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Tales from Both Sides of the Brain : A Life in Neuroscience (9780062228819)

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by Gazzaniga, Michael S.

  Gazzaniga, Dante Achilles (father), 9–12, 10, 27

  Gazzaniga, Donald (oldest brother), 12

  Gazzaniga, Francesca (daughter), 290, 291, 292, 314–15, 316, 327

  Gazzaniga, Kate (daughter), 282, 284

  Gazzaniga, Linda (first wife), 30, 93, 107, 108, 120, 159, 290

  Gazzaniga, Marin (daughter), 93, 107, 118–19, 282, 290–91

  Gazzaniga, Michael: Charlotte’s marriage to, 166–67, 167; divorce of, 159; family background of, 9–13; life insurance for, 331–32; Morgan as model for, 44–45; peak experiences for, 359; physical fitness program for, 198–99; prostate cancer of, 332–34; summing up of research of, 361; surgical skills of, 81. See also specific person or topic

  Gazzaniga, Michael Scott (nephew), 332–33

  Gazzaniga, Zack (son), 290, 291–92, 314, 315

  Gell-Mann, Murray, 17

  genetics, 355–57

  Gerhart, John, 356–57

  Gertrude (Plum’s assistant), 192, 193

  Geschwind, Norman, 41, 49–50, 49, 50–51, 52–53, 60

  Gibson, Alan, 133

  Gifford Lecture Series (University of Edinburgh): Gazzaniga’s lectures for, 104, 334–37

  Gleevec (cancer drug), 350, 351

  gliablastoma multiforme, 50

  Glickstein, Mitch, 22, 24, 25–26

  goal-directed behavior, 86–87, 125–26, 126, 132, 234

  goals, “normative systems” and, 132

  goldfish, 20, 295

  Goldwater, Barry, 28, 28, 30

  Goodman, Corey, 189

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 211, 252

  Governing Council of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 305

  Graduate Committee for Political Education (Caltech), 27–32

  graduate students, 141–42, 157–58, 161, 260. See also specific person

  Grafstein, Bernice, 51–52

  Grafton, Kim, 298

  Grafton, Scott, 196, 297–99, 309, 311

  Granger, Rick, 214

  Gray, Charles, 261

  Green, Ron, 238, 289

  Green, Sue, 289

  Grey, Robert D., 254, 256, 256

  Griffith, Robert B., 11

  groups: Festinger and Lewin studies about, 122

  Guica, Phil, 207

  Hamilton, Charles, 17, 18, 74, 301

  hand gestures: copying, 84–87

  Handbook of Physiology (Rose and Mountcastle), 56

  Handy, Todd, 263, 311

  Hanover Inn (Hanover, New Hampshire): Grafton-Gazzaniga meeting at, 297–98

  Harman, Gilbert, 212

  Harvard University: Sperry colloquium at, 50

  hearing, 240–41, 242–44

  hemodynamics, 8

  Hensel, Abigail and Brittany (conjoined twins), 224, 267

  Hillyard, Steven, 19, 82, 83, 203–4, 225, 226, 227, 231, 272–73

  Hilton, Paris, 144

  Hinton, Geoffrey, 188–89

  H.M. (case), 107

  Hollywood Palladium: Allen-Buckley debate at, 29, 30–32, 31, 282

  Holtzman, Ann Loeb, 162, 165, 167, 168, 169, 186

  Holtzman, Jeffrey “Jeff”: Ann’s relationship with, 162, 165, 168; attention studies and, 191, 228, 229–30, 231; and brain imaging techniques, 194–95; and cost of dinner parties, 192; death of, 162, 167–69, 207, 208–9; and Eleganza motor home, 172, 206; eye tracker of, 161–62, 162, 175, 176, 177, 208; Fendrich and, 208; and Gazzaniga-Charlotte wedding, 166–67, 167; Gazzaniga’s relationship with, 162, 163–69, 163; and help of Cornell radiologists, 196; and Kosslyn-Farah studies, 178; and Làdavas’s research, 179; picture of, 163; and semi-split mind studies, 241; Sergent’s studies and, 221–22

  Horowitz, Vladimir, 172

  horse’s mouth: story about number of teeth in, 14–15

  Hubel, David, 96

  Hullar, Theodore, 254

  Human Connectome Project, 306

  humans: and origins of split-brain research, 44, 45–46; summing up of story about, 361. See also specific case or research

  Hume, David, 132

  Hurok, Sol, 29, 29n, 32

  Hutchins, Robert, 29–30

  Hutsler, Jeffrey, 272, 273, 274

  Huxley, Aldous, 23

  Il Bambino (New York City restaurant), 120, 120, 131

  individual variation, 67–75, 310, 354

  information: Gazzaniga’s studies of how information is integrated into normal brain, 98–100; Shannon’s theory of, 181, 181n

