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The Missing Pieces

Page 6

by H. S. Strickland

  We stopped in line for The Incredible Hulk, the name for the green ride I saw a few moments ago. Although Ryan was hiding it better than me, I could tell he was excited to ride too.

  “Have you ever been here before?” I asked, leaning into his broad chest.

  “Yeah, but it’s been a couple of years. How about you?” His arms wrapped tightly around me, caging me in.

  “No, I’ve never been to a theme park.” His head whipped around, eyes bulging out.

  “Please tell me you are playing a sick joke on me,” he whispered dramatically.

  I shook my head then laughed at the horrified expression on his face. “How have you not been to one before?” He asked, incredulously.

  “Before my parents died we never had the money. It was hard for them to provide for me. After they died I went into foster care and we weren’t allowed to go to places like this.” Although I wasn’t lying, it wasn’t the full truth. I wasn’t allowed to do stuff like go to a theme park, but it wasn’t for the reasons Ryan thought.

  “Sorry for asking, baby.” He looked down at me apologetically and squeezed me tighter.

  “Don’t be sorry. You couldn’t have known it would bring up painful memories.” I lifted my head off his chest and looked at him. He had a smile on his face, and his eyes shined with adoration.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I started blushing, embarrassing myself more. I tried turning my head, but Ryan caught my cheek in his big, warm palm. My eyes found his again.

  “I’m staring at you like that because you are such a strong woman. I admire you. Many women would have broken under that stress, yet somehow you found a better way to handle it. I want you to be able to lean on me, but I admire that strength and independence that keeps you from doing so.” He stroked my cheek while I fought the tears that threatened to choke me.

  In that moment I knew everything was about to change, including me. You know the books you read that talk about time stopping? You know, when the heroine has this huge, defining moment? I was that heroine. I knew Ryan’s words would forever be engraved in my brain. They were seared in there. I would probably play them in my head over and over again, smiling to myself. I thought about letting Ryan in more, but knew it would take more time and a hell of a lot more sweet words.

  “Can you guys move, please?” Someone behind us asked, snapping me back to reality.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled and unclasped Ryan’s torso to move ahead in the line.

  It was funny how Ryan’s statement made me completely forget where I was. To say he was good with words, was putting it mildly.

  I felt bad not saying anything in return to Ryan, but I wasn’t sure what there was to say. After moving up in the line I turned my body and wrapped my arms around him once again. He gathered me up then kissed the top of my head, causing me to melt further into him.

  Thirty long minutes later we had made it to the front of the line. There was a tunnel that housed the cars we would soon find ourselves sitting in. I could hardly see the light at the end of tunnel, being as it was so far away.

  I could hear the car that was on the tracks getting closer. My excitement was quickly turned into nerves because of it.

  Too late to turn back now.

  I told my brain to shut up; sometimes it just didn’t say the right thing!

  The car came rushing back into the tunnel with a lot of smiling faces. They waited until their seats were undone then began clapping loudly. I guessed they enjoyed the ride. We stepped into the pit then found seats right next to each other. I noticed Ryan pulling down the bars so I followed suit. I had no idea what I was doing, making my nerves grow.

  “Ryan, I’m scared,” I admitted, though I wasn’t sure why.

  He chuckled. “The same girl that took down several guys effortlessly is scared of a roller-coaster?” He acted like just the mere thought of it was preposterous.

  I shrugged my shoulders and turned back around; acting like his attitude didn’t hurt my feelings.

  “Hey.” He caught my cheek in his large, warm palm and my eyes met his once again. “You’re really scared aren’t you?”

  I nodded my head and relaxed a little when his eyes went soft. I was worried he would have laughed again.

  “Relax, baby. You’ll love it, I promise. It’s safe. I would never put you in harm’s way.” He stroked my cheek tenderly. My heart ached with his tenderness. He really was a great guy.

