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Finding Callan

Page 11

by Quell T Fox


  I pick her up and run as fast as I can towards the door, but everything is happening in slow motion. I’m yelling for everyone to get down and move. To get out! They stare at me as if I’ve just escaped a loony bin.

  I hope I’m not overreacting, but I know what I feel. I have to trust myself. And if I’m right, then I think I’ve just gained a new power. People continue to stare at me like I’m an alien, but still no one will move. It’s amazing how you can yell at people to move and no one will. They all stay still and look at you like you’re the crazy one.


  I make it to the podium as soon as the first sounds of the explosion goes off. Screams and cement crumbling fill my ears, the ticking gone. I open the door and rush out, unsure of how much power that bomb really had, but I’m not waiting to find out. The blast pushes us the rest of the way out the door, with a wave of heat following close behind. I make it to the street as people start flooding out of the door. Some injury free, others are bleeding, some black with who knows what and others are burned. Severely. There are even a few that are still on fire. I put Friday down and run back towards the building. I have to help them. I’m shouting for someone to call 911, but everyone is panicking. I run back towards Friday, pushing my phone into her hands because I realize that she doesn’t have hers. She left it at home.

  “Call 911. I have to help these people.” She stares at me blankly. She’s in shock. “Friday, can you hear me?” I grab her shoulders and shake her slightly. “Friday!” She finally looks at me and nods her head. “Call 911.” My words are urgent. She snaps out of it, nods her head and starts to press the screen on my phone.

  I walk back towards the building where people litter the ground. I pull as many people as I can away from it and towards the street, unsure what kind of damage the explosion did and how much of this building will come down. Everyone around us is screaming and running and sitting and laying. Panic stricken. I check on people to see if they are okay. Most of them are. The ones that made it out. But it isn’t enough. There were more in there… I can’t be sure how many are trapped inside, but I can’t worry about them. Help those that can be saved.

  I turn my focus to the people on the ground. That is until one man runs out with his arm missing from mid bicep down. He’s screaming bloody murder. I run to him, check his arm and realize that it’s still bleeding. I pull my belt off and wrap it tightly around the upper part of his arm to stop him from bleeding out. I pull it as tight as I can and wrap it around, hoping that it will hold. I lead him across the street where many others have gathered. He leans against a building and slides to a seated position. Sirens fill the air, both with sound and sight. It doesn’t take long for the first firetruck to show up. When the paramedics come over, I leave the man and hope that he will make it. He passed out right after getting to the ground, but he continues to breathe.

  My eyes search for Friday and I find her still in the street, staring up at the burning building. She’s still in shock. I push past the crowd of people that’s filled with many from inside, but also from neighbors that have now gathered around to watch the chaos that ensues on Bank Street. People are dying and buildings are burning around me and all I see is Friday. Paramedics try stopping me on my way to her, but I push past them as well.

  “Help the people that need it.” I tell them. I’m fine.

  I walk to her, cupping her face in my hands and as her eyes meet mine I bend down and press my lips to hers. She doesn’t react at first and normally I would feel like I’ve made a grave mistake, but I know, deep inside, that I haven’t. This is right. This is what I have been waiting for.

  I’ve been waiting for her.

  Her hands grab at my shirt and pull me closer to her as she devours me with a voracity that I didn’t know could exist within one single person. My tongue brushes against hers slowly. Her lips are softer than I imagined. I take the bottom one into my mouth and bite down gently, a small moan escapes her lips causing me to harden instantly. My hands fist in her hair as I take her in. Reveling in every bit of this moment that is ours. This perfect moment amidst the chaos going on around us. Nothing else matters in this very moment. I pull back from her, my eyes meeting her golden gaze. Her lips are puffy from our kiss and I want to go back in for more. I don’t want to stop any of this, I want to tear that dress – what’s left of it – off of her delicious body and have her right here, right now in the middle of the street for all to see.

  But I can’t.

  We don’t have a full bond yet, but one has formed, and I can guarantee that at least Maddox can sense that something is wrong. Thinking about him makes me want to take her and run away. I don’t want to deal with him. Not tonight. Not after all of this. I want to take Friday back to the hotel and spend the night with her, in her bed. I wonder if she’d let me do that.

  Speak of the Devil.

  If one of us doesn’t gain the power of Telepathy, I will be surprised. I don’t need to see his features to know that it’s him. No one else walks the way Maddox does. With a sickening confidence. He’s a dark shadow against the burning sky. He storms over, grabbing us both by the arm and pulling us down the road like we’re two children that ran away from home. We get into the jeep and he takes off without a word.

  Why do I feel like a child that is going to be punished? I didn’t even feel this way when I was home, why do I feel this way now? Because that’s what Maddox does to you. The control he has, his confidence. He makes you feel small, miniscule. And like you don’t matter. But he wasn’t always like this, and I believe that he won’t be for much longer. That’s why I stay. This Maddox isn’t the real one. Not wholly.

  I don’t know where my boost of confidence came from, but I won’t let it go away. I’m not going to let Maddox treat me like a child and I’m not going to allow him to make this out to be my fault. How would any of us have known this would happen? Maybe I should have taken someone with me, but what would that have done? Just put someone else at risk. Besides, Friday is fine.

