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Chasing the Wild Sparks

Page 19

by Alexander, Ren

  “Yes, he does,” Morgan agrees with a grin.

  Rod snickers. “At least he covered up his hickey.” Pam had to have covered it for him.

  “He’s smiling,” I mumble, defending him and not commenting on his horrendous fake smile. To his viewing audience, he might seem determined or in a somewhat serious mood. I know him, though. I can see right through his façade. He’s mad.

  “What all did you say to him on the phone?” Morgan asks, turning away from the TV to look at me.

  “I told him what you said.” She raises an eyebrow at me and I shrug, at the TV. “I told him that I feel like I’m his whore.”

  “Holy fucking shit!” Rod screeches. “Like 'Pretty Woman?'”

  Morgan’s face turns sour. “Don’t tell me. You watch it while painting your toenails and talking to your mom on the phone.” Dumbstruck, Rod gapes at Morgan while she turns to me and asks, “You actually told Finn that?”

  I nod as I watch my boyfriend, who is dressed in a gray suit with a gray, blue and black plaid tie—a tie that I gave him for his birthday.

  Rod interjects, “No. Last time I watched it, I was folding laundry, Mortgage; probably talking to Hadders.”

  She leans her head back and looks up at the ceiling. “Shut up, Nimrod.”

  Rod moves closer to me. “He said he was going to do a big dare this week.”

  I whip my head to him. “What?”

  He shrugs. “He told that chick that he has ‘a big dare planned this week, so stay tuned.’”

  “Who dared him? He usually says who the dare is from.”

  He shakes his head and glances down at me. “He didn’t say this time.” I search his face, looking to see any hint of him lying to me. Rod’s usually pretty forthcoming, though.

  Morgan’s eyes widen. “A big dare? Do you think he’ll propose to you on the Air?”

  Crinkling my lips and nose at that, I say, “I hope not. He’d sooner fly a kite.” Rod purses his lips and I roll my eyes. “I told him I would say no anyway.”

  “Why? I thought you wanted to marry Wilder?” Rod asks in confusion.

  I shake my head, looking away from him and to the TV. “Not like this.”

  Morgan smacks Rod in the stomach. “He told Hadley they could get engaged, but she doesn’t think he’ll ever marry her.”

  Rod swiftly looks at me. “Really? You think he’d go out and buy a diamond ring for you, propose, but then not seal the deal?”

  I stare at the reason for all of my riotous feelings in my heart as he does his job at a news desk. “No. He won’t. He’ll never marry me.”

  Morgan rests her chin on my shoulder. “Make him go out and blow a hunk of change on a ring for you, at least. I know that would make me feel better about the whole shitty situation.”

  I close my eyes for a few seconds. “No. I don’t want to wear a constant reminder of his rejection.”

  Rod laughs and says excitedly, “You should tell him you want the biggest one they have and throw it in his face! I mean, literally, use one of those autographed baseball bats, you said he has, and whack him in the face with the ring as the ball!”

  “Shut the hell up, Dick Rod.”

  Rod unfolds an arm and points at the TV. “He looks like he wants to rip someone’s throat out. I bet it’s Morgan’s!” he singsongs, leaning over to her.

  Morgan lifts her chin from my shoulder. “Why me?”

  Rod giggles. “For kidnapping his woman!”

  Morgan steps away from me as I watch TV. “Oh, well!” she says. I hear a faint snapping sound, but can’t look away from Finn. Is he that mad at me for going out tonight?

  “Say cheese!” I turn and Morgan takes my picture with her phone.

  “Hey! No pictures!”

  “Just one nice one. Please?”

  “Smile purty, little lady!” Moving to stand behind Morgan, Rod crosses his eyes, sticks out his tongue and puts his index fingers together into an X behind Morgan’s head. I laugh and Morgan snaps the picture.

  She says, “I’m going to go throw something on and then we can get some dinner before hitting the club.” I nod and swing my head back to Finn’s voice as he reports hockey scores.

  Rod nudges my arm with his. “Hey. I talked to him after you left.”

  I don’t look at him. “About what?”


  That spurs me to look at Rod. “What? How ridiculous I’m being?”

