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Page 7

by Feyisayo Alao

When it was close to the time for them to leave school, Lara, Michael and Nike made a promise to one another that they would make definite impact wherever they went; no matter what, that they would do what they could in their own little way.

  One day after school, when Mike got home, he called Lara to find out if there was any chance that she would not be travelling with her parents.

  “I haven’t had a chance to talk with my dad yet,” Lara replied over the phone, “but I’ll see if I can talk with him tomorrow. Whatever happens, I’ll let you know and we’ll find how we’ll work things out from there.”

  “Alright then,” Michael answered, trying not to get his hopes too high. “I guess we’ll eventually know how things turn out tomorrow. So take care, goodbye.”

  “Bye, till tomorrow,” Lara replied and hung up the phone.

  Alone in the house, Michael thought to himself,

  “Though I know the probability of Lara staying back is very slim, it won’t hurt to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Anyway, for now, let’s go find lunch!”

  At Lara’s house, the next morning, she hurried down to meet her parents and younger ones having their breakfast at the dining table. After greeting everyone, she took her seat and dished her portion. Then she remembered that she wanted to talk with her father. Doing her best to sound innocent and convincing enough, Lara butted into the usual, casual table talk with her question.

  “Elm, dad, what date exactly are we moving again?”

  “Sweetie, we have three weeks left. I thought you knew. Since you won that scholarship we have to go. I guess everything is working as we wished.” he answered.

  “I’ll really miss my friends. I wish I could stay back, but I know I’ll always keep in touch.” Lara tiredly stared at her food.

  “Yes dear, you’ll get to meet some folks over there too; Uncle Danny, Big Tade, your dad’s old friends, hmm.” Helen paused then continued. “Don’t worry so much, you’ll make new friends over there at the university.” Her mum tried cheering her up.

  “Thanks a lot Mum,” She nodded. Going to school in a country where she was born was a thing Lara had not planned for. She loved Ikoyi so much but she had no choice now.

  She rushed her food and moved upstairs. Hardly had she opened the door to her room when the phone rang.

  “Hello,” she spoke. “Is this Lara Williams?” asked the caller.

  “Yes! How may I help you?”

  “Your friend Nike Bright is at the hospital. She actually got hit by a car. You’ll need this address ... hmm … 14b, Tom Legend Street, Clara Thomson’s hospital, Agege. I got your number from her bag. You must be her close friend. Please call her parents and get them informed and please hurry.”

  “Thank you,” Lara said shocked. “Your na …” before she could ask for the name, she heard a click at the other end. Befuddled and bewildered, looking bleak. She leaned on the wall, and kept her hands on her head absentmindedly. Grabbing her bag, she ran down the stairs and told her mum.

  “Get into the car Lara, darling we will be back soon.” Helen called out to David.

  “Alex, get the key,” Lara shouted, “and bring some fruits for Nicky from the basket. Hope she’ll take some,” she added as an afterthought.

  Within ten minutes they were at the entrance of the hospital. Visitors were hindered from coming into the emergency unit. Even when Lara tried to convince them that she needed to be with her friend, she was however prevented from going in.

  In the evening, Helen went back while Lara stayed. The doctor came out smiling. With the expression on Lara’s face, he said “Just some scars and bruises” it wasn’t really serious, but she would need some rest, at least two weeks before she is discharged.

  Doctor Mark took her in. Amidst the tension she was experiencing, she calmed herself. The door opened, Nicky was there, laid still on the bed and couldn’t move with her eyes closed, plasters all over. Tears dripped from Lara’s eyes as she thought of the playful Nicky who was now motionless.

  After two days, Lara came back to the hospital with gifts and her guitar. She played some songs for her and she gradually got better. The doctor advised Nicky to spend one more week in the hospital to ensure proper treatment and complete recovery.

  Mike was fast asleep when his parents came back. Richard went upstairs to rest while Aderonke made tea for him. As got the cups ready, Richard’s phone rang. He left it in the sitting room. She called his name sweetly as she ran up stairs;

  ‘You’ve got a call dear.’

  ‘Who is it, love?’ he replied

  ‘Hmm...Susan.’ She answered as she got to the room.

  ‘Thank you.’ He said taking the phone, ‘yes, how‘re you?’ Aderonke closed the door behind quietly not to disturb and went back to work.

  “oh! I’ve always told you not to overwork yourself.” Richard told the caller.

  The Susan said something then he replied,

  “I was with you last week and you dint tell me.”

  She answered which made him say,

  “I can’t leave my wife tonight.” She responded again then he said,

  “We need to talk about this. How is the baby?”

  Susan talked again,

  “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll send some money tomorrow. I won’t let any man hurt you okay!”Richard assured Susan.

