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Nine Lives - Book 1

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by Kim Knight







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  Copyright 2012

  The right of Kim Knight to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyright and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.

  ISBN 978-1-908827-39-5

  All characters and events depicted are entirely fictitious; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is entirely coincidental


  Nine Lives – Book One; Kaitlin


  Kim Knight

  The future:

  She felt the crop slice her buttocks and wondered – not for the first time – how she had come to be here. Another blow landed across her quivering flesh. Another and another ... and still she wondered. The next blow drew a tiny gasp and a sigh. The blows continued, her gasps becoming louder as her wondering continued. How had it happened? How could she have fallen so far? Eventually her senses were lost beneath the sudden explosion of orgasm. Muffled by the rush of blood in her ears, she heard the crowd – the forgotten crowd. Slowly she opened her eyelids, wet with tears, and surveyed their rapture as they cheered and applauded. But it wasn’t just the man, who stood with crop hanging by his side, who drew their adoration – but her as well. She hung her head in the proper manner and through her tear-misted vision she saw the dark stain on the floor – the stain of her spent arousal, splashed some three feet away. Such was the power of her climax, such was the power of her Master and such was the desire of the crowd to watch her do it. How had she fallen so far?


  ‘You are a corruption on everything we have tried to be,’ he told the taller man. But for all his conviction, his voice still trembled with fear.

  ‘Is that so?’ The taller man looked around the room at their peers, his eyebrows raised. When no one spoke he turned back, ‘It seems that no one else shares your opinion.’ As he spoke, he twirled a silver ring around his finger, rubbing the edge over a small scar gained in childhood. It was a common action, one he rarely noticed himself doing.

  ‘That’s because they’re all too scared to say anything,’ he glared at the men that surrounded them, men he had known for years. ‘You’re all cowards.’ At least a few of them had the decency to look embarrassed, the others just looked angry. He resigned himself to his fate with a sigh and glared at the taller man. Squaring his shoulders, he lifted his chin and walked to the door. As he neared it, someone grabbed his arm. He stopped but didn’t look at the man who he had once called a friend.

  ‘For God’s sake,’ the man hissed, his fingers gripping even tighter, ‘You’ve made your point, now apologise and let’s enjoy ourselves.’

  He kept his eyes ahead, ‘You have all made your choice, now I must make mine.’

  ‘If you leave, there’s no coming back – that was the rule you made.’

  He nodded and pulled his arm away, ‘Goodbye.’

  Behind him the taller man beckoned another and then leant towards him to whisper, ‘See to it that he can’t ever come back. Do it quietly and no witnesses.’

  The man nodded and a few moments later followed the first out of the room.

  When the door had closed, the tall man smiled at the crowd, his eyes glinting, ‘Let us put such things behind us. We shall all miss George, he was a founder member of the club after all. But he has made his choice and I hope he will find his desires met elsewhere.’

  The crowd nodded, mumbling amongst themselves.

  ‘For us, though, we have the evening to enjoy!’

  A door behind him opened and twelve naked women were led into the room. The crowd murmured their approval as they turned hungry eyes on the women. The man beckoned the first woman who walked over and knelt in front of him, head bowed.


  ‘Mira, sir.’

  ‘And what will you do for me ... Mira?’

  ‘Anything you want, Master ... anything you desire.’

  He held his hand out to receive the handle of a thin crop. He traced the leather over her breasts and then walked round, making her shiver as the crop ran across her shoulder blades. The sharp snap was followed by an intake of breath as the crop sliced her lower back, just above the arch of her buttocks. He moved to the front and put the end of the crop under her chin, lifting her head and turning it to the side. From the corner of her eye she saw the crop slice round and held her breath a moment before the crop found her breasts. The soft flesh sank beneath the leather, quickly reforming as the crop was pulled back. A line of white appeared upon her skin, quickly turning red and then purple as beads of blood appeared beneath the surface. He noticed the tears appear in the corners of her eyes and a pleasurable quiver ran along his arm as he lifted the crop again. He paused when she held her breath and then, just at that moment when she breathed out, he lashed the crop across her breasts. A tiny cry escaped her but a small smile played over her lips as she looked up at him.

  ‘Thank you, Master,’ she whispered.

  ‘You thank me now?’

  ‘I thank you for what is to come, Master.’

  He bent the crop between his hands and then ordered her onto her hands and knees. He took a moment to enjoy the sight of her smooth, unmarked buttocks that quivered expectantly. Then he let loose with the crop, turning his body as he struck and making her cry out as it sliced centrally across her mounds. Her head flew back, her eyes screwed tightly shut as a ripple of dark desire ran down her spine. Further lashes found her skin, barely inches apart. Each one making her cry out, each one sending more juice sliding down her gorgeous thighs. Eventually, breathless with desire, he shed his lower clothes and knelt behind her. His palms slapped against her ruined buttocks, pushing them apart to reveal the soaking entrance below. He slid easily into her and rode her firmly, making her climax twice before he shot his seed deep inside. Grunting with satisfaction, he pulled back and dressed before nodding at the other men. ‘And that, gentleman, is what any woman who chooses to enter the Master’s Club should expect.’

