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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

Page 11

by Amy Brent

  “Yes, yes,” I agreed. “We’ll see each other soon though. Sorry again.”

  “You don’t have to apologize for anything,” Kathryn said.

  Before she left, I plastered my lips over hers with all the pent-up passion I felt.

  When we finally tore ourselves away, we were both breathless.

  “That was—” Kathryn shook her head, at a loss for words and smiling a little. “Goodbye, Eric, and good luck.”

  “Thanks,” I said, not quite able to remove my gaze from her lips. “Good night.”

  After she had shut the door, I sat motionless in my car for another minute or so, my erection pressing insistently against my leg. Already, precious time to stop the hackers had been wasted. What was my fascination with this woman going to cost me?

  Chapter 15


  Oh, fuck.

  As I stormed into the apartment, I knew already. I was wet and horny as fuck. I couldn’t think straight like this. I had to get it out of my system.

  A quick walk around the apartment gave me a sigh of exquisite relief. No Sadie. She must have been at Marlow’s again. Thank god.

  Racing to the bathroom, I yanked out my rabbit, smiling fondly at its shining purple body. It had been a long time since I’d used him, but now I needed my dear vibrator more than ever. I had some unfinished business to attend to.

  On my bed, it took me a few agonizing minutes to wriggle out of my fishnet bodysuit and bodycon skirt so I could use this thing how it was intended to be used. Once I was naked, however, I wasted no time in shoving it deep inside me.

  My eyes snapped open. Oh fuck. Yeah, baby.

  The whole night with Eric had basically been foreplay. The wine, the sexy way he looked at me, every touch of our hands, the moment when he’d peeled my sleeve down right there in the restaurant. He could’ve taken me in the car, or hell, the restaurant bathroom.

  Once we had got to his house, I’d been more than ready. And there in his bathroom when he just about burst in—

  I clenched my eyes closed angrily. Fuck what had happened. I had a dick of sorts in my hand right now. I could remake history if I wanted to. And oh, did I ever.

  Imagining Eric picking me up, I then thought of him carrying me out of the bathroom to his bedroom where he had some rope all ready for me. It was fastened to his bedpost, and he looped the two free ends around my wrists.

  As he did this, Eric unleashed an onslaught of kisses on me. Only once I was good and tied up did he dip a finger into my pussy. Withdrawing it, he wagged its glistening form in my face.

  “Not yet, you little slut.”

  He swirled the wetted finger over my lips and then into them. I sucked it feverishly, hoping he’d replace it with what I really wanted. Only a minute or so later, he did.

  Once his rock-hard cock was unveiled from his silky boxers, he slapped me in the cheek with it. Then he shoved it in my mouth. I groaned in exultation. Finally, what I’d been waiting for.

  I started by licking up and down the shaft, then below around his balls. I popped them in my mouth one at a time, sucking them gently and then a bit harder until Eric exhaled gladly. I nibbled and kissed the groove where his groin met his leg, even his upper leg.

  Suddenly, Eric grabbed my head and rammed my face where it belonged. The first slurp down of his dick was perfect. It mashed gently in the back of my throat, setting off my gag reflex, which I ignored. There was no time for that. I had a dick to suck, and suck well.

  I threw my face up and down the happily hardening shaft. My wrists shifted and scraped against the scratchy rope. Clearly, my hands were upset they couldn’t join in on the fun, but my mouth made the most of the opportunity. My lips curling around my teeth, I blasted the sensitive head of his dick with oral adoration.

  I sucked it in a figure-8 formation, bobbing my head back and forth. The more groans that spilled out of Eric, the better I knew I was doing. I was hungry for more. So, I swirled my tongue around in a frenzy, gulped his dick all the way down until I was deep-throating it and swaying my head back and forth. I slurped it up. I slurped it down. I slurped it all around until he was shaking with the only thing I’d wanted this whole time.

  “Please,” I moaned, pausing from sucking, “give it to me. I want to taste it.”