  I look to her as she stares out the window, watching the scenery pass by in a blur. She hasn’t said a word and I can’t blame her. She’s shocked at all that has just happened. I’m surprised I’m still as good as I am right now. Though, these situations weren’t ever the ones to bother me. Not after what I dealt with growing up. I probably should have been a doctor, like my father. But I don’t want to do anything that reminds me of him. I can’t even stand going to any doctor, that’s how deep my hatred for him goes. I liked the idea of teaching, and I love what I do. Helping people is fantastic, but I do help people. I help them learn. What’s better than that?

  Knowledge is power, after all.



  What they don’t know is that I was already on my way here when I felt the sharp pain pierce through my chest. I knew something was wrong immediately. It’s like I knew something bad was going to happen all night. From the moment they left there was this unexplained nagging feeling in my gut that became so overwhelming that it made me get out of bed. Not many things can make me get out of bed, but apparently Friday can. I got into the jeep with the intentions of spying on them, to ease my discomfort. The pain struck me halfway to them and I pulled up just as the first firetruck did.

  We ride in the car in silence, my blood boiling and it’s taking everything in me to not tear Callan apart for being so reckless. He should have listened to me. He should have taken someone with him, or not have gone at all. I glance up at the rearview mirror to see Friday resting her head on Callan’s shoulder as he runs his hand down her head, smoothing her hair. The image infuriates me further, so I look away, hands gripping on the wheel as I pull in front of the parking garage.

  All of that and she still wants to be with him? He couldn’t even protect her. I’m surprised they made it out alive. Each second that goes by makes it harder for me to keep my anger to myself. She’s with him so easily and can barely stand to be within a foot
of me. I’m the one she should feel safe with, the one she should be resting her head on. I should be the one consoling her. I take a breath and try to reset myself. My jealousy is not towards Callan. Circles don’t work that way. My jealousy is over what they have and what I don’t have yet. I tell myself that it will come in time, but the words don’t mean anything. Not yet.

  I put the car in park and get out. The valet driver opens the back door for Friday and Dumbass. I’ve already started walking in, I know if I’m anywhere next to him right now, I’m going to explode and that is not what I want to do. I don’t know how I made it the car ride without saying a single word.

  I don’t go to the elevator. I need to walk off some of this anger, so I take the stairs. Yep, nine flights up. I haven’t been to the gym in a while, so I could use it anyway. I tell myself that I’ll have to take time to visit the hotel gym.

  Opening the door to hotel room I see Lenny sitting at the table with a somber look on his face. When he sees me, he stands immediately. I must have beat them here.

  “Is everything okay? I felt… something.” A visible shiver runs through his body as my eyes meet his.

  “Go get Alec. We need to talk.”

  “He isn’t here.”

  “What do you mean he isn’t here?” Lenny has a very serious look on his face, and he looks worried, not something he wears often. “Where did he go?” I ask as I clench my fists at my sides.

  “I don’t know. He didn’t say anything. Just left around the same time we felt… whatever that thing was. Right here.” He points to his chest. It’s hard for me to look at him as an equal, even though that is what he is. He is my equal, my partner, my family. My Circle. It’s been hard to separate my raising him, whatever the hell thing we have going on and the rest of the bullshit going on. I didn’t actually realize how fucking tangled up my life is until this very moment.

  But I think we all feel that way. Which only concerns me further.

  The familiar click of the door being unlocked has me spinning around. Callan and Friday walk in and they look like hell. I didn’t realize how bad they look until right now, in the light.

  “Holy shit.” The words are said under Lenny’s breath, but I heard them.

  Friday is covered in dirt and smoke, including her dress. The dress that is now ruined. It’s torn all at the bottom and up her ribs. If it had been ripped a little higher up, I’d be seeing nipple right now. Her hair is wild, like a crazy witch kind of wild. Her eye makeup is smeared across her cheeks, as if she was crying and tried to wipe away the tears. She probably was. She’s barefoot and I wonder where her shoes are. My question is answered when my eyes move to Callan and I see that he’s carrying them for her. He drops them onto the floor by the wall, his hand on her lower back as he lets the door fall closed behind them.

  He doesn’t look any better than her. In fact, he looks worse. His jacket is completely burned off in the back, the once white shirt underneath singed and I see skin in parts. Skin that is blackened with burns and soot. The rest of his suit is burned and torn in so many places, colored with dirt and ash. His hair though, still perfect.

  That fucker.

  “What the hell were you thinking? I told you not to go alone, I told you not to go at all. I knew something like this would happen.” My worry causes my anger to boil over and the words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

  “Yeah, and how could you possibly have known that?”

  “I just did.” I add.

  “That’s not good enough Maddox. And to be honest, I’m in no mood to listen to you yell at me over something that was completely out of my control. Friday is home in one piece. We both are. Thanks for the show of sympathy. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to shower.”

  “I had a feeling, too.” Lenny says the words so quietly that I almost don’t hear them. Callan pauses and shoots him a sympathetic look before disappearing into the bathroom with Friday. I don’t know if he does it because he means it, or if he does it to stick up for me. Either way, I am grateful to have someone at my back.



