Book Read Free

Seize Me

Page 15

by Crystal Spears

  “I,” thrust. “Love,” thrust. “You,” thrust.

  Oh god. “I love you, too,” I moan as he speeds up.

  “Thank fuck,” he roars as he lifts me off the bar and spins us around, smashing my back against a wall.

  Braxxon takes my arms from around his neck and lifts them above my head bounding both of my wrists with just one of his hands while the other grips my ass tightly.

  “How long, baby?” he groans as I clamp myself tightly around his cock.

  “Since the moment you seized me,” I moan while looking into his gray eyes. “I just didn’t realize.”

  No more words are spoken after that. Braxxon just continues to make love to me against the wall until we both reach our sated bliss.

  I’m itching at the bit to show Winter and Lana the space for their club. I just wanna do everything in my power to make her happy now. Since Pyro can’t ride all that well yet with his gunshot wound and Lana is still sore from hers, we take Berry’s Navigator to the space. I don’t even have the Navigator in park before the girls squeal and jump out.

  “Right,” Pyro murmurs.

  He’s still a little sour because Lana won’t have anything to do with him other than help care for his injury. He stays moody as we walk slowly to the doors and that earns me a look from Winter who is scowling.

  “Hurry up,” she yells at me as she bounces up and down like a child.

  “I’m comin’, Angel.”

  “Not for a while you won’t be if you don’t hurry the hell up,” she threatens, and that comment makes me pick up my pace.

  “So wrong, baby.” I shake my head as I unlock the door and open it. She and Lana don’t even let me get outta of the way before they’re barreling past me.

  “Yeah, but you love me anyway,” she says laughing as they enter the space.

  “Love her,” Pyro says in disbelief. “When did that shit happen?”

  I quirk my eyebrow and flick at my lip rings with my tongue. “Shut the fuck up; like you don’t love Lana. All you do is mope around the damn clubhouse when you aren’t with her.”

  “She wants nothing to do with me,” he groans rubbing at his neck. “I don’t fucking know what to do.”

  “Time, that’s what it took with Angel.”

  And a lot of damn patience, I just don’t add that last part because all the brothers are the same, none of us have a bit of patience. We are used to getting our damn way.

  “Oh. My. God. It’s totally perfect, baby,” Angel screams, running over to me. She jumps up, wraps her legs around my waist, and smashes her lips to mine. “Thank you,” she whispers against my mouth.

  “Mmm… my pleasure, baby,” I whisper back. I’m about to swallow those beautiful lips again when the prepay starts ringing. Angel sighs and climbs down. I already miss the feeling of her core pressing hard against my dick.

  “Answer your phone; I’m gonna call Bom Bom and Creamy and have them bring us some lunch. I wanna show them this place.”

  I mouth the words I love you as she walks backwards and she grins before turning around. Fuck, she does things to me.

  “Breaker,” I snap.

  “Yo, Brax, it’s Juan. I got some info for you.”

  I squeeze the phone tight to my ear. I never like what Juan fucking delivers, but he’s one of the best at fucking getting information and hearing shit.

  “Listening,” I growl.

  “Is your ol’ lady Winter Belov?” he quietly asks into the phone.


  “Shit… keep going,” I say as I walk outside of the building.

  “One of your bunnies from the club let it slip up at a bar to one of Snake’s bunnies. I don’t know that name, but what I hear is that Belov is a big name on the East Coast and I figured you wanna know? When should I expect payment,” he says curtly.

  He already knows this is big or he wouldn’t have asked for informant payment. I spout off the normal; I’ll send a prospect out to deliver the payment in the usual place and I hang up. I dial the club and sure enough, Eagle answers. We call him Eagle because the prospect is bald as an eagle with tats all up on his head. The dude is only twenty and he’s pierced and tatted up more than any of the brothers at the club.

  “I need you to take five hundred outta the shop drawer and pay Juan,” I say simply.

  “Prez,” he says acknowledging my order and I hang up.

  I walk back inside the building and growl out the new information with gritted teeth so only that Pyro can hear me.

