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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

Page 12

by Amy Brent

  “Eric,” I said uncertainly.

  But the next second, the rest of my breast was covered with such pleasurable licking and sucking that I could only coo out my pleasure.

  My heartbeat felt like it was ramming out of my chest. Each of my tits was hypersensitive. Every one of Eric’s kisses was just playing my edge further, sending swipes of delicious desire snaking through me.

  When he finally released the nipple clamps and ripped off the blindfold, my whole body was already woozy with want.

  “So fucking hot,” he growled into my lower back as he aimed a kiss through the fishnet. Grabbing a bunched-up piece of it off my back, he pulled it high up so that the other part of it rubbed uncomfortably against my wet pussy.

  “Eric,” I groaned.

  He pulled the fabric even tighter.

  “I know,” he said. “You’d rather my hand be there.”

  Next thing I knew, both his hands seized the fishnet covering my pussy and ripped himself a hole. He dipped his finger in the newfound hole and into me.

  His fingers were cool, just what I needed. They wiggled inside me tauntingly. As I clasped my pussy around them, they moved even slower. Eric’s other hand swept up and down my back, concentrating its rubs on my ass.

  Fuck did it ever feel good. As Eric slowly played with my pussy, his lips smacked down on the top part of my ass. His teeth dug into a suckling sort of bite. The pain throbbed out in all directions, making me even wetter. Squirming, I angled my ass up for him so he could finger me more. Or better yet, give me what I’d all but begged him for.

  With the flat of his hand, Eric hit my butt so hard, I collapsed onto the bed. As his finger inside my pussy swirled around a bit faster, his other one traced the crack of my ass.

  “Such a beautiful, beautiful ass,” he murmured half to himself. With each inward stroke of his pussy fingers, his other fingers swept around and pressed against my other hole.

  My body stiffened. He wasn’t planning to do that, was he?

  Eric withdrew to get something out of his bedside table, which he tossed at me.

  “Put it on,” he ordered, and I complied. It was a gag.

  Eric returned his fingers to my aching pussy. Now it was the ball of his thumb that he was burrowing into my ass. It felt weird but—did it feel good, too?

  When he started jackhammering my pussy, my whole body was overtaken by a good. blurry feeling. With the harried movement, Eric’s thumb slipped inside me partway. Ooh. Now there was no doubt in my mind. That thumb in my ass definitely felt good.

  As he swirled his finger around and around my pussy, he rammed his finger against my clit a few times. He dipped his thumb further into my ass, further and further until his pussy pulses matched those he was delivering to my ass.

  My body throbbed with this new, not entirely unwelcome sensation. Was he actually going to do it?

  As if in answer to my question, Eric paused to lean over to his bedside table. He returned holding a clear tube of lube and a pink dildo.

  Oh, man.

  There was no time for any more thoughts, because the next second, it seemed, the lube-covered dildo was gone, out of sight. It pressed against my slick back hole. As Eric pounded my pussy with his finger mercilessly, he nosed the dildo into my ass.

  A muffled yelp passed around the gag. Eric reached up to give my head a pat.

  “Don’t pretend you don’t want this.”

  His words sent a newfound shiver through me. Did I want this? If I didn’t, then why was I so wet, my whole body tensed with anticipation for what Eric would do next?

  My body throbbed with want. All I knew was that I wanted to be filled, and I wasn’t sure where. Eric’s strokes in my pussy were growing more harried, as if he sensed what would soon be replacing the dildo that was sliding farther into my ass with each thrust.

  It seemed impossible that it would fit, but it did. Somehow, the pink glittery thing was dipping into my ass.

  As he continued his quickening pace, I twisted my body back and forth, unsure of what was happening. As the dildo edged in farther, it hurt. And yet, there was no denying what the pain brought with it—pleasure. It hurt, but I liked it.

  Suddenly, Eric tore his fingers out of my pussy and rammed himself inside. The shock broke my body out in pleasure-tinged shakes. Oh, fuck yes. Now both my holes were filled.

