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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 34

by G. Bailey

  "Send Izzy and Blake over when you’re fighting, so Maisy isn't alone," Harley tells Luke, who nods.

  "I can be alone, you know." I smile at their over protectiveness.

  "Well, I think that's a good idea," Seb says with a smile. Of course, he would.

  “I don’t think–”

  “I heard the new Twilight film just came out, I can get that on DVD for you to watch,” Seb says, cutting me off, and I find myself smiling in agreement.

  Damn, if he didn’t know my weakness for that shiny vampire. With all my spare time, I found I loved the Vampire Diaries and then the Twilight film has been on a few times. Okay, like ten times, but who’s counting? Well, Seb is because he doesn’t like it.

  "I'm off to find my date." Luke waggles his eyebrows, and it makes me giggle.

  Izzy pushes a blue pushchair in the room, and I fight a battle with my tears as it's beautiful. It has an old style to it, but it looks small enough to get into the car. It also looks very expensive.

  "This is from me and Blake, the lady at the store said it’s one of the best," she says, blushing. I get up as quickly as I can and give her a hug. I pat Blake on the arm and thank them both. The baby decides to have a kicking match with my bladder, and I hold my side. I must have made a noise as Blake pales.

  "You okay? You’re not in labour, right?" he asks quickly. I snort in laughter, as does Izzy, but I know I need to use the bathroom.

  "It's just the baby playing with my bladder, I’ll be back," I say, smiling at the relief on his face. What is he going to be like for Izzy if they have kids? I glance at Seb who is chatting with Harley, and I know Izzy will tell him where I’ve gone.

  I walk through the house to find the downstairs toilet is in use, so I head to the upstairs one, which is open. When I'm finished, I open the door to an angry-looking Elena glaring at me with her arms crossed. It hurts seeing her and knowing she had my Seb, but it doesn't matter, I realise. I have the man I've always wanted, and everything happened for a reason. I believe Seb is more of a man now than he was a year ago.

  "Move out of the way." I glare at her, knowing Seb has been having problems with Elena turning up and acting crazy for weeks.

  "No, you need to leave Sebastian alone. He is mine. He spent months fucking me, and then you turn up like you own him. He is mine," she growls the end part at me and moves closer.

  I look at her, seeing the changes from the put-together, popular girl I knew from school. She has the same crazy look in her eyes, which she has always had, but it seems she has let herself go a little. Elena’s hair is all messed up and up in a ponytail, she isn't wearing makeup, and she smells drunk. I realise she really isn't well as she starts pulling her hair slightly around her bony fingers as she watches me. Well, more stares at my large bump.

  "You need to see a doctor and get some help. Sebastian isn't yours, he never was," I say gently.

  "He is mine, you stupid, little bitch," she screams. I take a step back, wanting to protect my unborn baby in case she hurts me.

  "You were not invited," Harley’s dark voice carries across the hallway to us. I watch as he walks in big steps to Elena’s side and gently pushes his way past her, standing in front of me.

  "I don't care, she needs to go," she whines at Harley and grabs onto his arm.

  "Leave, or I’m calling the police, Elena," he says with no emotion in his tone, pulling her hand away from him.

  "Fine, this isn't over, bitch," she says loudly, full of hate.

  It makes me shiver, and I’m glad I can’t see her. I close my eyes as tears fall, and I feel Harley's arms around me, hugging me into his side.

  "It's okay, she will let it go eventually. Are you all right? I’m not good with crying women," he jokes, rubbing my back. I start to cry because I can't control my emotions.

  "What's going on?" Seb’s voice comes from the doorway, there’s only worry in his tone.

  "Elena," Harley says darkly.

  "Fuck. Give her to me. Thanks, bro," Seb says as he scoops me up into his arms and takes me to his old bedroom. I notice it has a new bed in it with a new mattress, but it somehow still smells like him in here. That relaxes me. Seb sits on the bed, with me draped across his lap.

