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Demonstorm: Heart of a Vampire #6

Page 14

by Kallyn, Amber

  Sean caught a glint of light from Brüs’s left hand as the demon flung another shot of magic their way. He twisted, blocking Mayah.

  Fire blazed across his back and he couldn’t hold back the scream as the magic seemed to be eating his flesh, working its way inside to devour him whole.

  Mayah clenched his hand, raising her head and kissed him softly. Strength rushed into him, blocking out the worst of the pain.

  “We can fight this,” she whispered.

  From a distance, Cyrus cried out as some creature managed to get past his defenses.

  “We must hurry.” Mayah kissed him again and the push of power from her filled him.

  Latched onto his soul, and onto his magic—now combined and free from all restraint.

  Sean turned, facing Brüs. The demon bore down on them, his eyes wild with glee at the sight of victory.

  Gripping Mayah’s hand tighter, Sean struggled to his feet, helping her up as well. They faced Brüs together, their magic somehow joining and becoming even more powerful.

  She flung her hand at Brüs. A blue light enveloped him. He roared, realizing he was trapped.

  Together they stepped forward. Sean swung a blade at the demon’s left wrist, taking his hand and the ring.

  Brüs’s eyes widened, darkening to the deepest black.

  “Now, it is over,” Mayah said.

  The blue light around him seemed to shimmer as it compressed around the demon’s body. He thrashed against it, but like quicksilver, he couldn’t get it off.

  Sean felt Mayah draw more of his power and funnel it at Brüs.

  Screaming in fury, the demon’s body split apart, turning to ash as it drifted over the ground.

  Howls and roars filled the air.

  Sean and Mayah turned to face the creatures around them. Cyrus stumbled to their side, bloody and exhausted.

  Somehow, he and Mayah had defeated the undefeatable. But they weren’t done. A sea of monsters bent on death surrounded them.

  Mayah raised her hand, and magic spread out from the two of them. All creatures it touched turned to ash.

  The remaining demons and beasts suddenly fell silent.

  “What are they doing?” Sean asked.

  “I don’t know,” she replied.

  In the sky above them, the clouds parted. The night lit with the brilliant colors of the aurora, brightening the ground.

  Brüs’s demons began to slink away, out of the light.

  As the aurora faded, darkness creeping back over the land, silence reigned.

  Sean glanced at Mayah. She smiled, letting out a laugh of surprise.

  “They’re leaving,” Cyrus said in wonder.

  “I guess they have no more reason to fight,” Sean replied.

  Chapter Twenty

  After defeating Brüs, his minions fled. They stormed the fortress, Sean leading the way, but there was little resistance from the few creatures left. The Abatu’s demons had been mostly cowards.

  After releasing the remaining prisoners, they stole a car from the castle and drove to Sean’s truck, then he’d turned in the direction of home.

  Three days later, with stops only for food, and supplies for their wounds, they were nearing Arizona.

  Mayah had spent the entire time in the back of the cab with her brother.

  On the one hand, Sean understood her need to help Cyrus heal. To be with him, assure herself he was truly all right.

  That all of them had survived.

  But he missed the closeness they’d developed on the trip to rescue her brother. It was as if she’d forgotten all about him now that the man was free.

  As the sun sank, he pulled over at a roadside motel. “I need some sleep, and your brother will do better in a real bed.”

  She nodded, her eyes bright with gratitude.

  Sean rented two connecting rooms, then helped carry Cyrus in from the truck. Before laying him on the bed, Sean looked at the man. “You up for a shower?”

  Weak from his long captivity and many beatings, plus the devastating wounds he’d taken during the fight with Brüs, the man still tried to push himself. “I can do it on my own.”

  Mayah strode to the bathroom. “Not going to happen. I’ll help.”

  Cyrus’s eyes widened and his cheeks reddened. “Not on your life, sister.”

  She sighed. “It’s not like I haven’t seen a naked man before.”

  Cyrus mumbled something Sean didn’t catch. He intervened between the two, saying, “I’ll help. Mayah, why don’t you talk to the owner and find someplace we can get a hot meal?”

  She glowered at them both, but silently turned and left.

  “Thanks,” Cyrus said. His voice was weaker than Sean would have liked after the few days drive away from the dark fortress.

  “No problem. Shower or bath?”

  “Shower. And I can handle it by myself.”

  Sean helped the man limp into the bathroom, then got the water going. “I’ll leave you to it. Shout if you need anything.” As he headed out the door, he called back, “And if you do need help, I won’t let your sister know.”


  Sean closed the door, then sat at the table in front of the window, listening to the sounds of Cyrus moving around, hoping the man wouldn’t let stubborn pride get in the way if something happened.

  Thirty minutes later, Mayah returned carrying an armful of bags. Sean took some and set them on the table.

  She raised a brow, then looked pointedly at the bathroom door.

  “He’s not a child,” Sean said defensively.

  “I know. He’s just been through so much, and we’ve…” She stopped to clear her throat. “We’ve been apart for so long.”

  “He’ll recover. Already he’s healing well.”

  She glanced away. “Not as good as we have. Not as fast as he should be.”

