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Demonstorm: Heart of a Vampire #6

Page 13

by Kallyn, Amber

  Suddenly, on the other side of the castle, the sky lit with a stream of colors. Blues, greens, oranges.

  Mayah gasped, staring.

  “The Borealis,” Sean commented.

  “It’s beautiful. Magical.”

  “Aye,” he replied.

  As quickly as it brightened the night, it disappeared.

  They’d have to be cautious. If the Borealis lit up at the wrong time, they’d stand out like beacons in this flat place. They began to creep from shadow to shadow, staying near the edge of the plateau where it was darkest, yet keeping a safe distance between them and the sheer drop off.

  They were about a mile across when light flickered just ahead.

  Without warning, war cries rang out. The flicker became a spark of fire, lighting something on the ground. With a whoosh, a large circle of flames sprung up around them.

  Trapping them inside.

  Mayah already wore her powerful gloves. Now Sean drew his katanas. He held still, letting power coil inside him.

  From the darkness, demons materialized. They’d been hiding. Readying this trap.

  “Brüs,” Mayah hissed, staring at the tallest demon.

  At least eight feet tall, with a girth to match any bodybuilder, the demon looked human enough but for the gray tinge to his skin.

  When he smiled, there was nothing but hungry malice in the sight. “’Bout time you came home to me, Mayah.”

  She spat on the ground, then lifted her chin. “I am free of your chains.”

  Brüs chuckled, the sound grating on Sean’s nerves. He watched the other demons as they spread out, neatly containing them in the circle. None attacked. Yet.

  Brüs yanked on a dark gray chain. From behind him, a dirty, ragged man stumbled to Brüs’s side, falling to his knees.

  * * *

  “Cyrus!” Mayah called, starting forward.

  Sean grabbed her arm. “No. Not yet.”

  She bit her lower lip, but nodded imperceptibly.

  “Tell you what,” Brüs said, rubbing his chin. “You come dociley and put your collar back on, and I’ll let that troublesome lad who stole you leave without punishment.” The demon’s eyes flickered with the lie.

  Mayah stepped forward, holding herself tall. “Let my brother go, and we will leave without taking your head.”

  Brüs stared as if disbelieving someone would even think they could fight him and win. Then he laughed heartily. “Little one, you know there isn’t anyone able to threaten my standing. You won’t be the first.” He jerked the chain, forcing Mayah’s brother to his feet, then rubbed the man’s neck.

  Mayah stilled, watching the massive fingers curl around Cyrus’s throat. “Leave him alone,” she growled.

  “Or what?” Brüs demanded, anger tinging his rough voice.

  “Or we will take you down.”

  The demon’s lips spread in a parody of a grin. His hands tightened on Cyrus’s throat until the man coughed weakly.

  Mayah stared at her brother, desperately trying to catch his gaze. She didn’t know if their childhood trick would still work. They hadn’t seen each other in far too many centuries. But as their gazes locked, she felt the connection between them flare to life.

  “Cyrus,” she whispered.

  His eyes widened as she shot some of her magic, her strength, toward him across their invisible bond.

  Raising her clenched fists, she took a step closer, turning her gaze to Brüs. He flinched at whatever he saw on her face.

  “Let. My. Brother. Go.” Power filled her voice, power Brüs wasn’t used to her controlling while wearing the collar.

  He blinked, barely a flinch, but she saw it none-the-less.

  She grinned, feeling a hint of the confidence a predator knows when its prey comes within striking distance. If only she felt it fully.

  Brüs squeezed Cyrus’s throat tighter, but the magic she was sending to her brother gave him strength. Cyrus snapped his arm up, hitting Brüs. Unprepared, the Abatu let go.

  Cyrus grabbed his chain and ran forward, reaching Mayah’s side.

  She yearned to hug him, to check him over and make sure he was all right.

  That would have to wait.

  Brüs was grinning again. This time he looked like the predator, one who knew something his prey didn’t.

  “Such a weak opening salvo, when it will be your only move,” he stated.