  As Eric slammed his dick back down my throat and I sucked it eagerly, he growled, “You don’t get a snack this time. This time, I’ve got something else in mind for you.”

  And after a few more wonderful dick-guzzling seconds, I found out exactly what he had in mind. When his dick let out its first spurt, he ripped it out of my mouth. As I hung there helplessly, he sprayed me down with his warm release. It went all over my mouth and then all over my tits. The beautiful warm rolls of ecstasy flowed down all over me.

  Afterward, he wiped his cum-tipped dick on my cheek.

  “You came too, didn’t you?” he said with a knowing glint in his eyes.

  I opened my eyes and saw that I had. Mr. Rabbit had run out of juice probably half a minute ago, but I hadn’t noticed. Nor had I noticed that my fantasy was just that, until now. Man was it good.

  My phone rang. Speak of the devil.

  “Were you thinking of me?” Eric’s deep voice asked knowingly.

  No, I was coming to you, I said, though only to myself.

  “Maybe,” is what I told him in a cheeky tone.

  Perhaps hearing the leftover gratification in my voice, he asked, “Were you—”

  “No!” I protested weakly.

  “You totally were,” Eric said. “You were touching yourself and thinking of me.”

  “Okay, so maybe I was,” I admitted. “Arrest me.”

  “I might have to,” Eric said softly. “Now you got me all jealous. Here I was calling you like a conqueror after I’d saved the day at work only to find out you’ve been cheating on me with—”

  “Mr. Rabbit,” I supplied happily.

  He laughed.

  “Yeah, Mr. Rabbit. That bastard. I thought you were through with him.”

  “So did I,” I said airily, “but tonight, someone left me high and dry.”

  “And that’s how you make it up to me for treating you so well these past few weeks?” Eric continued. “Cheating on me the first chance you get? Oh, women.”

  “And you haven’t jerked off since we’ve been together, I suppose,” I said.

  “Just to you,” he said. “Besides, there was no foreign involvement.”

  Straining myself on the bed, I pulled the duvet cover over me.

  “No way,” I protested. “You’re not getting away with that shit. Just because you use your hand and I use a vibrator doesn’t make your masturbation any better. Besides, maybe I was thinking about you as I was using Mr. Rabbit anyway.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Eric said, although I could tell my answer pleased him. “In any case, you can make it up to me next time.”

  “We’ll see,” I said, an excited thrum going through me.

  I’d definitely wear the fishnet bodysuit next time. I’d seen how it had gotten him all riled up. Maybe Eric even had rope and we could re-create the scene I’d imagined. Or probably he’d have something even better.

  “I guess this is good night,” Eric said, “I wish I could come over there but—”

  “Sadie will probably be coming home,” I said even though that was unlikely.

  “All right,” he said, sounding a bit disappointed. “Good night, Kathryn.”

  “Good night, Eric,” I said.

  After he hung up, I stayed there in bed for a few minutes, snuggled up with myself, my phone still pressed to my ear. I just didn’t want to get up yet. My whole body felt woozy, as was normal after an orgasm, but this time in all the wrong ways. I felt violated, like a dirty liar, a bad, unforgivable person.

  More than that, I missed him already. I almost wished I could go back a few minutes and rip that Sadie lie out of my mouth, because the truth was I wanted him here.

  It didn’t
make any sense, but there it was. I wanted Eric here, in my bed beside me. It was completely at odds with my job and what was expected of me, but it was what I wanted nonetheless.

  I knew I didn’t have deep, actual feelings for him, though. I couldn’t.

  Chapter 16


  What were the odds of a suicide in the middle of a meeting at the office? Wherein a fed-up, frazzled office worker flung himself out of a window or just slit his wrists in front of his colleagues?

  I glanced over at Mark, wondering what he would think of my secret ponderings during this most boring of meetings.

  He wore the slightly glazed eyes and vague smile that meant he was probably imagining whatever nice piece of ass he had landed last night.

