starting off slow, and break into a full on run. I welcome the burning in my legs and lungs; it’s a well needed distraction from all the shit bouncing around in my head. After running five miles, I power off my treadmill, grab my water bottle and head over to my punching bag.

  I gulp down my entire bottle of water, toss it onto the floor, and get to work strappin’ on my boxing gloves. I spend the next hour bouncing around the mat, practicing by jabbing, punching and kicking the shit out of it. I don’t stop until my body’s drenched in sweat and every inch of me aches.

  Finally, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically, I plop down on the bench beside the punching bag and wipe the sweat from me face. As I sit there with my chest heaving as my lungs try to recover from the workout I just put them through, I hear the sound of Braxton yelling, “Kayden…earth to Kayden!” He shouts plucking my ear buds out.

  “Oh hey man…what’s up?” I ask in between breaths.

  Sitting down beside me, he eyes me up and down. He stares at my now week old beard since I haven’t bothered to shave since Savannah left. “For one, you need to shave, you look like shit. Secondly, pack your bags because we’re going to Vegas!”

  Leaning back, I welcome the feeling of the cold wall against my hot skin. I furrow my brows at Braxton, “Sorry, I’ve had a rough week and haven’t felt like shaving. Not like you’ll be kissin’ me so what the fuck is it to you? And Vegas? Why the hell are we goin’ to Vegas?”

  Crossing his arms across his chest, Braxton narrows his eyes at me and lets out a loud chuckle, “Your right jackass, I won’t be kissing your ugly mug. But I still have to look at it, so drag your ass upstairs. Go to take a shower and shave your face, the whole Duck Dynasty look is not for you bro. And yes, Vegas! You’ve been so shut up in this fuckin’ house that you’ve completely forgotten about the outside world! You’re supposed to be throwing Shayne Andrews a party at the Casino this weekend. It’s as if Savannah leaving has turned your brain to fuckin’ mush.”

  Rubbing my hands over my face, I let out a loud sigh, “Shit. I can’t believe I forgot. Thank God I hired that party planner last month to do everything.” Thank God Braxton remembers this shit for me. My damn assistant is as worthless as fuck. She should’ve noticed it on my calendar and reminded me.

  “So drag your ass upstairs, and get packin’ bro. Dixon and Jax are meeting us at the jet first thing tomorrow. Hell, I’m getting married in a few months, so I think a guys weekend of nothin’ but drinkin’ and gambling is in order! And Chase sent me a text the other day saying he’ll be in Vegas at the track, that we should stop by and test out his new car.”

  I haven’t seen Chase in a while; it’d be great to catch up. It’s hard to turn down gettin’ behind the wheel of his new car. Nothing is more exhilarating than doing two hundred miles an hour around the track. I think getting away is exactly what I need.

  Smacking Braxton’s thigh, I stand up and toss my towel into the laundry hamper. “Sounds good to me, bro. Thanks for stopping by and reminding me; I can’t believe I forgot. A visit to the track sounds great. Since you’re here, you wanna order somethin’ to eat, drink some beers and play some Madden?”

  We spend the next few hours playin’ Madden, drinkin’ Coronas and stuffin’ our faces with pizza. Having Braxton here has been a well needed distraction, but Savannah still lingers in the back of my mind. I can’t stop wondering what she’s doing. How long until she comes back to me? The truth will come out eventually, and she’ll see I was never unfaithful to her. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later. Right now we should be planning our fuckin’ wedding, not being on a fuckin’ break. All this shit is because some model decided to sell a false story. There has to be a bigger picture here that I’m not seeing. This has Giselle written all over it. They were in Paris together, and I don’t doubt for a second she had a hand in this, somehow convincing that girl to make up this story and prey on Savannah’s one weakness.

  I have to keep pushing through each day, pray that the truth is revealed, and Savannah will come back to me. Until then, I’ll just keep numbing the pain with my friend Jack Daniels.

  Climbing into bed, I cradle my bottle of Jack. I’m working on getting completely trashed so I can once again pass out, and for at least a few hours, forget a
bout all of this shit.

  Kayden, Dixon, Braxton and Jax at Vegas Motor Speedway with Chase Kenzington

  The Knox Hotel Escalade comes to a stop outside the entrance of the Vegas Motor speedway. My friend Chase Kenzington lives in Vegas and works on his Sprint Cup car here at the track. The new race season just kicked off with a race in Daytona. Chase is still riding on a high because he took the checkered flag. It’s a great start to what looks like a promising season.

  He said they just finished building a new engine and wanted us to stop by and check out the car. I can’t wait to take his car for a spin around the track. Nothing is more exhilarating than driving around a racetrack doing two hundred miles per hour, and after the shit with Savannah and Shayne last night, I can’t wait to let out some of this aggression burning up inside of me.

  My knuckles are now scabbed over from the beat down I gave that fucker Shayne last night. I think it’s safe to say our friendship is over after the shit he was spewing last night. The kicker is all that went down at a party I threw for that asshole’s big fight. At least I made money off of him and all his fuckin’ groupies who partied in the club all night.

  Stepping out of the Escalade, I squint as the sun beams down on us. I removed my aviators from the neck of my tee and put them on to shield the hot Nevada sun. Looking over my shoulder, I flash an all teeth smile, “Y’all ready to burn some rubber?”

  Dixon lets loud chuckle, “I plan on burnin’ rubber while we’re here in more ways than one.”

  He is such a douche sometimes.

  I shake my head, laughing at his dumbass remark. I remove my Longhorns baseball cap and rake my fingers through my hair, “You’re such a dumbass.” Putting my hat back on, I walk through the large archway and make my way to Chase’s pit box.


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