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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

Page 5

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “Where to, Sir?” the driver asked staring at the handsome young star in the rear view mirror.

  “Home,” he replied, “and thanks again. Make sure you give me your card. I’ll ask for you from now on.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Please, call me, Angelo,” he smiled. “I’m just a regular guy who happens to be an actor that’s lucky enough to be working.”

  “One of the few,” the driver joked.

  “Yep, one of the few,” Angelo agreed.

  As the car wound its way through the dark, empty streets, Angelo gazed out the window and wondered if he’d ever find a woman with whom he could share his life.

  He was from Chicago, as Italian as his name suggested, and he found the girls in Los Angeles ironic. On the one hand they were fiercely independent, and on the other, spoiled and demanding. Though he was a sought after young actor with the proverbial world at his feet, in his heart he was a down-to-earth guy who enjoyed sitting in front of the television with a warm, loving female curled up next to him. It was in his nature to protect women, take care of them, and like his father, he saw himself as the head-of-the-household.

  I guess I’ll just start spending more time back east. I want a real woman in my life, and I seriously doubt I’ll find her in this town.

  Back in her condo Kylie was having a fitful sleep. Her head was spinning, everything was black, and there were pinpricks of light bouncing through the infinite darkness. She was having disjointed dreams, and in one of them Angelo had just dumped her. Chasing after him he turned around and shook his finger at her but didn’t say anything. A moment later Zach Taylor was on top of her, pinning her wrists on either side of her head. His glasses were off, and a stern look furrowed his brow.

  “You see what happens when you’re a difficult, demanding diva? I told you, you need your butt spanked, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to burn your bottom. Getting drunk like that, you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  As his face faded away, she blinked opened her eyes and stared around her room. She hadn’t closed her drapes and the early morning light was splashing across the bed. Squinting, she sat up, but immediately felt a crushing pain in her head.

  Fuck, I drank way too much. Damn, my head is killing me. Where’s Angelo? What time is it?

  Slowly turning her head she saw her clock read 9:18 a.m. Struggling from her bed she staggered into her bathroom, and finding the aspirin in her medicine chest she tossed some in her mouth and swallowed several large gulps of water from the faucet. Stumbling back into her bedroom she flopped on top of the disheveled blankets.

  “Oh man, I need to sleep some more,” she muttered, and rolling on to her side she pulled a pillow into her body. What was that dream? Zach…it was Zach…he was going to spank me. I can’t believe I dreamt that. It’s all too much for me to think about.

  Closing her eyes she tried to ignore the pounding in her temples, but the image of Zach’s face and his scolding promise wouldn’t leave her. Finally drifting off she prayed she’d wake up with a clear head. The last thing she wanted was to be out of sorts when she met with him that afternoon.


  It was almost 3 p.m., and though Zach had been busy with phone calls and participating in meetings throughout the day, the image of Kylie teetering towards the limo the night before had shadowed his thoughts.

  Several photographs had been plastered across the gossip websites when he’d checked them over breakfast. Angelo looked like a romantic, swashbuckling, conquering hero, but Kylie looked like what she’d been; a stumbling female who had drunk too much. He couldn’t understand why anyone, man or woman, would want to get so wasted, let alone a young woman surrounded by so much opportunity, especially the day before an important meeting.

  Though most scripts were sent by computer he preferred turning the pages, and several stacks sat behind his desk. He was about to retrieve one when Martha’s voice on his intercom interrupted him.

  “Sam on line 3.”

  Reaching forward Zach hit the blinking button and picked up the phone.


  “Zach, you’re meeting with Kylie Hartman in a few minutes.”

  “Yes, at 3 p.m.”

  “Curtis is excited, he wants her. Claims he’s heard good things about her.”

  “Really?” Zach frowned. Good things? Where the hell would he hear good things?

  “Just give her a few minutes then send her on down. He wants her to start right away.”

  “He does? Has he met her?”

  “I don’t care. This will make her father happy and I need that, so you don’t have to worry about her. Just say hello and get her over to Curtis. No stirring the pot.”

  “Hey, Curtis is on the other side of the building and he’s in television, there’s nothing to stir. If he wants her and it keeps Justin Hartman happy, I’m all for it.”

  “Good, I like how you’re a team player, not enough of them in this town. Catch ya later.”

  Hanging up the phone Zach paused, staring down at it.

  “What the hell was that?” he muttered. “I wonder why Curtis is so fired up. Maybe he knows something I don’t.”


  Looking up he saw Martha standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, Martha, what’s up?”

  Walking in she closed it behind her, moved across the room, then leaned over his desk.

  “Miss Hollywood is here,” she whispered.

  “And you’re whispering because…?”

  “She just ordered me to get her some coffee. Didn’t ask, ordered.”

  “Aha, and did you?”

  “Of course. I almost felt sorry for her. She doesn’t look like she’s feeling her best.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Zach remarked. “I saw her last night after my dinner with Steven Levy. She was drunk as a skunk.”

  “I saw the pictures, but you were there?”

  “My dinner with Levy was at the restaurant down the street. Just a lucky coincidence. I watched the whole dismal scene from my car.”