  All while I’d been here trying to save the company, which I had. Cracking down on the hackers hadn’t been hard. When I was a pimply preteen, I’d been one myself. Still, it had ruined my plans with Kathryn when things had been getting so good. No matter. I’d see her tonight.

  I aimed my dismal gaze at the windows, which were covered by the thickest grey shutters I’d ever seen in my life, as if whoever had been setting up for the meeting had instinctively wanted to dissuade any possible daydreaming on the part of the attendees. What was supposed to distract me now?

  Bam, bam, bam!

  At the sound of something beating on the glass behind us, I turned. There she was, just about the last person I’d expected to see—or wanted to.

  Standing there in all her bony glory was none other than Trisha Nichols.

  Uh, how about hell no.

  As I lunged out of my seat and to the door, it occurred to me that this was a distraction, although the most unwanted one possible.

  I reached Trisha at the same time my security guard, Stan, did.

  “They weren’t going to let me see you,” Trisha snarled, her long-nailed hands balled into claw-like fists. “Screw your restraining order. I deserve a chance to see you.”

  The poor woman looked so ghastly, I had trouble looking at her head-on. Her face was a red mask. Her neck had tendons sticking out. Her beady eyes were drilling me for an answer she definitely wouldn’t like.

  “Trisha,” I said in the calmest voice I could muster, “we’ve discussed this. You were fired some time ago. You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “You never let me apologize!” Trisha shrilled, stomping her foot. “Whatever about everything else, but you should have at least let me apologize.”

  “Is that really why you’re here?” I asked wearily.

  If all I’d have to do was listen to some half-baked apology from my crazy ex-employee to get her off my back permanently, then I’d do it. After months of having her show up at work functions and even one dance club I used to like going to, I would jump at just about any chance I got to get rid of her for good.

  Trisha said nothing, folding her gangly arms over her flat chest.

  “I’m waiting,” I growled.

  “Well, now I don’t really know if I feel like it,” she said snarkily. “Especially after the way you’ve treated me.”

  Taking her by the arm, I walked her briskly toward the door.

  “Need I remind you,” I said out of gritted teeth, “that you were the one who made advances on me. After I politely turned you down, you ran around saying I tried assaulting you. And you, after I’d summarily dismissed you, showed up to work stubbornly for weeks after. And now, despite a restraining order, you have shown up at my workplace claiming to want to apologize and, given the opportunity, have done nothing of the sort.”

  I angled my face down so that my eyes bored into hers. “So apologize.”

  Trisha snatched her hand back.

  “This is exactly why I got upset!” she declared, her snarl showcasing her yellow buck teeth. “You’re a pompous jerk who never takes responsibility for anything! I wouldn’t give you an apology if you went on your knees and begged me for it! You have deserved everything you’ve gotten, and you’re just lucky I didn’t take things further.”

  I sighed. Really, you couldn’t say that I didn’t at least try to give the poor woman a chance. I nodded to Stan, who’d been waiting patiently a few feet away with his brawny arms crossed.

  As he approached her, she jabbed out her hands defiantly.

  “No. I will not be escorted out of my workplace! Get your hands off me!”

  “Thanks, Stan,” I said as he dragged Trisha’s still shouting form away.

  Another security guard, Michelangelo, jogged up.

  “Just in time,” I told him. “Would you mind calling the police? I’m just going to go talk to my other employees who are still in the meeting and watching us through the clear glass window.”

  Michelangelo swiveled to see that the entire team was all standing there, their bodies twisted toward us, gaping at the scene.

  “Yes, sir,” he said, jogging off.

  Back inside the meeting room, I had to admit that the boring meeting would’ve been way better than that horrible incident. I’d had enough of Trisha Nichols to last me five lifetimes.

  “Hello, everyone,” I said to my team.

  I gave them a heroic smile. The poor guys, except for Mark, all looked like a line of stupefied ducks with the way they were standing with their arms slightly out. “Sorry about the interruption, but I think we’ll have to call it a day since the police will be here soon and I’ll be occupied with that. As you all know, unfortunately Ms. Nichols no longer works for us and is apparently still quite upset about the fact. Be assured you should all definitely take a Jujube on your way out.”