  His own breath fraught with passion, Eric looked at my utterly pleasure-slumped form and smirked.

  “You see? I told you you’d like it.”

  With that, he dug the dildo in farther, all the way it would go. As pain pierced me, ratchets of pleasure stabbed in after them. Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!

  The sensations detonating through me were like nothing I’d ever experienced before. As Eric rocked himself in me, guttural bits of noise crumbled out of me, last pieces of resistance perhaps. Because the way my ass was full felt wrong, so not right.

  And yet, the sensation overtaking my body with each thrust of Eric’s dick couldn’t lie. This was going to be the most brutal orgasm I’d ever had. With my ass filled, Eric fucked my pussy closer to oblivion.

  When my body started shaking, Eric paused and pulled himself out partway.

  “Not yet.”

  Deliriously, my pussy clasped at him of its own accord. Eric took me by the throat and spit the words in my face: “Not yet.”

  But already I was flowing down a river there was no turning back on. As coils of pleasure overtook the last of my consciousness, Eric plowed me mercilessly, on and on and on. It gradually occurred to me that the screams were mine, that this floating, possessed body was mine. That I was coming, over and over and over again.

  When I came to, he was rubbing his boner on me. My eyes snapped open just as he pulled out the unwilling dildo.

  “We’re just going to try it,” he said in a low voice.

  His words sent a trickle of fear through me. Try what?

  The next second I had my answer. He lifted me up and onto him so that his cock was nosing at my ass. Instinctively, I recoiled. When he plunged a finger into my pussy, I knew I couldn’t turn away. Even though I’d already come I didn’t know how many times, I was horny enough to do it again.

  This time he wasted no time gradually fingering me. No, he rammed his finger in there fast and shallow. I was bent over with agonizing pleasure as he lowered my ass onto his dick.

  At first, only the tip slid into the newly stretched space the dildo had left. Just that alone sent cracks of sensation through me. All of me was shaking—with fear, with want, I didn’t know what. It felt like I was being ripped and remade into something new.

  When he stabbed his cock in deeper, I clenched my ass to prevent him from going in further. It felt good and bad, wrong yet oh so horribly right. When he thrust in deeper, I had my final answer.

  This was fucking amazing.

  Eric hastily wiped off the dildo so he could fuck me in the pussy with it. Then, both my holes were filled once more. His dick in my ass was a shock. I could barely jiggle myself on it, though his hand guided me along. It felt like he was penetrating every part of me, drilling the pleasure deep within me.

  In and out, hard and harder. The dick in my ass was so brutal, painful even. And yet, as his dick penetrated my ass, there was no denying it. It hurt, but I liked it. I needed it.

  When Eric smacked my ass, it released my clenched muscles. This last layer of protection removed, I felt the bulk of his dick in my ass fully. The sensation sent a rocking rip of an orgasm throttling through me.

  Wailing as he picked up the pace, I came onto his unyielding dick. Now my ass was slack and fully relaxed. Like this, Eric pumped his full length into me until he was the one shaking.

  Remembering the dildo, as he thrust, he continued jamming it into me too. Soon his breath was ragged gasps and his dick was twitching. When he finally came, he slammed the dildo so roughly into me that I came too, screaming with it.

  Spurts of joy swiped back and forth, and my vision blackened to
red. The voice and body were no longer mine. I was just pleasure incarnate, a swivel of ecstasy. Free.

  Afterward, in an utterly sated haze, he brought us a bowl of gummy bears. I munched them happily in his arms.

  “You’re too good to me,” I proclaimed.

  He nodded seriously.

  “I am.”

  We laughed and then chatted a few more minutes about things of no importance. Eric deftly danced around the subject of what we’d done that day, even after me making several hinting questions about it.

  Suddenly, his body stiffened under me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “The time,” he said with a rueful chuckle. “I don’t understand how you gobble it up every time you’re here.”

  “What can I say?” I said, patting my belly. “I just inhale all that time. I’m basically fat now from it.”

  Eric hovered over me with an incensed face.

