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Seize Me

Page 14

by Crystal Spears

  “I need sleep. Your pussy wears me out,” he says against my lips and tongue. “Time to cuddle, Angel.”

  I say nothing as he reaches for the sheet covering us up. Once again, he wants to sleep buried deep inside me. When he’s satisfied with the sheet placement, he wraps his arms around me and intertwines our feet together.

  “Night baby,” he quietly says into my ear.

  “Night Brax.”

  “Wake the fuck up, Prez!” Someone is shouting.

  Braxxon and I sit up fast. ZZ is going through Braxxon’s drawers, snagging out clothes and tossing them onto the bed.

  “Snake shot up my fucking parents’ house. My pop was shot!”

  “Tatiana,” I cry out.

  “No, she’s with Lana. She wanted to help her unpack and take care of Pyro. Thank fucking shit!”

  “Fuck man… just go; I’ll get the brothers.” Braxxon jumps up totally naked.

  ZZ says nothing as he bounds outta the room and down the steps. I can’t believe someone was stupid enough to shoot Phil.

  “Every time we have sex something bad happens,” I whisper. “I need to go. Berry will need someone.”

  “Hurry and get dressed then, Angel. I gotta wake up the brothers,” he says toeing his boots. “And grab your fucking gun. I don’t need to tell you what this means.”

  No he doesn’t. It’s not going to be quiet anymore. Shit is going to be ten times worse. Snake went after the club’s family members. What we did was payback for the shit that happened to me, and now this is just the blowback from it. I dig around for some of my sweats and a tee shirt. Once I get them on, I grab my shoulder gun holster and slip it on. I get my gun out and slide it in the holster, checking the safety first. I find my shoes and hop towards the bedroom door trying to get them on. I’m barely down the steps and outta the clubhouse before bikes start taking off. I run towards Braxxon, and he hands me a helmet.

  “Seriously? You wanna waste time with a fucking helmet?”

  “Put the fucker on, Angel.”

  Okay then. I throw the helmet on top of my head before climbing on the back of his bike. It takes him no time to throttle her into gear and take off outta the compound. I’ve never ridden a bike going this fast before but I can understand the hurry. I don’t think any of us are prepared for what we see when we pull up to Berry’s and Phil’s house. Berry is hysterically crying in ZZ’s arms as a stretcher with a body on it rolls away and we all know that it’s Phil. I jump off the bike and run towards Berry. I reach her and gently coax her away from ZZ, who is standing there in shock.

  “ZZ,” I whisper. “Go talk with Brax.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “He killed him.” Berry sobs in my arms. This feeling of hers is something I’ve experienced before. Seeing someone you love killed, murdered right before your eyes. Sniper walks up and hands me a set of keys.

  “Take her back to the clubhouse. These are her keys to her Lincoln.” With that, he’s gone. I start moving her towards the silver Lincoln Navigator. I hit the unlock button on the alarm pad hanging from the keys, open the passenger door and help her in the SUV. As soon as she’s in the seat, I help buckle her belt before closing the door.

  “Angel,” Braxxon says walking up towards me. “Shadow is going to follow you. Don’t stop for no one, do you hear me? Keep that gun on you. Do not take it off.”

  “I understand Brax. I’ll be okay,” I assure him.

  “I know,” he sighs running a hand through his hair. “Get her back to the club and just be careful. I gotta get back to this shit. Fuck,” he roars walking away.

  “C’mon Winter. It’s not safe outside right now,” Shadow says behind me and I whirl around. Jesus and I wonder where he got his fucking name!

  “Shadow.” I scowl.

  “Ma’am.” He just grins.

  “I’m not a ma’am. I’m only a year older than you!”

  “Okay Winter… how about this… you get your pretty ass into the Navigator so that my Prez doesn’t have my balls, yeah?”

  “Thank you,” I say opening the passenger door and climb in.

  Once in, I put the keys in the ignition and start the vehicle up. I look over at Berry who is silently sobbing against the window. She looks so much older right now. No words will make this woman feel better. I know that. It’s best to ride back to the clubhouse in silence. I keep an eye on Shadow following behind us on his bike as we make our way back. Last thing we need is to be stopped by one of Snake’s fucktards or to be followed with only Shadow to help us.