  "I'm sorry, May. I didn't know she was here, and I will deal with her. I might have to go to the police and get a restraining order," he says while tenderly kissing my neck.

  “I think you might be right,” I tell him, as I press myself into his neck.

  “She won’t stop, I don’t want to be cruel to her because I feel like I was cruel in a way by using her. I don’t want her near you,” he says gently.

  “She used you just as much, that’s just who she is. It’s not like you promised her anything,” I tell him firmly.

  I knew Elena in school, and I doubt she has changed much. Elena was a rich girl with parents who adored her as she was their only child. The amount of things she used to get away with was unreal, and she used every guy she was with, most of the time dumping them after she got what she wanted.

  “I know, I’m sorry she is still around reminding you of my past,” he mutters.

  "It's not that, I'm just over-emotional, and I've never had a family to protect me. It was nice to have Harley protect me," I tell him, gently kissing his neck. I feel him shudder underneath me.

  "I meant it when I said my family is yours, May. Harley has always been the protector of us. We owe him a lot for helping us grow up and teaching us right from wrong.”

  “I’m sorry he had to step up like that. I never asked, but didn’t you have any grandparents or other family members who could have helped?” I ask.

  “Well, we asked once, but our father said his dad was dead and that he had no siblings.”

  “Your grandmother?” I ask.

  “No idea, I wouldn’t have any idea who to ask about her anyway. Harley was enough for me, he was the dad I never had,” he says with a slight frown. I reach up to kiss his cheek.

  “He’s a bit young to have a son your age.” I bump his shoulder with a grin.

  “Harley was old before his time, hence why we call him ‘old man’ sometimes,” Seb says with a cheeky smile.

  "I see that. You all seem to respect him even though he isn't that much older than you," I comment.

  "Even growing up, he would always take the blame so our dad would beat him more. When our dad died, Harley protected us by taking all the fights until we were ready to help," he says as he looks away from me at the closed door. I wonder how many bad memories this room has for him, the house must be full of them.

  "That's not your fault," I say, sensing his guilt.

  "I know, but that's why I can't stop now. There are only a few fights left. Harley shouldn't have to do anymore." He looks back at me. I know he is asking permission for the fight on the weekend without actually asking.

  "I understand. I don't like any of you fighting, but I get it," I tell him, and he hugs me close.

  "Thank you," he says gently before kissing me, like I’m the only person in the world, and we kiss for a long time before the door opens with a bang.

  "Allie is driving me fucking mad trying to find you guys. She wants Maisy so she can open the presents," Elliot says, annoyed. His whole face is red and his eyes are narrowed as he crosses his arms in the doorway.

  "You can see we are busy," Seb says, while I giggle, going red.

  "I really don't give a shit about your sex life, but I'm half tempted to kill your friend if you don't get your asses downstairs," he says through gritted teeth, and I laugh, getting off of Seb's lap.

  "Just because you won't fuck her, don't blame me for your Allie problems," Seb says to Elliot, who growls at him. I chuckle as Seb holds my hand, walking past Elliot in the doorway.

  "Why does everyone think I want to fuck her? She is annoying as fuck," he mutters as he runs his hands through his messy hair while Seb just laughs louder, and I send a sympathetic look toward Elliot.

  I remember all the times in o
ur teenage years when I watched the way Elliot would look at Allie. There is no way he doesn't have feelings for her, and I know she would feel the same if they both got past their stubbornness.

  I spend the rest of the night with my family, opening a silly amount of presents and explaining to the guys what they are. I will never forget their faces when I explained the breast pump, they looked horrified and all the girls spent way too long laughing at that. I have one lucky baby boy coming into this family.



  "Have you spoken to Maisy about this?" Harley asks as we sit in his study in the attic.

  This is his favourite room in the house, and you can usually find Harley sleeping on one of the large sofas, or working on the computer he has up here. The dome-shaped room has one wall full of bookcases, filled with new and ancient books Harley likes to read. There isn’t much more up here other than the old wooden box Harley uses as a coffee table for the sofas. There are two filing cabinets in here with a lot of important paperwork in them. We always talk about important things up here, it’s just how it’s always been.