  There was silence on the other end,

  “My kids will be fine. Take care of yourself. Love you. Good night kisses, bye.” Click was heard on both ends.

  Several minutes later, Aderonke came in with the jug of tea, the cups and placed them on the table. They had their baths, sipped the tea and whispered sweet words to each other till they slept off.

  After a night of funny and scary dreams, Michael woke up feeling a bit down. He trudged down the stairs only to meet his dad in the kitchen with a note in his hands looking dazed, white and worried.

  “What’s wrong? Did you and Mum have another of those fights again?”

  “No son,” his dad croaked, “your mum left this and she’s gone,” he muttered.

  “Oh, God it can’t be true! It’s a joke. Why Dad, did you finally drive her away? I can’t believe she would just pack her things and leave.”

  “I won’t do such a thing. We went out together last night and she didn’t show any sign of distress or discontentment. I’m as shocked as you. I still think it’s April fool. She can’t do this to us,” his father said sadly.

  Mike was seeing a new side of his dad’s nature. He’s never looked this beaten before. He really loved his mum. Then why did she leave? He went to Richard and hugged him.

  “We’ll try to find her. Let me take a look at the note.” Looking at it, he couldn’t believe what she wrote in it,

  Dear Richard,

  I know this is quite shocking to you but I’ve been having this feeling that you don’t love me anymore. You don’t pay attention to me or look at me the way you used to.

  Also, I feel I have failed Michael. He doesn’t see me as his mum. So, I guess I have to find myself somewhere else to be. I beg you to forgive me, but don’t look for me. I’ll try to come back if I can. I’m sorry. I love you.

  Your wife,


  Michael couldn’t hold back the tears.

  “Oh Mum, why act on assumption?”

  “Dad we’ve got to find her. She ought to know that we love her. Let’s get something to eat first. We need the strength.”

  “I think so too Son. She ought to know that we need her; his dad pointed out. After their breakfast, his father went into his study while Mike tried calling his maternal family members.

  It was obvious that no one was there to pick the phone. He dialled his mum’s number, this time he succeeded.

  Aderonke’s voice was heard at the other end.

  “Mike I am sorry,” I know you’re angry and you have the right to be.”

  “I’m not, just worried. I guess I don’t tell you this often but I love y
ou. Even though we don’t get to talk as we should. Please come home. Dad misses you. He looks sick.” The statement caused a brief silence between them.

  “I’ll come back home but I just think your dad and I need this break.”

  “But why? What did he do? Your accusations have no proof ma. You’re hurting him deeply. It’s not fair because I’m hurting too. Hope you don’t lose two people.”

  “Bye Mike. You won’t understand.” Aderonke bravely hung up the phone on him.

  “Mum! Mum!” Michael shouted but he heard nothing.

  Getting to school the next day, Michael couldn’t concentrate. Things weren’t just going the way it should. Mum’s got some issues, Lara’s travelling abroad, Nike is also very weak in the hospital. He got the news last night. No one to talk to.

  “Michael,” Lara called, coming with her books in her hands.

  “What’s new pal?”

  “I talked to my dad and he said we will move next Sunday.”

  “And…” He responded, looking unconcerned and jealous.

  “How is Nicky?”

  “Better,” Lara replied.

  “I’m late for my last paper. We’ll talk later, ok! Bye.” As Mike moved, he knew that what he just did could cost him her friendship, but he cared less as he wasn’t quite himself. Something was wrong with him and he simply had to control himself before things got out of hand. After, school Mike got home and went into the study to see his father.

  As Lara strolled home, she looked abashed and confused. She stared at the old gabled houses peeping from amidst the trees. Astounded, she walked slowly home.

  Immediately she got home, she sat on her bed sadly.

  “Oh my! I’ve not even gone yet and he’s behaving in such a strange manner.”

  “What have I done to deserve this coldness? Well, maybe I shouldn’t get mad at him. Mike is not the type. I’ll find out the problem.”

  When she got to the hospital in the evening, Nike was reading a magazine. She was in high spirit, smiling and looking younger. Lara told her what happened. Nike reached for her hand and held it to comfort her.

  “He was harsh, I couldn’t believe my ears.”

  “It’s ok. Something must have happened. I’ll talk to him myself once I leave tomorrow.” Nike squeezed her hand.

  “Hey! Take it easy, you’re just recovering, you don’t have to go through that stress, remember you need to rest.”

  “Well,” Nike blinked. “I’m okay now.”

  “It’s a good thing. I’m going next week. At least if there had been anything, he ought to confide in me.”

  “Don’t take to heart what he did or said. We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Nike responded.

  Chapter 7


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