  Before I could respond someone came by and buckled my straps tighter. The effect of this was my boobs being squashed so much so I thought I was going to suffocate. This was not an exaggeration. When you have big boobs like mine, it’s very easy to get in an uncomfortable position. This position was one of them.

  The guy walked away. I looked at Ryan and made a strangled noise. He glimpsed at me and busted out laughing. He tried hiding his laughter, but failed miserably. His whole body was shaking with his mirth.

  “What is so funny?” I gasped, trying hard to take a good gulp of air in.

  “You look constipated.” He looked at me again and started laughing harder.

  “This ride better be worth it,” I grumbled. I would have crossed my arms over my chest, but that would have made my problem worse than it already was.

  Someone came over an intercom and gave us instructions on what to do and what not to do while riding. I listened carefully, not wanting to miss something and end up falling off.

  “Enjoy your ride!” The guy yelled, causing everyone to scream and clap.

  We started moving slowly, and then all of a sudden took off. We went up a hill, down it, around a sharp turn, and then a loop. Hanging upside down, even for only a second was quite exhilarating. Riding on just that one roller-coaster was the most fun I had had in years. I was like a kid in a candy store.

  Chapter Four


  Sloane and I were walking back to the car, hand in hand. She was babbling about how much fun she had, hardly taking a breath in between sentences.

  I was so happy to have given that to her. When she told me that she had never been to a theme park, I was truly astonished. It was a life rule to at least have ridden one roller-coaster.

  And don’t get me started on her fucking tits. If there was a strap that went over her chest, her breasts were pushed up and more pronounced. I was laughing at her to mask the discomfort I had in my jeans.

  “Ryan?” Sloane asked. I noticed we had stopped at the SUV.

  “Sorry, zoned out there for a minute.” I took her face in my hands then bent to give her a light kiss on the mouth. The kiss was over before it even began, but I didn’t want to push it with her.

  I unlocked the car and opened the door for her. She climbed in and locked her seatbelt in place. I shut the door behind her and rounded the hood to get in on the driver’s side. The drive back home was quiet. I kept my hand on her thigh the entire time. The silence must have killed her because she eventually turned on the radio and sang along with the music.

  When we got back to my place, she started getting nervous, which made her stumble over herself. She fidgeted the entire time I lead her up to my condo. In the elevator she retreated to one corner while I stood at the other. We reached my door and I unlocked it then allowed Sloane to go in first.

  I took my keys, wallet, and phone out of my pocket and set them on the end table by the door before I strode further into my house and noticed Sloane shifting from foot to foot in my kitchen.

  “Would you like something to drink?” I asked, walking to the fridge and getting two beers. I turned and held one up as an offering.

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” she mumbled.


  “When I drink around you, I do and say stupid things,” she blurted then slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “One thing I’ve always liked about you is your bluntness.”

  I set my un-opened beer on the island and stalked toward her. She began scooting backwards. I had one thi
ng on my mind, that being kissing the hell out of her. She had other plans. She backed up all the way up until her knees hit the back of my couch. I ate up the distance between us. When I reached her I slid my hands in her long, dark locks. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly with her labored breaths. She was wildly affected by me, but couldn’t admit it, yet.

  I bent my head, my lips grazing her cheek, and whispered at her ear. “You can run from me, but you won’t get very far.”

  I pulled back and took her lips in a soft kiss. I probed her mouth with my tongue, seeking entrance. She gave me access and the taste of her, mint, almost undid me. I ran my hands down her back till I reached her hips. Gripping them, I lifted her up, leaving her no choice but to wrap her legs around me. I moved so I was sitting on the couch, and placed Sloane in my lap.

  I was sure she could feel the effect she had on me, considering my cock was at complete attention and nestled against her now soaking panties. My suspicion was further confirmed when she grounded down on my hardness, tilted her head back, all the while moaning.

  I wanted so badly to have her again. To slide into her wetness and pound into her. But, I knew that doing so would only confirm her fears that she was not in control around me. Stupid things, as she referred to it. No, I needed to give her time and allow her to feel more comfortable with me… with us.