  "No, not yet. She is so close to giving birth to my son. I don't want her worrying about anything," I tell Harley as I sit on one of the sofas. Harley takes the seat behind his desk as he talks.

  "Well, I believe this is a responsible decision, becoming a partner of the gym with me," he says with a nod as he folds his hands.

  "Yes, and my money for the expansion and more advertising should bring us more business," I say, and he grins at me.

  "We will wait until the baby is born before we do the expansion, and I will teach you everything you need to know," he says, like he can’t wait.

  I think he seriously can’t wait to teach me all about his business; well, soon to be ours. I haven’t been to any of my classes since I was meant to start a few months ago. Finding out about Maisy and the baby made me actually think about what I want with my life.

  "Thanks. I don't think I've ever told you how much I owe you," I say, resisting the urge to look away from Harley as he frowns at me.

  Harley had always been there, and now he is giving me a great chance to have half a business with him. It means Maisy can go to university or college and do what she always wanted. I never knew what I wanted to do, but she always did. She is too smart to be a stay at home mum, but if that's what she wants, she can because I will have a good job that can support us both.

  "You don't owe me anything, brother," Harley says eventually, and I go to tell him I do, but Luke interrupts.

  "Guys, you up here?" Luke shouts from the attic stairs.

  "Up here," I shout back. Luke and Blake come into the room and drop onto the other sofa.

  "How’s Izzy? I haven't seen her for a few days," Harley asks Blake. She has been staying over more and more at Blake’s now. I think Harley is missing her, but he won't say that.

  "She is good. She is stuck on some massive art project and getting back to my place late so she can't drive back. I will get her home tomorrow," Blake says to Harley, who nods. His face still lights up when he thinks of my sister, and I wonder if mine does the same when I think of Maisy.

  We sit, chatting about random things for a while before I drop into the conversation.

  "I'm going to propose to Maisy on Christmas Day, can I get you guys to watch the baby?” I ask.

  Harley replies, “Where are you thinking of taking her? I will help out with your baby.”

  “I’m going to take her to our lake. I will set it up with her favourite roses and candles. I might need a little help from Izzy on this one," I say, and everyone goes silent.

  "You sure, man? I mean, I know you’re serious about her, but you shouldn't rush into a marriage at your age," Luke says into the silence, and I look around as everyone waits for my answer.

  "I know you don't understand this, but she is it for me. She always has been. I can't live without her, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her," I say, and Luke looks away. I can’t explain it to him because I don’t think he would understand yet, maybe when he meets someone important to him.

  "I understand. It's the same for me, but I agree, on some level, that maybe we are a bit young," Blake says, and I nod at him. It’s different for him because he and Izzy haven’t been together as long as I have been with Maisy.

  "It's a great idea. I watched you become a shell of the person you are when she wasn't here, and I finally have my brother back. She is a sister to us, anyway, and you have my full support," Harley says with a slight glare in Luke’s direction. I grin at him before pulling the small box out of my pocket.

  "I bought this before she left; it was always my plan to ask her," I tell him, and I see Luke’s shocked face. Something changes while he thinks because he nods at me with some kind of understanding of my love for Maisy. I hope Luke finally finds someone. Hell, I hope all of my brothers do.

  "Let's see it then." Luke grins, and Blake leans over too.

  I open the box to a tear-shaped diamond in a white-gold band. It's simple, but the diamond is quite big and was very expensive. Maisy only deserves the best with everything I have put her though. Plus, you can’t miss it on her finger. Hopefully, that will keep any other men away.

  Blake whistles. "Damn, when Izzy sees that I'm going have to look everywhere for a better ring," he mutters, and I laugh.

  "I had it designed and made. I’ll give you the store name in New York, and you can make her one," I tell him, happy to hear his long-term plans with my sister haven’t changed.

  "I'm going to have to when she sees how amazing that is." He points at the ring, making us all laugh. Luke takes the box out of my hands and looks at it.

