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Seize Me

Page 13

by Crystal Spears

  Of all the things to say, he starts with that.

  “Well I tried calling, but I can see that you were busy,” she says wiping her eyes with our hands still laced together.

  “I didn’t hear my phone,” He pulls it outta his pocket and looks down before looking back at her.

  “Doesn’t matter. We’re done,” she says trying to walk away.

  “We’re not done baby. I fucked up. You’re always on that club lockdown shit. I get lonely.”

  Oh, wrong thing to say dude. Wrong thing to say.

  “So you cheat on a biker’s daughter? You cheat on a Breakneck daughter. You’re all kinds of smart.” She smirks. “Well gotta go. I have a daddy and a lot of uncles to let know that I’m broken hearted.” She waves leaving Haden wide mouthed stupefied.

  “Fuck,” he screams.

  “You did awesome.” I laugh.

  “It still really hurts. I’m being strong like you Winter,” she mumbles.

  “Nothing wrong with a little show,” I say. “Not everyone needs to know what’s going on in that pretty little head. Your thoughts and feelings are your own. Always remember that.”

  “Thank you, Winter.”

  “Anytime,” I reply as we walk to the parking lot.

  Tatiana was silent the entire drive. I would be too if I found out my boyfriend of two years was cheating on me while my family was on lockdown for safety.

  She leaves everything in the car but her purse as she flies into the clubhouse and I’m hot on her trails. It’s about to get ugly.

  “He fucking cheated on me daddy! All because he was lonely from me being on lockdown all the time,” she screams.

  “Don’t fucking curse at me, Tatiana,” ZZ yells back.

  “Don’t curse? Do you see what I’ve grown up around.” She whisks her hand around the club. “He cheated daddy, so you don’t have to worry about me screwing anymore guys in the backseat of cars anytime soon. I gotta heal my broken heart and all,” she yells. “Oh, and I’m not going away for school. I’m staying here and attending the nursing college. Eat that dear ol’ daddy.” She crosses her arms and ZZ’s face turns bright red with anger.

  “The fuck if you are. Tatiana, I want you away from all this shit!”

  Oh boy!

  “You want me away from my family? Dad, I’m staying.” She flops down on the couch. “Who in the hell is that?” she whispers.

  And of course, my attention is reverted to what she’s talking about. And there with Braxxon is a guy around my age, maybe a little younger, with a Breakneck cut on.

  “He’s from another Chapter; he transferred. He didn’t wanna go nomad, so the club voted to take him. Why the hell am I explaining myself to you?” ZZ shakes his head in disbelief.

  The new guy is pretty hot. Hot isn’t a good enough word. Sexy is more like it. The man looks like a sexy dark demon from hell. Coal black hair, bright blue eyes, and taunt muscles show through his shirt underneath his cut and he just so happens to be tall.

  “Daddy, name please,” she whines.

  “Shadow. Jesus, you give me whiplash child.”

  Tatiana winks at me, which in girl code means I’ll be just fine now. And all I can think about is what will happen to hot Shadow if he falls for ZZ’s daughter. I almost get lost in my thoughts as Braxxon walks Shadow over to us.

  “Angel, Tatiana, this is Shadow. Shadow, that’s Angel.” He points to me. “That’s ZZ’s daughter, Tatiana.” He points to her, and when Shadow’s gaze meets hers, I swear the girl blushes rose red.

  “Nice to meet ya, ladies,” he drawls and I almost melt in my panties. This man is from the Deep South.

  “Uh… yeah nice to meet you too.” Tatiana’s words tumble out.

  “So another new member huh?” I smirk at Braxxon.

  “Well yeah baby. I gotta get a few more transfers because the prospects aren’t shaping up fast enough and with all this other shit…” He trails off because of Tatiana listening.

  “Fuck this; I’m going to the basement.” She gets up stomps off.

  “What’s her problem?” Braxxon asks.

  “Well while we were out shopping, she caught Haden cheating on her, and his excuse was the club always has her on lockdown.”

  “That son of a bitch,” Braxxon growls.

  “Mmm…,” I say as I eye Shadow up and down.

