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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 35

by G. Bailey

  "Fucking hell, Sebastian King! That’s a beautiful ring. She will say yes, or I’ll make her," Allie whispers loudly while she bends over the ring. When she pulls away, she smiles gently up at me as I put away the ring.

  "So, I have your blessing?" I ask, a little nervous she will say no.

  "Well, duh." Allie snorts as she whacks me on the shoulder.

  "Good, I know she thinks of you like a sister. So, I wanted to see what you thought." She smiles at that, pulling on her coat.

  "You can stay in the spare room if you want, it is late," I tell her, looking out at the night sky.

  "No, thanks. Tristan and my dad are arguing a lot right now. I need to be there because they go quiet if I am. I think they are both protecting me from something, but I can't figure it out," she says more to herself than to me as she checks her phone.

  She gets her keys out of her pocket, and I realize I want to ask her about her dad. I'm certain she doesn't know now, and I have told Elliot. He shouldn't hate her for something she doesn't know.

  "All right, but if you ever need me, let me know," I say, walking her out to her car.

  She drives through the gate, the gravel puffing into dust as she speeds away. After I've locked up, I pick up my girl from the sofa and take her to bed. Holding my beautiful Maisy in my arms is the most I've ever been at peace.



  "Where are you going tonight?" My mother asks from her seat on the stiff, white sofa; she perches on the end of it looking like a queen in the silent lounge. I don't answer her truthfully because she would go ape shit if she knew where I am actually going tonight.

  "Out with Allie to the local fair," I answer, trying to keep my eyes on the white carpeted floor and not at her. From the corner of my eye, I see her hand tighten on her wine glass. I wait for her to shout at me, but it doesn’t happen.

  "Be back by eleven," my dad answers from his seat next to her.

  I didn’t notice him there because he is so quiet as he drinks an orange-looking drink from a tumbler. My mother goes to say something, but my dad puts his hand on her leg to stop her, and she turns to glare at him. I make my escape, while they are both not looking, and shout goodbye before I shut the front door.

  I smooth down my purple skater-style dress and pull my denim jacket close around my chest as the cold wind blows. I should have worn jeans, but this is the first time in two years that I've dated Seb. He is taking me out on a real date. We kept our relationship a close secret from his dad and my parents. I don't know why he doesn't want his dad to know, but I know my parents would ground me for life if they knew. That wouldn't be the worst thing my mother would do either.

  I walk slowly down my drive, and Seb is standing next to a taxi, waiting for me. I hug him quickly before getting into the waiting taxi, and the driver leaves rapidly for the fair. That’s the only truthful thing I told my mother, that I am actually going to the fair tonight.

  "You look lovely, May," he whispers into my ear, and I giggle.

  Seb is wearing a blue hoodie with dark jeans and expensive-looking trainers. His hair is styled to the side, where his fringe has grown out a little lately across his forehead. There's a small cut on his eyebrow, and a few weeks ago he broke his nose and it's still healing, looking various colours of purple and yellow. I don't believe for a second he fell out of bed and hit the bedside cabinet, somehow breaking his nose.

  "What are you thinking so seriously about?" Seb asks as he entwines our fingers, and I smile up at him.

  "Nothing much. I'm excited to see the fair. I've never been," I say.

  "Me neither, but I'd be excited to go anywhere with you."

  He grins and gently kisses our entwined hands. We don't speak much more on the drive, and the taxi driver drops us off just outside the fairground. All the rides light up the dark September night, making the place seem magical.

  I pull on Seb's hand, and he walks, holding my hand tightly, into the fair. I walk straight up to the carousel and grin up at Seb, who nods. We find horses next to each other after paying the entrance fee. Seb laughs as I smile and take a picture of him on the ride. The ride squeaks as its old mechanics push us up and down and around the old ride, and eventually, it comes to a stop.

  Seb picks me up off of the horse by my waist and slowly slides me down his hard body. He feels more toned and muscled recently. I know he spends a lot of time in the gym, and I can feel the effects as I hold his shoulders. He is looking like a man now and not a teenager anymore, despite the fact that he is.

