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Page 8

by Feyisayo Alao

Some days after Nike left the hospital, she went straight to Mike’s home. On getting there, the door wasn’t locked. As she entered and sighted Michael, she ambled over to his side. It was clear things were not alright.

  “Mike, I saw Lara and considering what I heard from her, I thought it wise to come over.”

  “Oh you mean Lara couldn’t stand me?” he asked sadly “How’s your health? I am so sorry.”

  “I’m fine you know I didn’t know you had a mean streak in you,” she looked straight at him. “Now are you going to tell me what the problem actually is?”

  “I didn’t think anyone would understand.”

  “Mike, will you tell me what is wrong so I can be the judge of what I can take or not.”

  “Mum left. She’s gone,” he answered disheartened.

  “No way! She loved you so much. I don’t think she would do such.”

  “Nike, I didn’t expect it too. She and Dad had issues to settle. We have not, for once, stayed at home together.” Nike listened while he talked on. “Lara was the first person I met after the incident. I guess I just struck at her. I’ll have to tender my apologies,” he said guiltily.

  “She is not mad at you but rather, she thinks she has probably done something to warrant such coldness. So is Mum considering coming back?” Nike Bright responded.

  “Yes, she is. I talked to her and I think she’ll be back soon, I’m just worried about Dad.” He breathed hard. “I‘ve never seen him look this sad, Nike. Some men just try to move on as if nothing happened but dad is worried about mum and hopes she is okay where is.”

  “Everything will be fine. So, did you find out what made her leave?” Nike listened,

  “Mum felt dad was cheating. She overheard dad talking to Susan, his newly discovered stepsister.” Mike paused, “She thought dad had a mistress, can you imagine?”

  ‘Hmm... I now understand. Women can be just as jealous as men you know. I’m happy all is solved.’ Nike said

  ‘But the painful thing is, mum assumed dad had another child elsewhere and was sending money to them. She just concluded he didn’t love her anymore.’

  ‘So, what happened?’ Nike asked.

  ‘Susan got married some months ago and she is pregnant. Her husband lost his job last month and dad had been of help to them. That night, the couple had a big fight which made her call dad.’ Mike narrated.

  ‘Okay!’ Nike listened on,

  ‘Dad dint want to bother mum because he knew she had a long day and was very tired. He planned to tell her the next day but mum moved out as early as she could. So that’s it.’

  ‘So where did she go?’ Nike asked

  ‘She travelled to Abuja to spend some time with her dad. I’ll have to apologize to Lara.’

  “Don’t worry I’ll talk to her tonight. So call her tomorrow. She will probably help take your mind off the present problem,” Nike said then recollected, ‘oh Lara is going tomorrow, remember?’

  ‘Oh my! I’ll try to make it down to her place on time tomorrow morning. Thanks for being there Nike.’

  As she left, Mike tried to call Lara several times but he got no answer. He knew she was avoiding him but there was no way he was going to leave his father alone. He was just too fragile now.

  Lara listened to Nike chat on phone at night. It was another Saturday which would have been one of their adventurous days. She just sat and stared at pictures from the Golf Resort.

  “Are you listening Lara?”


  “Mike didn’t mean what he said. The poor boy has got some problem at home.”Nike said. Lara stood up from a chair close to the banister and carefully listened to all that happened.

  “Oh no! I’ll try to call him okay. Just tell him I miss him. He could have told me. I miss our Saturday visits, it’s really been a while. I’m happy his mum is coming back. I hope Mike comes tomorrow.’ Lara replied.

  ‘Me too’ Nike whispered. ‘Look, I’ve got to go, Mum’s hollering at me right now.’

  “Make sure you come tomorrow to help me pack bye.”

  “Bye” Nike said replacing the receiver.

  Lara took her bag and joined her family downstairs.

  Michael sat down on the couch in front of his house thinking of his phone call that evening. Aderonke had called to tell him she would come back that weekend. She was coming home to bring back happiness which had been lost for the few days she had left. She was sorry for all the pain and agony she had caused them all. He was certainly happy that she was coming home but he knew they had to talk and resolve all misunderstanding among them. He didn’t want to dwell on the other problem nagging his mind. He knew Lara was going tomorrow and he had to rehearse what to say.

  That Lara was going tomorrow was a huge blow much more, not calling to tell him was another. He had to make her departure a memorable one. They had finished their examinations and secondary education. They all needed to get together and plan as friends again, he thought. He immediately picked up his phone and called Lara but there was no response.

