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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

Page 76

by Amy Brent

  I rolled to the side, expecting to find my curvy wife soundly sleeping. She wasn’t there. What the hell?

  “Calla?” I said into the empty room, expecting her to be in the bathroom.

  I rubbed a hand over my face, trying to wipe away the jetlag. I blinked, trying to focus my eyes on the clock. It was midmorning. I had slept in later than I had in a very long time.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  There was nothing but silence to greet me. I rolled out of bed and walked naked to the sliding glass doors that led to our private patio. She wasn’t there. Uncaring about my nudity, I opened the doors and stepped outside. It was then I saw her—lounging in a chair on the semi-private beach outside our bungalow.

  I smiled at the sight of her gorgeous body stretched out in the chair, all her luscious curves on full display. The tiny bikini she had on was covered with a sheer swimsuit cover. Her sunhat was pulled low over her big, dark sunglasses, hiding her face. She had dragged her chair into the shade of a palm tree and looked to be completely at peace. Once I knew where she was, I headed back inside and straight for the shower. I needed to rejuvenate a bit and hoped the shower would do the trick.

  I felt a little more alive after the shower, but I was dying for a huge breakfast. I picked up the room service menu and ordered just about everything off on it. I didn’t know what half the shit was, but didn’t care. I’d eat anything at this point.

  Calla’s laptop was on the small table in the one-bedroom bungalow. I figured I’d better check in. Email was new for me, but I liked it a lot better than the phone or texting. I could answer at my convenience and there wasn’t any annoying ringing to disturb me. It was strange to be so far away from the world, yet we still had access to the internet. The little piece of paradise seemed to have it all. I had promised Calla to get satellite at the cabin. Her work depended on her being able to keep in touch with her editor and Holly. I was willing to do whatever it took to make her happy and keep her by my side.

  I saw an email from Gabe and quickly opened it, hoping there wasn’t an emergency. I knew email wasn’t exactly one of Gabe’s priorities, so I knew it had to be important.

  “Oh shit,” I mumbled, reading the words.

  I closed the laptop and slid on my deck shoes before heading out to join Calla on the beach. I stood over her and smiled when I saw she was sound asleep. It was satisfying to know I wasn’t the only one who was completely worn out. Staring at her in that tiny little bikini brought my dick to life. That made me happy to know everything was as it should be.

  I leaned down and gave her a light kiss on the lips, tasting her cherry Chapstick and inhaling the scent of her sunscreen. Her lips spread into a smile under my touch.

  “Hi,” she said, in a soft voice.

  “Hi, yourself. You look very relaxed. When did you get up? I must have really been out. I didn’t hear you leave.”

  She nodded. “I am very relaxed. I came out around eight. The sound of the sea was too good to ignore. I wanted to come out and soak up some sun, but it was a little warm. These chairs are ridiculously comfortable. We need a couple of these at the cabin.”

  I chuckled. “I don’t think we want to be taking naps on the porch all that often. I can’t risk you freezing to death out there.”

  “Hell, we can put them in the living room. Seriously, pull up that chair. They are absolutely divine.”

  I grabbed the other chair and dragged it close to her. “I ordered breakfast. It will be here shortly.”

  “Good. I’m famished.”

  “Me too. Uh, I checked my email,” I started.

  She pulled her sunglasses down her nose. “And? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing terrible. I guess Holly broke her ankle.”

  “What!” she shot straight up in the chair. “What happened? Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. She was at the lodge and tripped over her suitcase or something,” I said, still not believing the story, but having met Holly, it was plausible.

  Calla rolled her eyes before pushing her sunglasses back up. “That woman is a fucking basket case.”

  I laughed. “That’s not the best part.”

  “What?” she groaned. “She broke her arm? Landed on a small child?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. She’s at Gabe’s house.”

  The sunglasses came all the way off. “What?”

  I nodded my head. “Yep. Gabe volunteered to take care of her.”