  "Kiss me," I whisper. Seb doesn't need much more encouragement as he takes my lips in a sweet kiss; at only fourteen, it feels like the most amazing kiss in the world.

  We spend the rest of the night going on the rides, and Seb wins me a monkey teddy on the throwing ball game. If only for one night, it is a perfect date.

  "That place was better than any orgasm I've ever had," Allie sighs in her seat, pulling me from the happy memory.

  Izzy is driving us to a local, American-style diner, which has amazing burgers I’m really in the mood for. We spent the day having massages and getting our nails done. We had to drag Allie out of the hot tub when we got hungry because I swear she wouldn’t have ever left the place.

  "It was pretty great," Izzy agrees, and so do I.

  That place is amazing, the massages have made my skin feel softer than ever before and my back feels less tense than it ever has since I got pregnant.

  "Are you getting nervous about the birth? You’re only three weeks away from your due date now," Allie says.

  To be honest with myself, I've been trying to forget about how painful the birth is going to be. I want to say I'll just take all the pain killers they can give me, but I don’t know if I want to do that. In the end, I have no idea if I'll be able to cope, but I was planning to do it all alone before, and now I have Seb, so that makes things a lot better.

  "A little, but the pain will be worth it for the end result," I say. I read that somewhere in a pregnancy book, and I think if I keep telling myself that, I might believe it.

  "Yeah, but you still have to push a baby, about the size of a watermelon, out of your vagina," Allie says bluntly, and it makes me laugh a little. I watch as Izzy goes bright-red and gently whacks Allie on the arm. She just shrugs with a grin at Izzy.

  "It's okay, it will all go back into place after, so I've heard," Izzy says, reminding me about how she has been reading all about pregnancy online for me in her spare time.

  I can tell how excited she is to have a nephew, and it makes me feel beyond happy. I can’t believe how useful she has been. When I’ve been worried about things, she has been offering lots of helpful advice. I guess I can’t believe it because I’ve never had anyone care that much about me before.

  "Can I be there in the room when he is born?" Allie asks randomly as we pull into the car park. “I mean, I want to support you. If that’s helping you by kicking Seb in the balls to compare the pain to, or finding you more pain relief drugs, I'll do whatever you want to help,” she says, and I notice how nervous she looks asking.

  "I would like that. Sebastian and I already discussed that I would want you there with me," I tell her. Seb wanted it to just be me and him, but he knows how upset I am about my parents not being here. I know Allie is my only family I have left, even if she isn't related to me, we grew up together. I know I'll need her support.

  "Well, I wasn't going to be stopped from getting in that room, anyway," she states, which makes me and Izzy laugh.

  I hop out of the car, and the girls walk on each side of me into the diner. I like these old-style, American diners. I’ve never been to America, but my father would bring me back little gifts from his work trips over there. I loved every one and kept them until my mother found them and destroyed them. Dad stopped buying them after that.

  We pick a table as I shake away my memories. We order drinks and food as soon as we sit because we are all hungry.

  "You guys look tired,
" I comment, as they both have circles under their eyes.

  "Yeah, my great, new roommate decided to bring three girls home last night, and let's say he kept us up all night fucking them," Allie says with a frown, as I blush at the thought. I’m not one to judge, but it seems like a handful.

  "I was staying over. He was loud," Izzy says with bright-red cheeks at whatever happened.

  "When you and Blake are at it, you’re not that loud. I think they were faking it," Allie says as Izzy coughs into her drink.

  "I thought we agreed you wouldn't tell me when you hear me and Blake?" Izzy blushes, and I can't help but giggle.

  "I can't help it, you guys are always fucking. Maisy, I walked into the bathroom the other day and–" Izzy cuts her off holding her hand over Allie’s mouth, while I laugh and feel my baby kicking away.

  "Please don't ever mention that. It was so embarrassing." Izzy groans.

  "I didn’t see you stopping Blake when he shut the door,” Allie says as Izzy hides her face in her hands as she laughs.

  “I had to wait half an hour just to get my phone that I'd left in there," Allie pouts at Izzy when she lowers her hands as we all laugh. I think Allie is lucky the food arrives before Izzy can reply.

