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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

Page 6

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I don’t know about it being all right for a big star, but it sounds perfect to me,” she grinned.

  They made their way out of the building and crossed the street, and as they entered Zach was surprised to see Curtis Fielding and Kylie sitting in a booth on the far side of the dining room. The informal eatery had no hostess, and Anna Lee began to head towards a table in their direction, but Zach caught her elbow and guided her to a window table on the opposite side. Sitting down he glanced at his watch. It was just past six-thirty.

  She would have met him around three-thirty this afternoon. Has he spent three hours with her? Impossible.

  “Zach? Where are you?” Anna Lee asked seeing the frown and faraway look in his eye.

  “Nowhere,” he smiled. “Let’s get some food on this table. I’m as hungry as you are.”

  Kylie had seen the beautiful Anna Lee Pickford enter the small restaurant locked on to Zach’s arm. Her anger at him had passed, and as she watched them head off to a table she felt something she couldn’t identify. Curtis was rambling on about the shows he was developing, and his voice began to fade as she suddenly realized what she was feeling was jealousy.

  Shit. I hate feeling this way, and it figures he’d be out with some gorgeous young actress. They sure look friendly. Shit.

  “It’s bigger shows, though, like the hits on HBO, where a director like your father could make a real mark,” Curtis remarked. “Kylie, are you paying attention?”

  “Yes, I am,” she mumbled. “My father has no interest in television. He’s strictly a big screen guy.”

  “You should talk to him,” Curtis insisted. “If you and I find a great script, maybe he’d-”

  “Curtis, I really do appreciate all the time you’ve given me today,” she lied, “but I need to head home. I’m kind of wiped out and I have more interviews tomorrow,” and I’m so tired of the sound of your voice.

  “You do? You mean you don’t want to accept my offer? Is it the money? I can probably persuade Sam to put more into the pot.”

  “It’s not the money, and I’m not saying no, I’m just saying other appointments have been arranged and it would be rude for me not to go. My father went to a great deal of trouble.”

  As she stood up and picked up her bag, he waved urgently at the waitress.

  “I’ll walk you back,” he insisted.

  “No, please don’t bother. It’s just across the street. Thanks again, it’s been a fascinating day,” and you’re so boring I’ll kill myself if I have to spend another minute with you. “I’ll call you at the end of the week and let you know.”

  As Curtis watched her hurry away, he let a long, mournful sigh.

  “Dammit,” he muttered. “How the hell am I going to tell Sam I didn’t nail her down?”

  Walking through the restaurant door, Kylie glanced across the room. Zach and Anna Lee Pickford were deep in conversation. For a brief moment she considered walking across to say hello, but after the way she’d flounced out of his office she thought she’d best leave well enough alone.

  Leaving the chic, casual cafe, she walked quickly across the street and into the building, and entering the elevator that would take her into the garage her mind began to race.

  Why was Curtis so hell bent on hiring me? Why wouldn’t he let me leave? That whole thing was so bizarre, and Zach, ooh, Zach. You looked so cozy with Anna Lee, way too cozy. I have to go out with you, I don’t know why, but I have to. Now I’m glad Angelo dumped me. Maybe getting drunk last night was a good thing after all, but how do I accept your date without losing face? I need an excuse. Curtis, I can use Curtis. That’s perfect. Thank you, Curtis. You may be a total bore but because of you I can go out with Zach.

  Grateful to be slipping behind the wheel of her car, she started out of the building and headed home. It wasn’t far, just a few minutes away, another reason she wished she could work at Titan, but there was no way she would be accepting the job Curtis offered, and Zach didn’t want her.

  Across town in his house above Sunset Blvd, on the upscale street known as Sunset Plaza Drive, Angelo Frattiano was on the phone with his agent, Austin Levy.

  Austin was Steven Levy’s brother, and with great excitement he had just told Angelo that Steven had begun negotiations on a script called Moonbeams and Fairy Dust.

  “It’s fantastic,” Austin exclaimed. “It could catapult you to the next level.”

  “Which studio is picking it up?” Angelo asked.

  “Steve won’t give me any details until he gets the deal memo and it’s signed. He’s so fucking superstitious it drives me crazy, but at least he let me read the script.”

  “Can you send it to me?”

  “It should already be in your email, but you can’t breathe a word. Steve doesn’t want anything muddying the waters, and you didn’t hear this from me, but I’m guessing the company he’s talking to is Titan.”

