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Daddy Wolf's Nanny

Page 39

by Sky Winters

  “I love watching you do that. Move one hand down to your clit. Make yourself come for me,” he told her and she obeyed his simple command. Leaving one hand to tease her breasts, she let her other hand slide downward. Her fingers trailed over clit, already sensitive from the friction of his cock rubbing against it. Her body convulsed as she easily pushed herself over the edge, not once but twice, her head tossed backward and her eyes closed. She was aware of nothing around them but the sensations of what her body was feeling.

  “So beautiful. Don’t stop. Keep going,” he told her.

  Their bodies rose and fell with one another as she continued to repeatedly bring herself to climax. She couldn’t remember ever being so turned on. Whether it was the daring of being outdoors or of showing off for him while he watched, it was mind-numbingly erotic. She had lost complete control to his will. Cool air blew across their naked bodies once more, sending with it the mingled scent of the woods, the earth, the soil, the leaves. It was utter perfection.

  Their moans blended together, drifting along the winds to places unknown as he hastened his pace, pounding heavily into her. It pushed her over the cliff to yet another powerful orgasm and this time he joined her with his own eruption. The feel of his pulsating cock as it spasmed with release, coupled with the strain and then calm that graced his face, seemed like something from a dream. She tried to memorize every nuance of this moment before it was gone.

  “I think I may have dislocated my hip,” he laughed as she pulled away from him and watched him slowly get up from the rock below him.

  “That’s too bad. I don’t think I can carry you back down the slope,” she teased.

  “We might be stuck here then,” he replied, limping a little as he walked naked toward her and pulled her into his arms.

  “That would be such a shame. Stuck out in the woods with a gorgeous, naked man. Whatever will we do to pass the time until we’re rescued?” she asked.

  “I’m sure we’ll think of something,” he said, bending down to kiss her.

  Mandy quickly became lost in him again, enjoying the way his tongue darted across her own, exploring her, tasting her. She felt like she could spend forever just kissing him, their skin pressed against one another beneath the warmth of the sun. Weston’s fingers wandered downward, his nails grazing softly across one nipple as they traveled along. She gasped aloud, never taking her eyes off his as he found her clit and began to stroke it, taking advantage of its already overly sensitive state.

  “It is so beautiful to watch how your eyes darken when you get excited. The way you bite your lip when you’re trying to hold back. I could spend days just teasing and pleasing you until you are nothing more than a pile of come-saturated mush.”

  “You do quite a good job of that as it is.”

  “And I intend to continue doing so at every opportunity.”

  Her body jerked as he found just the right spot and exploited it with one deft finger. She was quite literally putty in his hand, shuddering with an orgasm. His strokes increased, two more of his fingers slipping inside her as his thumb manipulated her clit with precision. She trembled, having to lean against him for support as her knees weakened and buckled beneath her.

  “I love making you weak in the knees.”

  “You must, you seem to keep me that way,” she panted as another wave of orgasmic bliss rocketed through her body and caused her to collapse against his chest breathlessly.

  “You are perfection personified,” he told her, pulling free of her and kissing her softly on the top of her head as she leaned against him.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled against his chest, unable to manage more than that.

  “We best get dressed and head to the shop, I suppose,” he told her.

  “Okay,” she replied, disappointed that they couldn’t stay here lost in one another longer, but it would begin to get even cloder with the afternoon passing and it wasn’t as if they could remain naked in woods forever.

  Later, still basking in the afterglow of their risqué outdoor adventures, Cameron and Mandy perused the costumes in the Halloween shop. Mostly everything in the place was fairly generic, but one costume stood out to the both of them and they agreed it could be adapted to something much more original and more likely to win a contest. They gathered everything they would need together and took it to the register to check out.

  “Mandy?” a voice said from behind as Weston was paying for their items.

  Mandy froze at the sound of his voice. She hadn’t heard from him since the day he’d left her apartment and hadn’t seen him since the Halloween party. Turning around to face him, her face remained just as stony as she felt towards him these days.

  “Cameron,” she said simply.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he said, taking a step toward her. She noted that he had a red cape draped over his arm. His face curled up into a momentary snarl, as if noting something that smelled distasteful to him. It took her a moment to realize what it was. With his heightened sense of smell, of course he could smell the scent of Weston still clinging to her, within her. In an odd way, it pleased her for him to know that she had unequivocally moved on.

  “Sure,” she said nonchalantly as Weston turned toward her with their bags and took her hand. Cameron’s eyes narrowed, taking in the new man in her life. “Listen, we have to get going. Take care.”

  “Wait. Can I call you later? I’d like to talk to you,” he said, disregarding Weston’s presence.

  “No. We have nothing left to talk about,” she replied, pulling Weston’s hand toward the door as a silent request to leave. He didn’t question her, but made his way through the throngs of people shopping and out to their car. As they climbed inside, Mandy looked up to see Cameron standing outside the shop, watching them drive away.

  “That was him,” Weston said, his voice terse.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Do I need to be concerned with that at all?’ he asked.

