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Daddy Wolf's Nanny

Page 38

by Sky Winters

  An almost involuntary groan arose from deep within her as his hot mouth nuzzled against her neck. She arched her hips upward, pushing into his own in an attempt to ease some of the tension that had built so rapidly between her legs. It did nothing to ease the need for him. Her nails dug into his back, pulling him tightly against her as he continued to slowly drive her insane with his touch.

  “Weston,” she said breathlessly, his name coming out as not much more than a gasp.

  “Shhh,” he replied, drawing a single nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. His teeth scraped against it painfully, causing her once again to arch upward against him and dig her nails deeper into his back. It seemed to only encourage him. Everything about him was intoxicating. She couldn’t have dreamed a man into life that could have been more in tune to what she needed.

  “Please,” she begged, his mouth on her driving out all rational thought. All she could think about was her need for him, the ache that permeated her entire being as he relentlessly teased her with his tongue, his teeth, his hot skin against her own.

  Her plea went unanswered as he drifted from one nipple to the other, creating an ever increasing tension that vibrated throughout her being. She had never felt so safe with a man. No man had ever seemed to desire her in quite the same way he did. She was more than happy to hand over control to him, to let him take over in any way that he wanted.

  Even his scent was overpowering. It was earthy, overwhelmingly powerful. It called to her in such a primal way, beckoning to her inner animal to join his and do whatever felt natural without hesitation. She gasped as he tangled his fingers in her hair, tugging at it with a grasp that was hard, almost painful. It brought nothing but more pleasure as she gave into his roughness with wild abandon. Time felt like it stood still as she stepped outside of herself and enjoyed every little nuance of how he was manhandling her in all the right ways.

  “You are perfect,” he moaned as her hand found its way to his cock, slipping her fingers slowly around it as it pressed heavily against her belly. She knew that he was far from wrong. She was anything but perfect, but together they seemed like sexual ideals, as if they were built for one another. His mouth found its way to hers once again, drinking her in, his tongue exploring hers enthusiastically as his hands continued their slow dance along her skin.

  She lay there, looking up at him as he suddenly pulled away and got to his feet, looking down at her. She had forgotten all about her usual self-consciousness about the few extra pounds she carried or any imperfections. Instead she was focused on his perfectly chiseled body and the protruding cock that proved how much he wanted her. Reaching for her legs, he pulled her downward, easily flipping her over with what seemed like unnatural strength. She moaned loudly as he began a slow trail of bites down the center of her back and dug his fingers into the soft cheeks of her ass.

  There was something about what he was doing to her that was filled with just as much tenderness as it was roughness. An emotional reaction seemed to flood over her, sucking her down into a violent pool like you’d find at the bottom of a waterfall. She was completely overwhelmed by feelings for him that were far beyond what she could have ever expected so soon. She felt as if she was spiraled down beneath the water and the only thing for her to hold onto was Weston.

  His large hands slid between her legs, pushing them apart as he knelt at the foot of the bed and lapped at her already dripping pussy. She tensed and dug her fingers into the covers as he alternately licked and sucked at her clit, his fingers teasing her inner walls as he tortured her with making her wait for him.

  “Ohhhhh,” she moaned, no words capable of forming beyond that as her legs began to shake violently with orgasm. Flooding his mouth with her ecstasy, she was given only a few seconds of a reprieve before he brought her to another climax. It was almost more than she could stand, the only words she could now form came in the form of pleas for him to fuck her.

  “Not yet, beautiful. Not yet,” he told her. His words were accented by his sinking his teeth into each of her thighs and then squarely into her swollen, aching pussy. She cried out in pain, enjoying the way it felt as he sucked at her clit until she thought her entire body might just explode with need. She felt helpless as she lay face down on the bed, unable to do anything but allow him to continue the endless teasing.

  She felt so weak, lightheaded. Was it really possible to pass out from having so many explosive orgasms? Just when she thought she might find out, he was flipping her over, sliding her body back upward so that she was squarely on the bed. He rose over her, holding himself up on strong arms, before slipping into her heated center. He made love to her in a rhythm that was hard, but slow and deep. The friction was rivaled only by the hormones that seemed to have taken control of her body, leaving her with no thoughts other than how he felt inside of her.

  Her teeth sank into his shoulder as he quickly brought her to another unexpected climax, her body breaking apart around his throbbing cock as he pulsated inside of her. He returned her vigor by kissing and sucking at the side of her neck without even the slightest change in his perfect rhythm. Her hands found their way downward, digging her nails into his ass as her own hips rose and fell to meet his every thrust. Their bodies slammed violently into one another until his body convulsed against her own, a loud groan of pleasure escaping his lips as his body seized with the force of his own orgasm.

  Sated and content, they fell to each other’s sides and lay silently in the barely lit bedroom, only the light from a nearby outdoor flood light shining through the window. Mandy lay her head in the crook of his arm and he put his arm across her, the weight of it feeling incredibly comforting. She felt so safe in his arms, so complete. Their smells mingled together, creating an imprint that would stay with her in remembering this moment.

