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Thornbrook Park

Page 13

by Sherri Browning

  “Perhaps you’re right. I can see how finding one’s equal would appeal.” He held her gaze.

  Her heart raced. They couldn’t pursue a flirtation in the drawing room, in front of everyone. Her mind flew back to what Lucy had said about the maids noticing how well they looked together. Would Sophia notice, too? Would she be cross with Eve for stealing Marcus’s attentions? Alienating her one friend was not a risk that she could afford to take, not now that her financial stability seemed dubious at best.

  “Byron could have been writing of Sophia, our raven-tressed beauty.” She raised her voice to prove that they weren’t having a private conversation. “Don’t you think?”

  “I have a preference for blondes,” he said, leaning in.

  “I heard my name,” Sophia turned. “What’s this you’re saying about me?”

  “‘She Walks in Beauty,’ the Byron poem?” Eve held up the book. “We think it could have been written about you.”

  “Flatterers!” She accused with a laugh. “What a silly suggestion.”

  “Enough of poems.” Gabriel cleared his throat. “You’ve asked us to sing. Kindly pay attention to our performance.”

  “You’re ready?” Sophia turned back to the piano. “Such a treat! I’m sure we’re all looking forward to it. Agatha, come sit by me.”

  Agatha, who had been roaming the room since Gabriel sat down with Alice at the piano, did as instructed. Marcus took a seat in turn, right by Eve on the sofa.

  The performance began. Only a few notes in, Marcus reached for Eve’s hand and held it discreetly, barely hidden by the volume of her skirt.


  The tension between brothers had been simmering just beneath the surface ever since Marcus’s arrival. He felt it, visceral, a pain throbbing just behind his eyes, threatening to build to explosion. But he couldn’t let it. Gabriel had been surprisingly accepting about Brandon. It was a start. Marcus couldn’t afford to lose his temper and alienate his brother now that Gabriel had offered to help him. Just as he’d started to feel his attitude soften a bit toward his brother, George, the footman acting as Marcus’s valet, showed up with a summons to Gabriel’s office on his breakfast tray.

  “Important matter to discuss?” Marcus read the note and tossed it aside. “I hope he hasn’t changed his mind about Brandon. George, you’d better pack a few things for me, just in case.”

  “In case of what, sir?”

  “A hasty exit, of course.” Marcus laughed. “A private meeting with my brother can only come to no good. I might have to make a run for it back to London.”

  “He seemed in good spirits this morning, if it helps any, sir. I happened to be delivering the freshly pressed newspaper to the breakfast table when he came in whistling a tune.”

  “Whistling a tune? I didn’t think Gabriel knew how to whistle, unless it was just to call his dogs out for the hunt. For that matter, I hadn’t imagined he knew any tunes until last night.” Gabriel had given a capable performance with Alice, though Marcus had barely paid attention. He’d been too busy fighting off the urge to kiss Eve Kendal.

  “I think it was ‘Blow the Man Down,’ sir. Though I could be mistaken.”

  “Huh. Perhaps the old man finally stayed a whole night in his wife’s bed. Or she in his.”

  “Lady Averford came down to breakfast today as well. She doesn’t very much of the time, preferring a tray in her room. She did look rosy-cheeked, if I may say. But then, she always does.”

  “Ah, yes, you’re not immune to my sister-in-law’s charms.”

  George blushed in response.

  “Don’t worry, man. I won’t expose you as an admirer. She’s a beautiful woman. Most men can’t help but notice. I’ve noticed. Fortunately, she’s not my type. Any word on Mrs. Kendal?”

  “She wasn’t at breakfast. I believe she had a tray sent up.”

  “Ah, well. I guess I can’t put it off any longer. Fetch my coat, George. The black one. I’ve an appointment with the earl.”

  Once dressed, he took deep, soothing breaths as he walked, trying to picture the seaside or a sunset or any of a number of comforting images, but all that came to mind was the sight of himself stripped down in the ring, delivering a solid right jab to his opponent, an opponent who looked remarkably like his brother. Though, of course, Gabriel would never engage in any sport that put him on equal terms with the common man.

