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Nine Lives - Book 1

Page 2

by Kim Knight

  ‘Fuck it,’ he hissed and pulled harder at the bonds. He had never tested the strength of them – he had never had cause to.

  The door was thrown open and he heard his Mistress’ shout of protest a moment before another woman’s voice drowned it out.

  ‘Martin Collins, we have a ...’ the words dried up as she stepped into the room. He froze, half twisted to stare at Kaitlin as she slowly approached him. The look on her face was unreadable and he glared at her as best he could from his position.

  ‘You have no fucking right to come in here like this, Anderson!’ he yelled.

  Slowly, a smile creased her lips. ‘Martin, now why have you been so reluctant to come down to the station to answer some questions? If I had known you swung this way, I could have made it all the more enjoyable for you.’ She reached into her pocket and lifted a set of handcuffs, ‘Didn’t really need to bring these, did I?’

  ‘This is a private business meeting,’ his Mistress announced, stepping between them.

  Kaitlin looked up at the tall woman, something that she was unused to doing. ‘Mister Collins is going to be arrested on suspicion of various criminal acts and as such we will be seizing ...’ she glanced around the room, ‘... much of this.’

  ‘That’s preposterous!’

  ‘Well, Madam, you have described yourself as a business acquaintance of Mister Collins so we will need to speak to you as well.’ She nodded towards a PC who was standing at the open doorway as if afraid to enter, ‘Find Mister Collins his clothes.’

  Fifteen minutes later, having been permitted to dress, Collins was led outside to a waiting patrol car. From a discreet distance down the road, two men sat in a car and watched as Collins was manhandled into the back of the car. Before the door was closed, Kaitlin leant in and said something before slamming the door.

  ‘Well now,’ the younger of the two men announced, ‘this is unfortunate.’

  ‘So it would appear.’

  The younger man glanced over and then followed his companion’s line of sight. He studied Kaitlin for several moments before asking, ‘You know her?’

  ‘I’ve presented her a service award a couple of times.’

  ‘A couple?’

  ‘Yes, she’s a damn fine officer. A fucking hard bitch but good at her job.’

  ‘Good enough to trace Collins back to us?’

  He didn’t hesitate, ‘Possibly.’

  The silence was a heavy weight between them as each imagined what the other was considering. The younger man stared out of the window as he slowly twisted a silver ring, rubbing it against a scar on his finger.

  ‘She can’t just be got rid of,’ the other man announced.

  ‘Everyone can be got rid of,’ he smiled nastily and lowered his hands, ‘but as I have made clear, time and time again, I intend to use more subtle methods from now on.’

  ‘It was only because of that agreement that you were allowed entrance into the club.’

  He sighed, ‘That agreement works both ways. Your little club needed an injection of fresh blood and may I remind you that I provided that. Are you going to argue about the improvements that I have made?’

  ‘Your fresh ideas have removed some of the ... staleness ... but all change comes with a price and I sometimes feel that you charge too high.’ He waved his hand dismissively and then directed at Kaitlin, ‘I will deal with her if she gets too close.’

  ‘Excellent,’ the younger man breathed and then they both fell silent as the door to the house opened. The tall, beautiful woman surveyed the street, perhaps wondering what her neighbours were thinking. His lip curled angrily as he stared at her, ‘I will have you where you belong soon enough, on your knees and begging for mercy.’

  The older man gave a small nod as he stared at her as well, ‘At least on that we can agree.’

  Chapter Two:

  Kaitlin rapped her knuckles against the wood of the door and waited for the response. When it came she opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her and then approaching the desk and the distinguished looking man who sat there. He smiled at her, ‘DS Anderson, yes?’

  She nodded, ‘Yes, sir.’

  He didn’t offer her a seat and she didn’t take it. Instead she stood in front of the Chief Superintendant’s desk, with her hands crossed behind her back, and tried not to feel like she had been summoned to the Head Master’s office.

  ‘You were the arresting officer for Martin Collins?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘A good collar, well done.’

  ‘Thank you, sir.’

  ‘Did you arrest Madeline Warren as well?’