  I pull the Navigator straight up to the clubhouse doors, and Shadow is at Berry’s door in an instant helping her down.

  “Take her to Phil’s room and give her this,” Shadow says passing Berry’s body to me and handing me a small pill. “It’ll knock her out.”

  The prospects see us coming, and help me with her. They lead her straight into Phil’s apartment; I grab a bottle of water and trail behind them. The prospects excuse themselves, leaving me alone with a weeping Berry. I twist the cap off the bottle of water and sit down next to her. I open the palm of my other hand revealing a small pill. She takes the pill along with the bottle of water from my other hand.

  She lays down after handing the drink back to me. I sit and wait for her to sob herself to sleep or for the pill to knock her out. I’m shocked at how quickly it works. When she’s lightly snoring, I slip outta her room and to the bar where Shadow and the prospects are sitting.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask.

  “Something very strong,” Shadow says.

  “I figured that part,” I smart back as I grab a bottle of whiskey, twist the top of and down a gulp. Shadow reaches for it and does the same. The prospects sit quietly, no doubt waiting for orders of some sort.

  The clubhouse door flies open hitting the wall signaling that someone has entered and Shadow doesn’t move so I assume he knows who it is.

  Tatiana, Lana, and Pyro come straight in.

  “Where is she?” Tatiana cries. I nod my head towards the hall, and she runs in that direction.

  “This shit is fucking insane! I can’t believe this is our life now,” Lana cries as Pyro leads her away and down the hall.

  “Fuck,” I whisper and yank the bottle away from Shadow when I see Rockette walk in the door. I point in the direction of where Berry and Tatiana are and she nods silent thanks as she wipes tears from her eyes. I look over at Shadow and the prospects and ask. “You guys don’t have any family to notify to get to safety do you?”

  The prospects nod no and Shadow just stares me down.

  “This is my family,” he says simply before standing up to look at something on the monitor behind me. I turn and peer up at it to see the guys pulling back in.

  “Here we go,” I murmur.

  I’m sitting on the back of Braxxon’s bike as we all ride to the cemetery. Charters from all over are here, and the funeral was beautiful. Berry hasn’t said one word to anyone since three nights ago when I brought her back to the clubhouse. Braxxon and ZZ planned everything and the prospects made hundreds of calls out, letting the other charters know about the murder of an original member. To say we all loved this man would be an understatement. There are literally hundreds of us escorting him to his final resting place. Braxxon and I are riding right behind ZZ on his bike, who is riding behind the limo with Tatiana and Berry inside. All I know is the club is back on lockdown, and there is no way anyone is getting in or out of there without someone noticing. Braxxon and the brothers have already started retaliation. They are slowly breaking down all of Snake’s connections and it worries me being out in the public like this where something can go wrong and ruin Phil’s funeral.

  As we park in a line, throttle down, and make our way to his plot, I realize Snake would have to be an idiot to start something with hundreds of Breakneck charter members around today. Braxxon sits me down in a chair and stands beside me. The rest of the guys do the same with the ol’ ladies and daughters. After th
e preacher says his prayers and before we lower Phil’s casket into the ground, the bikers put a Breakneck flag across the top of it. The broken-necked skeleton flag is secure, they start lowering the casket down. Once it stops, we ladies pick up our roses and toss them down. ZZ, Tatiana, and Berry stay behind, and we give them their privacy. Braxxon gives orders for two of the other charters to hold back and escort the family home, but to give them enough privacy while keeping them safe. This day is sad enough with it being Tatiana’s eighteenth birthday.

  “I said I don’t give a fuck how much the shit costs! Take that fucking pipeline too,” I roar into the prepay. It’s been two fucking weeks since Phil’s murder and what a long two weeks. I’ve taken over fifteen of Snake’s connections and have sold them to Petra. I’m breaking that bastard down to try to draw him outta hiding. The little pussy bitch can rape girls and kill sleeping men, but he doesn’t have the balls to fucking show himself. I throw my prepay onto the chapel table as Winter peeks into the room.