  “Don’t even think about it, Angel,” Braxxon warns before looking at Shadow. “She’s mine. If she so much as looks at you, you better fucking tell me.”

  What the hell?

  “Prez,” he says curtly as if in agreement.

  “Really… I can’t even look now.” I fake whine with a smile. “Braxxon, you’re killing me, baby. Just killing me.”

  “I gotta show Shadow around a little more. He’s never been to the MC before. I’ll see ya later, Angel.” He kisses me on the forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than they should. I suspect it’s for appearances because Shadow is around my age. “Oh and Lana wants you in the slam room.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I walk towards the room.

  It’ll be good to talk with her because she’s been too busy taking care of the poor little Pyro day in and day out. I knock, and she yells come in.

  “Hey bitch,” I say, shutting the door behind me and jumping on the bed. “What’s up?”

  “I was thinking, and I want to run something important by you.”

  “Okay let’s hear it,” I say all ears.

  After I get Shadow situated into his apartment and get the prospects to carry in his shit, I go looking for Angel. I thought maybe she would still be in the slam room with Lana, but they’re both sitting at the bar instead.

  I walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her neck, and nuzzle her hair. She always smells so delectable, fucking delicious.

  “Hey babe,” she coos.

  “What’s up, Angel?” I unwrap my arms and walk behind the bar so I can see Lana and Angel at the same time.

  “So, Lana came up with an idea that I’m in love with, but this is your county, so I thought we would run it by you first.”

  Fuck me!

  “And…,” I trail on as I pour us some shots.

  “We wanna start a strip joint here, but not a dirty one, a classy one,” Angel says nervously.

  I’m stoked with this idea. That means Angel has to start building a life closer to me. I smirk and take my shot.

  “I’m sure the brothers would be cool. I’ll have them vote on it in chapel later.”

  “Really? That easy?” Lana asks in shock.

  “Well yeah. You both are exotic dancers, and if you own the place, you both might not dance as much right?”

  Please? I pray.

  “Just sometimes,” Angel says.

  “Thank fuck,” I breathe too loudly.

  Now they need somewhere they can call home. I walk to the chapel and snatch up some keys and walk back to the girls.

  “On one condition,” I say.

  “What is it?” Angel sighs.

  “You both move into one of the club houses. There’s one that has five bedrooms and six baths. It’s in the middle of nowhere. It sits on thirty acres of dry land. We normally use it for family coming in. There’s also a small guest house by the pool where I can have security there during bat shit crazy times,” I say as I twirl the key around on my finger.

  “Pool,” Lana squeals.

  “Yes… pool.” I roll my eyes at her. She’s adorable, and it’s no wonder she’s got Pyro wrapped around her finger.

  “Wait… what’s the rent?” Winter asks me.

  “You’re my ol’ lady. I ain’t having you pay me fucking rent. Are you trying to insult me?”

  “I’m your ol’ lady? Since when?” she asks.

  “Since I spotted you in white wearing a pair of wings,” I say seriously.

  “I sorta more than care about you,” she whispers.

  “I sorta more than care about you, too.”

  C’mon Angel, it’s
not that hard to say. It’s a four-letter word, and it starts with L. Why won’t she say it? Better yet, why won’t I? This not getting laid shit is screwing with my mind. I’m not trying to pressure her, but damn if I’m not craving that body of hers and the way my cock feels inside of it.

  “Prospects and Shadow c’mere,” I holler out.

  Shadow walks up with the prospects. “Go to Angel and Lana’s apartment, pack up all their belongings, and do it nicely. If one thing gets broken, Shadow here is to smack you upside the fucking head. Am I clear?” They nod. “And then take it all to the five bedroom home. Don’t be sniffen their damn panties and shit either. Respect their belongings.”

  “Prez.” They agree.

  “Shadow, make sure shit gets done right. These two mean a lot to the club.” I motion to the girls.

  “No problem, Prez,” he drawls.

  I watch them walk away and out the door to the middle of the compound. I turn my attention back to the girls who are smiling so damn bright. I tease them by pulling my shades over my eyes.