  Sean began to unpack mountains of containers full of steaming, fragrant food. “He will. Now, you need to eat.”

  “We can wait—”

  “Eat. There will be plenty for Cyrus. Let him enjoy his privacy.”

  After another long glance at the bathroom door, she finally nodded and sat across from him.

  Opening the take-out boxes, Sean uncovered a feast from some Chinese restaurant. He slid a heaping plate in front of Mayah.

  She looked back to the bathroom door, sighed heavily, then played with the food rather than eating it.

  “What really has you worried?” Sean finally asked, his stomach twisted in knots. He could read her expression well enough. She was about to tell him it was time for them to head their own ways.

  “I can’t go to your vampire clan. Not with Cyrus so injured,” she whispered, staring at the food.

  His heart clenched tightly, agony radiating in powerful waves. When he tried to speak, the only sound that emerged was a groan from the pain.

  “I trust you,” she continued slowly. “But I don’t know your people. I can’t put my faith in them.”

  Sean stood so fast, his chair tipped back, clattering to the floor. He rounded the table to kneel before her. “Trust me to keep you both safe.”

  Her hands trembles so much she laid the fork down. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “I… I can’t.”

  His heart broke, shattering into a million pieces he’d never be able to repair. Bowing his head, he tried to take a deep breath. His chest was so tight that he barely got any air. “I can’t lose you. You are my fate, my love.”

  Mayah shakily stood, turning away from him. Striding to the window, she kept her back to him as she stared out at the desert vista.

  Sean couldn’t believe this was happening. He refused to allow it. He crossed the room and took her in his arms. Her eyes widened before she glanced down, avoiding meeting his gaze. Tipping her head back, he kissed her, devouring her mouth as he tried to show her all the emotion raging inside him. Tried to convince her to change her mind.

  For a moment, she didn’t move. Then she kissed him back, holding
him just as tight. Pressing herself as close as she could get.

  But then she tensed and he felt everything change. She drew back. Reluctantly, he let her go.

  When she whispered, “I’m sorry,” he knew it was hopeless. For now.

  She wasn’t the kind to change her mind easily. And he would never force her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. He’d gambled his heart, and failed.

  He looked around the room, barely seeing a thing.

  Mayah finally turned, but didn’t look at him as she said, “When Cyrus is better, I’ll come to you.” Her tone made it obvious she didn’t believe her own words. Neither did he.

  Brushing a soft kiss over her lips, he stated, “I’ll wait for you to come. Always.”

  The bathroom door opened and they sprung apart. Mayah hurried to Cyrus’s side, looking him up and down.

  The shower seemed to have done the man a world of good. He’d cleaned up and shaved. The resemblance between brother and sister was striking.

  Cyrus glanced between them, suspicion coloring his blue-green eyes. He didn’t speak as he limped to the table and sat down, then began devouring the food with gusto.

  Sean and Mayah joined him at the table, but neither ate. Sean didn’t think he’d be able to keep anything down, with the way his chest throbbed and his gut churned. How could he convince her to take the chance?

  * * *

  Mayah pushed some food around on the plate, her mind spinning. She couldn’t look at Sean. His eyes had darkened with the pain she was causing, the same wrenching feeling clenching at her heart.

  But breaking this off was for the best.

  She’d thought to die during the fight with Brüs. Had never considered what would happen if they won and all survived. Now she had to.

  And her first duty was to her brother. Had to be to her family. Not her heart.

  No matter how agonizing the decision.

  Never in her life had she expected to find love. Yet, she had. And love wasn’t the crippling, soul stealing emotion she’d always thought. Instead, it was freeing in so many wonderful ways.

  Sean hadn’t eaten, but he said abruptly, “I need a walk.”

  She watched him leave, wanting nothing more than to race after him, throw herself into his arms and demand he never let her go. But life didn’t work that way.

  Cyrus finished his third plate of food, and sat back in the chair, staring at her. “So, sister. Have you become an idiot or a coward?”

  Shock coursed through her at his harsh words. “Wh-what?”

  “You’ve found the greatest gift that exists, that has ever existed. Something every being searches their life for. And you want to walk away from it? So, which is it? Idiot or coward?”

  “Neither,” she replied sharply.

  “Hmm.” Cyrus continued to stare at her.

  Straightening her shoulders, she replied, “There are other things to consider.”

  “Like what?” he asked.

  She fidgeted uncomfortably. “Like your safety. Finding out what happened to our father and brother.”

  “I’d think, after centuries, anything you could do for our family wouldn’t prevent you from having a life of your own.”

  She dropped her gaze, feeling pinned.

  “Besides,” Cyrus continued, “I’m not staying. Tonight, I’ll be strong enough to open a portal and return to our demon realm. Is your plan to follow? To give up everything you’ve found?”

  She couldn’t speak from the lump in her chest. “No. Not forever.”

  “Ah. So it is idiocy.” Cyrus slammed his hand on the table. “The great war is near and you want to run and hide.”

  Anger flushed through her. “That’s not true.”

  “Then what is it? I’ve never known you to shirk from anything before.”

  Jumping to her feet, she paced the length of the nearest bed. “You don’t understand. Besides, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other.”