  There is an incessant ringing in my ears that won’t go away and my vision is weird. The air around me is thick. It’s like I can see the air – If that makes any sense. It probably doesn’t. I feel okay, physically, but I think I’m in shock from whatever happened because I can’t seem to piece words together to form sentences. Or say anything at all for that matter. I haven’t said a word since I told Callan that I was going to the bathroom. Not out loud anyway. My mind on the other hand, hasn’t stopped.

  I vaguely heard the argument that took place moments ago. I heard it but I didn’t hear it. I couldn’t repeat what they said. All I can remember is hearing something about a shower. Which is why I assume we are in the bathroom right now. The bathroom that smells of fire and earth.

  “Are you okay to shower?” Callan bends his knees, getting more on my level. Now that my shoes are gone, he towers over me again. His eyes now a dull shade of green, but still just as beautiful. When he’s this close I notice tiny flecks of gold in there. His eyes meet mine and I suddenly remember how his lips felt on mine. His kiss is different than anyone I have ever kissed before. It was more than I expected. I expected him to be bad at it. Maybe not bad, but not that good. With him not having experience and all, but it was… perfect. His lips are soft and firm, he’s gentle with his movements but needy. His soft tongue moving over mine slowly, taking in every ounce of me. He kissed me like I was fragile, like he was worried about breaking me, but at the same time couldn’t hold himself back. It felt as if he was bringing me back to life with his desire. There was desperation and relief pouring from his lips onto mine.

  Only when he says my name do I remember that he asked me a question.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “A shower. Can you shower on your own? I’ll leave you alone if you can.”

  “No, please don’t go. I can manage, but please stay with me.” He swallows thickly and nods. I turn around and start to peel the dress from my skin. It pools to the floor – what’s left of it anyway. A barely-there, pained groan comes from behind me, but I ignore it, even though my body responds to his desires. It wants to turn to him and have him fuck me back to life. But now is not the right time, even I know that much.

  See, I’m not a compete mess.

  I’m standing completely naked in front of Callan. And something occurs to me. I don’t think he’s ever seen a naked woman before. Not in real life anyway.

  I’m kind of mad that my buzz was killed over some stupid explosion.

  “Was it something in the kitchen?” I ask over my shoulder, moving my arm up to cover my breasts as I walk to the shower and turn it on. He looks confused beyond words, yet the hunger still lingers in his eyes. “The explosion. Was it something in the kitchen?”

  “No. It was… well, I’d rather have this conversation with everyone. If that’s okay with you?”

  “Of course.” I step into the shower once the water is warm and Callan’s cheeks are the brightest red that I have ever seen them. I rest my head against the wall and stare at the water dripping down my body in black droplets. I stand there for a long while, letting the water run down my aching body. I glance behind me and I see Callan through the clear curtain. He’s blurry, but I can make him out. He is still fully clothed – well, what’s left of them – still sitting on the porcelain throne. With the lid down, of course.

  Lenny would have been under this water with me by now. I even bet that Maddox would have as well – even though I feel like we can’t stand each other. I know that isn’t true. I can see that Maddox and I will have that love/hate relationship. Something that I bet he is used to, because he won’t allow himself anything else. But Callan? He’s such a gentleman. He’s probably sitting with his eyes closed thinking about chairs and ice-cold showers. I wash up quickly, using my own shampoo and soap that I left inside the shower. Maddox smells good, but I’d rather keep my feminine scent
. When I’m finished I shut the water off. Worried that there may not be enough for Callan, and I know he wants to shower too. Now that I think about it, being dirty is probably bothering him more than me and I should have let him go first. I squeeze my hair out and when I turn to step out of the tub, there is an arm inside of the shower holding a towel for me, which brings a smile to my aching face. I take the towel and wrap it around myself and pull the curtain back so I can step out.

  “I’m sorry. You should have gone in the shower first.” Callan looks up from his phone and gives me a soft smile. His cheeks still red as can be, though now it may have something to do with how hot it is in this bathroom.

  “I’m fine. Let’s get you to bed. You look exhausted.” His thoughtfulness makes me smile. He walks to the door, opens it and I walk out first. He follows me into my room. “Let me know if you need anything. Try to get some rest.”

  I give him a sad smile that I think he misses as he turns to walk out of the room, closing the door behind him. A sadness falls over me and I’m not entirely sure why. The night was going so well, everything was perfect. And it was ruined. Just my luck.

  I let the towel drop to the floor, too tired to put clothes on I get into bed naked. I pull the blankets all the way up, curl into a ball and fall asleep too quickly.


  I wake to someone climbing into the bed, not so subtly. I open my eyes and turn over but before I can make out who has joined me in bed, a pair of hands are around my throat. I reach up, grabbing at the arms they’re attached to, punching and scratching at them. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. My lungs burn with the air that can’t be released and my head pulses with the blood that can’t leave. I thrash around, but my assailant is straddling me over the blanket, locking me in place. I squirm as much as I can, trying to push off whoever this is. I’m unable to see anything in the pitch black of the night, but suddenly start to see small dots in my vision from the lack of oxygen.


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