  “I don’t get it,” she sighed, “but hey, if getting drunk would get Angelo Frattiano to lift me into his arms and carry me into his limo, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

  “Anything else, or did you just want to tell me that she’s a typical Hollywood diva and keep her waiting?”

  “That’s about it,” Martha grinned straightening up.

  “I think we’ve tortured her enough,” Zach smiled, “you can bring her in.”

  “Only if you promise you’re not going to hire her.”

  “I promise, Curtis wants her,” he replied, “though I don’t know why, he hasn’t even met her but apparently he’s all fired up.”

  “That figures,” she sighed.

  “It does?”

  “Hell, yeah. She’s a cutie. Haven’t you noticed Curtis only has one guy on his team? Everyone else is a female who wears skirts that are too short, and has expensive boobs. Throw in a famous and powerful father and it’s a no-brainer.”

  “Martha, stop,” he said firmly.

  “Just sayin’,” she said airily as she headed to open the door. “Mr. Taylor will see you now,” she said opening it up and looking into the waiting area.

  Zach heard Kylie mumble something, and when she walked into his office he wasn’t surprised at her appearance. Though she’d tried to hide the dark circles around her eyes they were still easy to see, and her face was pale.

  “Thanks, Martha. Hello, Kylie. Please, take a seat.”

  As Martha closed the door, Kylie moved forward and settled into the deep leather chair in front of his desk.

  “How can I help?” he asked, and where’s that boisterous, opinionated, talkative girl I tangled with yesterday? Was it yesterday? Damn, it feels like a week ago.

  “I’m not sure,” she replied. “I guess, just answer some questions.”

  “Go ahead,” he smiled.

  “Is there much differenc
e between working in film development and television development? I mean, I know the nuts and bolts differences, but the actual day-to-day stuff, how is that different?”

  “I believe I covered this in one of my lectures. Perhaps you weren’t there that day,” he said smoothly. “There’s a big difference. I’ll just give you the bullet points.”

  As he began to talk, though her head was still hurting and she felt nauseous, she was reminded of how she’d been mesmerized by him in the classroom. It wasn’t just that he was so good-looking with his Clark Kent jaw and sexy glasses, it was his whole demeanor. He wasn’t arrogant, but he was incredibly self-assured and spoke with a quiet authority. He was almost intimidating.

  How did I have the nerve to debate him? Maybe this office makes him seem more important.

  Jeez, Kylie, think about it, he is important.

  “Does that answer your question?” he finished.

  “Uh, yes, thanks,” she mumbled though she’d barely heard anything he’d said. “May I say something personal?”

  “If you wish,” he nodded.

  “I’m sorry I was so crazy yesterday morning. I was just on a high, you know, the last day of school and everything.”

  “No problem,” he grinned, “and I’m sorry if I came on too strong.”

  “It was a bit unusual,” she muttered feeling a blush cross her face at the memory of his salacious offer.

  “Since it appears we’ve left business mode, and we’re being candid,” he began, “and don’t get mad when I say this-”

  “I’m too tired to get mad,” she sighed interrupting him. “I was out too late last night. I don’t have much fight in me today.”

  “I see,” he smiled, “anyway, at the risk of being redundant, don’t get mad when I say this…I did mean what I said, my offer was sincere, but I went over to see you yesterday with the intention of asking you out.”

  “You did?” she asked feeling her pulse tick up.

  “I did, but I have since discovered you’re dating Angelo Frattiano, and if you’re going to be working here it might not be the best idea anyway.”

  “I, uh, Angelo and I aren’t an item anymore,” she mumbled, “not since he called me about two hours ago, and I don’t know if I’m going to be working here,” she frowned. “Wait, are you offering me a job?”

  “My goodness, no,” he said quickly. “You wouldn’t fit in with my team.”

  “I wouldn’t? Why not?”

  “Many reasons,” he said patiently.

  “Give me one.”

  “Give you one?” he exclaimed, incredulous that she had such audacity. I don’t need to justify anything to you. “My team is older, more conservative, like me,” he said controlling his irritation. “You’ll be happier with Curtis Fielding in television.”

  “What if I don’t want to work in television? What if I want to work in film?”

  “Then, you’ll have to find a position in another company,” he said slowly.

  “Why am I even here talking to you if you had no intention of hiring me?” she said brusquely.

  “Wow,” he remarked leaning back in his chair. “I’m sorry, but wow.”

  “Wow, what?”

  “So much for being tired and not having any fight in you.”

  “It’s a reasonable question,” she fired back at him. “Why am I here if you’re not interviewing me for a job?”

  “First, young lady, don’t speak to me in that tone,” he said gravely, dropping his smile. “If I had been considering you for a position, that disrespectful and entitled attitude would have slammed the door shut, and second-”

  “What attitude?” she demanded.

  “Second, I’m a very busy man and I agreed to see you because I thought I might be able to offer you some guidance. Third, I will repeat what I said to you yesterday,” he said lowering his voice and leaning across his desk, “someone needs to spank you very hard, for a very long time.”

  The look in his eye and the authority in his voice sent goosebumps popping up on her skin, and though a deep blush began to crawl up her neck and cross her face, she was determined not to look away.