  “Halloo, Brother,” he said, entering the study without knocking, trying to keep a devil-may-care attitude, though he did care, dammit. When it came to his brother’s opinion of him, he always cared, far too much.

  “Marcus,” Gabriel spun around in his chair like some kind of Machiavellian version of Satan on his throne. “Good to see you. Have a seat.”

  “And if I prefer to stand?”

  “Do as you please. You will anyway.” Gabriel shrugged. “But I don’t mean to be quick.”

  “All right.” Marcus took the seat. “What is it? Clearly, something’s bothering you. Did I not bow and scrape enough upon arrival? Oh, that’s right. You weren’t there to greet me.”

  “I had pressing matters. Running an estate this size takes a fair amount of work, much more work than you’d imagine.”

  “I’m sure it does. I’ve never envied you the possession of it, or the responsibility.”

  Gabriel laughed. “No, I don’t think you ever have. But here’s the thing. The annuity that keeps you in fine style—”

  “I wouldn’t say my style is all that fine.” He straightened his lapels. “I lead a fairly simple life at Averford House.”

  “You haven’t exceeded your income, I’ll give you that.”

  “Damn straight.” Marcus sat up a little taller in the seat.

  “But it could all go away, you know. Poof. Just as easily as it comes.”

  Marcus raised a brow. “The estate’s not in any danger, is it?”

  “It’s not that, no. When you have a wife, Marcus, and your wife wants something very badly, you want to give her what she wants, her heart’s desire. You might understand if you had a wife.”

  “Her heart’s desire? A child? Sophia wants a child, and you can’t quite perform your duties? I would be more than happy to step in for you, old man. We do look enough alike, I suppose, that there would be no question.”

  Gabriel fisted his hands and seemed like he would stand, then kept his seat after all. “Thank you for making this so much easier for me, Marcus. You always do. I do want something from you. And if you aren’t willing to play along, it’s going to cost you.”

  “Cost me? How? What could you possibly want?”

  “As I was saying, it’s what Sophia wants that matters. She wants you to marry her sister, Alice.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Well, she’s hoping you’ll fall in love with Alice and decide you can’t live without her, and all that romance business the women like.”

  “All that romance business? Gabriel, no wonder you were always such a favorite with the ladies.”

  “They do like me.” Marcus’s sarcasm went straight over his brother’s head, as usual. “But what I’m saying is, will you woo and when the time is right, propose to, Lady Alice?”

  “I hardly know Lady Alice. I doubt it. Besides, she’s not to my taste.”

  “Your taste runs more to Mrs. Kendal, I suppose? Don’t think it escaped my notice that you were cozying up to her last night on the sofa. A dashed good thing Sophia didn’t pick up on it.”

  “On what? My sitting next to her friend and engaged in a harmless discussion on books? I thought I was to think of Alice. Now we’re back to Sophia.”

  “On the obvious attraction between you and Eve Kendal.” His brother tossed a rumpled ball of paper at him. “Imbecile. You know what I mean. I want you to marry Alice to please Sophia. She wants to keep her sister close and—”

  “That settle
s it. I’m not the best choice. I would only whisk her away to London and make her miserable.”

  “Where in London? Averford House? I don’t think so. I might convince Mother to let you and your bride have the Dower House permanently, though it would mean taking Agatha on here.”

  “You expect me to marry and stay on the estate, close to you?” Marcus eased forward in his chair.

  “Sophia wishes it. I wish for her to be happy.”

  “Why? Why would Sophia wish such a thing? She knows we don’t get along, and I can guess that you haven’t exactly given me a glowing recommendation as marriage material. She cares for her sister. Wouldn’t she wish for Alice to be happy?”

  Gabriel sighed and drummed his fingers on the desk. “She wants Thornbrook Park to have a proper heir, as do I. She loves it here. Like me, she sees the need to have someone who loves the house as much as we do in line to inherit it. But we have different ideas of how best to go about it. We lost a child, did you know?”