  My body would be aching later, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I didn’t want her regretting anything.

  Reluctantly, I pulled away with one last soft kiss. She blew out a frustrated breath and mumbled against my mouth, “well I guess I didn’t need the alcohol that time.”

  I smirked lazily, but didn’t respond. She was right; she didn’t need a drink to get frisky with me. She slid off my lap and sat down next to me, resting her head against my shoulder. She brought her legs up under her and curled further into me.

  “What is it about you?” She asked the rhetorical question into the semi-dark room.

  “I could ask you the same thing, Killer.”

  We didn’t say anything after that, just remained seated in my dark living room together. I wasn’t sure what had been running through her head in that moment. My own thoughts questioned what was happening between us. Did she really want this? Did I really want this?

  It wasn’t too long ago that I got out of a bad relationship. A relationship that changed the way I looked at women. I didn’t want to end up viewing Sloane differently because of the hurt I had experienced previously. What kind of relationship would that be anyway? Lumping Sloane in the same category as Farrah would not be a good start to a relationship.

  “I should probably head home,” Sloane finally said several minutes later, breaking the silence.

  I frowned, although she couldn’t see it. I may have been having second thoughts, but I didn’t wasn’t her to leave. I enjoyed her company, and simply being around her. She was an enigma, and I had every intention of figuring her out.

  “Alright, let me walk you out.” I moved to stand, but she put a hand lightly to my chest.

  “No, that’s okay.” She declined my offer.

  “I insist,” I countered and stood up against her wishes.

  We began the trek back down to the parking garage, no longer hand in hand. She was acting very standoff-ish. Not saying anything and keeping her distance. I figured she was in her own head and having her own doubts, just as I was a few minutes ago. I would let her go for now, only because I needed to clear things up inside my head. I was going to keep pursuing this with her because it felt right and for once I wanted to act on those feelings. I didn’t want to think about it, I just wanted to do it and feel it.

  We reached her car and she bleeped the locks. I opened the door for her, but blocked her from getting in. She titled her head back slightly to glare at me.

  “Uh, can you––” I cut her off with my lips. My tongue snuck in, exploring her mouth. She didn’t resist me and her tongue met with mine. I pulled away before it got too heated again. I was already in pain from our kiss earlier.

  “Now you can go,” I whispered huskily causing her to visibly shiver.

  She nodded wordlessly and stepped around me to get in her black BMW. She started the engine then rolled down the window.

  “Thank you for today. I really enjoyed myself.” She put the car in reverse, but didn’t back out.

  “Be careful. Text me when you get home.” I tapped on the window, indicating she could leave. I backed away slowly, and waited until she was out of the garage before I went back to the elevators.

  I walked into the lobby at work the next morning. I hadn’t expected to see Sloane for another hour, but when I rounded the corner and I saw her stuff at her desk. She wasn’t at her desk, so I went in search of her. I stopped at Mace’s office door, seeing that it was slightly ajar. I peeked in through the crack and saw Mace holding Sloane, rubbing her back. Rage immediately seized me and all rational thought left me. I knew Mace had Araylia, and he wouldn’t do anything to screw that up. But, I didn’t like seeing another man–my brother or not–touching my woman.

  I barged through the door, not paying attention to it banging against the wall. I growled at them, and felt uncontrollable rage fill my insides, my hands balling into fists and on fire. They turned to look at me, and Sloane’s eyes grew as large as saucers at my presence. Mace smirked and I had never wanted to hit him more. The logic man inside me knew that I was acting like an ass, but I didn’t care at the point. I just wanted Mace to keep his hands off my fucking woman.

  “Why the fuck are you touching my woman?” I spat at Mace. His smirk grew larger, pissing me off further.

  “Your woman, huh?” Mace jested, not releasing Sloane from his hold.

