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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 51

by Audrina Lane

  “Anything I can help with?” I asked, taking a final look at the plans in front of us.

  “Just a quick clarification on the dance floor area would be good” John said.

  “Sure” I replied. We located and pegged the edge of the stage and then walked a couple of metres away from it as I made the decision. Another peg went into the ground and John nodded.

  “Here’s my card with my contact details on it, if you have any questions please just give me a call” I replied.

  “That’s great, this should be a breeze” he finished, pocketing the card in his jeans.

  “I’m working between ten and two and should be back in Ross from around three and I’ll pop back down then and see how things are progressing” I finished. John nodded and turned to the men as he started to put the plan into action.

  Walking back home I called in at the bakery and bought some croissants for breakfast before I was home again. All was silent still as I turned the radio on and then called up the stairs

  “Charlie, do you want some breakfast, I’ve got some fresh croissants”

  “Yeah, thanks Mum, I’ll be down in a second” I heard my daughter’s muffled voice, sleep still tinged it. Pouring the coffee I listened to Paul and wondered when my no longer secret admirer would contact me today. I was soon in the car and on my way into work; my phone had been silent so all must be progressing well by the river. I sang along to the various tunes that Paul was playing and the journey went quickly.

  Once I was on air a text to the studio came through from my mystery man. I smiled as I looked through the catalogue and found the track, as I tried to pick something to compliment it for my reply. The deep voice of Lionel Richie filled the studio as I dedicated “Destiny” to myself. I could see Paul and Ian in deep discussion in the office area, but they both looked over at me and started to mouth “Who is he?” at me. Today’s words really started to pull at my emotions as Lionel sang.

  “From the first time that I saw you

  I know it was forever

  This mighty love between us

  Will keep us together

  You’re the girl God sent from heaven

  I’m so glad I found you

  Forever, Forever, Forever, Forever, Forever, Forever”

  I closed my eyes briefly and squeezed back the tears of happiness that threatened to spill out. All I could see there was the image of James as I always remembered him at twenty one. Although it was only the middle of the week I couldn’t wait for the weekend. As I started to play my response I opened my eyes again and tried not to laugh as the guys in the office were making kissy faces at the window. Then as “Rain or Shine” by Five Star came on as my response they started to laugh. I knew they were looking forward to supposedly setting me up with my blind date, but I was going to have the last laugh.

  James was on his way home from work as he requested today’s song for Stephanie. He knew it was a good one and he wished that he could see her face as she listened to the words he longed to say to her for the rest of their lives. Then as she sent him back her choice of song he felt puzzled at the choice. Turning up the radio he soon knew why.

  “Rain or Shine

  You’ll always be one in a million

  My fantasy come true

  Rain or Shire, it’s you and me

  Cut my heart on a tree and say

  It’s forever, not a year and a day”

  Smiling he returned to the day when he had traced a heart onto her hand as they sat by the river. Then she had handed him a marker pen from her bag and he had drawn the same heart onto the wooden back of the bench where they sat. She was so much better at this game than he was. He wondered whether it was still there, or whether the weather had removed it or even worse the entire bench had been taken away from their spot beside the river. He was determined to search for it on Saturday and perhaps destiny would be kind to him.

  Back in Ross I drove down to the river and was amazed by the sight that greeted me there. The dance floor was already down and surrounded by the hoardings ready for the advertising posters. They had started on the stage area, which seemed to look huge as I parked the car and headed onto the field. I weaved between the workers and located John.

  “Hi John, wow it’s looking amazing already” I said.

  “It sure is” he finished “I’m bringing the family along for the day as the line up of local bands looks brilliant” he said.

  “That’s great news the more the merrier”

  “Yes just have to hope the weather is ok” John finished, casting a glance at the grey sky above.

  “That’s the only thing we can’t plan for. I’ll have to check out the forecast for Saturday when I get home” I replied.

  “Well, I’ll let you get finished for the day and I’ll be around tomorrow afternoon as I promised I would show my daughter the dance floor area as she is one of the acts performing” I finished.

  “I’ll look forward to that then” he finished, as we shook hands again and I headed back to my car.

  Thursday soon arrived and as ticket sales continued to exceed our expectations I nervously checked the weather forecast for Saturday. Well it wasn’t supposed to rain but considering it was August it wasn’t exactly going to be hot and sunny. Charlie was up early and offered to clean the house while I was out at work, I could tell she just needed something to do to pass the time before Mitchell arrived.

  “When I finish work later I’ll come straight home and then pop down to the site at around 5, will Mitchell be here by then?” I asked.

  “I think he’s planning to leave home around two so yes that will be fine, would you rather we met you down there?” Charlie replied, her eyes twinkling with the thought of seeing Mitch again.

  “Ok, I’ll park in the pub car park and we can walk to the site together then, I’ll aim to get there for three thirty” I finished.

  “Cool Mum, have a good day and I’ll see you later” she said. I watched her disappear back up the stairs with the vacuum cleaner.