  “Not in the least little bit,” she told him.

  “Good,” he replied, patting her hand lightly with his before grasping in to hold on their way back to her apartment. Nothing more was said about the encounter, which was good. It changed nothing between the two of them. It mattered not in the least bit to her that Cameron had suddenly materialized after all this time, at least that’s what she tried to tell herself.

  Mandy turned the conversation toward something else, acting as if the encounter hadn’t bothered her. On one level it hadn’t. She found that she no longer felt anything for him, but the situation with seeing him while with Weston had been awkward and she hated that. Hopefully, Weston knew that there was nothing left there and wouldn’t let the thought fester. If Cameron somehow managed to ruin her current relationship the same way he had managed to ruin the one she had with him, she would be livid.

  “I’m going to have to sleep at home tonight,” Weston told her back at her place. I have to be up early in the morning to go to a client’s hearing over in a different county.”

  “Okay,” Mandy replied, now worrying that the encounter had already caused a rift between them.

  “Mandy, it has nothing to do with seeing your ex this afternoon. I promise,” he told her, pulling her chin up so that she was facing him.

  “Promise?” she replied, not denying that he was correct about her thoughts.

  “I promise. As a matter of fact, why don’t you come over to my place tomorrow night and we’ll work on our costumes before I ravage that delicious body of yours again. You haven’t spent the night at my place since we’ve met. Seems like we always end up here. I’ll even sweeten the pot. I’ll make you dinner.”

  “That sounds wonderful on all accounts,” she said, feeling much more at ease now.

  Not only was he okay about the incident today, but he was letting her into his life on yet another level. She was already looking forward to spending the night at his place. Though she had been there a couple of times, she had never stayed for long. It wa
s usually just a matter of ducking in to pick up something and heading back out again. Still, after he left, she found that she had a feeling of unease. It was the first night he hadn’t stayed with her since the first time they had made love. She tried not to think about what had happened with Cameron not returning, but it was difficult, especially with having just seen him.

  The main difference in the situation was that, unlike the abandonment she had experienced with Cameron, Weston made sure she knew he was still thinking about her. He texted her several times before bedtime and again the following morning while she was getting ready for work. She kicked herself for even thinking he would do anything like Cameron had done to her and then grew annoyed with herself for even considering anyone could be as cold as her psycho ex.

  Having her usual lunch with Kellye, she gushed about how good things were going with Weston, but then told her about running into Cameron at the Halloween store. Kellye rolled her eyes and shook her head in disgust.

  “I can’t believe he even had the audacity to speak to you after all this time. You know he’s been seeing several of the girls that work at the art gallery that exhibits most of his work. He’s not much better than a dog in heat these days. Best thing he ever did for you was leave, the bastard.”

  “I agree. I felt nothing when I saw him other than feeling weird about Weston being with me. You know, I always told myself that if I saw him, I would have a whole list of vile things to say to him but when the time came, I didn’t even feel like saying anything to him. It wasn’t just because Weston was there. I just had nothing to say to him.”

  “That’s good. It shows that he truly does mean nothing to you anymore. Why should he after what he did? We both know that Weston is twice the man he will ever even think of being. He’s so much better for you than Cameron ever would have been.”

  Mandy nodded in agreement, reaching for her phone as it began to buzz on the table. She picked it up and groaned loudly, holding it out for Kellye to read.

  “That man must have balls the size of a small planet,” Kellye said, reading the message from Cameron.

  “I’m so sorry that I left you the way I did. Seeing you yesterday only made me realize just what a mistake I had made. I miss you, Mandy. Can we please talk this out? I want to come home, baby.”

  “I’m just not going to respond. I don’t have time for his bullshit. The only reason he wants me now is because he saw that someone else has taken what he thinks is his. He thought I’d spend the rest of my life in abject misery, mourning the loss of the great Cameron. He can see how it feels to have your texts go unanswered just like I did when he ignored me.”

  “That a girl,” Kelley told her, taking a bite of her sandwich. They continued their meal, talking even as the phone buzzed a few more times. “Is that still him?” Kellye finally asked as Mandy glanced at the phone’s notifications and ignored the messages.

  “Yes. He’s on a messaging tirade, I guess.”

  “He’s a freaking psycho is what he is. Make sure you stay far away from him, Mandy. There’s something wrong with him. He’s unbalanced.”

  “Nah. He’s harmless. He’s just pissed off because he put his candy down and some other kid took it while he was off on the merry go round. He’ll get over it and leave me alone once he sees I’m not going to come running back to him begging for his affection.”

  “Maybe. Just be careful. I’ve heard stories about him from some of the women he’s been seeing since you split and he’s got some psychological issues.”

  “I’m not sure that being an asshole can really be elevated to the level of calling it a psychological issue. Like I said, he just can’t stand having someone take something that he feels is still his, even if he did drop it and walk away.”

  Kellye scowled at her and went back to eating her lunch, changing the subject to something a little lighter even as Mandy’s phone continued to buzz sporadically.