  She didn’t look away as she said, “Cyrus, this is Sean. Sean, give him one of your swords.”

  She could practically feel the air crackle with tension as the two men sized each other up.

  “Pissing contest later, fighting now,” she growled.

  Finally, Cyrus took the offered sword and turned to face Brüs once more.

  Brüs laughed as he raised a hand and crooked his fingers. The demons and beasts edged closer, pushing them nearer the edge of the mountain.

  Mayah quaked with fear as she recognized the clearing next to the cliff.

  Her visions.

  This was where she would die.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sean stood with his back to Mayah and Cyrus, knowing he had to end this battle quickly. The last attack had taken a lot out of both him and Mayah, neither were fully recovered in strength yet. By the way Cyrus looked, he wouldn’t be up for much fighting.

  Around the edges of the circling flames, creatures growled, hissed and yipped, as if hungry and staring at a feast.

  Sean couldn’t see how many demons Brüs had called to the fight. They seemed endless. As the circle of fire crept closer, so too did the creatures. Pushing them to the left.

  Toward the cliff.

  From the crowd a large bear-like demon sprang over the flames, barreling at Cyrus. Sean spun, stepping in front of the man to face the red-eyed monster down.

  With growls rumbling from its chest loud enough to be physically felt, the creature opened its jaws. Wide, wider—like some strange combination of bear-snake. Long fangs glistened.

  More creatures howled and hell hounds flowed over the flames, racing in to attack.

  Cyrus moved to Mayah’s side, so the three of them formed a sort of triangle, each one taking a different angle.

  Sean trusted Mayah’s abilities to keep his back safe. Cyrus, not so much.

  The bear reached him and he couldn’t worry about it. Striking out with his katana, Sean slashed the sharp blade across the creature’s muzzle and along its neck.

  It slammed into him with enough force to send him flying sideways. He landed on rough rock which sliced open his shirt, his back, as he slid over it.

  The bear loped after him, gaining speed.

  Fire raced up his leg as one of the hounds clamped down on his calf.

  The bear pounced. Two clawed paws, carrying massive weight landed on his stomach. Air flew from his lungs. Talons pierced deep into his skin.

  For a long moment, he didn’t feel anything. The pain from the hell hound’s bite and his shredded back fled.

  Then it roared in his mind, coming back all at once, joined by the new agony in his gut. Without thought, he slid his katana along the bear’s belly, then plunged upward, angling for its heart.

  The creature tottered to the side and Sean pushed harder. It fell.

  Cyrus was suddenly there, swinging his borrowed blade at the hellhound. The creature didn’t make a sound as the sword cut through its neck.

  The pressure of its jaws released from Sean’s leg. Cyrus jerked him to his feet.

  Glancing over, Sean realized the two of them had been herded a good distance from Mayah. She fought off three more hounds with seemingly ease. But the furrow of her brow and the tension in her shoulders told him her strength wasn’t up to par.

  “Use your magic,” he shouted, turning to face another demon rushing him and Cyrus.

  “Not yet,” she called back, breathless.

  The creature joining the fray was like nothing Sean had ever seen before. A mix of so many different animals, some of which only existe
d in nightmares. Glowing yellow eyes caught his glance.

  The world spun around him, faster, faster, as if he’d jumped on an out of control merry go round. Cyrus stumbled into him, jerking Sean from the trap of the beast’s gaze.

  * * *

  Mayah spun, backhanding the nearest demon. Flesh ripped, blood flowed. Skin and fur smoked from the touch of the crystal shards. It howled, slinking back and letting yet another creature from the horde take its place.

  Claws raked her arms as the beasts tried to destroy her gloves. But these demons were no match for weapons created by her father. No match for his magic, his strength.

  She punched a wolf shifter alongside its head, taking one of its ears.

  Ducked beneath the swipe of a massive paw.

  Stumbled as a spiked tail slapped her calves, sending her tumbling into a bat-like thing.

  As the circling beasts drew closer, sensing she was unbalanced, she cried out with false fear.

  Let them draw closer.

  Waited, feebly hitting the nearest demon without much strength.