  The tender way he stroked her back sent me over the edge, causing me to immediately stalk toward him with only one clear intention; to beat the hell out of him. My steps were halted when Sloane pulled away from Mace’s embrace and stepped in front of me, placing her hands on my chest. Her touch calmed my anger, but not by very much. I was still fucking pissed.

  “Hey dick head!” Sloane semi-yelled and stood on her tip toes so her face was in my direct line of vision.

  I finally registered that she called me a dick head and I would have laughed had it been a different situation.

  “What?” I growled.

  Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer. “Now that I have your attention, listen closely. Mace is like a brother to me, I would never do that with him. Another thing, I can hug whoever the hell I want. I’m a grown damn woman and don’t answer to anyone. I’m also really shocked that you thought something more was behind that hug. Why not go ahead and out right accuse me of being a home wrecker?” She finished with a few pokes to my chest. She was breathing heavily, her eyes flaming with her own rage.

  Shit, you’ve really pissed her off now!

  I didn’t even know what to say. She was right about all of it. I shouldn’t have gotten caught up in my anger. It was a dick move. And I knew Mace would never betray Araylia or me for that matter by going after someone I was interested in.

  “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t–” My sentence was cut short when Sloane interrupted me.

  “Save it. I really don’t want to hear your excuses. Plus, you need to be apologizing to Mace, not me. You were about to hit him, not me.” With that she pushed me back and stormed out of the office.

  I rubbed the back of my neck, not wanting to meet Mace’s eyes yet, even though I could feel them burning a hole in my head.

  “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know what came over me.” I finally met his eyes and noticed the huge grin on his face. Which confused me considering I was about to pummel him two minutes ago.

  “Well brother, it’s a good thing I know what came over you.”

  I peered at him with a question mark written all over my face. How the hell could he possibly know what was wrong with me if I didn’t even know?

  “You, my dear friend,” he clapped me on the shoulder,
“are becoming infatuated with all that is Sloane.”

  “I mean I like her, yeah, but liking her shouldn’t make me react the way I just did.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, aggravated with myself.

  “I was the same way with Araylia. Any time I thought about a man touching her, I went crazy with rage. It’s still that way. I fucking hate it when one of the guys touches her. I know it’s irrational, but I can’t stand it.” Mace sat in his office chair; leaning back he placed his hands on his head casually.

  His feelings were spot on with mine. I was overcome with rage when I saw him and Sloane hugging. My anger was spiking just thinking about it.

  “How in the fuck do I control it?” I asked.

  “You don’t. You learn to trust her, trust that she would never do that to you. And if another man made a move on her, she would tell you,” he replied.

  “If she even wants to be with me now,” I grumbled. Sloane probably wanted nothing to do with me. I was a jackass to her and Mace. Hopefully she would let me make it up to her though.

  “Thank you for understanding, man. And I appreciate the advice.” I stood to leave and gave him a wave as I was headed out the door.

  Sloane was at her desk on the phone. When I walked up she held up her finger, indicating to give her a minute. I nodded and sat down, waiting for her to hang up.

  Ten minutes later she slammed the phone down on the hook in frustration. She placed her elbows up on the desk and rested her head in her hands. She seemed to have completely forgotten about my presence. I walked up behind her and took her hands in mine. She startled, but didn’t utter a word.

  “What’s wrong?” I whispered in what I had hoped was her ear. Her hair was down and too thick to tell.

  “Nothing,” she muttered.

  “No, don’t give me that ‘nothing’ shit. You’re aggravated and I want to know why.” I moved the hair that was on the right side of her neck and watched goose bumps rise on her neck.

  “You pissed me off earlier with your stupidity. It was totally uncalled for and wrong. You insinuated that I would screw Mace, even though he is happily married to an amazing woman. Being called a home wrecker isn’t exactly a compliment.” She was tense in my arms by the time she was finished speaking. I had really pissed her off, but more than that, I had hurt her feelings.


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