  He frowns at me. “No. I asked him if he loved you.” I blink at him, waiting for him to continue. He rolls his eyes. Trying to imitate Finn’s voice, he says, ‘I love her with all my heart.’”

  “Oh.” I look down at the cream-colored carpet. I can’t cry. My mascara will make a mess and Morgan will scrub my face and force me to sit through that torture again.

  “I told him I didn’t want him breaking your heart.”

  “What did he say?” I mumble to the floor.

  “Not much. He wants to make you happy. I think he was too stunned to say more.”

  I nod as I raise my head to look back at the TV. The camera shows Finn again and he closes his report. Sheena comments some about the scores and he answers her without any witty banter. Definitely pissed. And he still has another broadcast to get through at 11.

  I glance at Rod and finally notice what he’s wearing, now that I’m not distracted. Gone are his bandana and Britney shirt. He’s currently wearing a smoky black, worn-looking, fitted, button-up, short-sleeved shirt with two breast pockets that is unbuttoned almost halfway. He has on a different pair of blue jeans than he had on at the festival. These are darker and tighter. His hair looks freshly washed and like he scrubbed his hand through it with styling gel, so it’s pieced in random directions. He’s also wearing black suede hi-tops with thick, white soles. Rod looks hot. That’s one thing Rod has: good fashion sense. The weekends are usually a different story since he only wears concert T-shirts and jeans, or a weird bandana and a Britney Spears shirt to a kite festival.

  Rod sneers, “So what’s with the prostitute get-up?”

  “Morgan thinks I need to dress like this to have a good time.”

  He nods and implicitly smirks. “Oh, we’ll have a good time alright.”

  “Do you think I’m going to let you dance with me?”

  “It’s a given.”

  I bite my lip, most likely screwing up my lipstick, to stop my grin. “We’ll see.”

  His eyes fall to my legs. “Nice shoes.”

  I twist my ankle. “Aren’t they?” My high heels are silver, strappy and glittery. They’re a pair of my shoes that Morgan threw in my bag, without me realizing she already had my outfit picked out in her head for me tonight.

  “They look like hooker heels. Will you be able to dance with me in them?”

  I struggle not to laugh. “I don’t think you’ll fit into these.”

  He rolls his eyes and leans into my face. “Very funny. Ha ha. I forgot how funny you’re not.”

  I shove him away. “It’ll be a piece of cake.”

  “I’d rather see you slip than eat cake. That’ll be hilarious,” he teases, I think. Then again, it’s Rod. He probably would laugh…and snort.

  “Why did you drive? Morgan is going to be our DD.”

  He smirks. “I’m not getting plastered tonight.”

  “Nobody is going to drink with me?”

  “Don’t worry your skanky little head.” He snickers and I pinch his arm. “Hey! I’ll drink a few with you, but it takes me quite a few to feel anything.” He rubs his arm and whines, “Shit that hurts!”

  I can’t help but laugh and he elbows me. “I can’t wait to dance with you, Hadders.”

  “Aw, you’re sweet.”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait to see your skanky tits pop out of that top!” He giggles, and I turn off the TV, shoving, Rod out of the room. He shouts down the hall. “Ooh! Call me Gregory again! Damn, you’re making me so hot, baby!”

  I’m going to push Greg Rodwell into busy traffic.r />
  It’ll happen soon.


  “I need gum.”

  “What for?”

  “So I can put it on the bottom of my shoe, Hadders. I ate garlic. Help a dude out.”

  “Honestly, Dick Rod. Here.”

  He grins and pops two white rectangles in his mouth. “Thanks, Morgasm.”

  I ask, “Why don’t you just drink a beer to get rid of the taste?”

  He chews the white mass between his front teeth unnaturally fast before saying, “Because I want minty fresh breath.”

  She waves him off. “Whatever. Ivan and I are going to head over to a booth for now. What are you two going to do?”

  Rod shoots his fist into the air. “Get crunked, bitches!”

  My face crumples. “Don’t ever say that again, Rod.” I look around the club. “I didn’t think it’d be this crowded for a Sunday night.”