  Inter-University Consortium on Perception, 117

  interdisciplinary approach: about neurobiology of memory, 188–89, 189; benefits of, 271–72; cognitive neuroscience and, 186–90; and Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 284; and Cornell “program project” grant, 211; and diversity of interest in split-brain research, 280; influence on Gazzaniga of, 205; and neuroinformatics program, 304; at Stony Brook, 142–43; and violence as topic of Gazzaniga’s first forum, 108–9

  International Neurology Association, 52–53

  interpreter theory, 114, 150–53, 260, 293–96, 353, 360–61

  “inversion recovery” process, 195

  Isaacs, Henry, 274

  Istituto di Fisiologia (Pisa, Italy): Gazzaniga’s postdoctoral fellowship in, 91, 92–96, 94, 97; Sperry visit to, 95

  J. Alfred Prufrock House (Caltech), 17–18, 18, 19

  Jackson, Christopher, 207

  Jackson, John Hughlings, 41

  Japan, emperor of: Geschwind and, 53

  Jenkins, Fern, 38

  Jenkins, William “Bill.” See W.J. (case)

  Jerne, Niels, 212

  Johns Hopkins Medical Center: mind/brain program at, 246

  Johns Hopkins University Press, 212, 213

  Johnson, J. D., 133–34

  Joshua Tree National Park: Delbrück campers at, 26

  Jouandet, Marc, 236–37

  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 212–15, 214, 282, 304–5

  journals, scientific: data submission to, 304–6. See also specific journal

  J.W. (case): attention studies and, 226–27, 229, 230, 233; brain imaging and, 194–95, 196, 300; and challenges to split-brain research, 216, 217–18, 219, 221, 222–23, 224, 225; changing behavior of, 266–67; corpus callosum of, 241–44; and correcting scientific errors, 300; and doing two things at once, 264–65; Funnell study of, 308; interpreter theory and, 293–94; Luck’s study of, 226–27; MacKay’s testing of, 216, 217–18; Mangun’s study of, 264–65; memory of, 308; picture of, 33; and semi-split mind, 241–44; Sergent’s study of, 221; Seymour’s testing of, 222–23; smiles study and, 246; and speech/language, 155, 226–27, 266–71, 269, 272; UC Davis move of, 261, 262, 262; visual system of, 176, 241–44, 266–67, 270, 308

  Kaas, Jon, 211, 252

  Kahneman, Daniel, 335, 336

  Kaiser Permanente, 12

  Kant, Immanuel, 121

  Kaplan, Edith, 49–50, 60

  Kass, Leon, 312, 312n, 314, 321, 322, 323, 324

  Keck Foundation, 304

  Keech, Marian: flood prophecy of, 122–24

  Kemeny, John, 306

  Kendall, Willmoore, 30

  Kendler, Howard, 91, 97

  Kennedy, John F.: Allen-Buckley debate about, 30–32; torch comment by, 327

  Kennedy, Robert, 92, 108

  Killackey, Herb, 189

  Kim, Jim, 326

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 92, 118

  Kingstone, Alan, 231–32, 233–34, 300

  Kirschner, Marc, 356–57

  Klein, Ray, 231

  Kleitman laboratory: Gazzaniga at, 25

  Knight, Robert “Bob,” 227, 273

  Kohs block test, 62–63, 64–65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 87, 129

  “Konstant, Dr. and Mrs.”: at dinner parties, 192–93

  Korsakoff’s syndrome patient, 173–74

  Koslow, Steve, 303, 304, 306

  Kosslyn, Stephen, 178, 214

  Krubitzer, Leah, 261

  Kusadasi, Turkey: interdisciplinary meeting in, 187–88, 187

Marta, 227, 231, 272–73

  La Fenice et Des Artistes (Venice, Italy): meeting at, 251–53

  laboratories, research: directors of, 47–48; focus of, 47–48; importance of key people in, 208; luck and, 48; outside scientists in, 105; successful, 48. See also specific laboratory or researcher

  Làdavas, Elisabetta, 178–79

  Lake Tahoe: Gazzaniga’s cabin on, 258, 285; summer institutes in cognitive neuroscience at, 280–82, 281

  language. See speech/language

  The Language Instinct (Pinker), 212

  Lashley, Karl, 16, 42, 44, 104, 114, 273

  Lauterbur, Paul, 60–61

  layering, 5, 347, 348–51, 356–57

  Lazar, Swifty, 197

  L.B. (case), 33, 73, 82–83, 88, 89, 131, 222, 223, 233

  LeDoux, Joseph, 139, 145, 147–50, 147, 151, 159, 160, 170–71, 172, 176

  left brain: function of, 114–15, 153, 234, 338–39, 360; smiles and, 244–46. See also specific research, researcher, case, or topic

  left brain/right brain: beginning of distinctions between, 60–67; collaboration between, 271; differences from cells to process in, 271–74; and filming, 61–67

