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Thornbrook Park

Page 12

by Sherri Browning

  He laughed to lighten the mood. In truth, he was touched that she would be glad for him. “Yes, what would my brother do without me? He’d have no one to harass.”

  “Exactly. And I would have no one to escort me around London and teach me how to spar. Oh, look, we’re already at the Langham. That’s it up ahead, is it not?”

  “It is. Perhaps we’ll make our train in time after all.”


  “I liked your friend Mr. Reilly,” she said, once they’d completed their business, retrieved Brandon, and found their seats on the train.

  “I believe he liked you, too. Perhaps a little too much.” Marcus sulked a little in his seat next to her. Brandon sat across from them, where he proceeded to fall asleep almost immediately for the journey. She wondered if a touch of jealousy accounted for Marcus’s suddenly surly mood, and she found that she didn’t mind the idea.

  “He seemed eager to be of service. I can’t wait to hear what he finds out. It’s a shame about Colonel Adams, though.” At the Langham, they’d discovered that Colonel Adams had already departed for Raipur. “I’ll write to him and ask for his help in locating Mr. Strump there. Perhaps it’s best that we have a contact in India after all.”

  “If Strump took a late-night steamer, Tom might be able to track down some manifestos and get a name of the ship. If we’re lucky, the colonel can catch up to Strump on arrival, the best time to find a man.”

  “And if not?” The possibility seemed all too strong that something had happened to the man and he’d never gone to India at all.

  “If not, Tom will find that out, too. Tom has a knack for drumming up minute details. I’m sorry the day wasn’t more productive for you.”

  She stifled a sigh. “Just when I had my hopes up. But I’m not giving in. We have Mr. Reilly on the case, and something’s bound to turn up to direct us toward recovering at least some of Ben’s investment in the mine.”

  He reached for her hand. “You’re not the type to give up.”

  She felt like giving up, but his faith fed her determination. And his hand on hers, warm and solid, distracted her from dwelling on her misfortune.

  They sat in silence for some moments. The comfort of being close to him and the rhythmic rocking of the train lulled her to sleep.

  As they pulled into the station, he gently nudged her.

  She lifted her head and realized she’d rested her head on his shoulder the entire ride. “I’m so sorry. I fell asleep on you.”

  “I nearly fell asleep myself,” he said. “After last night and this morning, I guess we’re both fairly exhausted.”

  “Last night,” she echoed. Last night, when she’d been full of hope and in his arms. How she wished they could turn back time.

  Without another word, he woke Brandon and escorted them off the train to where Dale was waiting with the car.

  Something about pulling up to the door felt like a fairy tale ending prematurely, enchantment over before the happily-ever-after part could come around.

  “And there’s still time to freshen up before dinner,” she said. “No risking Sophia’s disappointment.”

  “A good thing for us all.”

  He helped her from the car and escorted her to the door, where Mr. Finch waited.

  “Welcome back, Captain Thorne, Mrs. Kendal,” he greeted them on entrance. “And a young man. It seems you’ve picked up a third in London.”

  “Surprised to see me?” Marcus asked playfully. “Were they placing bets on my return?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say.” Finch closed the door behind them.

  “This is Brandon, my young charge. Brandon, Mr. Finch.”

  “You’re the Thornbrook Park Mr. Sutton,” Brandon said with some amusement.

  “Oh, Brandon.” Eve laughed. “That’s no way to win Mr. Finch’s favor. You would do better to say that Mr. Sutton is the Averford House Mr. Finch.”

  Brandon wrinkled his nose, betraying his confusion.

  “Nothing to fret about.” Marcus winked at him. “You’ll catch on. Mr. Finch, I’ll explain about Brandon to the earl over dinner. If you could be so kind as to set Brandon up in a room near mine and bring him a tray for dinner?”

  “That can be arranged. We’ll be sure to make him comfortable. Will you be needing anything, Mrs. Kendal? Some tea or coffee?”

  “Oh no, thank you. I have just enough time to prepare for dinner. I’ll be headed straight up.”