  “Pyro is gonna be over the moon.” I laugh at Lana who’s face does a one eighty.

  “Shit, I gotta go check on him,” she groans and takes off faster than a speeding bullet.

  “You seem like you’re enjoying the moving counties and club idea and all.” Winter grins at me.

  What’s not to like or enjoy? She’s going to be closer to me and let’s face it; I have this addiction to her that I can’t seem to shake. At first, I’ve even contemplated that it was because I haven’t fucked her outta my system yet because we’ve barely done any of that, but then again it’s just her. My hell’s angel.

  “It means I have access to that pussy anytime I want,” I whisper low.

  “Fucking jackass.” She shoves at my shoulder. “I think Lana has something more going on that she’s not telling me. I know she still can’t be blaming herself for this shit storm. She and Pyro are making me fucking dizzy.” Angel cringes when she says the word dizzy, and fuck if that doesn’t make me wanna kick myself in my own balls.

  “She’ll talk to you soon enough,” I say. I don’t know how to talk to the ladies about their BFF problems and shit. I’m a fucking biker who deals drugs and fucks. I don’t converse.

  “So you guys want a large club or a small one?”

  “A big one baby, an oh so big one.” She bats her eyelashes at me causing me to groan. Fuck with this teasing shit.

  “Will I get to fuck you in your office?”

  “If you’re a good little boy.” She winks. “I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit. Meet me there in one hour and not sooner. And knock before you come in.” She points out with a stern but sexy face.

  My brows pull together as I watch her walk away. Well what the hell. She is so damn cryptic and shit.

  I walk to the fridge, pull out a beer, and strut over to the couch. What the fuck to do for an hour? I can tell you that this entire hour, my dick is gonna be standing tall, wondering what the fuck my Angel is up too.

  “Yo Prez, what’s up?” Sniper plops down next to me.

  “Waiting an hour,” I grumble taking a gulp of my beer.

  “What for?”

  “Angel is up to something,” I groan using my free hand to run through my hair.

  “I would say she’s up to something because she was out spray painting something red the other day.”

  “Spray painting? What the fuck could she be spray painting?”

  See, she’s a cryptic fucking girl.

  “Hell if I know. She healed up yet?”

  I grimace, and he laughs. “I take that as a no. Give it time brother. She’s a strong girl and I bet when she finally does, she is going to blow your fucking mind.”

  She already has repeatedly, just not lately but I don’t tell him that. I don’t like him thinking about my Angel being fucking naked. Shit burns my mind knowing others have seen her naked but I know if they start this club, I better get used to the idea again and fucking quick.

  “We got a few more snowball lines. We’re gonna go run them up to Petra if you don’t care.”

  Hell no, I don’t care; my Angel is being playful and is up to something.

  “Go for it.”

  I shot the shit with Sniper for the entire hour, and I know I must look like I’m on crack or something. My nerves are anxious as shit as I walk up the stairs. I stop at the second to the last step as I hear Grind On Me playing. I haven’t heard that song in forever, and now my dick is so damned hard thinking about what lies behind my closed door. I adjust myself as I knock. She doesn’t say anything she cracks the door, hands me a blindfold and shuts the door. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what she wants me to do with it. I’ll play my Angel’s little game. I smirk as I wrap it around my eyes and tie it tight in the back. I knock again signaling that I did what she wanted. I hear the door open, and her delicious fucking smell smacks me. I want to double over and groan. This bitch does things to me. Her small delicate hand wraps around my right bicep as she pulls me up the remaining two steps and into the room. I hear the door click shut behind me and she leads me across my apartment quarters and sits me in a chair. She restarts the song and I want to rip this blindfold off because she was probably just practicing before I came up. Her heavenly voice tells me that I can take off the blindfold now, and I don’t bother untying the motherfucker. I just rip it right off.

  My eyes go wide, and I gulp like a little pussy boy when I spot my Angel in front of me with her back turned to me. She’s spray painted her wings red and wrapped her body in leather straps. She peeks over her shoulder and with a wink, she starts dancing to the music. I start bouncing my foot. I don’t think I can sit here and let her tease me like this. I want her, and I want her now. Winter seems to understand my predicament because as her body turns to face mine, her nipples peek through as she shakes her finger back and forth. My fucking hell’s angel! Hot fucking damn!

