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Tales from Both Sides of the Brain : A Life in Neuroscience (9780062228819)

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by Gazzaniga, Michael S.

  optic chiasm, 42–44, 70, 96

  orchestra metaphor, 352–54

  Owen, Ray, 21

  Oxford University: Chomsky and Miller at, 181–82

  P1/N1 complex, 263, 264

  Paone’s (New York City restaurant), 197

  Paris, France: Gazzaniga’s filming in, 144

  parking ticket story, Gazzaniga’s, 127–28

  Pasquale (Pisa lab animal technician), 95

  Pauling, Linus, 6, 8–9, 90

  Penfield, Wilder, 41

  Pentagon Papers: Buckley spoof about, 136–37

  perception: attention and, 228; and challenges to split-brain research, 216–24; and electrophysiology, 204; Sperry’s comments about, 345; and transfer of higher-order information, 216–24. See also visual system

  PET (positron emission tomography), 204, 277, 278

  Phelps, Elizabeth, 152

  Phillips House (Sharon, Vermont): as Gazzaniga’s home, 286, 287–92, 288

  physics, emergence and, 343–44

  Physiological Psychology (Morgan), 44, 45

  Piccolo Mondo (New York City restaurant), 172–73, 192, 213

  “Picnic” (Allen song), 103–4

  pigeons, split-brain, 142–43

  Pike House (Dartmouth), 210–11, 210, 232, 234–35, 263

  Pinker, Steven, 212, 283, 283, 325–26

  Pius XII (pope), 320

  P.K. (case): of Geschwind and Kaplan, 49–50

  The Plausibility of Life (Kirschner and Gerhart), 356

  Playboy magazine, 18

  Plum, Fred, 158–59, 192, 193, 207–8, 209

  politics: and Gazzaniga as Caltech graduate student, 23, 26–32, 91–92

  Posner, Jerry, 190, 191

  Posner, Michael, 190–92, 193, 231, 232, 282

  postdoctoral fellows, 22–23, 47, 141–42, 161, 206, 235, 260, 298. See also specific person

  postmortem brains: Hutsler study of, 273

  Potts, Gordon, 194, 196

  Premack, Ann, 102

  Premack, David: Buckley’s Firing Line interview with, 137, 137; and Cognitive Neuroscience Institute meetings, 211–12; and Gazzaniga’s move to UCSB, 97; and Gazzaniga’s studies on NYU Medical School patients, 129–31; influence on Gazzaniga of, 100–101, 102, 127, 131; influence on psychology of, 182; language capacities studies of, 101, 128–31; mental structures of chimpanzees studies of, 128–29; motivation studies of, 61, 101–2, 125; picture of, 101; Pinker comments by, 212; “theory of mind” of, 102; and two minds concept, 131; at University of Pennsylvania, 102; and violence meeting, 108, 109

  “Premack Principle,” 61

  President’s Council on Bioethics: Catholics as members of, 316–17, 320; first meeting of, 313–14; Gazzaniga asked to be member of, 312; stem cells discussion of, 312–14, 316–26; vote and report of, 322–25, 323

  Primate Center (University of California, Davis), 255–56

  primates: Feynman’s interest in Gazzaniga’s testing of, 66–67. See also chimpanzees; monkeys

  Princeton University, Gazzaniga as visiting scholar at, 235–36

  probability game, 294–96

  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) report, 49, 55

  proprioception, 268, 268n

  prostate cancer, Gazzaniga’s, 332–34

  P.S. (case), 33, 141, 146–50, 148, 153–54, 154, 196, 224, 271

  PSA testing, 332

  psychobiology, 114

  psycholinguistics, 181

  psychology: behaviorism as ideological backbone of, 113–14; developmental, 337–38; focus of studies in, 278; major influences on, 182; revolution in, 113–14. See also neuropsychology