  He giggles. “It’s spring break, you silly skank!” I turn to glare at Rod, making him thoroughly laugh and choke on his gum. Morgan smacks him hard on the back and he irritably frowns at her. “Christ, Morgan! I think you dislodged my fucking lung!”

  She lamely says, “Oops. Sorry.”

  “Yeah. Real sorry. Shit! You women are beating the hell out of me tonight. I’m just going to go home.”

  “Tell your teddy bear we said nightie, night!” Morgan laughs and walks away to the booth Ivan is sitting at.

  “Devil woman,” Rod mutters. I follow him to a metal beam that he leans his shoulder onto. He peers around the club. The shiny, black floor is flecked with colorful glitter. The actual dance floor is clear with thin, colorful lights placed sporadically underneath, blinking and changing colors with the beat of the music. Above, the ceiling is covered with a variety of multicolored light fixtures that are used at different times depending on the mood, the song and the theme, if there is one. There’s even a disco ball up there that is lowered when needed. The bar takes up the entire wall at the end of the room. Mirrors are placed intermittently on the walls, interspersed with colorful lights. The seating areas have small light fixtures either on the tables or hanging above the booths to create a soft glow in the otherwise vibrant room.

  I softly smack his arm. “Why don’t you try to score a dance with some college co-ed?”

  In a very deep voice that is scarier than it is sexy, Rod asks, “Why? Do I intimidate you, Hadley Beckett?”

  I exaggeratedly shudder. “Did Morgan dislodge your voice box as well?”

  “Shut the hell up.”

  I lean against his arm and nod to the other side of the room. “There’s a girl over there you could ask to dance. She’s pretty.”

  He shrugs, moving me with him. “Maybe later.”

  “Why aren’t you on the prowl? You are in fertile fishing waters, Rod. Prime harvesting time. It’s spring break. Go have some fun.”

  Still scanning our surroundings, he retorts, “I’m not a fucking salmon.”

  I giggle and prod his arm. “Get laid or something.”

  He turns his head to look down at me. “Or something? What’s that mean?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever it is that you guys want.”

  He scoffs, “You’re totally unaware of what we want? Come on. You have a sex-hungry man. You know what he wants.”

  Feeling like Rod sees something I don’t or he’s doubting my ability to satisfy Finn, I suspiciously ask, “Sex-hungry? Says who?”

  “Well, he only gets it on the weekends. So, he’s probably a little malnourished.”

  “I think he’s happy with what I give him.”

  “Oh, so you’re full-service?” He grins.


  He raises both eyebrows meaningfully and nods his head to the side. “You know. You give him some oral action.”

  I stand straight. “Um, no.” Why did I tell him that? There is seriously something wrong with my man. Well, obviously.

  Rod’s eyes pop open as he pushes off the pillar. “Hadders! No?” He shakes his head and his mouth now matches his eyes. “What the hell? That’s why he’s pissed!” He laughs.

  I shrink away from him. “Shut up. He’s never complained.” That’s a lie. Finn has tried to covertly push me down to his lap several times. I don’t think I could ever do it, though.

  “Why would you deny him? Guys love that!”

  “Are you speaking subjectively or objectively?”

  His face scrunches. “Huh?”

  I sigh. “Are you speaking from experience or just about guys in general, since you seem to know what guys want.”

  “Hey! I’ve never blown a guy, so just stop your mouth right there!”

  “I thought I wasn’t supposed to stop my mouth. Isn’t that the whole point?”

  He instantly grins. “That’s crude, Hadders. I like it! Well done!” He puts his palm out for me to give him five. I roll my eyes and slap his hand; however, he grips onto it and yanks me out to the colorful dance floor.

  “Come on, chickadee! Let’s dance!” Rod yells over his shoulder as he drags me toward the crowd. The song is nearing the end, so we just focus on finding a good spot. We settle on the outer edge where we can still see Morgan and Ivan. They wave as Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” loudly fills the club.

  Rod grabs me by the waist and jerks me hard to him. He has his game face already on. No smiles. I always tell him he looks pissed. He says he has to concentrate. Oh, Rod.