  "Dude, that's a big diamond, but it's a good ring." He smirks and hands it to Harley.

  "I like it," Harley says simply, with a smile. It must be strange to see your younger brother getting married and having a child before you. I wish he would date or find someone, but he isn't interested. I've seen him take random girls home, but I can't remember the last time he had a girlfriend.

  "Thanks." I slip it back into my pocket after Harley hands it back. "How are the new roommates?" I ask Blake, as we haven't seen each other much with everything going on. We will have to go out for a beer soon.

  "Allie is great, she is a fantastic cook,” he says, and I grunt at him. The lucky bastard, everyone knows how good of a cook Allie is, but she won’t make food for me.

  “The other one is called Emilia, she is nice and quiet. Darren is all right, but he flirted with Izzy the other morning and pissed me off. I might have punched him, and he's moving out now." Blake grins at me.

  "If you didn't punch him, I would have, and fuck, I want Allie as a roommate," I grumble.

  "You know if you win that bet, you'll get her cooking for you," Luke says with a smirk in my direction.

  "What bet?" Blake asks, and I remember that he wasn't there.

  "That if Allie and Elliot sleep together within two years, she will cook me cakes for a whole month," I say with a big smile. It's going to happen, and when I'm not too busy, I’ll push them together if I have to. I’m sure Maisy will help me with that.

  "What does she get if you lose the bet?" Blake asks with a smile.

  "My car, but I'm not worried." I laugh as Blake goes slightly pale. Blake loves my car almost as much as I do, and it would be an insult to the car to see Allie driving it. The girl drives like a maniac.

  "It will happen," Luke says, and I nod at him.

  "They wind each other up and say they hate each other. Everyone knows there is a fine line between love and hate," I tell them both, and Blake nods.

  "He has always wanted that girl, and it's confusing. Elliot usually does go after what he wants," Blake says to me.

  “Elliot thinks she knows her father is the one who makes us fight, and that she doesn’t care," I say, and we all go silent.

  I don't think she knows because of Izzy. She loves Izzy, and I know she wouldn't do anything
to upset her. I will admit, I thought she must know before she became friends with Izzy because she always ignored us all. The more Izzy has told me about Allie, it doesn’t make sense anymore. Maisy always said Allie was a good person, but I couldn’t ask her outright if Allie knew who her father was and what he did.

  "She can't know," Blake says, shaking his head.

  "I was there. Tristan told Elliot she knew and she didn't care; that we all deserve it because of our father. That's why Elliot was so mean to her and still is," I say, shaking my head.

  "It sounds like Tristan was just trying to protect Allie, or maybe even us. I can't think Arthur would be down with Elliot dating his daughter," Harley says, twisting a pen through his fingers in a neat trick.

  "I don't know," I say, thinking about what he said. What if all this time Elliot had it wrong? That he was cruel to Allie for years for something she never even knew about.

  We all go downstairs and play games on the Xbox for a bit until I go back home to Maisy. She spent the day catching up with Allie and asked for me to leave for a bit, and I'm glad for it. Allie has always been like a sister to her, so they needed time alone.

  "I'm home," I say when I open the door.

  I walk into our lounge to see Allie and Maisy asleep on the sofas. I click off the TV, which has some vampire crap on it. I need to remind myself to ask her how they actually found more vampire shows to watch.

  I gently shake Allie awake by her shoulder. I put a finger to my lips as she looks up in confusion, and I point at Maisy before she gets up. She walks out of the room with me quietly.

  "I wanted to show you something before you go home," I say while she puts on her shoes.

  "All right then, if it’s anything to do with your girlfriend’s obsession with vampires, I don’t need to know. The next thing she is going to be telling me is about how she convinced you to wear fangs in bed." She laughs, and I nervously laugh, actually worrying about her telling Maisy that idea.

  I pull out the ring to stop this conversation. I swear, Allie is in a world of her own.

  She squeals before holding her hand over her mouth while she calms down.


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