  Lewin, Kurt, 121–22

  Lewis, David, 345–46

  Lewis, Edward, 6, 21

  liberalism: Gazzaniga’s views about, 27

  Liepmann, Hugo, 52

  Lipson, Hod, 340–41

  Loeb, Ann. See Holtzman, Ann Loeb

  Loftus, William, 238

  Los Angeles, California: Gazzaniga family move to, 12

  Los Angeles Times, Gazzaniga’s article about crime prevention in, 108–9

  Luce, R. Duncan, 189

  luck: of Gazzaniga, 32, 97, 127, 257; importance of, 119; and origins of split-brain research, 49; role in science of, 20–21; and success of research laboratories, 48

  Luck, Steve, 226–27, 231, 232–33

  Lutsep, Helmi, 275–76

  Lynch, Gary, 187–88, 187, 189, 211, 212, 214, 252, 257

  MacArthur Foundation, 109n

  MacBird, Lois, 22

  MacKay, Donald M., 106–7, 131, 132–33, 137, 137, 216–19, 220

  MacKay, Valerie, 106–7, 216–19, 220

  Mangun, Ron, 210, 227, 231, 232, 261, 262–64, 263, 283

  Manhattan Club (New York City): dinner parties at, 192

  Marcussen, Buck, 275

  Marín, Oscar, 192

  Marx, Groucho, 30, 32

  Mary Hitchcock Foundation, 16, 210

  Mary Hitchcock Hospital. See Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Center for Group Dynamics at, 121–22; cognitive science program at, 185

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press, 212, 213, 215, 281

  match-to-sample test, 72–73

  Maugham, Somerset, 346

  Maxwell’s Plum (New York City restaurant), 192

  McDonnell (James S.) Foundation, 200, 280

  McHugh, Paul, 312, 313–14

  Mead, Margaret, 18–19

  Meadows, Jayne, 29

  mechanical clock example, 348–49

  Meehl, Paul, 108

  Meilaender, Gil, 318–19, 324–25

  memory: attention and, 230; false, 277; interdisciplinary meeting about neurobiology of, 188–89, 189; interpreter theory and, 152; and language/speech studies, 175; limitations of, 335; recognition, 279–80, 279n; semantic and episodic, 276, 277, 278–79; and sensory-motor integration studies, 73, 74–75; Sperry’s comments about, 345; Tulving’s studies on, 274–80; visual system and, 74

  mental capacity: and advances in science, 78; and sensory-motor integration studies, 72–73

  mentoring: Gazzaniga’s views about, 161

  Meredith, Alex, 214

  Merzenich, Michael, 283

  Meselson, Matt, 17, 17n, 21

  Metcalfe, Janet, 308

  Meyer, Nicholas, 355

  Miller, George, 47, 179–85, 179, 185, 190, 192, 235, 335, 345

  Miller, Michael, 277, 278, 279, 294, 295, 296

  Milner, Brenda, 107

  mind: semi-split, 239–44. See also specific research or topic

  Mitchell, D. E., 105

  mobile van/trailer, 140, 141, 141, 164–65, 244. See also Eleganza motor home, GMC

  modules/modularity: and basic principles of the brain, 338–39, 352; and copying hand gestures, 86–87; cueing and, 86–87; definition of, 59; emergence and, 346; function of, 59; and future of research about brain, 354–55; Gazzaniga’s views about, 346; interpreter and, 360–61; layering and, 348; and orchestra metaphor, 352–54; thinking about, 340–42; and unity, 352–54

  monkeys: anterior commissure in, 145; attention of, 229; cueing and, 80, 81–82, 105–6; differences between brains of humans and, 147; emotions of, 80, 89; Feynman’s interest in Gazzaniga’s testing of, 66–67; filming of, 71; Gazzaniga’s NYU research about, 120, 126–27, 133–34, 144–45; Gazzaniga’s reinforcement studies about, 120, 126–27, 133–34; Gazzaniga’s Stony Brook research about, 144–45; Gazzaniga’s UCSB lab studies about, 98, 105–6; Gibson’s studies of hypothalamus of, 133; memories of, 73, 74–75; and monkey virus B, 66–67; and sensory-motor integration studies, 67–68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74–75; Sperry’s Caltech lab research on, 7, 16, 39, 47; visual system of, 81–82, 126–27, 133–34, 145, 147, 301; weighing of, 66–67