  We all eat quickly in silence. As I’m chewing on a French fry, I look over to catch the gaze of Elena as she is chatting to an older man I don't recognise. She sees me and gets up, trying to walk over, but the old man grabs her arm, stopping her.

  "Shit, Elena is here," I say to my friends, and Allie turns, getting up herself to see where I’m looking.

  "What the fuck is she doing here with my dad?" Allie practically shouts, and lots of heads turn in our direction.

  Izzy looks over at Elena and Allie’s dad. She goes very pale before getting her phone out and ringing someone.

  "Have you decided to leave my Sebastian alone yet?" Elena asks, stopping in front of me.

  I guess I must have missed when Allie’s dad let her go. Izzy is looking terrified, staring at Allie who has left the table to argue with her dad, and I'm on my own.

  "Elena, seriously, you are getting crazy. He isn't yours," I say slowly, hoping she will understand.

  "He is, and you will see. I have a plan, and you’re going to pay. I won't watch you have my man."

  She leans forward into my face as she talks, a look of disgust all over her pretty face. Now that she is closer, I can see how her hair hasn’t been dyed in a while, and her brown roots are coming through the platinum blond. There’s a faint smell, like alcohol, on her, and her unfocused eyes suggest she has been drinking today.

  Seb’s family lawyer has a restraining order on Elena, and she isn’t meant to be near any of his family, me included. Her parents are away on a long trip abroad, according to Seb’s lawyers, but because Elena is over eighteen, they didn’t need to be told.

  I had to get a new number this week because I was getting a withheld number calling me all the time. Luckily, since getting a new phone, I haven’t had anyone call me that I don’t want to talk to. Sebastian is convinced it was Elena calling. He is going to go mad when he hears she is shouting at me again.

  I feel a little dizzy from standing up quickly, but I refuse to have her look down at me. I glance quickly at Izzy, who is hiding in her seat so Allie's dad can’t see her. I want to go to her, but I can’t.

  "By the time I’m done with you, you'll wish you and that baby had disappeared like Seb told you to." She smirks at me as she leans back and walks out of the restaurant. I fall into my seat, watching as Allie’s dad follows Elena out.

  "You okay?" I'm shaken from my thoughts as Izzy takes my hand. She is shaking herself, but I have no idea why.

  "Yes, are you?" I ask, squeezing her hand, and she shakes her head looking away. Allie comes over and sits next to me.

  "Sorry, Maisy, my dad said she was applying for a job," Allie says with a long sigh, and then she looks over at Izzy with a grimace, noticing her tears.

  "What's wrong?" She tries to take Izzy’s hand, but Izzy pulls away, standing up quickly.

  "He's your dad, Allie?" she says, emphasising the word dad.

  Sebastian and Blake suddenly appear at the end of the table, stopping whatever Allie was going to say. Blake wraps an arm around Izzy and walks out with her, after sliding Izzy’s keys into Seb’s hand. Sebastian calls for the bill as he watches Blake take an upset Izzy outside the restaurant. Seb picks me up out of my seat, as I squeal, and sits in my seat with me on his lap. I don’t think he cares if anyone is looking, he just wants me close.

  “You girls can never stay out of trouble,” Seb mutters to us while Allie looks down at her drink, clearly deep in thought.

  “What the hell happened to Izzy? She looked terrified?" I ask. Allie watches Seb’s answer as closely as I do.

  "Nothing to worry about. I will explain later, but she thought she saw someone she is scared of," Seb says, glancing at Allie. I know enough to see he is trying to protect her by lying.

  Allie clearly doesn’t believe him either, but she looks so confused. I am feeling the same way. What did I miss? I’ve met Allie's dad a few times, and he seems all right.

  "She was only looking at my dad and Elena, why would she react like that?" Allie asks, taking a drink of her wine.

  "Allie, I can't answer that for you," Seb says, shaking his head and kissing my forehead.

  “Why does no one tell me anything? I want to know why my best friend looked terrified!” she shouts the end part, and I wince as everyone turns to look at us now. A silence fills the small restaurant before Allie talks.