  psychophysical isomorphism, 46–47

  psychophysics, 161, 161n

  public affairs: Gazzaniga’s interest in, 108–9

  “pure word deafness,” 130

  rabbits: Gazzaniga’s split-brain research on, 7–9, 13, 14

  radiology, 174–75, 195

  Rafal, Robert, 273

  Raichle, Marcus, 92, 192, 303, 304

  Ramachandran, V. S., 283

  rats: research on, 7, 120, 125–26, 126, 335

  Ravello, Italy: Holtzman and Gazzaniga in, 163

  Rayport, Mark, 176, 342, 343

  “readiness” response, 225

  Recanzone, Greg, 261

  reductionism, 335–36, 341–42, 343–44, 345, 346, 350

  Reeves, Alex, 207

  Reggie (Caltech shop technician), 22, 73–74

  reinforcement: and challenges to two minds idea, 133; Gazzaniga’s NYU work on, 119–21, 125–27

  Republican National Convention (San Francisco, 1964), 91–92

  research: complexity of teaching and, 104; erroneous findings in, 216, 299–303; and general principles in study of neurologically disrupted patients, 83–84; and hiring of researchers, 258–60; and isolation of researchers, 24–25; nonscientists interest in scientific, 24–25, 28, 62, 137–38, 137; and researcher-patient relationship, 87–88, 164, 244; summing up of Gazzaniga’s, 361. See also specific research or researcher

  residents, medical, 157–58, 173

  Resort at Squaw Creek (Lake Tahoe): summer institute at, 281, 281

  “reunified” view of split brain, 216–22

  Reuter-Lorenz, Patti, 210, 225, 228–29, 231, 232, 282

  Riecken, Henry, 122

  right brain: and basic principles of the brain, 339; function of, 88, 114–15, 132, 234, 308, 339; speech/language and, 89, 148–49, 153–55, 265–71, 269, 272, 273. See also left brain/right brain; specific research, researcher, case, or topic

  risk-taking: of Festinger, 116; Gazzaniga’s views about, 115, 205

  Risse, Gail, 144

  Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 93, 94, 94, 95–96

  Roberts, David, 139, 235–36, 247

  Rockefeller University, Miller at, 179–80, 183

  Rockefeller University Faculty Club, 180, 184–85

  Rockmore, Dan, 303–4

  Rolling Stone magazine, 62

  Rose, Jerzy, 56, 58

  Roser, Matt, 310

  Ross-Loos Medical Group (Los Angeles), 12

  Rumelhart, David, 212

  Rusk, Dean, 136

  Sachs, Ernest, 138–39

  Safire, William, 321

  Sage Publishing Company, 331

  San Francisco, California: Cognitive Neuroscience Society meetings in, 282, 283

  Sandel, Michael, 320

  SANE organization, 31

  Sarah (chimpanzee): and Premack’s motivation studies, 101–2

  Sarkany, Geysa, 200

  Sarno, Martha Taylor, 127

  Savelberg, Hank, 289

  Schachter, Stanley, 108, 109, 120, 122, 152–53, 187–88, 187, 255

  Schacter, Daniel, 282, 285

  Scharf, Manny, 212

  Schechter, Nisson, 166, 167

  Science magazine, 61, 75, 303, 305

  science/scientists: advances in, 77–78; Buckley’s Firing Line interviews with, 137–38, 137; collaboration among, 142, 147; competitive nature of, 49–52, 54; and difference between scientists and science, 46; in early 1960s, 40–41; errors of, 216, 299–303; flexibility of, 230–31; forward movement of, 47; limitations of, 336; luck in, 20–21; motivation of, 4; nonscientists interest in research of, 24–25, 28, 62, 137–38, 137; postdoctoral layer in, 22–23; public communication about, 25; replication in, 147; as reviewers, 54; and sharing credit for an intellectual idea, 54; sharing resources in, 104–9, 304. See also specific scientist