  “Your trunks arrived this afternoon. I had them brought up to your chamber. I know you’ve been eager for them.”

  She’d asked about them nearly every day. There wasn’t much left of material value, of course, but the memories every item in her trunks represented meant more to her than any amount of money could ever replace. She might be at Thornbrook Park longer than planned, but she could finally feel at home with her most precious possessions close. “Yes, thank you. I’m happy they’re here at last.”

  “I’ll be headed up, too, Mr. Finch, after I give Brandon a quick tour.

  “I’ll see you later then, Brandon. And I’ll see you at dinner, Marcus,” she said, then thought to correct herself. “Captain Thorne.”

  “Until then, Mrs. Kendal.” He tipped his hat and turned to follow Brandon and Finch from the room. She watched him move, admiring the grace and authority in his posture, before turning to go up the stairs.

  A minute after she got to her room and began to undress, she heard Lucy come in after her. “I think I’ll wear the blue tonight, if you please, Lucy.”

  “Lady Averford is wearing blue, if you want to know.”

  “Hmm,” Eve considered. “Black it is. The one with the draped sash and silver stitching around the hem.”

  If she was stuck in black, she might as well wear one of gowns that had been altered to be less severe. She wished she hadn’t agreed to allow Lettie to repair some of the beading on her new gown and ship it later. A white dress would be such a welcome change.

  “A perfect choice,” Lucy agreed, drawing it out to prepare it while Eve undressed.

  “But hurry. We haven’t much time.”

  “And we still need to do something with your hair. It’s looking a bit mussed from your hat.” Lucy talked as she worked. “I feel I should warn you that the servants, especially, are not unaware of things that go on both in and out of the house.”

  “So I should expect.” Eve nodded, adjusting her underclothes before slipping into the gown.

  “One thing, if you don’t mind the advice?”

  “Advice? Go on.” Eve was intrigued. Timid Lucy had advice for her?

  “It hasn’t escaped notice that you and Captain Thorne went to London together yesterday and came back together today. I’m sure it’s no cause for alarm, but he’s a handsome man and you’re a widow. Some of the maids, the younger ones mostly, dream up possibilities. Everyone loves a good romance, if you know what I mean.” Lucy nodded in the mirror.

  “Goodness.” Eve laughed. “No, Lucy. I believe I’m quite safe from Captain Thorne’s seductions. Lady Averford means to make a match for Captain Thorne, but not with me.”

  “With Lady Alice, yes.” Lucy blushed as if she’d revealed too much.

  “As you said, Lucy. Servants are not unaware of what goes on at Thornbrook Park. I’ll keep it in mind. If any rumors get started about scandalous behavior on my part, I hope you will be the first to let me know.” Eve smiled and hoped she presented the picture of innocence.

  “You look so well together, though, you and the captain. A few of us noticed from the upstairs windows when you were setting out.”

  “Oh dear, how stories get started. He’s a handsome man, as you say. He might make even Mrs. Hoyle look like a blushing maiden.”

  Lucy laughed at the idea.

  “My, you’ve made me a vision.” Eve looked in the mirror, eager
to change the subject. “Upswept hair complements the low neckline. Thank you. I’d best get to the drawing room before they all go in.”


  A day away from Gabriel worked wonders, but was he ready to face his brother again? Marcus considered having a tray sent up to eat with Brandon. How could he explain Brandon to Gabriel? It had to be done, but he waited so long trying to find the words that he showed up late, after they had all given up on him and gone in. He took a deep breath, entered, and wordlessly settled in the empty chair to Eve’s left.

  “Oh, you decided to join us.” His brother looked up as the footman spooned sauce over the trout on his plate. “That will be all, Bill. Fetch my errant brother his portion.”

  “I’m glad you made it back on time,” Sophia said. “I would have begun to be concerned, except that Eve was just telling us about your train ride home.”

  “Was she?” He looked at Eve, a slight tingle rushing through his veins when she met his gaze. What was that? Familiarity? Nerves? “I hope she didn’t bore you with the details. I believe I fell asleep.”