  “I love Titan,” Angelo said enthusiastically.

  “I know, but Angelo, that was just a guess. When you read it, think about who should play the part of the girl. Amber is the character name. I’ll be curious to know what you come up with.”

  “Will do, and thanks, Austin.”

  Hanging up the phone Angelo walked across to his large picture window and stared across at the huge city below him.

  “The City of Angels,” he muttered. “I haven’t met any angels here yet. Maybe they’re all hiding, but at least I’ll have something else to think about this weekend.”


  Kylie rolled over and stared at the clock. 2:23 a.m. Despite her exhaustion she couldn’t sleep, and stumbling out of bed she picked up her robe and padded down the hallway to her kitchen. Opening the freezer she pulled out her bottle of lemon vodka and took a long swig.

  Carrying it with her she ambled into the living room, switched on a lamp, and retrieving her laptop from her desk she flopped down on the sofa. Typing Zach Taylor into the search engine, she was rewarded with a series of newspaper articles and images. Opening up the latter she gazed at his smiling face.

  “I cannot get you out of my head,” she grumbled. “Why? You’re like my fucking hangover. That won’t leave my head either.”

  Moving through the gallery of pictures, when she saw how many had been taken with Anna Lee Pickford she gnashed her teeth.

  “I wouldn’t care if you weren’t so damn cute,” she mumbled staring at a particularly flattering picture of the petite, blonde starlet. “You’re too young for him. How old are you anyway? You look young, really young, and why the hell am I sitting here talking to myself? Fuck.”

  Exiting the gallery, she opened one of the news articles, drawn by its headline.


  “We only hire the brightest and the best, and as far as we’re concerned, that’s exactly what Zach Taylor is,” said Sam Golden when he announced the appointment at a press conference today. Zach Taylor, formerly V.P. Motion Picture Development at Universal Studios, the youngest executive to ever hold that post, has chosen to take on the top job at the growing film company. With a slew of hits behind them, Titan has entered the big ticket market, and Sam Golden believes Zach is the man who can find and develop the right products to keep them there.

  “You’re the real deal, aren’t you, Zach?” Kylie muttered gazing at the snapshot next to the press release.

  Reaching for the vodka she took another swig and clicked back into the gallery.

  “I love how you dress. Conservative but hip, I mean, look at you, and those glasses. Man, don’t ever get contacts.”

  An unexpected yawn enveloped her, and closing her computer she meandered back into her bedroom. Dropping her robe and slipping back into bed, she closed her eyes and pictured Zach lecturing the class, then sitting behind his desk in his big black leather chair. She had to smile when she thought about he had so artfully put her in her place during their meeting.

  Moving her fingers
between her legs she began to rub, and letting her mind freely wander she suddenly saw him as she had in her fitful sleep the night before. He was on top of her, pinning her wrists on either side of her head.

  “I told you I was going to spank you, Kylie Hartman, and I always do what I say.”

  Her fingers rubbed furiously as she imagined him sitting upright and pulling her sharply over his lap. His hand was slapping her naked backside, and with a sudden shuddering explosion she climaxed. The rippling, tingling prickles sparkled through her limbs, and as the delicious spasms began to wane, she fell limp and let out a groan.

  Holy crap, that was unreal. Zach Taylor, what have you done to me?

  Not too far away Zach was having his own sleepless night. After saying goodnight to Anna Lee, he’d driven home with the Moonbeams and Fairy Dust script tucked safely into his briefcase.

  After taking off his clothes and donning his thick, microfiber robe, he’d loaded his favorite CD, a collection from the French composer, Eric Satie, and with a glass of warm brandy he’d settled into his favorite, overstuffed armchair, opened the script and began to read.

  He took his time, slowly perusing every scene, allowing himself to fall into the story and feel the characters. As he read he made notes, and when his eyes began to burn, and his yawning became intolerable, he put it aside and closed his eyes.

  It was glaringly obvious who should play the lead, the cool, slick, polished guy with the rough edge, the edge that wasn’t immediately visible but came to the surface when the character was nervous or upset. The man behind the drugs, the man who could charm the wealthy into having some ‘fun’ and then get them hooked. The character’s name was Antonio, and the only actor Zach could see in the role was Angelo Frattiano.