  Scientific American magazine: Sperry article in, 3–4

  Seinowski, Terry, 211, 252

  “selective, chemotatic fiber growth” idea, 51–52

  self: narrative about, 119

  self-cueing, 59, 70, 79–83

  Seltzer, Richard, 314

  “semantic incongruity” brain wave, 272–73

  semi-split mind, 239–44

  “senior hires,” 260

  senses: attention and, 228; and basic principles of the brain
, 339; and semi-split mind, 239–40; Seymour’s study of, 223. See also sensory-motor integration; specific sense

  sensory-motor integration: and advances in science, 78; and copying hand gestures, 84–87; cueing and, 70–71, 72, 79–87; expansion of studies about, 129; filming and, 68; and Gazzaniga’s studies at UCSB, 98–100; and how it works, 67–75; individual variation and, 67–75; and variation in split-brain surgery, 146

  September 11, 2001, 311–12

  Sergent, Justine, 219, 220–22, 223

  sex: emotional reactions to pictures about, 89–90; and Mead’s comments about Caltech men, 18–19

  Seymour, Sandra, 222–23, 225

  Shannon, Claude E., 181n

  Sharon, Vermont: Gazzaniga’s home in, 286, 287–92, 288

  Shepherd, Gordon, 189, 214

  Sherrington, Charles, 337

  Shimamura, Art, 282–83

  Shoreham, Long Island: Gazzaniga’s home in, 179, 200

  Sidtis, John, 241

  Sigma XI organization, 131

  Singer, Jerry, 153

  Singer, Wolf, 212

  Sinsheimer, Bob, 21, 108

  Skinner, B. F., 137, 137

  Skinner, Donald, 333

  Sloan Foundation, 185–86, 185

  smell: Rayport’s study about, 342–43

  smiles: left brain and, 244–46

  Smith, Frank, 16

  Smith, William B., 14

  Smylie, Chris, 290, 291

  Smylie, Deezy, 167, 199

  Smylie, Ray, 291

  The Social Brain (Gazzaniga), 124–25, 198, 236

  social justice: Gazzaniga’s views about, 27

  social services: Gazzaniga’s views about, 27

  Society for Neuroscience, 190, 247, 253

  Society of Neurology and Psychiatry, Boston, 50

  somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), 318, 318n

  somatosensory information. See touch

  Sonycorder, 197–98

  speech/language: attention and, 226–27; and basic principles of the brain, 338–39; and copying of hand gestures, 84, 85–86, 88; cueing and, 82–83; Dax-Broca research about, 36, 36n; and functions of brain, 114; and Gazzaniga’s studies at NYU School of Medicine, 127–31; and human cortical areas, 272–74; Miller’s interest in psychology of, 181; motor skills and, 85–86; Premack’s studies on, 101, 128–31; and P.S. case, 148–49, 153–54, 154; radiology and, 174–75; right hemisphere and, 89, 148–49, 153–55, 154, 265–71, 269, 272, 273; and semi-split mind, 242–44; and sensory-motor integration studies, 72–73, 75; and Tulving’s studies of memory, 279; visual system and, 82–83; and W.J. case, 35–37