  “Are you accusing me of being a bore, Captain Thorne? I thought you were a gentleman.” Eve smiled. “And we both know that you weren’t the one to fall asleep.”

  “A gentleman’s son.” Gabriel couldn’t help making a distinction.

  “You were great company, not a bore at all.” Bill sauced the fish on Marcus’s plate, temporarily blocking his view. “On the contrary, my conversation might have been a little lacking, distracted as I was. My apologies for being a poor companion.”

  “Ah, you were no doubt distracted by the beauty of the woman beside you. And who could blame a man for that?” Alice’s hazel eyes twinkled in a way that left Marcus no doubt that she meant to make mischief at the table.

  Sophia looked up suddenly, her eyes darting to Marcus and back to Eve as if she’d only just considered that the two of them might have connected in a way that Marcus had yet to explain to her sister.

  “I don’t mind that you’re late, of course.” Sophia shrugged unconvincingly. Everyone seated knew that she minded. “But if not the train, what kept you?”

  Marcus hesitated. The opportunity presented itself. He might as well jump in with both feet. “I was seeing my charge settled in the room next to mine.”

  “Your charge?” Gabriel’s brow knit.

  Eve reached for his hand under the table. How like her to know that he could use some support. “My ward. The young man in my care. I’ve brought him to Thornbrook Park.”

  “Why the devil would you do such a thing?” Gabriel demanded. “You couldn’t leave your by-blows in town with a nursemaid?”

  To his surprise, Marcus found himself more amused than angry, no sign of an impending rage. “Brandon Cooper is not my by-blow, Brother. And how indelicate of you to suggest such a thing in front of the ladies.”

  Gabriel had the sense to look discomfited.

  “You were at war with his father.” Waving her fork as if conducting a spell with a wand, Agatha suddenly joined the conversation. “I sense his spirit around you.”

  Marcus nodded. “Yes, I was. William Cooper, Brandon’s father, had the grave misfortune of setting off a bomb that he was in the process of handing over to me to dismantle. He died bravely, with me at his side. How could I help but seek his widow out when I got home and take some responsibility for the family? Brandon has two sisters and a brother at home with his mother.”

  “And you mean to provide for them?” Gabriel leaned back in his chair. “The whole family?”

  “I do what I can for them. When Brandon seemed to keep getting into trouble, falling in with a bad crowd, I decided it was time to get him out of London.”

  “And do what with the young ruffian? Bring him here to rob us blind?” Gabriel’s fist pounded the table, startling Sophia and nearly toppling his claret.

  “Brandon’s not a thief. He’s a good lad in need of some responsibility. I was hoping to put him to work at Tilly Meadow Farm.”

  “Oh,” Sophia mused. “Yes. It seems like a timely suggestion. There’s plenty for a young man to do on the farm, and I’m certain Mrs. Dennehy could use the help. She’s getting on in years. How old is the boy?”

  “Fourteen,” Marcus said. “Stout for his age, good with his hands. I hope to ride out and speak to Mrs. Dennehy about it tomorrow.”

  “Make it Thursday,” Gabriel demanded. “The boy should be comfortable enough here at Thornbrook Park in the meantime. I’ll ride out with you. She might be more receptive if the request comes from me. She hasn’t seen you in years. My schedule is set for tomorrow, but I was planning on heading out there Thursday morning anyway.”

  “All right,” Marcus agreed. “Thursday it is.”

  He could look forward to the pleasure of spending a morning with his brother on Thursday, but all things considered, his proposal to bring Brandon to Tilly Meadow had been accepted much more easily than he’d anticipated. He looked over to Eve as she raised her glass and had the distinct impression that she raised it specifically for him, a toast to his success. And again there was that odd tingle in his veins.


  Eve kept her seat, reluctant to take note when Sophia suggested they pass through to the drawing room and leave the men to their brandy. It seemed ill-advised to leave the brothers alone together when they were barely getting along.