  Kaitlin didn’t recognise the name immediately and was about to say so when she suddenly realised who he was talking about. ‘Ms Warren is just here to answer some questions.’

  ‘Is that really necessary?’


  ‘Is she suspected of anything?’

  ‘She had chained Collins, naked, to a wood and leather frame.’

  ‘I believe that was consensual.’

  Kaitlin took a deep breath, ‘Our concern was that Collins may have hidden something in or amongst her ... items.’

  ‘While he was chained to the frame?’

  She paused, her teeth grinding together, ‘No, sir, before that.’

  ‘Was Collins aware that you would be visiting Ms Warren?’

  ‘I doubt it, sir.’

  ‘Then she can be of no use to you. Return her things and let her be on her way.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  He studied her for a moment and then returned to the file in front of him, ‘Thank you, DS Anderson.’

  ‘Sir,’ she said curtly and left the room.

  Parker met her in the corridor, ‘So, you been grounded or what?’

  She shrugged, ‘I’ve been told to let Ms Warren go.’


  She stopped and smiled at him, ‘Tall, sexy, likes leather and chains.’

  ‘Oh,’ Parker laughed as a flush of red ran up his neck, ‘Madeline.’

  ‘Madeline?’ Kaitlin laughed, ‘Have you been chatting with our neighbourhood dominatrix?’

  ‘I took her a cup of tea, she’s been waiting over two hours in the interview room.’

  ‘Well, she’s free to go. Care to tell her?’

  Parker shook his head, ‘No way, boss man told you to do it.’

  Kaitlin raised her eyebrows, ‘I thought you and Madam X were getting along.’

  ‘Madeline ...’ Parker reminded her and shrugged, ‘... anyway, I’ve got to go do that statement for the PCs from this morning.’ He turned and headed the other direction.

  Kaitlin watched him go and then with a sigh and shake of her head, she headed for the interview room.

  ‘Thank you for waiting, Ms Warren,’ she announced as she opened the door and stepped inside, ‘You are free to -’ She stopped and stared at the array of sex toys in boxes on the interview room table. Slowly, she looked over the pile to the tall woman opposite. ‘I see they have returned your ... items.’

  ‘Yes, thank you.’ Now that she was calmer, her voice was rich with a faint eastern European accent.

  ‘I shall have a PC drop you home, thank you for your time.’

  ‘You’re not going to question me?’ There was a tone of mock disappointment in her voice that Kaitlin ignored. With a small sigh, the woman stood and waved her hand, ‘If I would be permitted to use a phone, I have a friend who could come and collect me.’

  Kaitlin turned for the door, ‘This way then.’

  She left Madeline at the phone and went off to file her reports. Collins had been formally charged but wouldn’t be questioned until the following morning when his solicitor could be present. Kaitlin filed her paperwork with the usual humourless joy that the activity generated and then finished her shift just after six. She declined the offer of a drink with some of the other CID officers, preferring instead to stop off at the gym on the way home, and went to grab her stuff. S
he pulled open her locker door, jumping back as three huge black dildos fell out. Cursing, she turned to glare at Parker and another three CID officers who stood in the doorway, laughing like schoolboys. She bent and grabbed a dildo, lobbing it across the room at them and making them laugh all the more as it bounced off the walls and lockers. She went to grab it and slammed the door shut on their laughs. Cursing as she picked it up, she realised that she would have to be the one to take the property back to its rightful owner.


  As she pulled up in Oak Street, she glanced at the clock. If she was quick then she could still grab a quick workout. She snatched the carrier bag from the passenger seat and then walked to Madeline’s front door.

  ‘Yes?’ Madeline studied her and then gave a small smile, ‘DS Anderson?’

  Kaitlin gave a small, professional smile in response, ‘Apologies for bothering you again, Ms Warren,’ she lifted the carrier bag, ‘I’m afraid that these items of yours were left at the station.’

  ‘And you brought them back to me personally? What a dear!’ She stepped back into the house, ‘I must show my gratitude with a glass of wine.’

  Kaitlin was about to refuse but then thought, ‘What the hell?’