  Spelke, Liz, 101

  Sperry, Norma, 46

  Sperry, Roger: animal studies of, 39, 46, 50–51, 69; awards and honors for, 49, 75; and basic principles of the brain, 337; and chemoaffinity process, 46; commitment to developmental neurobiology of, 73; as competitor, 49–52, 53, 67; and complexity of research, 58; contributions of, 23, 46–49; and early reports about split-brain research, 77; and emergence concept, 344–45; and free will, 106, 107; and Gazzaniga as undergraduate intern, 5; Gazzaniga’s appreciation for, 75; and Gazzaniga’s early interest in brain, 3–4; and Gazzaniga’s first grant, 97; Gazzaniga’s first meeting with, 5; and Gazzaniga’s graduate studies, 13, 19–20; and Gazzaniga’s move to UCSB, 97; Gazzaniga’s relationship with, 23–24, 49, 60, 75, 116; and Geschwind’s research, 50–51, 52, 53, 60; health of, 46; and human subjects, 41; influence on psychology of, 182; initial interest in split-brain research by, 16, 44, 45, 60, 61, 65–66; Istituto di Fisiologia (Pisa, Italy) visit of, 95; and language-right hemisphere connection, 89; Lashley as advisor to, 16; luck of, 20–21; manuscript publication story about, 53–54; nerve circuits article by, 3–4; neurospecificity work of, 20–21, 337; personality and character of, 5, 22, 23, 47, 52, 54, 65; picture of, 23; and psychophysical isomorphism, 46–47; public and private, 48–49; recommendation for Gazzaniga as UCSB department chairman from, 106; reputation of, 48; and sensory-motor integration studies, 69, 73; and sharing credit, 75; social consciousness of, 53–54; and standard neuropsychological testing, 63–65; and supervene-supersede discussion, 344–45, 346, 350; surgical skills of, 81; and teaching, 104, 273; and two minds concept, 131; UCSB job offer for, 97; and weighing of monkeys, 67; Weiss as mentor to, 173; Weiss feud with, 51–52; W.J. case and, 39, 77

  Sperry (Roger) Laboratory (Caltech): ambience/culture of, 6, 9, 73–74, 91; areas of research at, 46–47; Gazzaniga as graduate student at, 17–26, 39, 67–75; Gazzaniga as undergraduate intern at, 5, 6, 7–9, 10, 48; nerve growth circuit research at, 7; and origins of split-brain research, 49; picture of, 6; and Sergent’s findings, 222; split-brain research at, 7–9, 13, 14, 19–20, 39; staff at, 21–22

  split-brain research: advances in, 359–61; basic findings of, 3; benefits of, 20; as brain as simple and organized, 114–15; challenges to/misunderstandings about, 216–25; complexity of, 54; and corpus callosum sectioning, 15–17; early reports about, 77; establishing the basics of, 55–59; expansion of, 78; first report about, 49; and Gazzaniga as graduate student, 19–20; Gazzaniga Caltech internship research on, 7–9, 13, 14; Gazzaniga’s American Scientist review of, 131–32; and Gazzaniga’s tests on patients, 9; influence of revolution in psychology on, 113–14; and “integration” of brains, 216–25; interdisciplinary interests in, 280; neurology as basic to, 41; origins of human, 42–49; and “reunified” view, 216–22; scientific vocabulary about, 41; and two minds findings, 114; and University of Rochester epilepsy patients, 15–17. See also specific researcher, case, or topic

  split-brain surgery: and basic principles of the brain, 339; brain imaging techniques and, 193–97; and complete splits question, 145–51, 193–97, 223; first, 39; and “reunified” view of split brain, 222, 223; variations in, 145–51, 223; Wilson’s views about, 139–40

  “spreading depression” procedure, 7

  St. Joseph’s Academy (New York City), 118

  staff: importance of laboratory, 21–22

  Stahl, Franklin, 17, 17n, 21

  Stanford University: Chomsky-Miller discussions at, 181–82; Festinger’s graduate seminars at, 116–17

  Steiner, Herman, 11

  Stellar, Eliot, 45

  stem cells: abortion and, 314–15, 320; and beginning of human life, 319; Black’s views about, 315–16; Catholics and, 316–17, 320, 325; cloning and, 318–19, 321–26; embryonic, 318–19; Gazzaniga’s New York Times op-ed about, 321; moral issues and, 317, 319, 320, 322; NAS report about, 318–19; President’s Council on Biotheics and, 312–14, 316–26; Yamanaka work with, 325

  Steven, Megan, 309–10

  Stony Brook (Long Island), New York: Gazzaniga home in, 138, 159; and Gazzaniga’s divorce, 159. See also Stony Brook, State University of New York at