  Moore, Roger, 238

  Moorea (Tahiti): interdisciplinary meeting about neurobiology of memory in, 188–89, 189

  moral issues, 317, 319, 320, 322. See also President’s Council on Bioethics

  Morgan, Clifford T., 44–45, 107

  Morse code of the brain, 92–96

  Mortimer’s (New York City restaurant), 192

  Moruzzi, Giuseppe, 93

  motivation: and challenges to two minds idea, 133; Premack’s theory of, 61, 101–2, 125. See also reinforcement

  motor skills, 84, 85–86, 239–40, 241. See also sensory-motor integration

  Mount Rainier: climbing, 198–200, 298

  Mountcastle, Vernon, 56, 58

  Mr. C. (aphasic patient), 183–84

  MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 194–95, 196, 197, 203, 204, 222, 299, 302; and microscopes for neurosurgery operations, 235–39, 247

  mutations, 355–57

  Myers, Ronald, 16, 42–44, 45–46, 51, 69

  N400 brain waves, 272–73

  Nakamura, Richard, 145

  National Academy of Sciences, 49, 55, 317–18

  National Institute of Health (NIH), 38, 97, 211, 257, 303

  National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 306

  National Review magazine, 27, 91, 135, 136, 237

  National Science Foundation (NSF), 147, 170, 172, 304, 306

  natural selection, 355–56

  Nature magazine, 60, 61, 219, 222, 227, 305

  Nature Neuroscience magazine, 305

  “nature versus nurture” question, 272

  Nature’s Mind (Gazzaniga), 212

  Navy, U.S., 238

  nerve circuits: and Gazzaniga’s early interest in brain, 3–4; Sperry’s article about growth of, 3–4

  neural disconnection syndromes, 49

  neural tract information, 310

  neuroanatomy: as never changing, 273–74

  neurobiology: and cognition, 183; Sperry’s contributions to, 23, 46

  NeuroImage journal, 305

  neuroinformatics program, 303–6

  neurologic clinic (New York University): first steps into the, 127–31

  neurology: as basic to split-brain research, 41

  Neurology journal, 52, 60

  neurons: and copying hand gestures, 86–87; layering and, 348; and Morse code of the brain, 96; Rizzolatti’s study of, 94; and size of brain, 340; Sperry’s studies about, 337

  neurophysiology: Gazzaniga’s views about, 97

  Neuropsychologia, 54

  neuropsychology, 114, 127n, 158–59, 185

  neuroscience: central question of, 359; future of, 334–37,
357; Gazzaniga’s views about, 357; interdisciplinary interests in, 280; key data of, 190; Lashley and beginning of, 114; questions about future research in, 354–55; and relationships between structure and function, 335–36. See also cognitive neuroscience

  Neuroscience Research Program, 51

  neurosurgery: computer simulation of, 200; MRI-guided microscopes for, 235–39, 247; and Rayport’s study, 342–43. See also split-brain surgery

  Neville, Helen, 227

  New Atlantic: Meilaender article about stem cells in, 324

  New England Journal of Medicine, 50, 60

  New England patients: Holtzman and, 164–65; surgical differences in, 146. See also specific case

  New Jersey Stem Cell Institute, 315

  New York City: Festinger-Gazzaniga lunches in, 120–21, 120, 124–25; Festinger’s views about, 116; Gazzaniga’s home in, 118; Gazzaniga’s life in, 170–74, 201, 206, 208; Gazzaniga’s moves to, 116, 117–19, 155; Gazzaniga’s views about, 118–19, 177–78. See also specific institution or business

  New York Daily News, 162, 165

  New York Hospital, 167, 194

  New York Times, stem cell articles in, 321, 322–24

  New York University: Gazzaniga’s homes while at, 118, 138; Gazzaniga’s job offer from, 115, 117–18; Gazzaniga’s research at, 119–21, 132, 144–45; and University Consortium on Perception, 117

  New York University Club: cognitive neuroscience dinners at, 184

  New York University School of Medicine: Gazzaniga’s research at, 127–31

  Newton, Isaac, 35

  N.G. (case): and beginnings of left brain/right brain distinction, 79; Blakemore’s testing of, 105; and challenges to two minds idea, 134–35, 222, 223; filming of, 61–62, 88, 89–90; language and, 89, 131; picture of, 33; reactions to sexual pictures by, 89–90; self-cueing by, 80; and sensory-motor integration studies, 73, 79, 87–90; Sergent’s testing of, 222, 223; vision and, 80

  Nobel Prize: for Sperry, 75; for Yamanaka, 325

  nonscientists, interest in scientific research of, 24–25, 28, 62, 137–38, 137

  “normative systems,” 132–35

  North Adams, Massachusetts: Gazzaniga family move to, 11–12

  Norwich, Vermont: Gazzaniga’s home/office in, 206–7, 209, 247, 258

  O’Brien, Conan, 307, 326

  Odum, Homer, 31

  Office of Graduate Student Affairs (Caltech): Gazzaniga as director of, 26

  Office of Naval Research, U.S. Navy, 238

  Olshausen, Bruno, 261

  Olton, David, 189

  One on One (New York City physical fitness facility), 198


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