  She contemplated what this all meant. Things between them had happened so suddenly, so completely. She had told herself to keep her distance and she had done anything but that. There was no taking this back, pretending they hadn’t crossed some invisible line that no longer allowed them to be just casual in their dating. It frightened her to already be so invested in him, but that fear was quickly overcome by a sort of calmness that seemed to settle over her in his arms. Before she knew it, she was drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Not a concern in the world could penetrate the tranquility left behind by his touch.

  Chapter Nine

  The following morning, Mandy awoke with Weston curled up to her back. His warmth spread along her skin in a way that made her want to do anything but get out of her bed and get dressed for work. Still, she had no choice.

  “Mmm, morning already?” Weston mumbled as she climbed out of bed and began padding across the floor to the bathroom.

  “Yes. I was about to wake you. I wasn’t sure when you had to be in,” she told him.

  “Not long from now,” he laughed, climbing out of bed and walking toward her.

  “Do I need to let you shower first then?” she asked, her words giving way to his kiss as he bent forward to pull her to him. He tasted just as wonderful as he had last night.

  “No. I need to go home and get a clean suit. I’ll just shower there. Let me get going so you can get on with things here and I’ll call you later. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she said, leaning in as he kissed her softly one more time before getting dressed. She drew on her robe and walked him to the front door.

  “It’s going to be a very long day trying to concentrate on my cases when all I can think about is how incredible you feel,” he told her.

  “It won’t be easy to focus on my work either,” she told him, kissing him once more before he had to go.

  Mandy’s paranoid brain half expected him to be a one-night stand. She told herself that he was one of those guys that had only been interested in her because she hadn’t fallen at his feet to begin with. He had said he liked challenges, after all. All day she waffled between smiling as she remembered how his hands felt on her skin, how he felt insi
de her, and grimacing from the anxiety that she might never hear from him again. She had to keep reminding herself that it was just fun and not to make too much of it.

  Still, she breathed a sigh of relief when her phone buzzed that afternoon and she looked to see that he had sent her a text asking how her day was going. She smiled as she returned his message and went back to work. Moments later, she received another one that asked what she was doing tonight. Feeling bold and brazen after last night’s heated encounter, she sent him a simple response.

  “You, hopefully.”

  When nearly an hour went by without a response, she started to worry that she’d been too forward.

  “Sorry, I got tied up unexpectedly. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Mandy didn’t bother to ask what he was picking her up for. Instead, she merely replied that she was looking forward to it already and would see him then. The rest of the day seemed to crawl by as she anticipated seeing him again. As soon as work was over, she raced home to get ready for their date.

  “You look incredible,” he told her, taking in the red dress and heels she wore. “I’m not sure how you’re going to trudge around the lake in that get up, but I’m sure you’ll manage.”

  “What? We’re going back up to the lake?” she asked.

  “No. I’m just yanking your chain. Did you not notice I’m still wearing a suit?” he said with a laugh.

  “Yes, but I thought maybe you came straight from work and were going to change or something.”

  “Tonight, I thought I would take you out for a proper meal at Scalini’s. You must think I’m a cheap date with picnics and free taste tester meals.”

  “It might have crossed my mind,” she laughed.

  “Then I must redeem myself. A nice Italian meal and great bottle of wine should set the record straight.”

  “It depends. You aren’t going to use a coupon at dinner, are you?”

  “Funny, very funny,” he told her, kissing her on the lips and smiling down at her. “Are we ready to go? I don’t mean to rush you, but I have reservations for seven-thirty. They tend to be busy, so I had to pull some strings. If we’re late, they’ll just give our table away and we’ll end up eating at some fast food restaurant.”

  “Then, let’s go. I can’t have you taking me to the Chicken Snack Shack for dinner.”

  “No, you cannot,” he said.

  As the days passed, it seemed like things were only getting better between the two of them. Mandy no longer thought about her fears of being abandoned or mistreated. Weston was perfect for her in ways that she had always know Cameron was not. She had accepted her ex with all his faults, but she now knew just how much better things could be. Before she knew it, Halloween was just around the corner and they were making plans to celebrate it.

  “There’s a fantastic haunted tour down at the old carnival grounds. I thought we could go check that out and then head off to the afterhours Halloween party at The Restoration.”

  “The Restoration? Isn’t that the old monastery they turned into a night club?”

  “Yes. That’s the place. They have the best Halloween party there every year, but we’ll have to get really inventive with our costumes. There’s a contest and I want to win it!”

  “So, you won’t be going in a sheet?”

  “No. We’ll have to do much better than that. I wasn’t going to that party, originally. I decided to go at the last minute. That’s how my old bedsheet ended up as my costume. Wait until you see how into costumes I can get.”

  “You pulled the sheet off quite nicely.”

  “The hell I did. You rejected me and left me there to cry in my drink.”

  “Right. I’m sure you were devastated.”

  “I was. You’ve no idea,” he said as he opened the car door for her to get in and then closed it behind her before getting in on the driver’s side. They were headed to the lake, something that they had decided would become their usual Saturday afternoon thing.

