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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

Page 98

by Jamie, Danielle

  “Hey, glad you guys were able to stop by!” Chase says greeting us all with man hugs. He’s wearing his fire suit and has his number 8 Corona car parked in his pit box. Just another reason why he’s my favorite driver, he is sponsored by my favorite beer.

  “Well you know we couldn’t resist coming by and testing out the new car.” Braxton tells him as walks around the car, checking out the new paint scheme and sponsors.

  “Who’s going to test drive the beast first?” Chase asks sliding his eyes over the four of us.

  Not waiting for anyone to answer, Braxton climbs through the window and gets to work buckling his harness. “Hey! This is my bachelor weekend, so I get to go first.”

  “Hurry it up jackass! I need to get behind the wheel and test drive this bad boy.” Jax tells Braxton, poking his head into the window, as Braxton slips on the helmet.

  We all climb up onto the cement wall and watch as Braxton fires up the engine. That baby is loud! It’s vibrating my fuckin’ eardrums. We all cup our ears as Braxton burns the tires off and shoots down pit road pulling out onto the track.

  Finally, able to hear again, we all bullshit for a few minutes while Braxton does a couple laps. It doesn’t take long for Chase to bring up the fight last night with Shayne.

  “So, ya wanna tell me what the hell happened between you and Andrews last night?” He asks eying my bruised knuckles.

  I let out a long sigh, “Not really, but I have a feelin’ ya want the dirty deets anyway.”

  Rolling his eyes at my sarcasm Chase lets out a low belly laugh, “Bet your fuckin’ ass I want the dirty deets after seeing the videos on TMZ and Tinsel Town Blog. Shit man, you were pounding his face in last night in front of everyone in Vertigo. The last I knew you two were friends, hell you threw him a party last night for his fight this weekend!”

  Resting my hands on the warm cement wall, I lean back and watch as Braxton goes around for his last lap. I hate how fucked up my life has become in a matter of a few short weeks. I feel like shit for getting in that fight last night, for seeing Savannah upset. I should’ve told Trixie to drag her ass off the second she sat down with us. Then I was a fuckin’ asshole to Savannah this morning because I was hung over and still pissed about her and Shayne.

  I know she slept with him before we were ever together, but the idea of her partying with him, at my club in L.A., drives me fuckin’ insane. The picture of him taking the belly shot off of her is burned into my brain. The more I dwell on it, the more pissed off I get.

  “Shayne ran his fuckin’ mouth, so I shut him up. I imagine you saw the pictures floating around of him takin’ the belly shot off of Savannah at Vertigo in L.A.” The words taste foul in my mouth just saying them out loud.

  “Yeah, I saw the pics, but listen dude, if you love the girl as much as I think you do, don’t dwell on this shit. Fix it. If you fuck it up, and you lose her for good, looking back you’ll see you let your pride get in the way of your happiness.”

  When the fuck did Chase become so philosophical?

  “Listen to you. Givin’ out the love advice.” I joke clapping him on the back.

  Rolling his eyes, Chase stands as Braxton begins making his way down pit road. “It doesn’t happen often asshole, so take the advice while I got it to give.”

  We both crack up laughing.

  Dixon and Jax turn and look at us with a perturbed expressions, “When you two girls are done discussin’ all that mushy shit, let me know, so I can help ya find your balls. I think I saw them roll over by the gas cans.” Dixon says, loaded with sarcasm.

  “Shut it fuck face, or you don’t get to drive my car.” Chase says, smacking Dixon upside the head as he makes his way over to help Braxton out of the car.

  The next hour goes by in a blur; it was nice catching up with Chase, and getting behind the wheel of his car was exactly what I needed. My mind feels clear, and I feel like all the aggression I had weighing me down earlier has been lifted away.

  After snapping a few pictures, we said goodbye to Chase, but told him we’ll definitely see him race when they come back to Talladega. It was a good distraction coming to the track, but now that we’re on our way back to the hotel it feels like a vise grip is squeezing my chest making it impossible to breathe. The second we reach the hotel I’m bee-lining it to the casino. I need a strong drink and to do some gambling.