  On the way into work Paul had the honour of my secret admirer as he announced Thursday’s song for me.

  “Hope you’re listening in the car on your way into work Steph as your admirer would like to seduce you with “I just can’t stop loving you” by Michael Jackson. Let me know what I can play him in return” Paul said. Once again I pulled over into the next lay-by and wracked my brain for a suitable song in return. Early Michael Jackson was a great choice as I listened to the words whilst I sent my text over to Paul in the studio.

  “You know how I feel

  This thing can’t go wrong

  I’m so proud to say

  I love you

  Your love’s got me high

  I long to get by

  This time is forever

  Love is the answer”

  Pleased with my reply I pulled out of the lay-by and continued my journey as “Miss you like crazy” by Natalie Cole filled the car stereo with sound. I sang along to the words.

  “Even though it’s been so long

  My love for you keeps going strong

  I remember the things that we used to do

  A kiss in the rain ‘til the sun shines through

  I try to deny it but I’m still in love with you”

  I heard my phone beep in my bag as I pulled into the car park. It was from James

  “Love the song today – I really hope you are”

  “You’ll have to wait until Saturday” I replied, as I locked up the car and headed into work. I couldn’t hide the huge smile on my face as I entered the office and the hive of activity that work bought. The day passed quickly and after a quick chat with Paul and Ian as I showed them the pictures of the work happening in Ross on my phone, I headed home. In the car I plugged in my iPod and selected Wham to sing along to in the car, I really did feel so happy that I could burst.

  Pulling into the car park outside the pub I grabbed my copy of the plans and headed along the pathway to the site a
nd was hit with the sight of the stage looking spectacular. Sitting on one of the benches I spotted Charlie and Mitch as they noticed me and headed over.

  “Mum this looks amazing” Charlie breathed.

  “I couldn’t have put it better” I replied. John had spotted us and was walking in our direction. Closing the gap we met just on the far edge of the dance floor. It framed the stage and lighting well and the hoardings were now being coated with various posters. It was just the electricians and the stage equipment that were coming tomorrow and then finally it would be Saturday morning.

  “So is it looking ok” John asked.

  “More than ok, you’ve done a fantastic job” I replied, shaking his hand. As the two of us wandered around he pointed out the access points and places where the cables from tomorrow could be hidden. Charlie and Mitch walked through the gap and onto the dance floor. I watched them walk to the top end and stare up at the stage ahead of them, they were deep in conversation.

  “Is that you daughter” John asked.

  “Yes and her boyfriend Mitchell, they are both dancing and I promised they could come and check out the dance floor this afternoon”

  “I am looking forward to the event on Saturday and at least if I’m around if there are any snags I can fix them immediately” he finished.

  “That’s good to know” I replied.

  After looking at the rear of the stage area we walked back around to the front and discovered that checking the dance floor apparently required actual dancing. We both watched as they ran through what was obviously the dance from Dirty Dancing and then the famous lift. As Charlie slid back down to earth John and many of the other contractors who had stopped to watch started to clap and cheer. I could see the happiness on their faces, lighting up the cloudy day above. After taking a bow they reluctantly left the dance floor and met me.

  “Come on you dance freaks, lets got home” I said “They’ll be plenty of time on Saturday” I finished.

  “Any chance I can bring the group down tomorrow for a run through” Charlie asked.

  I looked across at John but he only nodded.

  “Ok as long as you don’t get in the way of the electricians and other contractors who are here to do a job” I replied.

  The evening passed by with lots of happy chatter over the dining table before Charlie and Mitch headed upstairs and left me to my laptop as I fired it up and started to quietly panic about everything that needed to be done on the Saturday morning. I would be knackered before anything even started at noon. Then I opened my emails and began to type out a reply to James’ last one from the previous day. I hope he didn’t mind the delay too much.

  “Dear James

  Sorry for the delay in replying but as you can imagine the closer we get to the big event the more work I have to do just to stay ahead of the game. I have to admit that at this stage I am starting to feel very nervous as well as excited too. I hope that I will be able to find the time to see and speak to you but honestly don’t count on it if things get chaotic on the day!!

  Just been down to check on progress on site and the stage is up and the dance floor has just been tested by Charlie and Mitchell – honestly you can’t take them anywhere without them spontaneously breaking into a dance routine!

  I will arrange for Charlie to be at our place when you arrive on Saturday, I hope you were able to book some rooms at the nearby Premier Inn for the rest of the lads as undoubtedly I will be river side from around 7am in the morning to ensure everything is going to run smoothly. HELP!!!

  Thanks for letting me know about your ex, I just needed to know as unfortunately I just don’t think I can ever forgive her for what she did to us. Although I am hoping that time will heal and I will be able to forget eventually.

  Hope you are well, sorry I haven’t had much chance to talk or even to play you a song on the radio. I hope that some of the songs being played are reminding you of us??