  Taking her bait, they surged forward, until fur and scales pressed on all sides. She sprung her trap, pushing her magic out as a ring of hell fire.

  Engulfed in bluish flames, demons fell to the blood-drenched ground, twitching. Others screamed, fleeing from the fire burning around her.

  She reined in her magic, conserving her power. Her visions had shown her this place, and here she was. She needed to save as much strength as she could for when she faced…

  As her fire died down, she saw him.

  Brüs stood only a few feet away, glaring at her with deadly intent. His fury was in control, all thoughts of capturing her gone with the need to punish. To kill.

  He reached out and snaked his fingers around her precious gemmed necklace, then yanked. Metal shattered as he pulled it from her. He threw it to the ground, stomping the crystals beneath his enormous boots.

  For a long second, she froze, staring at those black boots.

  Brüs backhanded her.

  Pain exploded across Mayah’s face. She flew back from the force, tumbled over the sharp, rocky ground.

  The scent of her own blood surrounded her.

  As in her visions, Brüs stomped closer. He bellowed as he kicked her ribs. Bone cracked. She clenched her teeth, refusing to let the building scream escape.

  He kicked her again.

  The world wavered as white-hit agony engulfed her.

  Across the clearing, Sean and Cyrus fought a never-ending sea of demons and beasts. Cyrus cried out in pain. Fell to one knee.

  Tears filled Mayah’s eyes as she recognized the end. All of it, futile.

  But now, not just she and her brother would die. She’d brought Sean into this. An innocent man, who fought by her side out of what she now knew must be love.

  As the world grayed, the pain consuming her, she gave a brief thanks to the Fates. At least she had felt his love for a little while, even if forever would never have been enough.

  Brüs raised his foot, blocking her view of Sean.

  She couldn’t move as it descended to her chest.

  Crushing pressure took her breath away. Her chest refused to rise, to take in more air.

  The gray surrounding her began to turn black as she choked, the last bit of life escaping.

  From a seemingly endless distance away, Sean’s beautiful voice rose in an anguished war cry.

  Mayah gasped as the darkness somehow began to recede.

  Though she still felt the pressure of Brüs’s boot pinning her, in her mind, she saw him raise it, move in for another punishing kick.

  She blinked furiously as above her, Brüs raised his foot. He reared back, but his movements were in slow motion.

  Sean’s roar surrounded her, filling her with warmth. With a tiny bit of strength. She rolled away from Brüs.

  He kicked. Missed. Stared at her with shocked surprise.

  The world continued to move slower than time.

  Once more, she saw as Brüs lifted his hands to fling dark magic. The powerful ring he’d worn in her earlier vision glinted on his finger.

  When she blinked, his hands were still down.

  His expression filled with rage as he raised them.

  This time, Mayah rolled toward him. She slammed her gloved fists at his legs, tearing through his pants and skin. Through muscle and bone.

  His magic boomed, filling the air with electric static. Behind her, rock exploded where she’d lain.

  Still somehow moving faster than time, she gouged her spiked hands into Brüs’s legs, again and again.

  He didn’t make a sound, just stared at her in disbelief.

  She watched his next move, realizing that she was seeing what he would do, just seconds into the future. Seeing, before he acted.

  Her magic had never worked this way before, not even while wearing her necklace. She didn’t know where this explosion of power had come from. There wasn’t time to question it.

  She managed to scramble to her feet and barely dodged Brüs’s next move, then the one after that.

  He was so slow, while she was able to move so fast. Time had no meaning.

  But the pain he’d caused was catching up, and the glimmer of strength she’d found from nowhere dimmed.

  She tried to dodge his next strike.

  Wasn’t quick enough.

  Fresh agony bloomed across her shoulders as his fist hit hard.

  She fell, the rocks digging into her cheek. Gasping for breath, she noticed whatever freaky time loop she’d been in was now gone.

  Brüs chuckled. “I love playing with mice. But now it’s time for the cat to pounce.” He bent down, shoving her onto her back. His stench filled her with nausea. “Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll make sure your death is quick. Just not painless.”