  “Never say that, you hear?”

  He rested his head against my chest.

  “I love your curves. They’re sexy as fuck.”

  I gazed down at him, my heart feeling all stretched out and uncomfortable with the affection it was pumping through me. The way Eric had stated “they’re sexy as fuck,” as if his words were fact rather than opinion, almost convinced me, too, despite that I’d spent the last few months trying to exercise to tone them down.

  “Anyway, the only reason I mentioned the time,” Eric continued shyly, “was because it’s so late. Would you sleep over?”

  I paused. A glance over at Eric’s quietly eager face revealed nothing. Why was Eric bending the rules for me yet again?

  “Morning sex is the best, okay?” he broke out.

  Despite myself, I smiled. Okay, so that was why.

  “All right,” I said to my surprise. “Although I’m not promising anything. I don’t get up at 6 a.m. like a crazy person—like you probably do. I happen to value my beauty sleep.”

  Eric leapt up onto his bed so that he was standing.

  “It’s going to be the best. You’ll see.”

  Grudgingly, I gathered myself so that I was standing up beside him.

  “We’ll see.”

  I tested the squishiness of the bed and dared to do a little hop. Eric smirked at me, and this time we did a little jump up and down together.

  Already, it was seeming like the odds for tomorrow being the best were definitely in Eric’s favor.

  Chapter 18


  Ring, ring, ring.

  “Kathryn,” I grumbled, “your phone. Please.”

  “It’s yours,” she grumbled back after a few seconds.

  Cursing my phone to hell, I picked it up.


  “Is that any way to talk to your mother?” my mom’s gently chiding voice said.

  “Oops. Sorry, Mom. How are you doing?” I said. “I must’ve mistaken you for a very early alarm clock waking me from my beauty sleep.”

  My mom chuckled, and I cracked a smile, too.

  “Good morning, Mom. What has you calling me this morning?”

  “Couldn’t I just be worried about your welfare?” she asked in a slightly miffed voice.

  “You could all you want,” I said, “but Saturday mornings are when you and Dad usually go out to the market, so something must be up.”

  Even over the line, I could hear the slipping click of something, probably Mom’s knitting needles. Chances were I’d be getting whatever she was creating next Christmas.

  “Your father and I thought it would be nice if you came for lunch—and brought that nice girl who came last time. If you’re still together that is.”

  Good thing my mom wasn’t here, because she’d see that my jaw was noticeably tight. What was I supposed to say? Yeah, sure, Mom. I’ll just invite my mistress like last time.

  Instead, I settled on, “You’ve never invited just me for lunch before.”

  Another chuckle, reflective this time.

  “That’s true. Perhaps this could be the start of a nice new family tradition. You still haven’t answered me, Eric.”

  “Fine, fine,” I said. “I’ll ask her—and text you back what she says.”

  “Okay. Great,” my mom said. “You have a good morning, Eric.”

  “You too, Mom.”

  I hung up to see Kathryn sitting up right beside me.

  “So you—”

  “Heard everything,” she confirmed with a little smile. “So are you actually going to invite me along, or were you just saying that to placate your mom?”

  I glared at the knowing smirk on Kathryn’s face.

  “When I told her that, I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do.”

  “I know,” Kathryn said easily. “That’s why I asked you.”

  Still frowning, I turned away. Right now, it seemed like there were two different questions being asked, neither of which I wanted to answer. The dilemma was obvious. Bringing Kathryn over one time was one thing, but bringing her over again? Then again, the alternative wasn’t preferable. If Kathryn wasn’t there, then I’d have to lie about us continuing to see each other. One option ruined the other.

  “Yeah, yeah, come along,” I finally decided.

  I turned back to see Kathryn scowling now, her arms crossed over her bare chest. Despite that she was clearly upset about something, I couldn’t help but have a smile come over my face. The fact that she was naked and beautiful made it hard for me to not think she was cute now that she was adorably angry too.

  “Is that your way of inviting me?” she said a bit testily.

  “Oh yeah,” I said. “You’re right. Sorry.”

