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Redeeming Gavin

Page 13

by Ella Jade

  “I want to hear all about your crazy past.”

  “Be careful what you wish for.” He took her hand and led her to the car. “I’m much more interesting now that I’ve found you.”


  Dominick slid into the space in front of Justine’s house, got out, and opened the door for her. “Have a good night,” he said.

  “Thank you.” She reached for her yoga mat, but Gavin had already taken that and her bag before getting out of the car. He walked around to meet her.

  “Dom, I’ll be a few minutes.” Gavin led Justine up the steps to her porch.

  “Do you want to come in?” she asked.

  “I have an early flight to Boston in the morning but I wanted to ask you something.”


  “I’ll be gone a few days.” He didn’t want to leave her but he had a company that needed him too.

  “Don’t remind me.” She leaned against the railing. “I’ll miss you.”

  “As I will you, but I have something for you to think about while I’m gone.”

  “You?” When she smiled her whole face shimmered with happiness. Could he really be the cause of that?

  “Yes, but something more specific.”

  “You have me intrigued.”

  “Your due date is getting closer.” He took her hand, recalling how intimate the moment was between the two of them when the baby kicked “I know that makes you anxious but I don’t want you to worry about anything.”

  “When you’re around I don’t.”

  “Then I’d like you to be around me more often.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to move in with me.” He’d been thinking about asking her that for a while but he wasn’t sure how receptive she would be to it. “You don’t have to answer me now. Take a few days to decide if living with me would be right for you.”

  “Why do you want me to live with you?” She tucked her hair behind her ear, something she did when she was nervous. “This isn’t because of what happened at the yoga studio? Your friend didn’t know we weren’t together.”

  “We’re not?”

  “I mean that we didn’t, you didn’t...” She was flustered. “I should stop talking.”

  “Our relationship is unconventional or at least it was. It’s true, I didn’t get you pregnant but that really doesn’t matter to me. What matters is being with you. Spending time with you.” He placed his hand on her stomach. “Watching this life inside you grow. These past few months have been the best I’ve ever had. Getting to know you, falling for you a little more everyday has changed me.”

  “You didn’t need to be changed.”

  “I needed to become the man you needed.”

  “You are.”

  “I see how stressed the uncertainty of your future makes you. Even if you don’t express it, I see it in your eyes.” He’d never been this honest with anyone before. “I feel it in your soul.”

  “It’s just my due date is getting closer and that scares me. There’s so much to do. So much to consider and I feel unsettled.”

  “I want to help ease your stress,” he said. “I have a spare room too.”

  “You want me to move into your spare room?”

  “Of course not.” He wasn’t doing a very good job of explaining himself. “The nursery you want could go in the spare room. It has a beautiful view of the city. There’s enough space to do whatever you want. Cinderella, dragons, whatever makes you happy. I want you to be happy and I think I can do that for you.”

  “You make me very happy but I’m not sure moving in is the right decision for me.”

  “Don’t answer me tonight. Talk it over with your dad. I know part of you doesn’t want to leave him but he’s been doing better with the drinking.”

  “He hasn’t gone out since that night you picked him up. He’s really trying this time.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” He kissed her hand, understanding her apprehension. It wasn’t just her she had to consider. She was responsible for a child. “Take your time.”

  Maybe he needed to sweeten the deal.


  Gavin headed down the hall to Brody’s office. The floor was quiet. Most people had left for the evening, including Brody’s assistant, Autumn. He tapped on the office door. “Hey.” He stepped inside. “You have a minute?”

  “What are you still doing here?” Brody glanced at his watch. “Don’t you have a flight to catch?”

  “It was delayed an hour but I’m going to the airport now.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I asked Justine to move in with me.” He’d been thinking about that decision all day. As much as he wanted her to say yes, he knew it wasn't enough. She needed a bigger commitment and before he could take the next step he had to tell her the truth.

  “What did she say?”

  “I told her to think about it,” Gavin said. “But now that I’ve thought about it I’ve decided I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  “Wow.” Brody leaned back in his chair. “That’s great. I didn’t expect you to do that so fast but if you think it’s the right time good for you.”

  “I want to be with her.” Gavin took a seat. “In order for me to do that I have to be completely honest with her.”

  “I agree.”

  “I should have told her that Jason is my son already but I’ve been a coward. I’m ashamed of what I did to you and Claudia.” He held up his hand before Brody could speak. “I know, you’ve forgiven me but I have to forgive myself. I’m hoping when I tell Justine the truth, I’ll be able to start coming to terms with all of this. Maybe I’ll feel like I deserve a second chance.”

  “You do.”

  “I want that chance to be with Justine. I want to give her a good life but I have to tell her the truth. I can’t keep Jason’s paternity from her anymore so if you and Claudia are okay with letting another person in on our secret, I’d like to do it when I return from Boston.”