  “Good God, Gabriel.” Marcus felt as though he’d been punched in the gut without warning. “I’m sorry. I had no idea. When?”

  Gabriel stopped drumming and ran a hand through his hair. “Four years ago. You were away. The pregnancy went well. There were no problems. We had no reason to believe—” His voice broke.

  “You don’t have to go on. I know I’m the last person you would choose as a confidante.” Marcus had never felt such a surge of pity for his brother. It was a new and uncomfortable sensation for him.

  “No. You should know. It was a boy. My son. Born healthy, or so it seemed. But Sophia had a terrible time with the delivery. She lost a lot of blood and the doctor was concerned. Mother made herself useful and took turns along with the nurse tending Sophia and the baby. It was Sophia I was worried about. We all were.

  “Meanwhile, this tiny baby, seemingly perfect in every way, died in his sleep on his very first night of life. We didn’t tell Sophia until she seemed strong enough several days later. She was devastated, of course, and furious that no one had told her until after her son was buried. I was only trying to protect her.” When he looked up, Gabriel’s eyes glistened with gathering tears.

  “She forgave you?”

  Gabriel nodded. “But we haven’t been the same, these past four years. She lets me get close only to push me away again. She’s afraid for me to touch her, afraid to risk conceiving in case it should happen again. She couldn’t bear it. I think she sees Alice and you together as our best hope, the two of you being so close a match, blood relatives to us both. Family. If you and Alice were to marry and have a child, it would be the next best thing to Sophia and me having another, with no further risk to her. Thornbrook Park would have an heir, and Sophia would always have her sister close.”

  “But there’s no reason to think it would happen again. Sophia could have an easier time of it. And the baby? Did they ever find out what—”

  “Edward. His name was Edward.”

  “After Father.” Marcus nodded. It was exactly what Gabriel would name his firstborn, the obvious choice.

  “And no, they never did find out what took him. The doctor said it simply happens sometimes with infants. You put them down to sleep and they never wake. There were no signs of suffering or pain, nothing at all wrong with him.”

  “I’m very sorry, Gabriel.”

  “Mother went off to Italy not long after. I think she felt that Sophia blamed her. Mother is the one who settled Edward in his cradle that first night.”

  “I wondered why she’d run off. When you and Sophia married, I thought she would stay around forever simply to make your lives an agony. She hated to think that Thornbrook Park had a new mistress.”

  “At first.” Gabriel smiled at last. “I do believe she’d begun to get used to the idea and life in the Dower House. And then…”

  “You can’t give up, Gabriel. Sophia loves you. And I’ve never seen a man love the way you love Sophia. You fell hard and fast.”

  “Love at first sight. I don’t plan to give up. In fact, I’m in the unusual position of attempting to court my own wife. I’m taking her out for a picnic today.”

  “That kind of love doesn’t simply fade with time. She’ll want you back, if not today, soon. You’ll have an heir. You don’t need me. And what good is it if Alice and I aren’t willing?”

  “Precautionary. It will take the pressure off Sophia to think she has to be the one to produce an heir. Once the pressure’s off, she might have a change of heart. You will be willing, and I’m sure you can win Alice over.”

  Marcus steeled himself. He could feel the tide turning. Gabriel had been warm and forthcoming, but now he had the hard glint back in his sable eyes. “And if not?”

  “As I was saying, about your annuity.” Gabriel pulled a stack of papers from a drawer behind the desk and shoved them in front of Marcus, their father’s will. “Apparently, I control it. I have approval of the entire estate budget from year to year, and your annuity is part of it.”

  “Father figured my annuity into the estate budget? But most of it comes from Grandfather’s legacy.”

  “Which he controlled and added into the estate for ease of management, and which he handed over to me when he left me his heir. I control it all, Marcus, like it or not. And I can simply draw a line through your annuity and it’s gone. Gone.”