  “Sorry, Maisy, I know you’re not meant to be stressed out. Don’t worry, I'll speak to Izzy later,” she says, placing her hand on mine over the table before excusing herself to the toilet.

  Seb pays the bill while we wait, and he must have come in Blake’s car, so he drives me and Allie home in Izzy’s.

  "Thanks for today," I say to Allie as we pull up. I'm aware she hasn't said anything, but she looks so confused.

  "Yeah, no problem, Maisybear. I'll be seeing you at Luke’s dinner tomorrow," she says, waving goodbye to Seb.

  I go to ask Seb something as her front door shuts, and he kisses me deeply.

  "We are going to the police again with my lawyer and setting up a restraining order on Elena for you, too. You’re also going to tell me everything that happened in that restaurant today on the way. I promise to answer all of your questions when we are home, okay?" I nod and start explaining everything.

  It takes around two hours to deal with the police, and I'm tired by the time we are driving home. My phone beeps, and I see it’s Izzy.

  Izzy: I'm so sorry for ruining our day. I don't know if Sebastian explained things. I was in shock that Arthur is Allie's dad. X

  Me: it's ok, I had a fun day despite that. I'll see you tomorrow and I hope you’re ok now x

  Izzy: I'm okay now. I have Blake. Tell Sebastian I'm ok. See you tomorrow x

  "That was Izzy, she just said sorry and that she is okay now," I say, placing my hand on Seb's hand, which has tightened on the gear stick.

  "I hate that bastard," he mutters, and I glance at him.

  I still have no idea what happened in the restaurant today, and we haven’t had time to talk alone. We pull into our home, and Seb takes my hand, leading me straight up to our bedroom.

  Once in the room, he starts taking my dress off, and then my shoes and panties. When he finally takes my bra off, he steps back and stares at me. I can see the desire written all over his face, and it makes me want him more than ever. I walk forward and unbutton his shirt, pushing it off of his shoulders. I go to my knees in front of him and undo the button on his jeans, pushing them down.

  As usual, he is commando and his huge penis pops out. I cup his balls as I run my tongue slowly up his dick and he moans. I finally take him deep into my mouth and suck him as I move my head up and down. One glance up at him as he looks at the ceiling, the muscles in his neck straining and his hands in f
ists at his sides, shows me how close he is to losing control.

  "May," he moans, pulling out of me quickly and picking me up and placing me onto the bed on my side.

  He lies next to me, lifting one of my legs and pushing himself inside me. I can't help the loud moan that comes out of my mouth.

  "Fucking hell, you feel tighter than ever and so damn wet." Seb groans as he picks up speed, making me grasp the bed sheets.

  "Sebby, you feel so good," I say in a breathless moan, and I hear Seb's groan as he finishes, setting off my own orgasm that has me screaming. When I finally come down from the high, Seb pulls us into the bed sheets and cuddles me from behind.

  "Arthur, Allie’s dad, is the boss of The Cage. He kidnapped Izzy to make us fight more for him, but it didn't work out well for him in the end. We didn't tell Izzy he is Allie's dad because most of us believe she doesn't have any idea who her dad really is," he says gently to me, hugging me close.

  "Wow, no wonder she freaked out," I say, pushing myself closer to Seb.

  I can’t imagine how bad that was for Izzy, or how devastated Allie is going to feel when she finds out. I don’t think Allie knows, she always told me her dad works away and dealt with cars. I never got the impression she was lying or cared that much about what he does.

  "Yeah, we didn't protect her enough, and I will always regret that," he says.

  I can hear the defeated tone in his voice. It must have been bad for him, and I wish I had been there to help him.

  "It wasn't your fault. That man has controlled you guys for too long," I tell him, getting angry at Allie’s dad. I wonder if Tristan, Allie’s brother, knows. Seb must sense my question.

  "Tristan knows, and, honestly, Elliot is convinced Allie knows. I knew she didn't when she became friends with Izzy. She wouldn't have if she knew," he says, and I hold his hand to my chest.

  "She doesn't know. I've known her my whole life, and she always thought her dad sold cars for a living," I tell him.

  "He likely does that too," Seb mutters.


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