  “I’ll run it by Claudia, but I don’t think she’ll have a problem with it. She likes Justine. She thinks she’s good for you.”

  “She’s real good for me.” Gavin grinned when he thought about how she made him a better man. “I’m going to propose if she handles what I tell her about Jason well.”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be a bit of a shock to her so don’t be disappointed if she doesn’t react the way you hope. The important thing is you’re being honest with her. Once she realizes how much you sacrificed, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  “I hope so.” Gavin headed for the door. “I’ll be back in a few days.”

  “Do you want me to call my jeweler?” Brody smirked. “I have him on speed dial.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Gavin stopped in the hallway, noting someone turning the corner but didn’t see who it was. “I’ve already been in touch with him.”

  Now that he had taken the steps necessary to move forward he had a few days to think about his proposal. Being in Boston would be a good opportunity to clear his head and when he returned he’d be ready to start a future with the only woman who ever captured his heart.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Five days seemed like an eternity. When Gavin came through the door, they retreated to the bedroom. It was the natural thing to do. When he saw Justine, he couldn’t help himself.

  She grasped the spindles of the iron headboard as he slowly slipped inside her. She melted into him, relaxing when they became one.

  “Gavin,” she moaned.

  “I missed you.” He smoothed his hand over the silky skin of her back. Gazing down between their bodies, his breaths increased as he disappeared into her wet, hot sex.

  “More.” She thrust her hips back as she clenched around his cock.

  “Relax, baby.” He twisted her hair in his hand, exposing her neck. “I want to savor you.”

  Placing one hand over hers, he gripped her hip in the other, taking his time to set a pleasurable pace
. After a few quick thrusts, she settled down, letting him take control. “See.” He kissed her neck. “I know what you need.”

  “I need you.”

  “You have me.” Tonight she would have all of him. On the plane ride back to New York, he’d rehearsed his speech in his head. He would put it all out there and trust that she would understand why he waited so long to tell her the truth. She would see he was afraid and vulnerable. A side he didn’t show often but one he was capable of when it came to her.

  “Ahh...” She turned her head, seeking out his lips. “Kiss me.”

  He brushed his lips over hers before covering her mouth with his. Sliding his hands over her breasts, he squeezed them, taunting her nipples with his thumbs.

  “You know what that does to me.” Her muscles tensed and before he had time to respond she spiraled into an intense climax. Thrashing in his embrace and moaning out his name.

  “I know what everything does to you.” He glided his fingers down her stomach and between her legs “I’ve enjoyed mastering your body, learning what feels good, knowing what I can do to you.” He rubbed his fingers along her entrance, coating them in her arousal. “Making you come with my touch.”

  “You know me better than I know myself.”

  He slowed his tempo as his own climax took over. Closing his eyes, he held her tight against his body as he released deep inside her. Staying with her longer than usual, he didn’t want to break their bond. He needed these last few minutes to... savor. Yes, savor, what they were to one another. What they had built these last few months in case... No! He couldn’t go there. He wouldn’t allow himself to think that it could all end tonight. They were stronger than that.

  “I love you.” She twisted in his arms to face him. “I’m so glad you’re home.” She looked down. “I... I’m just glad you’re here.” She hugged him. “I needed to be with you.”

  “What is it?” She wasn’t as relaxed as she should be after being together. She seemed worried, off. Why hadn’t he noticed that before he hurried her into bed? He should have told her what he needed to and then proposed. They had plenty of time for sex.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head but didn’t meet his stare. “My day was off but it’s better now. I’m being silly.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have rushed us into bed.” He tried to tame her hair with his hand. “I was just overwhelmed when I got home. It was a long week and I needed this... us.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Why don’t we take a shower?”

  “Together?” She smiled as she kissed his jaw.

  “Of course.” He slipped off the bed and took her hand. “I’ll rub your shoulders.”

  “You’re a real prince.”

  “Hmm...” As they walked to the bathroom, he tried to convince himself that maybe tonight wasn’t the right time to tell her everything. Would one more night with her be so wrong?


  They stayed in the shower for a long time. Laughing, playing, touching, talking, and making love. Could this really be her life? When he came home tonight, all the stress of her day went away. It wasn’t a horrible day but she had let something get to her. Something she knew better than to trust but once the words were out there, they were hard to forget. They had been on her mind for hours. It wasn’t as if she believed them but they had seeped into her thoughts and now she couldn’t get them out.

  As they cuddled on the couch, she wanted to tell him she’d made a decision about moving in with him. It was a huge life choice. Not only for her but for her baby. Gavin had proven over and over again that he was a wonderful man even if he didn’t believe it. She had no reason to believe he would hurt her. He’d done nothing but take care of her since they met. He was her rock. Without him these last few months would have been difficult. Moving in with him had been on her mind all week. She’d gone over all the negatives and positives. There were far more positives. She’d be a fool to say no.

  “What’s bothering you?” He held her close to his side. “You seem upset. Is everything okay with the baby?”