  I sent Savannah a text letting her know I’ve been busy with the guys, and I’d see her tonight. We came to Vegas for a guy’s weekend, so I don’t feel right just abandoning them to go sit with Savannah to try and hash out everything. We can deal with all that shit later. Right now, the only thing on my mind is getting a bottle of Jack and hitting the Black Jack tables.

  Brooklyn and Dixon at the Tattoo Parlor in Vegas

  Taking my hand into his, Dixon leads me down the corridor of the hotel. “Wasted or not, they’ll give me a tattoo, don’t you worry babe.”

  I can’t help but laugh, as I shake my head at the drunken fool pulling me towards the tattoo shop in Knox’s hotel. I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to get a tattoo.

  My eyes keep lingering on our entwined fingers that are now donning cheap gold wedding bands. I still cannot believe we just eloped. I have a picture in my clutch of us with an Elvis impersonator that married us. That will definitely be a conversation starter when people spot it on my mantel.

  “You sure you won’t regret this wonderful idea in the morning?” I ask as we stop in front of the twenty-four hour tattoo parlor.

  Flashing me a cocky grin, Dixon tugs on my hand causing me to crash into his rock solid chest. I rest my hand against his shoulder, as I steady myself. With all the shots I took, I’m surprised I can even catch myself and not fall flat on my ass.

  Slipping his hand into my hair, he cups the side of my face and pulls me in for a quick kiss. “Believe me darlin’ there is nothing about tonight I’ll ever regret.”

  I can’t help but become giddy as he says those words to me. Never in a million years did I think I’d be Mrs. Dixon Beaumont. I thought just a few weeks ago we were done for good. I was over being just a bed buddy to him; I wanted more and he didn’t. Then all of a sudden he was texting me saying he missed me. Now look at us, eloping in Vegas.

  I need to tell Jax, but that can wait until the morning. He’ll understand; it’s not like we were serious or anything. We were just friends who hooked up from time to time. He’s known since day one I’ve wanted Dixon. I never met a guy who consumed my every thought like Dixon has.

  I just hope once we both sober up nothing changes. Nothing is worse than getting a taste of what you’ve dreamt of, just have it vanish before your eyes.


  Holding my cell up, I snap a picture of Dixon lying down with his arm above his head. The tattoo artist, Skit, I really hope that isn’t his real name, is working on Dixon’s new ink.

  I still can’t believe he’s tattooing my name on his arm. Kayden is going to have a field day with this. Especially, after Dixon busted Kayden’s balls the entire plane ride home from the Bahamas for tattooing Savannah’s name on his ribs.

  “How’s it lookin’?” Dixon asks dragging his gaze from me to his arm.

  Climbing off of the stool, I make my way over beside Dixon and observe the tattoo, it looks pretty bad ass. “It’s turning out really awesome babe. I love it!” Leaning down, I kiss him before going back to watching Skit finish the detailing around my name.

  “It sure hurts like a mother fucker…” Dixon says between clenched teeth as Skit fills in the swirls around my name.

  He did ‘Brooklyn’ in a cursive font, with really interesting swirl-like details around it. It’s a work of art on his arm. I can’t wait to show it off to everyone with him tomorrow.

  Reaching into his jeans, Dixon pulls out his chrome flask, “Nothing like some Jack to numb the pain.” He laughs and flashes me a cocky grin, as he holds it up to me. “Can ya help me out babe?”

  Rolling my eyes, I take the
flask and twist the top off for him, “I don’t know how you’re not numb already. I think you drank an entire bottle of tequila back at the club!”

  He takes a long swig from the flask, “Ahhh.” He says as he slaps his lips together, and slowly drags his tongue over them, licking the remaining whiskey off. “It takes a whole lot more than that to make me numb baby. As soon as this tattoo is done, we’re heading up to the suite to consummate our marriage…hell maybe we can do that on the way up to the suite.”

  Skit sure is finding this conversation interesting, he slides his gaze from Dixon’s tattoo up to me, before focusing back on the tattoo, “So I take it you two got married? Let me guess, by a guy dressed up like Elvis?”