  Or maybe her tense nerves made it all seem worse than it was. Every time Marcus shifted in his seat, she jumped a little in her own. She couldn’t even watch his hands move without remembering them stroking her cheek or wrapped around her waist, directing her body in how to move in the ring. Perhaps it was best she followed Sophia away from him. But as soon as they were all in the drawing room, she found herself staring at the dining room’s double doors, willing them to open and for Marcus to come through and take a seat next to her.

  Sophia took the seat instead. “So tell us about London. Was your business a success?”

  “Not exactly.” A dull ache throbbed between her temples. She didn’t feel like talking about London, certainly not about business. She picked up a book from the table next to her, hoping that Sophia might think she intended to read instead of talk, but Sophia perched eagerly on the edge of her chair. “My husband’s solicitor has gone missing,” Eve offered.

  “Missing?” Sophia would not be deterred, especially with the introduction of a mystery.

  “His wife claims he ran off to India, which suits my needs, I suppose. Ben invested our money in a diamond mine there. Perhaps Mr. Strump simply went to investigate or withdraw my funds.” She tried to pass it off as nothing, but the dull ache became a sharper pain. “Sutton took good care of us, though. We had a fine meal at Averford House.”

  “We? Of course. You and Marcus were there together.” Sophia’s eyes flashed with something like concern. “Did you see much of him?”

  “We talked a bit over dinner, and Brandon was with us.”

  “Yes, the boy. What a surprise. No wonder Marcus has been reluctant to leave London these past few years.” Sophia smiled, clearly relieved to find that they were chaperoned. “I hope you spoke of Alice. A little nudge in the right direction?”

  “We did speak of her,” Eve said, feeling her face color a little. They’d spoken of her, but she would never be able to repeat what was said.

  “And, let me guess, you spoke of books. You probably bored each other to tears exchanging quotes and reviews all night long.”

  “No tears, but I think he caught me yawning once.”

  “A wonder he didn’t bring the boy to dinner tonight. The poor thing must be bored and hungry. I’m eager to meet him.”

  “I think he’s acclimating. No need to rush things. Mr. Finch was instructed to bring him a tray.”

  “I must tell Marcus to bring him to dinner tomorrow. No need to keep him hidden away, now t
hat we all know of him.”

  At the piano, Alice began to play, with Agatha seated beside her to turn pages. Eve was grateful for the interruption to their conversation, and even more grateful when Alice hit a series of bad notes, causing Sophia to flee to her sister’s side.

  “Dearest, no. Beethoven sets such a somber tone. Let’s keep it light, shall we?” Sophia started leafing through the sheet music. “Here’s one.”

  “‘Bright Silver Star of Love’? A show tune?”

  “Why not? We need a little fun. And if you feel like it, sing along.”

  “You want me to sing?” Alice paused, hands above the keys.

  “It doesn’t hurt to show off a little.”

  Alice rolled her eyes. “You sound like Mother.”

  Sophia ignored her and had started back across the room when the gentlemen made their appearance. “Marcus, thank goodness you’re here. Alice was just about to sing for us, but she needs a male accompaniment.”

  “I believe Gabriel is your man when it comes to singing. I’m not quite in voice tonight.” Marcus met Eve’s gaze and headed in her direction.

  “Nonsense. Gabriel doesn’t have the spirit for show tunes. Do you, darling?”

  “I believe I could pull it off.” As if accepting a challenge, Gabriel approached the instrument, surprising Sophia and Eve as well. How dare anyone suggest that the earl couldn’t manage something as well as his brother?

  “May I sit, or will I distract you from your reading?” Marcus gestured at the book she held in her lap but had almost forgotten. “Romantic poets? A good choice. I like a little Byron before bed.”

  She hadn’t even realized what book she held until he mentioned it. “Byron’s suitable, but I’m more inclined to Shelley.”

  “Partial to rebels and upstarts, are you?” He arched a brow. “‘She walks in beauty, like the night.’ I don’t think your man Shelley can top that for opening lines.”

  “‘The golden gates of Sleep unbar where Strength and Beauty, met together.’” She smiled at him. “I think Byron has been topped. One man admires beauty. The other seeks to find his equal.”


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