  She didn’t want to say anything but her earlier conversation kept creeping into her thoughts. She tried to ignore the words she couldn’t seem to forget. Gavin had been so good to her and her father. What Jackie told her today had to be lies. Brody, Claudia, and Jason were a happy family. She kept telling herself that all day. There was no way Gavin could be...

  “Jus, you’re a million miles away.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “I don’t want you to worry about anything. I promised I would take care of you. I want to.” He moved his hands to her stomach. “Both of you.”

  When he said things like that she had all the trust in her heart for him. She couldn’t help but feel like she was betraying him for even entertaining Jackie’s lies.

  “There is something on my mind.” She faced him, trying to decide what to say. Maybe if she got it out in the open, he could deny it and they could forget about it. “I didn’t want to bring it up because it’s nonsense.”

  “If something is bothering you, it’s not nonsense.”

  “Jackie is trying to cause trouble.”

  “Did she approach you?”

  “I stopped by the office today because Claudia had a few maternity dresses she thought I might like to borrow.”

  “That was nice of her.”

  “She’s great but I did run into Jackie.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought after last time she understood she was not to speak to you. She’s mad because Brody has asked her to transfer to another location. We have a smaller office downtown. He’s moving her there so I don’t have to deal with her on a regular basis. She views it as a demotion.”

  “I don’t want anyone to lose their job.”

  “She’s not losing her job. Brody and I think it’s a better fit for her.”

  “Because of me.”

  “It’s business.” He rested his palm on her cheek. “Nothing for you to concern yourself with. Whatever she said to you probably stemmed from her anger over being transferred. It isn’t your fault. She’s lucky Brody didn’t fire her. I would have but he wants to give her another chance.”

  “She told me something I want to forget but it’s so ridiculous that I don’t understand why she would say it, especially if you offered her another position. It just doesn’t make sense that she would risk her job over something so outrageous.”

  “I’m sorry she upset you.” With his hand still on her face, he pressed his lips to hers. “You don’t have to deal with her anymore. She knows nothing about us. She doesn’t have any right to speak to you or tell you anything.”

  “She said that Jason was your son.”

  He let go of her face but the color seemed to drain from his. Why had she said anything? She’d never been one to give into rumors or gossip before. After everything his family had done for her, this was how she repaid him? Upsetting him by repeating such a horrible lie?

  “I wasn’t going to tell you but I think you should know if an employee is trying to spread a rumor like that.” Jackie clearly had issues to make up a lie like that about the Callahans. “I’m not sure what her angle is. She doesn’t like me and that’s fine, but to spread such a vicious lie about Jason. He’s a little boy. You needed to know.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, looking down at the floor when he spoke. “What else did she say?” His voice was soft, unsure. He probably couldn’t believe that anyone could be so heartless as to make up such a lie about Brody and his lovely family.

  “She said she overheard you and Brody talking about Jason and that during your conversation she gathered that you were his father and Brody adopted him. What a story.” She laughed because the more she thought about it, the more absurd it sounded. “Clearly she watches too many soap operas. I don’t know how it even came up in our brief conversation.”

  “You didn’t believe her?”

  “No.” She took his hands in hers. “How could I?
It was shocking to hear but considering the source I should have known better. I didn’t doubt you.”

  “Jus... you...”

  “I didn’t want to upset you. I’m only telling you because I don’t know who else she’ll tell and I wanted you to be prepared. You’ve done so much for me, and I wanted to help you if I could. I know you’re not capable of doing something like that. You’re too good of a man to leave his child. You’re with me and you want to help me raise my baby so her story doesn’t make sense. I think she needs help. Maybe she thought if she did something like this you’d let her stay at the main office.”

  “I appreciate your trust but she was telling you the truth.” He let go of her hands and got up from the sofa, putting some distance between them. “It’s time I told you the truth too.”


  “She did overhear my conversation with my brother.” He faced the fireplace, resting his hands on the mantle, avoiding all eye contact with her. “She’s not lying, I am Jason’s father.”


  The words were out there, hanging between the two of them. Gavin stood motionless as an odd sense of relief came over him. His secret was out. It may not have gotten out the way he would have liked. He’d deal with Jackie later for eavesdropping on a private conversation and then relaying the contents of that conversation. So much for the nondisclosure agreement she signed when she was hired. He hoped she was enjoying her night because tomorrow he would ruin her career. Right now Jackie wasn’t his concern.

  “I wanted to tell you.” Why hadn’t he been honest from the beginning? When he finally mustered the courage to look at her, she stared back at him with what could be described as sheer hurt. He realized his choice to withhold the truth wasn’t the right one. He’d known that all along but he’d still done it.

  “Why didn’t you?” The confusion evident on her face as she got up and came toward him. “Why would you keep that from me?”

  “Because it’s not something I’m particularly proud of and given your circumstances I didn’t know how I should approach it.”


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