  “Motherfuck… Bom Bom or Creamy? Those two bitches are the only ones that hang around enough to hear that shit. I didn’t think anyone but the brothers fucking knew.”

  Fucking ditto. I wanna scream and yell.

  “Angel will fucking flip.”

  I agree.

  “Hey guys, we got a lunch order,” Creamy says walking in alongside Bom Bom and I feel my blood boiling to an all-new high.


  “Jesus baby, what is wrong with you?” Winter yells running up to me. I shove her away and snatch the food outta their hands before I ruin Angel’s lunch. I hand her the bag of food before I turn my attention back to the bitches with diarrhea of the mouth.

  “Who told another bunny that Angel is a fucking Belov?” I am seething mad.

  “Oh shit,” Winter groans.

  “I think I might’ve done that, Braxxon. I’m so fucking sorry,” Creamy says her voice shaky.

  I wanna kill this bitch. I bitch slap her and she flies backwards skidding across the floor. Bom Bom is screaming at me, but I hear nothing but blood boiling in my ears. Like we need any more fucking problems. When will Angel and I ever get a damn quiet break?

  “You’re done with my fucking club.” I point my finger in Creamy’s face.

  “Braxx baby, don’t be harsh; she didn’t mean it.” Winter begs me.

  “What the fuck do you care? This bitch just stirred up more trouble, baby. More trouble that we don’t need.”

  She pulls me into a smaller room away from everyone and shuts the door behind us as she flicks on a light switch.

  “We’ll deal with it. Just don’t banish her. The club is all Creamy has.”

  I swear I know men are supposed to be strong and all that shit, and I’m a president of an MC, but fuck if this shit isn’t wearing me thin.

  “I can’t lose you, Angel. I won’t fucking do it.”

  Winter wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me close and I wrap my arms around her. Fuck, she smells so good.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I take the L word seriously,” she mumbles into my chest and that does shit to me.

  “Dammit… baby. I’m just tired, and I want us to have a peaceful few months at least. I mean shit; it’s been nonstop since we’ve met.”

  “I know,” she says as her phone rings and she unwraps her arms and digs it outta her back pocket. “It’s the Doc.”

  “Hey Doc,” she answers and goes quiet while she listens. “Thank you,” she says hanging up the phone

  “What’s up?”

  She sighs. “Haley is pregnant, and Piper and Storm have Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. So far, the HIV tests are negative. He’ll do another in a few weeks. He’s taking some meds over to them now.”

  Shit could’ve been worse; they could have something they couldn’t get rid of. For now, they are lucky. They’re even luckier that my Angel and Lana are getting them straightened out.

  My phone rings again and I roar.

  “Peace? What’s that?” Winter teases.

  “I dunno baby,” I say as I brush my lips against her forehead.

  “Breaker,” I snap into my phone.

  “Your last name is Breaker,” she says in disbelief and I wink. Fuck, we have so much to learn about one another.

  She points to her right eye. “Ya,” she says then points to her heart. “Tebya,” she then points to me. “Lyublyu,” she says quietly,
opening the door, walking out and leaving me with a hard-on from her teaching me I love you in fucking Russian.

  “It was a long fucking twelve hours Prez, but about half a million was cleaned up. Max is taking the money to where it belongs,” Smokey says into the other end of the phone breaking me outta my hard-on for my Angel.

  “That’s a twelve hour haul?”

  “No, it was an eight hour haul. Four hours were spent getting it transferred from rock to paper.”

  “Well don’t you think that’s a good haul for eight fucking hours?” I snap.

  “What the fuck brother. You know we have to watch our back out there. What the fuck is your problem?” my brother snaps back at me.


  “Fucking Creamy ran her mouth off about Winter’s last name,” I grit out.

  “Ah shit man.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “Anything about Snake?”

  “Fucker is off the radar like his son was. You’d think with all the shit stirring we’ve caused, the motherfucker would come outta his hiding spot by now.”

  “That’s what causes me worry,” I admit. “I think he’s planning something and if he knows Winter’s last name… who knows what the fuck he’s up too.”