  “That’s not exactly what you said,” she retorted with a bravado she didn’t feel.

  “Close enough,” he said sternly.

  “You can’t talk to me like that!”

  “I just did.”

  “If Curtis Fielding offers me a job I’m going to take it,” she declared, “just so I can be around to annoy you.”

  “You can do whatever you want,” he replied calmly. “You’ll be on the other side of the building, we won’t be crossing paths at all, and as far as annoying me? You don’t annoy me, Kylie, not at all. Every time you open your mouth you confirm everything I think about you. You’re a spoiled Hollywood brat.”

  “If you really did come to see me yesterday to ask me out, it would have been a wasted trip. I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last man on the planet,” she exclaimed jumping up from her chair.

  “Excellent. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at 7 p.m. When you’ve calmed down you can call Martha and give her your address. Now I must get back to work. Good luck with Curtis.”


  Ignoring her, he picked up his phone and buzzed his secretary.

  “Martha, Miss Hartman is leaving now.”

  Moments later his door opened, and Martha stood holding it, expectantly staring at her.

  “You’re insane,” Kylie hissed under her breath as she stood up, and you’re the sexiest man alive.


  It was early evening, and after working late Zach hurried down to the projection room to see the dailies from the previous day’s shooting. Walking into the small theater he immediately noticed there were more people than usual. Even Sam Golden was in attendance with some other key executives. As Zach’s eyes continued to scan the room, he spotted Anna Lee walking towards him with a nervous smile across her angelic face.

  “Hi,” she whispered. “Will you sit with me?”

  “You bet,” he grinned. “I can’t believe there are so many people here.”

  “I know, right?” she said looking up at him with wide eyes.

  “Let’s get seated,” he suggested walking up the aisle to the back row.

  As they walked past him, Sam smiled his greeting, and seconds after they sat down he pushed a button on his chair and asked the projectionist to start the film.

  “I’m so nervous,” Anna whispered clutching Zach’s arm.

  “I am too,” he whispered back, “but good nervous. There must be a buzz about this or there wouldn’t be this many people here.”

  The screen lit up with a close up of Anna Lee. Her eyes were unblinking and focused, and slightly opening her mouth she ran her tongue across her top lip.

  “You came,” she said in a breathy, husky voice.

  Though it was a short statement, her voice carried a tiny quiver, and as Jackson moved into frame she let out a soft sigh.

  There was a fast break and the next scene showed Jackson with his hand on her shoulder, slowly sliding down the strap of her tank top. Her eyelids literally fluttered, and she tilted her head to the side as if inviting his lips. Dropping his head he touched his mouth to the top of her shoulder, then traveled them to her ear, and her eyes slowly closed as she faintly moaned.

  So it continued. Scene after scene showing Anna’s soft, subtle, but passionate response to Jackson’s tender, sensual seduction. When he finally kissed her, his hands lost in her hair, Zach was sure every man in the room had a hard-on. It was the last scene, and during the few seconds before the lights came back on there was absolute silence. In the stillness Zach could feel Anna trembling next to him and he leaned his head down.

  “That has Oscar written all over it,” he whispered. “Powerful stuff, really powerful.”

  The lights flicked on, and the murmuring began until Sam Golden stood up.

  “Anna Lee? Jackson? Are you both here?”r />
  Jackson was seated on the other side of the room, and as he stood up he had a huge smile on his face.

  “Anna, go on, stand up,” Zach whispered urgently.

  Rising to her feet she waved her hand.

  “Over here, Sam.”

  “You two, it was brilliant. Keep it up. I can feel Oscars in our future. You both gave me chills. Sometimes we forget less is more, and you just proved it.”

  A spontaneous burst of applause filled the air, and several people got to their feet.

  “Oh, my gosh,” Anna Lee muttered shocked at the response.

  “See?” Zach grinned standing up and adding his own tribute. “I told you everything would work out.”

  As the applause died down and the elite audience began strolling out, Zach saw Jackson Wardlow making his way through the line of chairs towards them.

  “Hey,” Jackson called as he neared. “Anna Lee, you were fantastic. I knew it when we were filming, but baby, that camera is crazy in love with you.”

  “Thanks, Jackson,” she smiled. “Thanks for being so great.”

  “You know who Marilyn Monroe was, right?”

  “Of course,” she nodded.

  “You’ve got that quality. Just keep doing what you’re doing, don’t change a thing. You’ve got an amazing natural instinct, and my dear, you are going to be a huge star.”

  “You think? I can’t imagine that, but thank you for saying so. We’ve got to make the rest of the film as good as that scene. Do you think we can do that?”

  “Piece of cake,” he grinned. “Like I said, just keep doing what you’re doing. Zach, in a weird way I owe you one.”

  “Glad it worked out,” Zach nodded.

  Jackson ambled away, leaving Anna Lee and Zach alone in the room. Smiling happily, Anna looped her arm through his.

  “I’m starving. Do you have time to have dinner with me? I have the luxury of a late call tomorrow.”

  “You bet. We have something to celebrate. Emile’s is across the street. It’s just a casual cafe but the food is good. Will that be all right for a big star?”


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