  “You okay?” Winter asks.

  “I’m okay baby.” I motion for her to come to me. Winter takes a seat on my lap, and I twirl her hair around in my fingers. “I’m taking Sniper, Shadow, and ZZ out for a bit. I have some business to take care of. Do you need anything?”

  “Just for you to come back,” she says truthfully and that does something to me. She worries about me and I hate that. My Angel has been through enough shit.

  “Mmm… I’ll be back,” I say nuzzling her neck. I’m such a bastard. I fucking love this girl but I won’t tell her.

  “Okay babe…go get your business done so you get back to me quicker.” She giggles as I lick her neck.

  “Yes ma’am,” I murmur knowing she hates that shit.

  “Braxxon,” she warns hopping up from my lap. Instantly, I regret calling her ma’am because she’s left my body. “Seriously, go get your shit done. The Doc is stopping by to check on me and to check out Berry. He’ll probably prescribe her some anxiety meds and shit.”

  Why does the Doc need to see Angel? Winter must see that question written all across my face because she smiles.

  “He’s just checking out the scar tissue on my chest and shit. Geez, such a fucking worry wart,” she mumbles walking outta the chapel.

  “Just say the words next time you pussy ass bitch,” I scold myself aloud.

  The only good thing about today is that some of the business I have to take care of is scoping out a location for the girls club. Shit may be on lockdown but that doesn’t mean I gotta stop planning our fucking lives. If my Angel wants a club, then she’s getting a club.

  Before I head to the space that I want to look at for Angel, we head to a location that we believe is one of Snake’s locations based on a tip we received. All four of us hop off our bikes and make our way inside the warehouse. As we enter another door, a doorman tries to stop us, but he accepts a payoff instead. This makes me wonder where all this is going. We make our way inside the main part of the warehouse and peepshow rooms surround the area. Almost all the girls look cracked out. I tell Sniper to case the place. We can easily take this one of Snake’s businesses and aren’t leaving here until it’s ours.

  Sniper comes back with a gun held to some dude’s head. “This is Snake’s manager,” he smirks.

  “Ah… well. Snake’s little peep show manager, this place is closed; out you go,” I say as Sniper pistol-whips him and just like that, he’s out cold.

  “Three security guards, two bartenders and thirteen working girls,” Shadow says from right behind me. Fuck if Angel isn’t right about that being the perfect name for him.

  “Get rid of them,” I say as I start walking up to the peep show boxes and telling the perverts to get the fuck out.

  I take turns knocking on each glass box with my gun, motioning for the girls to come out. Shadow, Sniper, and ZZ come back and let me know the club’s empty and the employees don’t actually seem all that concerned about what Snake might think. ZZ says that one of the guards says he hasn’t seen Snake in months, and shit’s falling apart anyway.

  “Shadow, call Winter, Lana, Tatiana, Bom Bom, Creamy and even Berry. And have Winter call the fucking Doc. We’re gonna need all the help with these girls we can get. Have the prospects, Rob, and Hammer escort them here.”

  Even though I’m shutting down another one of his money grabbers, I can’t be fucking happy because Snake’s girls look fucking horrific. I don’t know how in the hell this place was even bringing anything in.

  “What’s your name sugar?” I ask a blond who looks the most alive.

  She looks at me with glossed eyes. “Cunt, Whore, Bitch, Slut, Pussy, take your pick.”


  “Your real name hunny,” I say.

  “Storm,” she says with irritation.

  “That’s not your real name.”

  “It might as well be. My momma always used to say giving birth to me caused her all kinds of a shit storm. So there you have it.”

  “Braxxon!” I hear Winter call out.

  I turn to see them all piling into the room.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” she cries out running to the girls. “Who the fuck did this to them?”

  I don’t answer; her caring about these girls mesmerizes me. She doesn’t know jack shit about them. All she knows is how bruised and fucked up they are; that’s all she cares about.