  Madeline led her through the house and into the playroom where she had arrested Collins earlier that day. Kaitlin suspected that it was to stop her from seeing any other area of the house.

  ‘Red or white?’

  Kaitlin handed her the carrier bag as she replied, ‘Red, please ... but just a small one, I ‘m driving.’

  While she waited for Madeline to return, she studied the assortment of frames and devices that were spread around the room. She ran her fingers over the leather bench of one frame and marvelled at the feel of it. The leather was cold, yet warm at the same time.

  ‘Have you ever sampled such delights?’ Madeline asked as she entered the room carrying two glasses.

  Kaitlin had expected such a question so it came as no surprise. She thanked her for the wine and then sat on the bench. Sipping her wine before she answered, ‘No.’

  ‘Would you like to?’

  That question did surprise her and she quickly lowered the glass, ‘Thanks for the offer, but -’

  Madeline laughed, a rich, full sound that made Kaitlin’s heart race. ‘I wasn’t offering, I was merely enquiring.’ She stepped closer, her thigh brushing Kaitlin’s knee, ‘But that’s not to say that I wasn’t offering anything else.’

  Kaitlin looked up at her. She was gorgeous. Full lips, round features, smooth skin. A neck that yearned to be kissed. Kaitlin had never considered herself either straight or gay. She liked sex and was happy to enjoy it whenever she could – the gender of her partner made no difference, it merely added variety to the proceedings.

  ‘Is it against police procedure to fuck a witness?’

  Kaitlin lowered her glass and placed it on the bench beside her, ‘Yes.’

  ‘Hmmm ... a shame.’

  She slowly moved her hand to run her fingers up Madeline’s thigh, lifting the hem of her dress to stroke the smooth skin. ‘But you’re not a witness.’ Her hand travelled higher, slipping round to slide over her smooth buttocks and making her gasp. Madeline rested her hands on Kaitlin’s shoulders and tipped her head back, closing her eyes. Kaitlin used both hands to stroke the naked flesh, pulling one hand round to run her fingertips over her trimmed hair and then lower, making Madeline quiver. She dipped a finger between the lips and sought out the sensitive bud.

  ‘You don’t waste time, do you?’ Madeline laughed and then gave a small cry as Kaitlin stood and spun her round, sitting her on the bench. She knelt between her legs and slid her hands along each thigh, pushing her dress up again. When the sweet pussy was revealed, Kaitlin smiled and looked up. Madeline had her head tipped back, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Kaitlin reached for the glass of wine and then slowly dribbled the liquid over the delightful pussy. Madeline jumped and gave a small laugh that turned quickly into a groan as Kaitlin’s tongue lapped at the dark liquid. She used the fingers of one hand to push her labia apart and then poured more wine, catching it quickly with her tongue and tasting the heady mix of sex and alcohol. She gripped the other woman’s buttocks, pulling her closer as she licked and sucked, enjoying the shudders that rippled through her. Madeline stroked her hair, groaning and gasping as her pussy was teased.

  ‘Please ...’ Madeline groaned, her half closed eyes staring at the discarded carrier bag near the door.

  Kaitlin nodded and went to it, retrieving one of the large dildos. When she returned, Madeline had got to her feet and now stood with her back to her, bent forward to rest her hands on the bench. Her skirt was hitched around her waist, her beautiful buttocks full and rounded, quivering with expectation. She lapped at the pussy again, opening her up and making her juices flow. Then slowly she lifted the dildo and pressed the domed end to her cunt lips. Madeline shuddered, ‘Yes ... oh, fill me up.’