  The men smiled their appreciation and moved towards the other slaves, ready to take what was rightfully theirs. The first slave stayed where she was, buttocks and pussy presented to whoever might want to use them. Plenty would before the night was out.

  Chapter One:

  ‘You think you’re some sort of hard-ass, eh?’ the youth spat, his breath stinking of cheap cider and whatever shit he had been smoking. He swung his fist wildly, too drunk and stoned to aim properly or put any power behind it. She caught his fist easily, spun his arm behind his back and kicked his legs out from under him. He slammed to the pavement, cursing wildly. She twisted his arm a little more, the pain made its way through the stupor and he gave a high-pitched scream. She was vaguely aware of the youth’s girlfriend swearing at her and shouting hollow threats. She wasn’t bothered – her colleague would deal with her. She put her knee in the small
of the youth’s back and yanked his other hand behind his back, slipping the handcuffs around his wrists. Once cuffed the fight seemed to go out of him and she hauled him to his feet.

  He managed to focus on her and hissed, ‘Fucking dyke.’

  A moment later he tripped over something and slammed into the side of the van, face first.

  ‘Sorry,’ she said, ‘and watch your head.’

  Once he was secured in the back of the van, DS Kaitlin Anderson turned to her partner and the girlfriend who was still cursing as she was propelled towards the van. She helped her inside and then lifted her hand to blow the young woman a kiss before slamming the door on the renewed tirade of swearing and insults.

  ‘Are you following us to the station?’

  Kaitlin looked over at the PC and shook her head, ‘We have to make a meet. We were just passing and stopped to help.’

  ‘We’ll need your statements.’

  She eyed him coldly and he dipped his head in embarrassment as she said, ‘I think I remember the drill.’

  ‘Yeah ... of course.’ He turned quickly to the van as his colleague sniggered and moved to the passenger seat.

  ‘Thanks for that, Anderson,’ DC Parker said as he rubbed his neck, ‘I’d forgotten how much I missed dealing with shit like that.’

  ‘I suppose you would have driven straight past.’

  ‘Might have,’ Parker replied although they both knew the truth. They walked back to their car as he added, ‘You only stopped because you could see the opportunity for a scrap.’

  She smiled over the car as she opened the door and then re-tied her light blonde hair into a ponytail that stretched down to the middle of her back, ‘I’m that obvious am I?’

  Parker watched her as she adjusted her hair and smiled back, ‘Guess that kid was right – you do think you’re a hard ass.’

  Kaitlin laughed and slipped into the car before responding, ‘I don’t think I’m a hard ass.’ She flicked the key and the engine roared into life.

  Ten minutes later and they were pulling into a pub car park. A young man, dressed in filthy jeans and shirt nodded towards the garden at the back of the building. The ‘pub garden’ was more of a grotty patio and the only green to be seen was on the rotting wood of the ancient picnic tables. The young man sat on the edge of the table, unconcerned by the way the wood creaked under his weight. He lifted his feet onto the seat and lit a cigarette as he watched the two CID officers approach.

  They stood in front of him for several moments before Kaitlin eventually sighed, ‘You were the one who asked for the meeting, Lucas.’

  He puffed on the cigarette, ‘Yeah, guess I did.’ As he lifted the cigarette to his lips again, Kaitlin snatched it from his fingers. ‘Hey!’

  She tossed it into the bushes and watched it smoulder for a moment before turning her cold gaze back on him, ‘What do you want?’

  He reached into his pocket for his cigarettes but the look from the DS stopped him. ‘I got news on where Collins is.’


  Lucas seemed genuinely shocked, ‘Collins ... Martin Collins ... big time arsehole that you have been after for over a year.’

  ‘I know who you’re talking about. I want to know what good it does me to know where he is. Unless he’s got something on him, which he never has, what good is your information?’

  He looked to Parker for help but seeing nothing but a blank stare, he turned back to Kaitlin. ‘I heard that he’s doing a deal ... so he should have some shit on him, right?’

  ‘He’s doing the deal now?’

  ‘Nah, later on ... but he’s going straight there.’

  ‘And who did you hear this from?’

  ‘Redman mentioned it.’

  ‘Collin’s bodyguard? So he just happened to mention his boss’s schedule to you, did he?’

  Lucas shook his head, ‘Course not – me sister is shagging him, aint she?’

  Kaitlin and Parker exchanged glances – both knew that ‘pillow-talk’ was, despite popular belief, frequently unreliable. ‘Alright then,’ she turned back to the younger man, ‘Where is Collins?’

  ‘He’s with his Mistress.’

  Parker snorted as Kaitlin raised her eyebrows, ‘Nice try, but Collins isn’t even married.’

  He raised his hands, ‘Hey, that’s what I heard.’