  “You think I don’t know that well enough?” he demanded, rising to his feet and facing her. “You think I haven’t gone through just as much agony as you?”

  Her heart fluttered. “I know you have. Now sit down, you’re not strong enough—”

  He cut her off, grabbing her by the arms and spinning to pin her against the wall. “Sister, you see much, yet in some ways you are blind. I’m healing well enough. My strength is nearly returned. Tell me the truth.”

  She slumped against his hold, throat burning. This was her brother, someone she’d always been able to talk to about anything. The words tumbled out from her in a rush, before she’d even realized what she was about to say. “You’re right. I’m a coward. I’m afraid.”

  He drew her into a hug. “Being afraid doesn’t make you a coward unless you run from it. Father taught us that. So why are you running from the half-breed? I can see into his soul as well as you must. His heart is pure.”

  Why was she running? She wasn’t quite sure. Moving from Cyrus, she sat on the bed, staring at her hands. When she’d thought death was near, she’d grabbed hold of everything Sean wanted to offer, and had given him her body, her heart and her soul.

  She’d trusted him with not just her life, but Cyrus’s as well. He’d not let her down. Had in fact, proven time and again that her faith was well placed.

  So why was she running scared now?

  It suddenly dawned on her. Fear based on past betrayals.

  But Sean would never betray her. It wasn’t like they’d get to his home and he’d turn her over to his clan to be used. Not Sean. Her heart beat sped up, warmth flushing through her at the realization.

  Cyrus forcing her to face him. “You’re thinking so loudly, I caught some of those thoughts. Tell me this. You love him?”


  “He loves you?”


  “And he saved us both?”

  “You know that.”

  “Then let the past go.”

  She remembered a conversation she’d had with Sean on their way to Alaska. He’d spoken of his own long captivity, and how he’d come to terms with his past, not letting it affect him.

  When she had wondered out loud if such a thing was truly possible, he’d replied that it was, with hard work.

  So the question was, would she put in the work, or allow Brüs to win after all?

  Rising to her feet, determination filled her. A heaviness lifted from her shoulders as she felt free, completely, for the first time in forever.

  Sean had rescued her from Brüs, yet she’d still been carrying around all the hate and mistrust he’d instilled inside her.

  But the Abatu demon was dead.

  She needed to bury him the rest of the way.

  Pushing past Cyrus, she called, “I’ll be back.”

  Her brother’s laughter followed her out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sean wandered aimlessly around town, trying to come up with an argument, anything, to convince Mayah to stay.

  She loved him. He knew she did.

  Rubbing his chest—though no matter how hard he pressed, he couldn’t reach the source of the pain—he turned another corner and found himself at a deserted park. He wandered across the grassy lawn, then sat on one of the benches, staring at the empty toys and swings.

  As he looked blankly over the area, his pain edged with anger. He’d opened himself completely to Mayah.

  And like everything, nearly everyone in his life, she’d rejected him. Before his thoughts could go down the road of self-pity, Sean stood.

  She might be rejecting him now, but she couldn’t hold up against her own feelings, much less the strength of his love. If she needed to go to her demon realm and find the rest of her family, so be it.

  But she damn well wasn’t going without him.

  He’d gotten through her thick defenses before. He’d do it again.

  He turned to race back to the motel and lay down his demand that he go with her.

  Mayah stood next to the tire swing, twisting her hands in front of her, staring at him with a look he couldn’t quite read.

  Sean started to speak, but she shushed him.

  “Look,” she said. “I’m not perfect.”

  “You think I am?”

  Her eyes softened. “Mostly, yeah.”

  His pain faded beneath the bloom of hope.

  “Anyway, the past hurts.”

  “It does.”

  “And we can’t ever get away from it completely.”

  He took a step closer, heart beating wildly.

  “But, maybe with enough support, we can put it behind us,” she stated, matching his step forward.

  “Hard work, but doable. With the right kind of help.” He took another step toward her, and she did the same.

  “Well, I guess I was just thinking. People have betrayed me. Used me.”

  “I know.” They drew even closer to each other.

  “But you would never do that.”


  He reached her, but didn’t dare touch her. Not yet.

  “I… I don’t know if I can get Brüs out of my head. Not completely. But I won’t let him win anymore.” She smiled hesitantly. “So, if you’re willing to put up with me—”

  He jerked her against him, cutting off her words as he kissed her hard enough to make her purr happily. Wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight, he felt like he held heaven in his hands.

  She kissed him back.

  He didn’t think, only felt the love and passion between them. It was powerful. Never ending.

  Drawing back, he looked into her eyes. “Don’t ever forget again how much I love you. Together, we can conquer anything.”

  Hope and trust filled her gaze. “I love you.”

  “Always,” he replied, vowing to show her every day for eternity.


  Sean tucked Mayah’s smaller hand in his as he strode into his clan’s castle. This time, though, he barely noticed the askance glances shot his way. It no longer struck him, making him feel out of place. Forever unwelcome, forever alone.

  Now, he had Mayah by his side.

  He held his head higher as they reached the King’s receiving chambers. “Is Jordan in there?” Sean asked one of the guards.


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