  Dixon lets out a loud chuckle, “Yup! Damn, it’s the best fuckin’ idea ever. It was a spur of the moment thing, but shit, it beats dealing with all that crazy ass weddin’ plannin’ shit!”

  Wow. Isn’t he just romantic?

  Biting back a smile, I run my hand over Dixon’s arm, “You’re right Dixon, Savannah and Kayden should save themselves the headache of planning a wedding and just elope too.”

  A devilish grin spreads across his lips as he flashes me a mega-watt smile, “We’re fuckin’ geniuses. I will so be telling Knox tomorrow he should ask Savannah to elope.”

  I highly doubt Savannah will go for that idea, but I’ll just let him enjoy his moment of glory.

  Deleted Scene: Jax and Rebecca; Night of the Beach Engagement Party

  I don’t know if it’s all the alcohol I’ve consumed tonight, but every time Jax gets near me, I feel my entire body react to his nearness. I have a good buzz going between the sips of apple pie moonshine Mya got me to drink, and all the beer I’ve had from the keg. It’s the only logical reason.

  I mean, he was with Brooklyn; I know they weren’t serious, but still, it’s girl code…never sleep with someone your friends have been with.

  God. I really need to keep my distance from him. We’ve been playing beer pong for the last hour and every time he looks at me with that freaking melt-your-panties-right-the-fuck-off smile, I swear my knees go weak. I made the mistake of becoming overly excited when we whooped Mya and Braxton a few minutes ago, and I jumped into Jax’s arms, squealing like a freaking teenager at a Justin Beiber concert.

  The second his arms wrapped around my body; I felt myself melt into him. I took a long inhale of the cologne on his t-shirt. It’s the most masculine and intoxicating scent. The instant our eyes connected, as I giggled uncontrollably with excitement, my entire body felt an electric charge shoot through it, prickling my skin.

  I immediately snapped out of my Jax enchantment and jumped out of his arms, making a bee-line for the keg. I downed my entire Solo cup in record time, before returning to the beer pong table to play against Savannah and Kayden.

  This beach is full of gorgeous single men. Hell, they don’t breed them better than they do in Texas. I’m used to seeing overly skinny wannabe rockers in L.A., or more feminine than me model types who are more into themselves than anything.

  Down here you have real men, who don’t wear jeans that look like they stole them out of my closet, and when they take you on a date, they bring you four-wheeling rather than to the mall to get a frickin’ mani-pedi with you.

  The sexy Southern drawl is a plus too; there is just something about a man with an accent, which brings me back to Jax. Damn, he is hot, funny, and has the sexiest Australian accent. It makes me tingle all over when I hear him speak. Then there are his delicious muscles that are covered with tattoos, making him just downright irresistible. I swear there’s something about a guy with a gun that just makes him impossible to not be attracted to. The whole knight in shining armor thing is a huge turn on.

  I just have to push those thoughts away. I need to focus on finding a sexy Southern boy here, who can show me a good time. Jax is OFF LIMITS.


  I’ve tried to chat it up with a few different guys tonight, but I’m not feeling that overwhelming attraction to any of them. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop my eyes from roaming over to Jax. I know he’s feeling the pull between us because I keep spotting him watching me too.

  Feeling the need to get away from this the entire situation before I do something I’ll regret, I excuse myself and let Savannah know I’m heading to the guest room I’m staying in.

  Making my way onto the deck, I glance over the railing one more time before heading inside. Jax is taking a long pull from his bottle of beer as he’s nodding at something Kayden and Dixon said. Feeling my eyes on him, he drags his gaze from them, up towards the house, and his eyes land on me.

  I quickly spin around and maneuver through people hanging out on the deck, and I finally make my way into the house. As soon as I make it to the second level, I stop in the hallway to rest my head against the wall and relish in the peace and quiet.

  My head is spinning as I lean against the wall with my eyes closed; I’ve drank way more than I normally do, and I’m definitely feeling it.

  I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, assuming it’s just someone heading up here to use the upstairs bathroom, I pay no attention.

  “Rebecca….” I hear my name in that all too familiar Aussie accent. I snap my eyes open to find Jax standing in front of me. His eyes are glazed over, but the fire burning in them is impossible to miss.