  Calla looked very confused. “Why would he take care of her? Is it that serious?”

  I kissed her, grinning as I got to tell her the best part of the whole story. “Because Gabe was with her when it happened.”

  Her mouth fell open. “No!”

  I chuckled, still not believing it myself. “Yep, apparently Gabe was working up at the lodge. He and Holly had a couple drinks together. Long story short, she tripped, and Gabe said it was his fault because he got her drunk.”

  “They were having drinks?” Calla repeated.


  She was smiling and nodding. “I told you. I knew there was a spark between them. And I didn’t even have to push them together. They did it all by themselves.”

  “Yes, you did. I can only imagine how that is all playing out. They are a very mismatched pair. Holly is a little, uh—”

  “Neurotic?” she volunteered the word. “Crazy? High-strung? Any of those words will fit. But, she is also gorgeous and a real sweetheart.”

  “I don’t know if she’s gorgeous, but she seems nice and she takes good care of you,” I agreed.

  “I will email Holly later,” she said, sliding her body back onto the chair.

  We both settled into the chairs. When our breakfast was delivered we scarfed down every morsel before retiring to the hammocks on our private patio.

  “We need to get a couple of these as well,” I said, falling into a state of comfort I had never experienced before.

  She laughed. “I don’t know if I am okay with this. I feel like I’m going to fall.”

  “Relax. Let your body be cradled. This is amazing,” I said, closing my eyes.

  We both drifted to sleep with our bellies full and our bodies completely relaxed. I sighed in contentment. I could get used to these little vacations.

  When I awoke, it was to the sound of people on the beach. I carefully climbed out of my hammock, staring out at the sea. It was magnificent.

  “You want to try that snorkeling gear?” Calla’s voice came from behind me.

  “Yes!” I grinned, anxious to get into the water.

  “I’m going to need some help,” she said, struggling to get out of the hammock.

  I laughed and helped her climb out. I covered her body with sunscreen before we grabbed the gear and headed towards the beach. The white sand was warm against my feet as we walked to the water’s edge.

  “Have you done this before?” I asked her.

  “A couple times. You?”

  “Once, back in my Army days. Had a few weeks in Florida and got the chance to do some snorkeling.”

  We walked into the water, hand in hand. The rest of the day was spent snorkeling, swimming in the ocean and enjoying plenty of drinks from the bar.

  “The sun’s going down,” she murmured from her spot on the blanket we had spread out on the beach.

  “Want to stay out and watch it?” I asked.

  “Of course.”

  The beach was dotted with other people doing the same thing we were. The sunset was spectacular. Unlike most of the other tourists, neither of us had brought our phones or a camera.

  “We should have taken a picture,” I told her, as we both stood to start packing up our gear.

  She shrugged a shoulder. “We can take a picture tomorrow. It isn’t like I’ll ever forget the scene. It is too perfect to ever fade from my memory.”

  I smiled and kissed her before we began the walk to our beachside bungalow. I stared off into the distance, looking at the bungalows perched over the

  “Next time, we need to get one of those,” I commented.

  “We could always switch.”

  “No. I like where we are now. We have far more privacy than those people do, and I have a lot of plans that require privacy.”

  She giggled. “Oh, you do, huh?”

  “That hammock for starters. Then our private wading pool and those lovely chairs.”

  “I love your imagination.”

  “Let’s go grab some dinner. The bartender told me the mahi mahi was the best around.”

  “I’m game. I was hoping you would say you were hungry,” she joked. “Let’s change and go pig out.”

  As we walked along the lit path to the restaurant, I held her close to my side. I could smell the sea air and was amazed at how warm it was, even at night.

  Our dinner was amazing. I realized everything was much better with her at my side. Even the desert would be tolerable if I had her with me.

  “Tired?” I asked her, knowing we were both still trying to adjust to the time difference.

  She shrugged. “Kind of.”