  Stony Brook, State University of New York at: collaborative efforts at, 142; design of, 142; differences in surgery among patients at, 145–46; Gazzaniga at, 65, 138, 139, 141–53; graduate students at, 141–42; interdisciplinary research at, 142–43

  Strohbehn, John, 247

  strokes, 41, 50, 50n, 128, 130, 161, 245, 275

  Sturdevant, A. H., 6

  summer institute, cognitive neuroscience, 280–82, 281, 297

  “sunk cost fallacy,” 336

  supervene-supersede discussion, 344–46, 350

  Sutter, Mitch, 261

  Swanson, Larry, 98

  Swissair: dogs on flights of, 237–38

  Switzerland: Gazzaniga’s sabbatical in, 236–37

  synesthesia, 309–10, 309n

  Syntactic Structures (Chomsky), 181

  tachistoscopes, 164–65, 176

  Tahiti: interdisciplinary meeting about memory in, 188–89, 189

  teaching: Gazzaniga’s views about, 103, 104; Lashley’s comment about, 273; at University of California, 258

  technology: blindness and, 175–79; computer, 197–98, 200. See also brain imaging

  teenage brain, 309

  Temin, Howard
, 17, 21

  testing: and misunderstandings about split-brain research, 216; standard neuropsychological, 63–65. See also specific case or test

  Teuber, Hans-Lukas, 107–8, 127

  “theory of mind” (TOM), Premack’s, 102

  Thomas, Lewis, 294–95

  Time magazine, Gleevec cover of, 350

  Tononi, Giulio, 350

  touch: and copying of hand gestures, 84; and establishing the basics of split-brain research, 55, 56–59, 78; and semi-split mind, 240–41; testing of, 57; and variation in split-brain surgery, 146. See also sensory-motor integration

  Towe, Arnold, 118

  Townes, Charles, 331

  tractor: Gazzaniga buys, 288–89

  Tramo, Mark, 209, 210, 211, 238

  transformation grammar, 182, 182n

  transplantation, organ, 320

  Trevarthen, Colwyn, 30, 68, 69, 73

  “triple-story” test, 154

  “truck”: as abstracting example, 4–5

  trust, 254, 255, 259

  Tueting, Sarah, 307

  Tulving, Endel, 274–80, 275, 284

  Tulving, Linda, 275

  Tulving, Ruth, 275, 276–77

  Turk, David, 310–11

  “twenty questions” game, 217–19, 243

  twins, 224, 239, 267

  two minds: challenges to idea of, 131–35, 216–19; and “mind left”/”mind right” views, 114–15; and revolution in psychology, 113–14. See also split-brain research

  unconscious, 159–60, 339, 360

  University of California, Davis: administrators at, 254; Center for Neuroscience at, 253–61, 256; Gazzaniga’s home near, 257, 258, 289; Gazzaniga’s life at, 284; Gazzaniga’s move to, 251, 254–55, 257; and Gazzaniga’s return to Dartmouth, 284–86; Gazzniga’s offer from, 247; hiring at, 258–61, 285; and J.W. (case), 261, 262, 262, 266–71, 269, 272; Mind/Brain Center at, 262; summer institute in cognitive neuroscience at, 280–82; visiting-professor program at, 274–80

  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): brain imaging group at, 239

  University of California, San Diego (UCSD): attention studies at, 225–26; Gazzaniga’s move to, 251–55

  University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB): Gazzaniga as department chairman at, 106–7; Gazzaniga at, 44–45, 97–100, 105–9; Gazzaniga return from Italy to, 97; Gazzaniga’s home near, 107–8, 331; Gazzaniga’s lab at, 97–100; Gazzaniga’s promotion and tenure at, 106; Gazzaniga’s return to, 327; Gazzaniga’s testing of undergraduates at, 98–100; graduate program about neuroscience at, 354–55; and Morgan-Gazzaniga relationship, 44–45; offer of assistant professorship for Gazzaniga at, 91; Sage Publishing gift to, 331


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