  He slowly drags his tongue over his bottom lip, and he slides his eyes over my face as he waits for me to respond.

  I let out a shaky breath as I clamp my teeth down on my lip. God I want him more than I’ve ever wanted another man. Why does he have to be so freaking hot? My body is aching everywhere for his touch, it’s as if I’m a moth and he’s the flame. No matter how hard I try, I can’t fight it. I’m drawn to the flame.

  I know I’m bound to get burned, but I just can’t turn away.

  “Hey…” Is all I can manage to say at the moment, because my mind is too distracted daydreaming about Jax fucking me against this wall, to form a coherent sentence.

  He takes another step closer, setting a hand against the wall beside my head with his face only inches from mine. “This is crazy. I don’t know why, but I just had to follow ya up here.” His breath is hot and smells of whiskey and beer. I can’t take my eyes off of those lips. All I can think about is his lips on my body. The ache between my legs is almost unbearable.

  “We can’t do this…Brooklyn…” I stammer out as I try to convince myself more than Jax. “Fuck it!” Throwing caution to the wind, I throw my arms around his neck, cup the back of his head, and pull his mouth to mine. It’s like the Fourth of July mixed with Christmas as his lips collide with mine.

  My head is swimming, and it’s no longer because of the alcohol. No, it’s all because of Jax. If he fucks anything like he kisses, the regret I’ll be feeling in the morning will be so fucking worth it!

  I moan into his mouth as he presses his body against mine, pinning me against the wall. I’m completely lost in the moment and forget we’re in the middle of the hallway.

  Sliding his hand into my hair, Jax deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth. He caresses the roof of my mouth as he eagerly fucks my mouth with his tongue. It feels like a thousand tiny butterflies fluttering against my skin as his kiss causes my entire body to react to his touch.

  I can feel his hardening cock through his jeans, pressing against me; I slide one hand slowly down his chest working my way to his pants. I cup his erection and rub it through his jeans, the sounds he’s making against my lips is like an aphrodisiac.

  “Come to my room.” I murmur against his lips.

  Not having to ask him twice, he wraps his arms around me and bounces us against the walls. Never removing our lips from one another, we make our way to my door.

  Before I can process what’s happening, we’re bursting through the door. Jax kicks it shut, as he slams me against the door. Within seconds, my tee is being pulled over my head, and he’s trailing kisses down my neck working a f
iery path to my breasts.

  Feeling as if my body is being possessed, I tear at his shirt, needing to remove it so I can see every inch of him.

  “I have never wanted someone as badly as I want you right now.” Jax whispers against my skin as he works his mouth across my collar bone.

  Sliding my fingers into his hair, I press my lips against his ear, “Then what are you waiting for?”

  With those words, Jax doesn’t hold back; we’re both completely naked, consumed in darkness. “Wrap your legs around me,” He husks as he grips my hips lifting me in the air.

  Doing as I’m told, I quickly snake my legs around his waist, hooking my feet together tightly behind him. Pressing my back against the door, he slams into me, his cock filling me completely. The feeling of it sliding in and out is absolutely overwhelming and I scream out in ecstasy, “Ohhhh God!” as he fucks me against the door.

  The only sounds we hear are the music traveling through the open windows and the short sharp breaths and moans as Jax pushes me towards climax.

  “Fuck baby…” He hisses against my shoulder as he grips my ass, with his fingers biting into my skin.

  I can feel him getting close to finishing as his cock hardens and his girth expands. He picks up his pace; each thrust is a delicious concoction of his pubic bone stimulating my clit, and his cock slamming against my g-spot.

  Tossing my head back, I slam it against the door with force and tighten my legs around him. One of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever experienced rips through my body.

  Cupping the back of my neck, Jax presses his lips to mine. My body goes numb and my skin tingles, as our tongues tangle together. I moan into his mouth, as he forcefully thrusts his hips into me. Groaning against my lips, he climaxes along with me.


  Looking at the clock, I see it’s almost ten in the morning. My entire body aches and my head is pounding. Rolling over, I stare at the spot where Jax was just a few short hours ago. After last night, my mind is a mess. I have so many thoughts running through my head right now and it’s only making my hangover worse.


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