  The last sentiment was meant for Mark, who smirked in spite of himself. The only thing Mark liked more than paper plane racing with me was the red Jujubes that our one matronly employee, Helga, brought without fail and offered to the whole office.

  It took a few minutes for most people to filter out. Mark was one of the last.

  “Damn, that woman just won’t give you a break.”

  With a shrug, I conceded the point.

  “Maybe you really should have just fucked her,” he added thoughtfully.

  I resisted the urge to punch him in the face and instead settled on giving him a blistering glare that hopefully would accurately express my sentiments on the subject.

  “I was kidding,” Mark said. “A woman that crazy probably has some crazy syphilis strain or rabies at the very least.” Tossing me a concerned look, he gave me an encouraging pat on the back. “Really, sorry, buddy. Hit me up if you want to go out for drinks or whatever tonight.”

  “Thanks, man,” I said.

  Then it was just me, my two security guards, and good old Trisha Nichols. After all, it wasn’t like my security guards could just throw her out in the street. They’d tried that another time she’d marched in and refused to leave, and, after they’d thrown her out, she’d just snuck back into the building through a back entrance.

  It only took the police a few more minutes to arrive. An officer at each of Trisha’s flailing arms made quick work of her still yelling and struggling form.

  “Thanks, guys,” I told them once she was gone.

  “Hell,” an older officer said, his hands on his hips. His head was cocked in the direction they had hauled her off in. “That is one hell of a vile woman.”

  “You have no idea,” I replied.

  As soon as everyone was gone, I went into my bathroom and splashed some water on my face. Staring at my dripping wet, sickly pale reflection, it occurred to me that I had no idea what to do now.

  Thoughtlessly, my hand found my phone and dialed Kathryn’s number.


  As soon as I heard her voice, my whole body relaxed. Yes, this was what I needed to do. The only thing.

  “Are you free tonight?”

  “All about the spontaneous dates, eh?” Kathryn asked. “Ever heard of planning in advance?”

  “You’re right,” I said, “but I need to see you tonight.”

robably hearing the impassioned plea in my voice, she agreed readily.

  “What time?”

  “Is two hours too soon? You told me sometimes you work at coffee shops or libraries. Give me the address and I could pick you up even now. It’s been a crazy day at work.”

  “Oh no. I’ll just meet you at your house,” Kathryn said quickly.

  “Good,” I said. “I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

  She had no idea how much.

  The next hour or so, I threw myself through everything at high speed. I raced home and flung off my work clothes. I didn’t want to think about anything but tonight with Kathryn. Who knew, maybe she’d even wear the fishnet bodysuit.

  I waited by the door. As soon as she was inside, I took one look at her scantily clad form and sighed.

  She sat on my lap, and I kissed every part of her face. Right now, I just wanted to taste her, to feel every part of her and have sensation blare out thought.

  As I swept her up in my arms, her teasing smile asked, “No hello?”

  “Hello, Kathryn,” I said, peering into her eager face as I moved. “Right now, I am going to fuck you, and you’re going to love every dirty minute of it.”

  Chapter 17


  My whole body sagged into his as he carried me. I strained up to plant a kiss on him, but his hand pushed me back.

  Defiant want flooded through me

  He heaved me onto the bed. I had just started to right myself when he threw himself on top of me. My legs collapsed out from under me, and he immediately attacked my body with more kisses, each joining into a network of trembling limbs.

  Next, he wasted no time in stripping me down. As soon as his eyes landed on the fishnet, they grew hyper-sharp with want.

  He lunged to his bedside table and flung a blindfold at me.

  “Wear this.”

  Obediently, I put it on. Next thing I knew, one nipple was enveloped by a cool, wet sensation while the other was squeezed with light, pleasurable pain. My hand swept down and came in contact with something metallic. A nipple clamp? Just then, that same lightly pleasurable pain suffocated my other nipple.


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