  “Snake,” I finally say.

  “I can’t wait to kill that motherfucker,” she growls as the Doc and his son come into the giant room.

  “Never a dull moment with you, Braxxon,” Doc says as they get to work and I agree with him. Nothing is ever dull or quiet anymore, and it makes me feel fifty instead of fucking thirty.

  I send a text to Max to bring fifty grand to our location to pay the Doc and his son, and to get these girls to safety.

  The realtor calls me, pissed that I’m running late. Well he’s gonna regret talking to me like that when I fucking get there. I excuse myself and only take Shadow with me, leaving the rest behind to clean up this cluster fuck of a mess.

  When we get to the space where the girls’ potential club will be, the realtor immediately recognizes us and apologizes profusely, which is enough for now because I’ll get this place for below market value. It’s gonna be the clubs gift to the girls for the mess we’ve made outta their lives. It’s also a way to keep them in our lives. The space is perfect and I make an offer which dickface obviously takes.

  The Doc and his son patch up all the girls and his son leaves to go purchase bus tickets with some of the money Max has brought us. Three of the girls don’t have anywhere else to go and one of those three is a girl named Storm. I noticed she was the only one not as drugged as the rest of them. I feel bad and I can’t think of anything to do other than let them stay with us for a little while so they can get back on their feet.

  “It wasn’t just a peep show club you know,” Storm mumbles. “If they paid enough, they got to take us in the back; nothing was off limits.”

  I grip the holster on my shoulder and silently ask for the day that I get to ram my gun down the back of Snake’s throat to come quickly.

  “I’m taking Piper, Haley, and Storm home with me,” Lana says seriously as she walks up to me. “If they clean up nicely and everything checks out with the Doc, I’m hiring them at the club. It’ll help get them back on their feet. I’ve already talked it over with Piper and Haley.”

  That’s a generous idea. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it. I smile letting her know that I think it’s a brilliant idea.

  “Would you like that Storm?” Lana asks her. “It’s just going to be an exotic dance club, just dancing. If you’re not comfortable with that, we can find something else for you to do. It might help get you back on your feet again.”

  “Just dancing?” Storm asks.

  “Just dancing,” Lana and I say together.

  “Yeah, yeah that’ll be okay. Thank you.”

  We say our goodbyes to al
l the girls who are escorted by club members to the greyhound station. Lana and Tatiana take the other three back to our house. I on the other hand, go back to the clubhouse. I live there. I’ve never even stayed or seen the house yet. With lockdown, Braxxon isn’t letting me out that much. The only reason Lana and Tatiana get to stay at the house is because Pyro and ZZ stay there. Pyro isn’t letting Lana outta his sight, and ZZ isn’t letting his daughter far from his either. I’m thankful he isn’t keeping her trapped in the clubhouse too much. She has already lost enough shit; she doesn’t need to lose all of her freedom too.

  I ride back with Sniper who is kind of irritated with Braxxon taking Shadow with him on whatever it is he’s doing. I told Sniper it’s because Braxxon only trusts him taking care of me, which is the straight truth and he just grunted in response as he helped me off the bike when we park in the compound parking lot. I’m happy to see Brax and Shadow pulling in.

  “Everything good?” he asks Sniper as he throttles down and backs his bike in.

  “Yeah Prez, everything is good,” he grunts walking away.

  “What the fuck?” Brax tilts his head asking.

  “Don’t.” I hold up my hand.

  I think it’s kinda cute, his brother being jealous of him being out with Shadow instead of him. It shows that these badass bikers do have a heart deep down.

  “Fine… come, I need to fuck you,” he says pulling me quickly into the clubhouse. “Clear the fuck out,” he roars and everyone scatters. Even some of the brothers nod and head either outside or to their apartments.

  “Brax—,” my words are cut off as he lifts me onto the bar. He drags my pants down to my ankles and then lifts my legs over his head so that they fall behind his back. Oh, he’s done this before. He undoes his jeans, his cock springing free.

  He rams into me repeatedly, and I let my body fall back against the bar as I dig my heels into his ass.


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