  “This shit is gonna backfire worse than any other blowback we’ve ever had,” my brother says quietly into the phone.

  “Fuck if I don’t know that. Talk at ya later in chapel,” I say hanging up the phone and heading back out to see Angel’s face as she checks out the rest of the building. That excitement is the only thing that’s gonna keep me sane today.

  The grand opening is in a few hours, and I’m sitting in one of the VIP booths watching Angel run around with her head cut off barking orders at everyone. Lana and Haley are running behind, and I sent Pyro after them. I had Eagle with them, but that doesn’t ease our nerves any. I sip my drink waiting for the VP of Gunners to walk in. I invited him in for a chat. Snake’s been way too quiet. His VP has wanted to speak with me for a while and I just wouldn’t have it. Just as I lay my glass back down, he enters with a few of his men and a few of mine. Sniper and Smokey have patted them down.

  “Drinks?” I ask and they nod. I motion Rap, our other prospect, over. “Will you have Piper make them some drinks?”

  Piper will probably growl at me from afar. She’s a dancer, not a bartender, but they don’t come in for another hour and I’ll be damned if I make them fucking drinks.

  “Prez,” he says and walks away.

  “So you’re the VP,” I say picking up my drink.

  “No… I’m the President of Gunners now. We voted Snake out two months ago. He was causing too much riff. That’s why I’m here. I wanted to let you and your club members know that for now, there is no bad blood between the Breaknecks and the Gunners.”

  “No shit,” I say.

  “No shit,” he says. “I’m Travis by the way.”

  I don’t bother giving him my name; the bastard already knows it. It would be a waste of my breath. I don’t owe this fucker anything and it’s gonna stay that way.

  “Well then… stay and enjoy the club,” I say as I get up. “And we are in agreement with the no bad blood as long as what you say is the truth.”


  I start making my way over to Angel when my damn prepay rings. Fuck, I wish I could shut this damn thing off sometimes.

  “Breaker,” I say.

  “Hey Braxxon baby, it’s Berry. Someone just called the club phone line asking if we knew a Winter Belov.”

  And there it is. The shit I’ve been waiting for. I knew it’s been too fucking quiet for the shit we stirred up.

  “Thanks Berry; you doing okay?”

  “I’m fine sweetie. I gotta go and cook these grandbabies some chicken nuggets… oh and can you send the prospects out for more clubhouse groceries tomorrow? We’re flying through them with this lockdown.”

  “Will do Mama Berry,” I say and smile because I know she’s halfway smiling on the other end. She’s been holding up okay for losing her husband, but she’s still way to quiet.

  “Thank you sugar; enjoy the opening,” she says and just like that, she hangs up. I always wait for Berry to hang up first. The least I can do is respect her.

  “Call Eagle and see what the fuck is taking so long. They should be here by now,” Angel calls out from across the room. I hold up my phone letting her know I’m on it and she calls out I love you in Russian. Why does she fucking do that shit to me when she can’t relieve the pain she causes?

  I call and no one answers so I click off. A few moments later, I get a text and my body tingles as I read it.

  Need backup hiding behind pool house Snake and a few scary as fuck Russians r here

  I hear a gasp and glasses drop. I look up to find Angel had just read the text over my shoulder.

  “He’s here,” she says. “I’ll get my gun.”

  “What the fuck? Hell no. You are not going, Angel.”

  “The fuck if I am. He’s there for me. He’ll kill them if I don’t show up Braxxon. You can’t stop me and I swear I will leave your ass if you try.”

  I need to try something. “What about the club? You can’t leave Sated on opening night.”

  “Fuck that shit. I trust Piper and Storm, and this club means nothing to me yet. Lana and Haley mean everything to me.”

  And that’s it. I’m not winning. When it comes to the women in her life, she ain’t gonna budge. I dial Pyro to see his where he is.

  He picks up on the first ring.

  “Hey man, I’m about five minutes away from the house. I stopped and checked the compound first.”

  “The fucking Russians and Snake are there. Wait for backup!”