  The ache throbbed behind Marcus’s eyes, a steady pounding that went straight to the base of his brain. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Tell me, is your army captain salary enough to support you? If you need to find a new place to live? Will it stretch to take care of that widow and children you’ve taken on as your own personal charity case?”

  Marcus took a calming breath and sat back down. “Dammit, Gabriel, why? What if Alice doesn’t care to play along?”

  “You’re a charming man when you want to be. I’m sure you can persuade her.”

  “We both know you’re bluffing. My inheritance is secure. It’s mine. Any court of law could see it plainly. If you choose to force the point, I could always respond in kind. But let’s not go down that road. I’m your brother and I’m willing to be reasonable.”

  “Oh, a sudden change of heart?” Gabriel picked up the stack of papers and put them back in the drawer.

  “Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t like to find myself at odds with you. I have a proposal that could give us both what we want, no threats necessary.”

  Gabriel nodded. “I’m listening.”

  “I want the farm, Tilly Meadow, for the widow and children you mention. I brought Brandon here to see how he liked it and to help gradually win Mrs. Dennehy over to the idea of retiring and letting the Coopers take over the farm.”

  “I knew there had to be more to it than you getting the boy some work.”

  “I am responsible for the Coopers, and I don’t like the idea of the impressionable youngsters growing up on the streets of London.”

  “Bad influences abound?”

  “It’s not the same when you grow up without a title and the security of a large estate.”

  “No, it wouldn’t be. But Mrs. Dennehy is comfortably settled. I doubt she would be willing to step aside. Her husband died there. They made their whole lives there together. I won’t ask her to leave.”

  “But if I could somehow convince her? I will woo Alice and do my best to win her heart as long as you promise me the farm for the Coopers.”

  “If you can convince Mrs. Dennehy to step aside and you can convince Alice to marry you, then you can do what you like with Tilly Meadow Farm.”

  “Challenges I’m ready to accept,” he said, with a pang of regret for what he was about to lose with Eve—a promising friendship and possibly more. “For the Coopers.”


  When Lucy greeted her with a tray in the morning, Eve thought that Sophia was sleeping in instead o
f going down to breakfast.

  “Thank you, Lucy.” She accepted the tray. “Have you heard if the lady has plans for us today or is she still abed?”

  “You’re at your leisure today. The earl and countess had an early breakfast together and have plans for the afternoon.”

  “Plans?” This was new to her limited experience at Thornbrook Park, the lord and lady having plans together. She thought it a positive development. A married couple should escape for some time alone now and then.

  Nodding quickly, Lucy obviously shared her enthusiasm. “He’s arranged a picnic lunch. They’re to have a carriage ride through the countryside followed by lunch alfresco. They’re not even bringing a footman. The earl himself will manage the horses.”

  “Is it unusual for them to proceed unaccompanied?” Lucy’s excitement told Eve that it probably was.

  “Very unusual, of late anyway. When they were first married, and I was just a kitchen girl, they used to go out alone all the time. Then, gradually less and less until it became a rare thing.” Lucy held her hands in front of her apron and blushed as she spoke, probably embarrassed to be telling tales.

  Eve was glad for the information. She hoped that if they had drifted apart, they could find their way back to each other. But perhaps there hadn’t been a rift and it was simply a matter of them making more time for one another. It wasn’t any of her business, of course, but she wanted Sophia to be happy.

  “A day to myself? What a novelty.” She hadn’t had a day all on her own, without any pressing business, since she left India. “You’re free to go, Lucy. I won’t be needing you until it’s time to get ready for the evening.”

  “Are you sure? You can ring for me later if you need me.”

  “I believe I can manage. But thank you.”

  Not long after Lucy left her and she’d eaten her breakfast, Eve got up to go through her trunk. She found her saris, each swath of bold color a reminder of the daring adventures she’d had. Prama, her maid, had showed her how to drape the fabric around her body. She’d worn the chartreuse on her first and only elephant ride through the village that ended when her ride stopped for a drink and almost tipped her into the stream.


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