  “I have no idea what sort of costume to wear that might win us a prize,” she continued as he sat down behind the wheel.

  “Well, we don’t have long to come up with something. How about we take a trip into the city center after we leave the lake to get some ideas.”

  “Sounds good,” she told him, reaching for his hand as he pulled out of the parking garage and headed down the road.

  They were hiking up to the overlook where they had looked down at the lake on their previous trip when Weston turned to her, looking very serious. She looked up at him, wondering what he had on his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” he told her.

  Mandy felt her breath catch in her throat. Her heart seemed to stop for a moment at the thought that he might say something that would end what felt like pure magic between them.

  “About what?” she said slowly.

  “I love spending time with you, Mandy. You’re so incredible,” he began.

  “Okay. Just stop there. Did you bring me all the way up to the lake to dump me? You could have just done this on my doorstep so I didn’t have to ride back home with you.”

  “What? No. God, no, Mandy. That’s not it at all. I think you are absolutely perfect. There is just something I haven’t told you and I don’t know how you’ll react to it. It’s not exactly something I can tell just anyone and I should have already told you. I just haven’t known how to prepare you for it. Honestly, I’ve been afraid that when I tell you, you won’t want to see me anymore and so I guess I’ve put it off so I didn’t risk losing you.”

  “For God’s sake, Weston. You’re babbling. Just get it over with and tell me what you need to say!”

  “I’ll just spit it out. I’m a wolf shifter.”

  “You’re kidding,” she said, staring at him.

  “No. I’m afraid that I’m not. Most people don’t really even believe we exist. It’s become more common lately with more and more of us coming out and being open about it, but I’ve been forced to keep mine a bit more private due to my occupation. Some people view shifters in a way that could hurt my position as a partner at the firm.”

  “That’s your big secret?” she asked incredulously.


  “Okay. Well, I guess that I’ll be honest with you too. My ex was a shifter. I met him on the ComeShift dating site.”

  “There’s a site dedicated to dating shifters?” he asked, seeming more surprised by that than by her admission.

  “Yes, there is. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it.”

  “Well, I’ve never been one for dating sites. I’m surprised you would be on one.”


  “You’re such an incredible woman. I can’t imagine why you’d have to go to a dating site to find someone.”

  “A friend suggested it. I wasn’t having very much luck meeting anyone on my own,” she said, feeling a little embarrassed.

  “Why a shifter site?”

  “I don’t know. I heard that shifters were different, more loyal than other men, but that’s obviously not true.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “My ex, the one I met on there. He was anything but loyal and certainly no different from a lot of the men I know.”

  “I see,” he said, his voice trailing off.

  Mandy wondered if he was more bothered by not having been the first shifter she had been involved with or her mention of an ex. Perhaps he felt like he wasn’t anything special to her since he wasn’t a novelty to her like he might be to some women. Men were always so prideful about some things.

  “Listen, let’s not talk about the sad stories of exes. I’m with you now and that’s all that matters. I think that you being a shifter is incredible, but I’m happy with what kind of man you are, no matter what. I’ve felt more alive with you in the past few weeks than I’ve ever felt with anyone during my entire life.”

  “I feel the same way. I don’t se
e any end to this,” he replied. They’d reached overlook and the sun glared down on the water, sending shards of beautiful light dancing across its surface, but Mandy barely had any time to take it in before Weston was kissing her Weston pulled away from her and brushed a strand of hair away that had fallen over one eye.

  “It’s cool up here today,” she said, a shiver running across her skin.

  “I guess I’ll have to keep you warm then,” he told her, pulling her closer. Pretty soon, they were oblivious to anything around them, risking being caught as they undressed one another in the bright light of day. The lake wasn’t heavily populated with visitors this time of year, since it had begun to grow colder.

  A moment of fear ran through her as a cool gust of wind blew across her bare nipples, instantly hardening them. They burned with anticipation as they pushed against his bare chest out in the open air and she wanted him in the worst way. Still, they were barely out of the public eye.

  “Weston, we can’t. Someone might see us.”

  “Then they’re in for one hell of a show,” he told her.

  Pulling her toward the flat surface of a nearby rock, he lay flat on the cool slate and guided her down on top of him. He was already hard and she fit onto him like a perfectly molded inlet. Her feet braced on either side of the rock, firmly on the ground below them as he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her down on top of him so hard that it felt like the mushroomed head of his cock was locked into her womb. She cried out as a little pain shot through her center.

  “Be careful. Someone might hear you,” he said with a smile.

  Mandy bit her lip and looked down at him, her hands roaming across his flat abdomen as he began pulling her upward again, slowly and deliberately. The friction from her inner walls stretching and constricting with his movements was incredible. Then he was slipping her downward, closing his eyes as he was almost fully buried inside her again. Her hands instinctively moved toward her own breasts, her fingers pulling and twisting her nipples. He opened his eyes and smiled, watching her touch herself as he guided her up and down the length of his cock with perfect timing.


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