  If I’m not too frazzled I will give you a quick call on Friday night just to finalise everything and look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  Hectically yours


  Closing up my laptop I noticed how late it was and I had yet another early start down by the river. Looking around I realised that Charlotte had done a great job on the cleaning and I had forgotten to thank her. Upstairs I paused by her door but as it was all silent I didn’t want to wake her to say goodnight. Slipping into my bed I heard my phone beep

  “Goodnight Stephanie, I’m thinking about you”

  It was from James so I sent the same words back and then closed my eyes. I was too tired to even dream as I slept soundly.

  Chapter 67

  At last some sunshine greeted me as my alarm went off just after six. Keeping my fingers crossed that this was a sign of the impending weekend weather I headed for the shower. Once again I walked down to the river and spotted John and another couple of guys from the electrical side of things. They all seemed on top of it so I left them too it and headed back through the town that was just starting to wake up. I paused and headed to the prospect to get a better view and snapped a picture on my phone, ready to share with the guys at the station later. I quickly sent it to James too.

  “Here it is – the event of the century”

  “Morning you early riser, it looks great. I can’t wait” he replied.

  I smiled at the early riser mention and blushed as I thought about the many times I had woken to his early riser. The more I thought about the good times, the brighter they seemed and the bad times seemed to be fading more and more. I knew I would never forget that moment, how could I with scars that I could see? Saturday was going to be our moment as I knew already that I was going to agree to try again. In my mind I could hear George Michael speaking to me through the lyrics of Faith. Back at home I had enough time to prepare breakfast as I cooked some scrambled eggs and gave Charlie and Mitchell a shout.

  As we all sat and ate in the kitchen Paul announced that my secret admirer was very early this morning with his request for “Nothings gonna stop us now” by Starship. Instantly I was transported to the evening we had watched “Mannequin” together. I closed my eyes even though I knew that Charlie and Mitch had stopped eating and were watching me as I mouthed the lyrics in time with the music.

  “Let the world around us just fall apart

  Baby we can make it if we’re heart to heart

  And we can build this dream forever

  Standing strong forever

  Nothing’s gonna stop us now”

  Grabbing my phone I quickly tapped in my reply, I knew that it couldn’t be anything other than the song that Paul started to play in reply. Leaning against the worktop I closed my eyes again as the emotions over took me. I could feel the tears of joy and relief starting to sparkle in the corner of my eyes. The wonderful combination of George Michael and Aretha Franklin as they sang “I knew you were waiting”

  “Somehow I made it through the heartache

  I escaped

  I found my way out of the darkness, kept my faith

  Kept my faith”

  Perhaps deep down I had known that somehow by keeping my memories and heart locked up all this time that this moment of release would appear. Like a knight in shining armour galloping towards me, thundering hooves as my heart drummed. I had waited for so long. I experienced a moment of sheer release from all the darkness, hurt, anger and tears of my past. As the song came to an end, I wanted to hear it over and over again as I felt arms wrap themselves around me. Four arms as I opened my eyes to see my daughter and behind her Mitchell hugging me tightly. Tears of happiness were reflected back at me from the glistening green eyes of Charlie, my wonderful daughter Charlie.

  Eventually we pulled apart and Mitchell handed me a nearby box of tissues as I watched him wipe the tears from Charlie’s cheeks. There was no need for me to say anything so instead I just smiled at both of them. Heading off to work I still heard the song playing on a continuous loop a
ll the way in and then throughout the day. The whole office and studio were strung up on nerves as I seemed to just float through the day. After my show I popped out to do some shopping for the weekend before heading to the pub to meet Jack, Paul, Mark and Ian for our final discussion before the big day tomorrow.

  When I walked in I spotted Jack and Paul already deep in conversation. I grabbed a drink at the bar and headed over as we waited for Mark and Ian to arrive.

  “Hi Guys” I beamed, sitting down next to Jack.

  “Hi Steph, you are looking radiant today” Jack said, kissing my cheek.

  “Yes, you have been very weird all day” Paul said, grinning at me “Can’t you please tell us why” he pleaded.

  “All will be revealed tomorrow” I said, feeling very smug.

  “I’m sure Steph knows who her mystery man is as the requests this week have been too odd for people who don’t know each other” Paul continued.

  “Have they” Jack asked “Sorry I’ve been too busy to hear any of them except for the two this morning” he finished. As Paul headed to the bar to get some more drinks as Ian and Mark joined him there Jack leaned over.

  “Is it James” he whispered.

  “Yes it is, but don’t tell them” I replied.

  With all of us now seated around the table we discussed the running order for the day. As we were going to be broadcasting from the site for the whole day we split it all up into different two hour sessions. As I lived in Ross I would start in the morning and then do another couple of hours later in the afternoon. Finally Rick would finish things off with an hour long set from nine thirty until ten thirty before we wrapped things up at eleven.

  “So should we do the Blind date thing before your daughter’s last dance which is before Rick?” Paul asked.


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