  We hastily sway and quickly fall in sync to the fast rhythm. As the beat picks up, he pushes me away and spins me around. While still holding my hand, I slink around him, dragging my other hand around his waist, until I return to my spot in front of him. Pulling me to him, we then we sway again. I then hitch my leg up on his hip and he grabs onto my outer thigh, bending me backward. I have to remember that I’m wearing an extremely short skirt, though. Being close up against him hides me from flashing someone. Hopefully. Oh, shit! I hope he can’t see my boobs hanging out! I swiftly stand back up, expecting him to be gawking at my chest, but his eyes are on my face. On the fly, I spin away from him, stretching our arms out until he reels me rapidly back in, slamming me against his chest. He whirls me around so that my back is to him. He winds his arms around me as we enthusiastically swing together.

  Rod can fucking dance.

  He bends me only marginally forward, mindful of the short skirt I’m wearing, and gyrates his hips against me, which is the move that Rod is known for doing to me at our office Christmas parties. It always gets Val squealing with glee at us. It’s also the one that will get him killed if Finn ever sees him do it and I’m on the receiving end.

  With his hand on my stomach, Rod raises me up and we sway back-to-front the rest of the song.

  We dance a few more. He then leads me away from the crowd by my hand and makes a drinking motion with his other. I nod over to Morgan’s table and he nods back at me. I let go of his hand and make my way over to Morgan and Ivan.

  “Wow! You two are something else!” Ivan says with an odd gleam in his eyes.


  “Where’s Nimrod?”

  “Getting us beers.”

  “You two keep getting better and better,” Morgan discerns while keeping an eye on the bar. She would not want to be caught giving Rod a compliment.

  “Thanks. He’s the dancer, though. I just do what he wants me to.”

  “If I didn’t know you both, I would’ve thought you were a hot couple,” Ivan observes.

  Morgan sticks her tongue out and cringes. “Eww!”

  I laugh. “No way. It’s just Rod.”

  Ivan shakes his head with a laugh. “I don’t know. You have some kind of chemistry going on.”

  “Ugh, stop, babe! You’re going to make me puke!”

  I say, “It’s just an act, Ivan. Dancing just brings out different sides of us, I guess. Rod’s like my brother.”

  “I will say that I never have, and never will, dance with my brother like that,” Morgan maintains before tak
ing a sip of her Sprite.

  “Well, since he’s not actually my brother, there’s a line I can cross with him by dancing like that. It’s just dancing. Nothing more.”

  Morgan grimaces. “From here, it looked like he was fucking you on the dance floor.” My entire face explodes in horror.

  “Here you go.” Rod hands me a bottle and then slides in next to me.

  I blink to get my face back to normal. “Thanks. Next round is mine.”

  He gives me a self-righteous smirk. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Morgan reaches her arm out and taps the table in front of me. “I didn’t even mention how sexy you look!”

  Embarrassed, I smile. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, Hadders. I forgot who I was dancing with!”

  Morgan looks accusingly at Rod. “How do you not get a hard-on dancing with her like that?”

  “Morgan!” I squeal and put my hands over my mouth. I mumble behind my hands, “I do not want to know that!”

  “Easy.” Rod says, pulling his beer away from his mouth. “I wear a cup.”

  Not what I had expected to hear, I turn my body to face him. “What?”

  “Things happen.” He shrugs and takes another swig.

  “I didn’t know I could…you know.” I promptly face forward in my seat. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe… I don’t know… Wow…” I can’t stop stuttering. I think I’m going to pass out.

  He shakes his head. “It’s not you. It’s the moving like that. Any girl would make things interesting for me down south.” He nudges my arm and smiles. “You’re like my sister. I don’t look at you in that way. I just use you to get my dance on.”

  I glance up at him. “Should I be insulted then?”

  “Shut up.”

  Morgan leans on her elbow and yells at Rod, “Wow! You must have a really small dick if you can wear a cup and dance!”

  “Hey now! It’s not the size of the boat; it’s the motion of the ocean, Morbitch!” Ivan laughs at one of Rod’s pet names for Morgan. Those two have always been rather colorful with each other in the name-calling department.

  Morgan narrows her eyes at Rod. “Did you see Hadley’s tits when you bent her backward?”

  He grabs his beer. “No comment.” Son of a bitch! I cross my arms over my chest. I’m not moving from here now!


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