  “I’ll go tomorrow to bid her goodbye,” he comforted himself.

  While he was busy trying to call her, Lara and her family had gone out to eat since her mum had packed up all kitchen utensils and equipment. It was their last Saturday in Ikoyi; they had fun, got home tired and dozed off immediately on getting to their beds.

  Sunday morning was emotional for Lara. All her friends came around to bid her farewell. Nike stayed till they had all gone. She tried to engage her in one thing or the other, trying to hold her down, hoping that Michael was going to come around to see her before she left.

  “Lara, Mike said he was going to call you, has he?”

  “I wouldn’t be sure if he called because we all went out last night. I hope he makes it down here before I go. I have an idea.” Lara said

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Let’s hide in the store and let mum search for us for a while. That will be fun.’ Lara suggested

  ‘Let’s get to work right away.’ Nike said pulling Lara, trying to sneak away.

  “Lara! ... Lara! ...” her mum shouted. “We are moving.”

  “Oh no that not good.” Nike dragged.

  “Oh Nike, I’ll miss you both. We tried ok.”

  “Call me when you settle,” Nike Bright screamed, “I’ll tell him Bye.”

  “Bye!” Lara replied running to meet her family.

  As their car moved out of the driveway, Nike saw Michael walking down the street. Oh my God, maybe I should not have match-made them, Nike told herself. Smiling, she said to Mike.

  “Hi handsome, you are a minute late. They just left.”

  Mike smiling grimly said, “I thought as much.”

  “Oh come here and have a hug,” she replied. The two friends embraced as they strolled along.

  “She cares so much about you. I told her about your mum. She now understands there’s nothing to worry about.” She looked at him and continued.

  “She wasn’t happy herself when she was leaving. Maybe the match making thing wasn’t a good idea after all.” Nike responded remorsefully.

  “Never say such a silly thing again. You brought the most wonderful person to me and you call that a mistake, no way, we remain three friends forever.” Mike said strongly.

  “I know she is not going to forget us that easily,” Nike Bright said.

  “So what about mum and dad, how are they now?”

  “Dad is getting some colour now that mum is coming back. Last night he missed a step and almost rolled down the stairs. Thank God I was with him. Something else might have happened.” Michael recounted. “I have to go and pick her at the airport this morning.”

  “I would have loved to come along but I reckon it’s going to be an emotional scene. So I will leave you to that, big boy,” Nike concluded.

  “Sure I get to do all the day’s job,” trying to lighten the mood, and succeeding, they both burst out laughing.

  “I’ve got to go h
ome now, so take good care of yourself. Lara said she will let me have her number once she’s settled. So, I hope to let you know as soon as she gets back to me.”

  “I cannot wait bye,” Mike said, as both of them parted.

  Mike was sure he had blown away his chance of seeing Lara. He had to hurry to the airport to get his mother- that was another issue he had to sort out with his parents. They had to know that their decisions affect him in every way.

  When he got home, his dad was asleep. He left a note telling him where he had gone. Mike got into the car and drove out into the street silently.

  He felt tensed and counted one to ten to put himself to the airport. At the airport, Michael went to the reception hall to see if his mum had arrived. Initially, he was uneasy, but now scared. On his way to get a drink he saw her coming, though, looking a bit worn out. He walked briskly to her but she didn’t see him immediately. As they walked closer to each other, she looked up and ran into his arms.

  “Oh God, Michael, I’m sorry Please forgive me.”

  “We love you too mum,” hugging his mum “let’s go.”

  They walked through the crowd. As they got to the car, Mike put her bags in the boot. He sat on the driver’s seat with his mum at the backseat and drove. There was a long pause, then Mike cleared his throat and started,


  “Yes dear,” Aderonke answered curiously…

  “You left home without considering the pain and loneliness you would put dad through. You just left a note for us.”

  “Mike, stop this car! I say stop it.” Aderonke shouted.

  “I am sorry mum.” he answered softly.

  “Are you now blaming me for everything? If you’d continue with all the blames on me you had better take me back to the airport. I already said I was sorry.” Aderonke said angrily. Mike gave her a sour look and replied,

  “I’m not blaming you mum. You assumed so quickly, confronting him sweetly with what you overhead won’t have been a bad idea.”

  There was a brief silence then Mike smiled.

  “I’m taking you home.”

  He kept driving, and continued.

  “Mum, the Williams travelled today.”

  They both kept silent which looked like years. The road was free, so they got home early.

  Chapter 8


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