  ‘Well, Lucas, your information isn’t worth shit.’ Parker announced and turned to leave, Kaitlin followed him.

  ‘Oak Street!’ Lucas called after them, ‘His mistress lives on Oak Street over near the ring-road.’

  Kaitlin frowned as the name triggered something in her memory. She waved for Parker to deal with the informant while she walked back to the car, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

  At twenty-eight, Kaitlin was in her prime and happy to be there. Five-feet ten, she worked hard to be athletic and strong. Light haired, with sharp, angular looks, she drew second glances from the lunchtime drinkers in the pub. She didn’t ignore them, she didn’t even notice. She flipped the phone open and called the office.

  When Parker appeared at her side a few minutes later, he raised questioning eyebrows.

  She slipped the phone into her pocket and nodded, ‘As I thought, there was a mention of Oak Street in Collins’ file. Remember when we tailed him for a while last year?’

  ‘Before we got called off by the powers that be?’

  She smiled at his tone, ‘Yeah, he was seen several times at an address on Oak Street.’

  ‘Have we got just cause?’

  She was thoughtful for a moment, ‘If he has got a meeting later then he will have stuff on him ... we won’t get a better chance.’

  Parker pulled his phone from his pocket, ‘How long 'til we get to Oak?’

  ‘Fifteen minutes ... maybe twenty.’

  ‘I’ll call the boss and see what we can do.’


  The ribbed leather of the crop lifted his penis, the flesh instantly hardening in response. He groaned, lifting his head to watch as the crop slid across the sensitive flesh. He was lying spread-eagled in the frame, the leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles. The tip of the crop dipped lower, stroking his bollocks and making him gasp. A sharp tap with the crop on the tip of his penis made him gasp, a smile creasing his lips. Another blow, this one harder, a warning to curb his enjoyment. The crop tapped its way up his chest, making his skin quiver as it moved to each of his nipples in turn. He closed his eyes, quivering under the feel of the leather. He breathed deeply, inhaling his Mistress’ sent as she stepped over his head, her musky pussy hovering just above him. A sharp tap on his cock again and he strained to lift his head, stretching his tongue to flick across the shining triangle of her clitoris. He was rewarded with a small sigh and he flicked his tongue again, sliding the tip between the groove of her sex. She quivered and lowered herself a little to make it easier for him to reach her sex. He worked as best he could, ignoring the needles of pain in his neck as he strained to pleasure her.

  ‘Very good ...’ she sighed, tapping his cock harshly and making him buck against the bonds, ‘... you know how to pleasure your Mistress.’

  He continued to lick and suck at her flesh, his own arousal growing with hers. Suddenly her pussy was gone and he licked his lips, savouring her taste.

  ‘I would have liked to have beaten your arse today,’ his Mistress announced as she moved between his spread legs, ‘You have upset me by offering me such a short visit.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Mistress,’ he said quickly, ‘My wish would be to honour you for longer but -’

  The crop snapped down painfully on his cock and he gasped loudly, ‘Bite your fucking tongue.’ Another blow made his cock quiver and his gasp was followed by a groan of arousal. Suddenly her fingers closed around his cock and slid along the sheath, sliding his skin back to reveal the veins beneath. She stroked the exposed flesh with the crop and he quivered with delight. ‘You will return tomorrow, understood?’

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’
br />   Her fingers slid back and forth, quickly teasing him to the point of climax but holding him back as only she could. ‘Tomorrow I shall punish your arse and then put you in the cage where you will contemplate how to make me feel better.’

  ‘I will, Mistress, I promise,’ he told her through gritted teeth.

  ‘You want to come?’

  ‘Yes, Mistress ... please.’

  The crop stroked his bollocks before it was cast aside so that she could grip his sac, digging her nails into the flesh and making him cry out. She let go of his balls and lifted her finger to circle his helmet before rubbing a drip of pre-come into the smooth dome. He quivered uncontrollably as her hand started to move over his cock again.

  ‘Mistress ...’ he groaned.

  ‘Not yet,’ she whispered. She continued to masturbate him as she slipped her finger between her lips to wet it. Her nail scratched along his buttocks before she slowly slid her finger into his arse. His groan rattled in his chest and she closed her eyes, savouring the sound as she turned her finger back and forth. ‘I will let you come in a moment but you had better honour me for your pleasure tomorrow.’

  ‘I will, Mistress ...’

  She pulled her finger free and then slipped two back, making his hips buck as her hand clamped around his cock, rubbing his flesh. ‘You may come,’ she told him.

  ‘Thank you, Mistress!’ His climax exploded from him, showering his chest as his breath heaved and turned into a sigh or delight.

  Through the haze of his climax, he heard his Mistress curse loudly. Fearing that he had done something wrong he strained to clear the pleasant fog that had settled over him. He lifted his head, frowning when he realised that his Mistress was gone. He strained to look behind him, twisting his head into awkward positions, his wrists and ankles pulling at the bonds that held him securely. He stopped and listened, the sound of voices clear now as if they were drawing nearer.


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