  When she comes to dance right in front of me it takes every ounce of patience I have left in my body not to snatch her up and sit her right on my cock. As she slowly dances for me she un-wraps the leather straps, dropping them to the floor. She’s so damn stunning.

  “I can be your hell’s angel baby, but right now I just wanna be your Winter,” she whispers as the last strap falls and she strips off her wings, tossing them to the side.

  Fuck Me!

  I strip my freshly painted red wings off and toss them to the side before I walk over to Braxxon and straddle his lap. His hands instinctively go straight to my hips as I begin to grind on him. Braxxon bends his head down and runs his tongue along my scar, causing me to shiver. I feel his smile against my skin and his cock pressing hard against my core. I wanted to do this slow and be able to drive him crazy, but it’s just driving me bananas. I run my fingers underneath his cut and slide it off. I scratch at his chest as I work his tee shirt off and over his head.

  “In a hurry baby?” He chuckles.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  Braxxon’s head goes to the crook of my neck where he licks and sucks as one of his hands trail up my body. His touch is like crack; his hands created to drive women crazy.

  “How does my Winter want it?” he growls huskily into my skin.

  I press my cheek to his, bringing my lips to his ear. “Slow.”

  Braxxon lets out another growl as he lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist as he stands, walks us over to the bed, and lays me back gently. I hear the sound of his boots hitting the floor and his belt and zipper before he’s naked in front of me. He’s so damn sexy it should be illegal. His gray eyes are holding me, caging me like an animal as his hands trail up my legs, stopping at my thighs. I close my eyes as his body hovers over mine. It’s almost too much. His touch mixed with his gray gaze. When the tip of his cock positions itself at my core I bite my lip and hard from nervousness and excitement.

  “Hit me with the gold, baby.”

  Oh god. I open my eyes, and he’s staring down at me as h
e slowly enters. His gray eyes trained on my gold ones. Braxxon moves at a pace so slow I would almost think he’s making love to me. His eyes leave mine and travel the length of my scar that almost matches his and I grip his cheek hard bringing his gaze back to mine.


  He shakes whatever thought he was having out as I wrap one of my legs around his hip. I need him deeper.

  “Winter,” he moans closing his eyes.

  My name mixed in with his moan is so satisfying. This man has slept with hundreds of women and yet my touch, my body can do that to him. I use all my strength to flip us over so that I’m on top. I prop myself on my knees, putting a little distance away from our adjoined bodies. I rotate my hips letting his cock stretch me before I quickly drop down.

  “I thought you wanted it slow,” he croaks.

  “I’ve changed my mind.” I pant as I start bouncing harder. “I just need you.”

  Braxxon’s hands come straight to my ass as he rolls us to our sides. His forehead pressing against mine as he rhythmically pounds into me. I reach behind me and in between my legs where his balls are quickly slapping against my flesh and I grip them lightly.

  “Oh fuck… baby, you can’t do that,” he growls, his forehead is still against mine.

  I give another squeeze, and he speeds up his pace even more. I start rotating them in the palm of my hand.

  One of his hands leaves my ass and I almost protest, but stop as his fingers find and work my clit into a frenzy.

  “Oh god,” I cry out as my body starts to quiver.

  “That’s it baby. Soak my cock in your pussy juices.”

  Oh, shit. “Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop,” I moan out as my body heats all over and my eyes threaten to roll to the back of my head. I grip his balls tighter as his fingers pinch my clit and we’re both shouting out our release.

  My god that was amazing. We’re both panting and with each one of Braxxon’s pants, his flaccid cock tickles the inside of my core. My CD stops and I giggle.

  “I totally couldn’t hear the music playing.”

  Braxxon’s gray eyes smile at me as he brings his lips to mine. It’s a slow kiss, nothing with tongue, but with his lips just resting against mine. I bring out my tongue and flick the chain on his piercings with it causing him to chuckle.


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