  “Pyro,” I warn. “Brother, don’t fucking go in there alone.”

  But then my cell goes quiet. He’s hung up on me.

  “Angel, now,” I roar.

  “I’m right behind you,” she says as I turn around and see her taking the safety off her gun.

  “You’re gonna shoot your tit off,” I say grabbing her free hand dragging her.

  “Better my tit because if I can’t get the safety off, and someone shoots me and there goes my head.”

  Why the fuck does she talk like that?

  “This shit is bad, Angel.”

  “Vy ponyatiya ne imeyete,” I respond. “You have no Idea.”

  I break every traffic law there is speeding towards the house. I hear the thunder of other bikes rolling up behind us and I peer back to see my brothers right on our tail. Angel squeezes me with her thighs in a silent thank fuck gesture, but when we pull up the long driveway and see nothing but Lana’s, Eagles and Pyro’s vehicles; we know something bad awaits us.

  “No… no… no…,” Angel cries hopping off my bike.

  I’m hot on her trail as she flies through the house without checking it first. I search the house looking for her and when I find her, she’s staring out through the glass patio door before flinging it open.

  “Moya sestra,” she screams. “My sister.”

  When I reach the patio doors, I almost get sick. I can’t believe this happened in just a few minutes. Blood is staining the pool water red as Haley’s body floats face first in it. I gulp, looking over to see Eagle’s head stuck on a tiki torch with his body on the ground next to it. Who the fuck are these people? Killing a fucking innocent pregnant girl and sticking someone’s head on a stake like it’s the fucking dark ages and shit. I hear Winter crying and my eyes find her bending over a limp Lana, who Pyro is rocking back and forth in his arms with blood all over him.


  I take off running and when I reach them, I see Lana gasping for breath, staring Angel in the eyes.

  “Don’t,” she gasps. “Let him,” she gasps again. “Win this time.”

  “Lana nooo,” Angel cries as her eyes stop blinking and her breathing stops. I hear a gurgled cough. I look to my ri
ght as Angel’s and Pyro’s heads snap up. We see a big Russian trying to crawl away.

  Pyro goes to stand and Angel stops him.

  “Don’t,” she says standing. “Stay with her.”

  Angel takes the gun out of her holster and slowly walks over to the guy trying to get away. I do nothing but walk with her. She’s pissed. This is her own family killing people she loves.

  “Well if it isn’t my father’s defender, Aleksey,” she growls as she kicks him in the side where his wound is. “Seems he left you here to die.”

  She looks to the sky before taking a deep breath and pointing the gun at his head. It wasn’t a move to contemplate things; it was a move as in she was thinking of what to say.

  “It’s a sad thing that I grew up calling you uncle. But guess what?” she coos bending down closer.

  “Ne budet ni raya, tol’ko diya vas ad,” she speaks before putting a whole clip into his skull. “There will be no heaven for you, only hell.”

  She’s never coming back from this shit. Her father killed the first man she ever loved. Snake and PP raped her and cut her up. Now her father has killed the only sister she’s ever had, along with her pregnant friend. My Angel no longer sees white; she sees only red.

  She reaches into her back pocket, pulling out her cell phone and dialing a number she has to think about for second.

  She puts the phone on speaker as it rings.

  “Govorit’,” A voice says into the phone. “Speak.”

  “Vy ubili moyu sestru,” Angel says angrily. “You killed my sister.”

  “Ona byla ne krov’,” the voice chuckles back. “She was no blood.”

  “I’m going to find you, kill you and then–” she says in English before returning to her native tongue, “–ya sobirayus’ kopirovat’ vashi imperiyu ottsa kloch’ya,” she finishes. “I’m going to rip your empire to shreds father.”

  “Oh doch’ moyey russkoy printsessy,” he laughs. “Oh daughter, my Russian princess.”

  Angel hangs up the phone before allowing him to say anything further.

  “I blocked the call. He can’t call me back,” she croaks. I walk over and hug her tightly to me. She was staying strong on the phone. She may be able to kill someone who has wronged her, but she fiercely loves and she’s not made out of stone.


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