  They finished their lunch and returned to their offices. Over the course of the afternoon, Mandy’s phone buzzed several times, each time with increasingly needy messages from him. By the time five o’clock rolled around, she had put her phone on silent to keep it from going off constantly. Remembering that it was on mute, she reached for it again in her car and looked. There were over a dozen messages from Cameron and one from Weston. She read the only one that mattered and replied, telling Weston she would see him in an hour.

  Flipping through the remaining messages quickly before pulling out of her parking spot, she felt more than a little alarmed. They went from sweet and begging her to talk to him to hateful and insulting. A couple were even borderline threatening. She refused to let him get to her, putting her phone in her purse and ignoring it again. Prior to arriving at Weston’s, she turned it off completely. Cameron was ancient history and he wasn’t going to resurrect himself in any way.

  “Ah, you are a sight for sore eyes,” Weston told her, pulling her inside the door and kissing her when she arrived. “I had the worst time trying to sleep without you last night. I should have just stayed with you and gotten up a bit earlier to make the trip to see my client. Does that sound too clingy?”

  “No, not even close,” she said, hugging him tightly.

  All the messages from Cameron faded into nothing as she quickly forgot about him. She and Weston sat discussing what they wanted to do to improve their costumes as he worked at making dinner. Mandy sat at the breakfast bar situated between his kitchen and dining room and made notes about what they would need to finish them up as they talked. By the time the food was ready, they had a solid plan as to what they wanted to do and plans to pick up the rest of what they needed the following afternoon so they could put it together that night.

  “If this doesn’t win us a prize, then the contest is rigged,” he laughed.

  “I have to agree with you on that,” she replied, putting the notes aside and setting the table while he moved the food over to it.

  “Dinner is served, madam,” he said playful with a slight bow and flourish.

  “It smells delicious,” she replied, impressed by the perfectly roasted lemon pepper chicken and sautéed vegetables he had prepared with a side of rice pilaf. It wasn’t a complicated meal, but it certainly looked appetizing.

  “Hopefully, it will be,” he replied, sitting across from her at the table.

  Of course, it was just as good as it looked and he finished off the meal with a nice slice of cheesecake he had been hiding in the fridge. It was the best dessert she had tasted in a while, with drizzles of caramel crisscrossing delicately across it and a dab of whipped cream on top. She loved the way that Weston didn’t seem to mind that she was a few pounds heavier than she should be. Unlike Cameron, who would say little things like asking whether she should really be eating that slice of cake or suggesting she might prefer a salad instead of a full plate of whatever they were eating.

  Instead, Weston seemed to not only accept her just as she was, but honestly seemed to like it. His hands often lingered on her curves, caressing her softly in an appreciative way that a man couldn’t fake. It only made her feel more wanted, more content, to be with someone who accepted her without reservations. He had no desire to see her in a size two, something she had never been and never would be. She was comfortable with her size and it was good to be with someone who was just as pleased with her slightly full figured shape.

  “This is incredible. I can’t believe you made it!” she said, pulling herself from her thoughts.

  “What? You’re doubting my cooking skills?”

  “No, of course not. It’s just so yummy. Where did you find time after work to make something so fabulous?”

  “Okay. I confess. Beth made it and had Jacob drop it by as a gift. I didn’t make it at all,” he laughed.

  “Ah, Beth. She and Jacob are fabulous cooks. Still, I’m shocked at your deceit!” she laughed.

  “I know. I’m a bad, bad man. Want another slice?”

  “Oh, no way. I am stuffed!”

  “How about a nice glass of wine while we relax on the sofa then?”

  “That sounds perfect,” she told him, getting up from the table to help him clear away the dishes. They loaded everything in the dish washer and then retreated to the living room with a bottle of red and two glasses. The night passed quietly after that, with the two of them curled up against one another as they talked about things they wanted to do in the coming year.

  “I’d like to travel a bit over the holidays if you’re up for it. Do you have any time off from your work?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ve hardly taken a vacation for years. I have almost six weeks accrued, so plenty of available days to use up however I want.”

  “Fantastic. Where do you want to go?”

  “Maybe Paris. I’ve never been,” she said hopefully.

  “Paris sounds perfect. We’ll start looking at flights and hotels, get a trip planned. I also want to go to Greece and Germany. Hopefully we can squeeze them all in while things are a bit slower. I tend to have more time around the holidays than the rest of the year. People are more focused on family than business.”

  “We are pretty steady year round, but I have backups at work. They can fill in for any time that I’m away.”

  “Good to know. We’re going to have a fantastic time. We’ll have to make a list of all the things we want to do there and plan it all out. I’m a hopeless planner.”

  “I can live with that. There’s nothing worse than going somewhere and ending up missing half of the truly special places because you waste so much time trying to figure out where to go and what to do instead of actually doing it.”

  “Exactly! You and I are so in tune with one another that it’s frightening. I’m so glad that I found you. I know it must seem quick how things have happened between us, but I’ve been holding back for days in saying what I really want to say every time I look at you. I love you, Mandy.”


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