  Kaitlin gently pressed against the nub of her clitoris as she slid the dildo into her welcoming cunt. Shivers of delight ran up and down Madeline’s thighs as the dildo pressed deep into her, stretching her wide as Kaitlin continued to stimulate her clitoris. She slid the dildo back and forth, using steady, firm strokes that drew gasps of appreciation from the other woman. Her own arousal was building quickly and as much as she longed to prolong it, she needed the woman to come so that she could enjoy her own delights. She leant forward as she slid the dildo forward once more and slid her tongue upwards, from the groove of her sex to her arsehole. She wet the opening and Madeline gasped, ‘Oh, god, yes!’ Kaitlin would have proceeded without any encouragement - she had yet to meet a woman who didn’t cream almost instantly if she did this at just the right moment. Slowly she slipped her finger between her lips and wet the digit before flicking her tongue across the tight opening once more. Then gently, slowly, she slid her finger into the tight passage. Madeline tossed her head, crying out as her climax took her. Kaitlin twisted her finger from side to side as she continued to drive the dildo into her, drawing every last ounce of pleasure from the beautiful woman.

  ‘Enough,’ Madeline gasped, reaching back to press her fingers against Kaitlin’s hand as she looked over her shoulder. Their eyes met and Kaitlin allowed all the lust and desire to shine in her eyes. Madeline slid the dildo from her pussy and stood slowly, shuddering. She turned as Kaitlin stood and moved to sit on the bench, running the tip of the dildo along her bottom lip. Kaitlin hardened her stare but the other woman just smiled, ‘Indulge me with one more thing ...’

  ‘What?’ Kaitlin sighed.

  ‘Strip ... I want to see you.’

  She wanted to strip as fast as she could, to feel the other woman’s attentions and ease the terrible ache at her pussy. But she forced herself to move slowly, the look on Madeline’s face suggesting that they would both appreciate the effort. She unfastened her blouse and left it hanging open as she bent to remove her trousers. Her legs were long and shapely and she bent easily to remove her shoes and socks before slipping the trousers off. When she stood Madeline smiled as she studied the black sports bra beneath her shirt. Kaitlin flicked her eyebrows questioningly but neither woman spoke as she slipped her panties off. As she stood again, Madeline joined her, slipped her hands beneath the material of the blouse and pulling her forward. Her hands stroked her back as their lips met in a crushing kiss, their tongues meeting. After several moments, Kaitlin pulled back, gasping for breath. She half smiled as Madeline unclipped her bra and then between them they removed the last of her clothes. Madeline studied her openly and Kaitlin let her. Kaitlin didn’t understand the significance of standing naked in front of the dressed dominatrix – but eventually she would. For now she just enjoyed the new sensation of being studied and appreciated. As the seconds ticked past she felt her arousal growing as her anticipation grew and she breathed, ‘Fuck me.’

  Madeline’s gaze shot to hers and as they locked stares again Kaitlin had to fight to keep eye contac
t. It was a strange reaction but one that she had no desire to consider at that moment. Slowly Madeline stepped forward and dipped her head to Kaitlin’s breast. She shuddered as hot breath ran across her skin and a tongue flicked over her nipple. The lips moved to the other breast, this time sucking the nipple between them and teasing the bud with her teeth. Kaitlin groaned and closed her eyes, lifting her head to gently stroke the back of Madeline’s head. The other woman paused, as if unfamiliar with being touched like that. Kaitlin lowered her hand and groaned as her nipple was sucked again. Fingers ran up her stomach to gently cup her other breast, rolling her nipple between thumb and forefinger. Suddenly the arousal made her light-headed and she stumbled. Madeline went with her, holding her as she guided her to the floor. She pushed her leg between Kaitlin’s thighs, pressing her smooth flesh against her soaking pussy. She gasped, lifting her hips at the sudden pleasure and grinding herself against Madeline’s thigh. Their lips met again and Kaitlin groaned loudly, desperate for more than she was getting. Madeline laughed softly as her fingers ran down Kaitlin’s stomach, sliding across her pelvis and between her pussy lips. She stroked her clitoris, making Kaitlin grit her teeth and hiss loudly. Then suddenly her fingers were sliding into her and Kaitlin thrust her hips up to meet them, crying out as her arousal suddenly peaked. Three fingers thrust into her and another cry tore from her lips as her body tensed. Then unbelievably she was coming and her body shuddered as she gasped in surprise, riding the waves of her climax. She relaxed, quivering gently as Madeline’s fingers slipped from inside her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she cried out as she felt something thick and hard sliding into her pussy.


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