  Back at the bungalow, we stripped naked and crawled into bed. Her warm soft body pressed against mine, and I was perfectly content to hold her. I gently stroked my hand over her breasts and nuzzled her neck. Despite my body’s desire, I found myself drifting off to sleep.

  “Calla,” I mumbled, trying to hide my exhaustion.

  There was no response and I knew she had fallen asleep already. I sighed against her and let myself go as well. I wasn’t worried about nightmares. When I had her in my arms, the nightmares stayed away. She was my security blanket.

  It was still dark when I felt her soft hand wrap around my dick. I moaned in pleasure.

  “You’re awake,” she whispered.

  “Kind of. I think I might need a little more help waking up the rest of the way.”

  Her mouth trailed down my chest. “I think I can do that.”

  I rolled onto my back, groaning with pleasure as her mouth continued its delicious assault over my skin.

  “I love you,” I whispered, running my hand over her head.

  She didn’t answer. She couldn’t talk with my dick in her mouth, yet I could feel her love for me… literally.

  Chapter Five


  We had finally gotten over the jetlag and were settling into a happy routine. Jake had gone out early to get in a run. The poor man was going a little stir-crazy. He wasn’t used to so much leisure time. At the cabin, he had plenty of things to do to keep him busy. And when he wasn’t chopping wood or doing whatever it was he did all day, he went running on the various trails. He claimed he was working by checking out the trails. I knew he enjoyed the peace and quiet he found on his runs. I liked a little peace and quiet as well.

  I sipped my coffee while I waited for my email to load. I had taken a full three days off, but now it was time to check in. I didn’t necessarily need to do any work, but with the upcoming press tour and the new book deal, I had to keep up with things.

  Opening the email from my editor, I started reading. A smile spread across my face as I read the glowing accolades about my last book. The pitch for the book I was going to start writing had been very well received as well—with one caveat. They wanted it to contain more of the hot and steamy stuff that filled my last book.

  That gave me a very good idea. I quickly replied to the email, promising to include plenty of pussy-drenching material, and then closed the laptop.

  Grabbing my notebook, I tapped the pen against the blank page. I needed to get my creative juices flowing and there was only one way to do that. I grabbed my notebook and sauntered down the path to the beach, finding a seat on one of the empty lounge chairs.

  Within seconds, I’d found my creative muse. I would recognize his body anywhere. He was jogging along the beach, weaving around the various beachgoers. I stared at the way he moved, his arms pumping with each easy stride. He loved to work out and I was glad he did. His stamina was phenomenal. I was certainly appreciative of his love of exercise. It made me a very happy and satisfied woman.

  I started jotting down various notes and ideas. It was kind of a bucket list. A list of the many ways I wanted to have sex with Jake. I considered it research for the book, so I could write from a place of experience and authority. I knew Jake was the perfect man to check off each of the items I had written down.

  So focused on my list, I didn’t see him until he was back and sitting next to me, breathing hard.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.


  He chuckled before ripping it out of my hands. “Hey!” I protested.

  He used a towel to wipe his brow as he read my list. “Holy shit. What is this?” he asked, his eyes growing huge as he read.

  “Research,” I quipped.

  “Research? This looks more like a list,” he said, giving the notebook back to me. “A very naughty list.”

  I giggled, “I’ve been instructed to spice up my next book with more steamy sex scenes. I wanted to be creative. These are some ideas I had. Want to help me do some research? I need to get an idea of the dirty details, if you know what I mean.”

  “Woman, you are fucking crazy,” he grinned. “Hell yeah, I’ll help you with this kind of research any day.”

  I glanced around, noticing a somewhat isolated area on the beach. “There.”

  “What?” he said, looking at the area.

  Jumping off the chair, I grabbed one of the towels and pulled him with me.

  “Calla,” he protested.

  Ignoring his protest, I stuck my hand down the front of his shorts. His cock sprang to life and I knew he was ready to play along. I leaned up on my tiptoes, kissing him gently at first before pushing against him and demanding more.