  “Bastard,” she spat weakly.

  Above them, thunder boomed. Brüs glanced up at the storm clouds which had stayed far from the castle until now. As if riding a ferocious tornado of energy, they swept in, covering the sky and blotting out the stars with darkness.

  Mayah used his distraction, gathering her last ounce of strength and slammed her interlocking fists against his throat.

  He jumped away, but not before she’d left long, deep furrows along his neck. Black ichor oozed from the slashes. He still didn’t make a sound, as if he couldn’t feel any pain.

  At least she’d done her own damage.

  “Maybe not so quick after all,” he hissed, eyes blazing with hatred.

  “Bring it on,” she hoarsely whispered, refusing to show anything but bravado.

  He smiled, full of cruelty. The sight made her shiver. Brüs raised his sword, shouting as he arced it down for a crippling blow.

  * * *

  Sean beheaded another strange beast. Beside him, Cyrus swung his own blade, felling more. Yet, as Sean glanced around, it seemed as if no matter how many they killed, ten more pressed forward to take up the fight.

  Across the clearing, Mayah screamed.

  Brüs dug a blade into her thigh, then twisted it.

  She screamed again, her hands flying, trying to hit him. But her movements were slow, weak.

  Brüs jerked his sword from her flesh, holding it high above her heart. “Ready for death?”

  Mayah turned her head, met Sean’s gaze. She smiled sweetly, emotion shining from her eyes. And in them, he read her acceptance of death.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Something inside him broke, flooding him with an overpowering flash of despair.

  No. He could not lose her. She was his.

  His to keep safe, not to watch die.

  With a scream of rage, his anger expanded. The last of the locks inside him burst open.

  As if the two separate parts of himself he’d kept hidden behind walls that now shattered completely, he felt his halves merge.

  Power exploded from him in a rush.

  Gusts of wind blew, pushing the demons and creatures from his

  Sean raced toward Mayah, unable to take his eyes off her as Brüs swung his sword at her exposed throat.

  He ran faster. Had to stop the demon.

  Knew he wouldn’t reach her in time.

  The magic inside him refused to be contained in the face of the threat. It swept out in a shock wave.

  Brüs stumbled, his sword stopping an inch from Mayah’s neck.

  He glanced up, startled as Sean bore down on him.

  Sean leapt, throwing himself at the giant demon, pushing his magic to drive into and through Brüs. He slammed into the man, forcing him from Mayah.

  From all sides, the creatures and demons surged toward them, as if to help their leader. Brüs raised his sword and lunged.

  Sean blocked the strike, then spun and slashed across the demon’s belly.

  Behind him, Mayah whispered something he couldn’t hear. Sean drove the demon further from her, swinging his katana faster than Brüs could block. Wounds opened over his arms and chest. But he managed to stop all of Sean’s attempts to hit his throat or heart.

  Magic raged inside him, but Sean didn’t know how to use it. Untouchable, uncontrollable, just as he’d feared. Rage built and he thirsted for blood.

  He growled, pressing harder. The Abatu demon didn’t falter. With a mighty swing, he forced Sean a step back, recovering lost ground.

  A wolf shifter bayed as it led two others toward him. Before he could respond, Cyrus blocked their path, covering Sean’s back.

  He concentrated once more on Brüs, picturing the demon’s sword descending toward Mayah’s throat. Trying to take her head.

  His magic responded, shooting from him in a wave. It hit Brüs, who gritted his teeth, trying to press forward.

  Seeing an opening, Sean struck hard. His blade sank deep into the demon’s heart. Brüs shook himself like a wet dog and fell to one knee. He looked up, grinning a smile of blackened blood. “Not that easy.”

  Surging to his feet, the demon raised his palm. Something bright white and agonizing struck Sean in the chest. He was flung onto his ass, skidding across the ground.

  Shaking his head, trying to get his bearings, he felt a soft cold hand on his arm. Mayah lay next to him, color slowly coming back into her cheeks.

  “Take his ring. There’s old, dark magic behind it,” she whispered.


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