  I scrambled off the silky bed, nearly head-butting my bedside table in the process. Then, angling my head so it was facing Kathryn, I knelt on the floor before her in a position of ultimate supplication.

  “Kathryn, would you do me the great honor of accompanying me to the humble abode of my parents? It would make my heart dance and sing with the utmost jubilation.”

  My head bowed, I couldn’t see Kathryn’s reaction. So, there was one tense second where she made no sound and worry stabbed at me. Then, she started cracking up. Smiling, I rose and flopped back in bed beside her.

  “So that’s a yes?”

  “After such an address as that, how can I say no?” Kathryn said with a big smile. “Although, we’re going to have to go to my place again for clothes—unless you actually do want to tell your parents I’m your mistress.”

  I shook my head firmly.

  “No. That’s okay. That’s one conversation with them I’d like to save for—oh yeah, never.”

  After I texted Kathryn’s answer to my mom, I aimed a smile her way, squeezing her shoulder.

  “Guess we really need to start planning our sleepovers better.”

  Kathryn and I got ready fairly quickly and sped over to her place. One foot in the door of her apartment and I realized something was very different.

  Metallica music blasted through the apartment while a black-haired, tattooed-armed woman sprawled in front of the TV. She wasn’t looking at it, however, or even at the phone on her lap. She was looking straight at me.

  “Sadie,” Kathryn said in a voice that indicated she was less than happy to see her friend right now.

  “You’re here,” Sadie said to me instead, “in the morning.”

  My lips pressed together. What was that supposed to mean?

  “This is Eric. I told you about him,” Kathryn said, hurrying to her bedroom door. “I’ve got to get ready though. We’ll talk later.”

  Before I could ask if I could join her, the door was shut firmly behind her. Inwardly, I groaned. It was a way for Kathryn to escape the awkward situation, I guessed. What about me, though?

  I directed my gaze toward Sadie, who was wearing a Metallica crop top and penguin pajama pants.

  “You guys really like your penguins, don’t you?”

  Lifting her pigtailed head from her phone, Sadie swive
led it my way.

  “She told you about the penguins?”

  “Yeah,” I said easily.

  Sadie’s kohl-lined eyes registered surprise but quickly flicked back to her phone.

  I scanned the room. Last time I’d been here, I’d been in and out and so taken with Kathryn that I’d barely perceived the surroundings. Now that I was taking them in, they were bit of a surprise to say the least.

  The kitchen was a cheery yellow while the main room, where I was now, was something of an ode to coasters. Yes, coasters. There were coasters covering the walls like wallpaper, and the top of the table in front of the couch was actually made of them.

  “You have a thing for coasters?” I asked, not able to keep a trace of amusement out of my voice.

  Sadie sighed.

  “I used to have this thing while travelling. Wherever I’d go, I try and get a coaster from that place: England, France, Los Angeles, even Thailand. Didn’t matter if I bought the coaster at a nice home goods shop or just stole it from some grimy restaurant. I was convinced that each particular little square or circle would help me remember my travels, seal in the memories or something.”

  She cast a nostalgic look around before her smile grew slightly.

  “Now I just think they’re cute, but what the hell?”

  “What’s your favorite coaster?” I asked.

  This question seemed to please Sadie. Putting her chin in her black-and-lime nailed hand, she pursed her lips in thought. A smile snaked onto her face.

  “Definitely the penguin one from London.”

  Returning her gaze to her phone, she flicked her wrist to the left of her.

  Getting up and walking over, I crouched down to see that, sure enough, there was an ale-holding penguin smiling away blithely on a faded coaster that looked like it had been taken from a pub somewhere.

  “I’m ready,” Kathryn said.

  She walked in wearing a sensible but pretty knee-length ruffle skirt and a starched white blouse.

  “Nice meeting you, Sadie,” I said as I rose to join Kathryn.

  Sadie only managed a nod in response. When we were halfway out the door, however, Sadie called, “Hey, Kathryn, Eric’s not bad.”


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