  “How?” he whispered.

  I knew exactly what he was asking. “Hold on,” I told him, walking back to the more public area and grabbing a lawn chair. I dragged it across the sand and gestured for him to sit down.

  He sat down, looking at me expectantly.

  I sat on the opposite side before lying down on my side, facing away from him. “Don’t you want to take a nap?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at him.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  He laid down behind me, his mouth hovering above my ear.

  I wiggled my ass against him. “What are you waiting for?” I prompted.

  “You sure?”

  “I am very sure.”

  He grabbed the towel and stretched it across our lower bodies. His hand moved over my bikini bottom, pushing it to the side. I bent my knee, giving him easier access. His fingers slid up my inner thigh before finding my core and probing deep inside.

  I bit back a moan, not wanting to draw attention to what we were really doing.

  “You’re wet,” he breathed into my ear.

  His fingers delved in and out, teasing over my clit. The danger of being where we were was heightening my pleasure.

  “Are you ready? You can’t scream,” he warned.

  I quietly panted. “I won’t scream.”

  “Cum for me then,” he whispered.

  My legs stiffened as the orgasm rolled over me. He stopped moving his fingers. My thighs tightened and squeezed his fingers inside me. I gasped as my body vibrated around his fingers.

  “Shhh,” he whispered, the sound brushing across my ear.

  I felt him moving around behind me and then within seconds his dick was rubbing past my cheeks. He pulled out his fingers and pushed my leg forward.

  “Open up,” he grunted, pushing his dick against my pussy.

  I wiggled on the chair, doing my best to give him total access. A little boy ran by. We both froze.

  “Shit,” he said on a laugh.

  “Shh,” I giggled.

  The little boy grabbed his ball and paused to look at us.

  “Get out of here,” Jake growled.

  The boy’s mother appeared, looked at us
and gasped. “Let’s go, Joey,” she said, grabbing the boy’s arm and pulling him away.

  Jake and I burst into laughter. “That was close,” I said in a hushed voice.

  “I don’t think that counts as close. She knew.”

  “She couldn’t know for sure. She assumed,” I argued. “Now, you were about to stick that lovely cock inside me. I’m waiting.”

  “You’re crazy,” he said, before pushing against me once more.

  The thrill of being caught heightened the excitement. I never considered myself one for public displays of affection or voyeurism, but having his dick pressed against me in the middle of the day on a very public beach was thrilling.

  He massaged my thigh before guiding his dick to my hole. He pushed in far too slowly for my taste. Our position made it difficult for him to get where I craved him most. I shimmied against him and curled forward, hoping to ease his passage.

  “Relax,” he murmured. “We’ll get there. Enjoy the ride.”

  His words were meant to soothe, but they only heightened my frustration. His hand wrapped around my front as he slid down the chair a fraction and thrust upwards.

  “There,” I moaned. “Again.”

  “Shh, I’ve got this. I know how to fuck you the way you need.”

  He worked his finger between my legs, finding that sensitive nub he knew just how to strum to make me hum with pleasure.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “Shh,” he whispered, slowly sliding in and out, raking his cock over my sensitive nerves.

  My position, legs closed, squeezed his shaft as he moved in and out. It was a glorious sensation.

  “More,” I whimpered, feeling the climax, but not able to reach it.

  “I’m giving you exactly what you need. Let it wash over you. Ride it out, Calla. I will fuck you over and over, right here, anywhere you want me.”

  I could hear voices in the distance, but blocked them out, concentrating completely on his heavy cock between my legs.

  “Jake,” I pleaded for something, but I didn’t know what. “Jake, it’s too good,” I whined. “Too slow.”

  “Slow and easy. I like this, Calla. I can’t wait to get you back to the room, so I can slowly fuck you all night. You’re so tight. Your pussy is strangling my cock.”


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