  Angelo was good-looking, he had a million dollar smile, but there was something simmering beneath his debonaire exterior. It was what made him so appealing on film, and one of the reasons the women loved him. There something about him that suggested danger. He was perfect for the role.

  The female lead was a rich heiress, a young woman who finds herself hooked on both the drugs and the man who supplied them. It was a gem of a role for Anna Lee. The part was challenging, but Zach was sure she had the talent to pull it off.

  Pushing himself from the chair, with his eyes half-closed he walked slowly up the stairs, into his bedroom and fell on the bed.

  I love that script. I must talk to Sam. I want it fast-tracked. It needs so little work. I hope he can see what I can.

  He was completely drained, and as he drifted off a small smile crossed his lips. Out of nowhere Kylie’s mini-tantrum and furious statement crossed his mind.

  ‘I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last man on the planet.’

  You’ll call, you’ll give Martha your address, and when I pick you up you’ll have some excuse, a reason why you decided to see me. You’re a brat, but you’re an adorable brat, and I want to spank you so badly.

  Seconds later, he was asleep.

  The dream began with him sitting in the projection room. He was alone, waiting for the film to start. It was dark, nothing was happening, then he realized he was in control and he needed to tell the projectionist to start the reel. Opening the arm of the chair he pressed the intercom button and gave the order. The screen flickered and Kylie appeared. She was wearing a very tight red dress, and turning her back to him she wiggled her hips.

  “Hey, big boy,” she winked over her shoulder. “You know I want it, and you know I want you, but I can’t admit it. That would be too easy.”

  Swiveling around on her very high heels, she stepped out of the screen and kneeled in front of him.

  “You want me to suck you, Sir?”

  Suddenly he was naked and she was kneeling between his legs with her lips around his cock. Gathering her hair into a pony tail he guided her movements, and suddenly his orgasm was about to burst into her mouth.

  “No,” she purred lifting her head, “I’m not going to make it that easy for you.”

  “You’ll do as I say,” he growled.

  “I keep telling you, I’m not easy,” she teased, “and you’re going to find that out. I’m not like anyone you’ve ever spanked before.”

  Zach’s eyes flew open. His heart was pounding and he had a bursting erection. Pushing back the bedclothes he grabbed his cock and began to rub. The image of Kylie on her knees before him swirled in his head, and as the climax gushed over his fingers he groaned and clenched his teeth, then dropping his hand away he reached across to his nightstand for a tissue.

  Good Lord, what was that? Was that a warning? A challenge? Am I totally nuts about that girl and don’t even know it?

  Before he could answer he was falling back into dreamland, but this time there was no projection room, no movie, and no naughty girl giving him an attitude, just a deep, peaceful sleep.


  It was midmorning before Zach was able to grab five minutes with Sam Golden, and as he walked into the CEO’s expansive reception area, Curtis Fielding hurried past him looking very unhappy.

  “Morning,” Zach said cordially.

  “Whatever,” Curtis grunted.

  Zach watched him march out into the passageway and shook his head. Dressed in blue jeans, a white silk turtleneck and a navy blazer, Curtis looked like an unattractive throwback to the seventies. It didn’t help that he had long wavy hair down to his collar.

  “You can go in,” Kevin announced.

  “On my way,” Zach smiled, and as he walked by Kevin’s desk he heard the young man mutter something.

  “Sorry, were you talking to me?”

  “I just said, it’s nice that some people know how to dress around here. You always look so together, Zach.”

  “Thank you. Glad you approve,” Zach replied, and clutching his script he opened the door and entered the inner sanctum of Sam Golden’s office.

  The large desk behind which Sam sat was a valuable antique. It was heralded as having once belonged to Louis B. Mayer, one of the founders of MGM and a Hollywood legend. Zach silently questioned the authenticity the story, but true or not the desk was an impressive piece of furniture, and gave the office and the man behind it an image of prestige and power.

  “I’m guessing you’ve got a script for me,” Sam declared.

  “That would be a good guess,” Zach replied.

  “I’m glad you prefer paper,” Sam remarked. “I like turning the page, going back and forth, not staring at the words on a machine.”

  “I can’t process a script the same way, reading it on a computer,” Zach agreed.

  “What have you got for me?”

  “It’s called Moonbeams and Fairy Dust,” Zach announced placing it on Sam’s desk.

  It was the way Sam liked things. He didn’t take a script or document from another person’s hands. It had to be laid on his desk in front of him, and he’d pick it up when the spirit moved him.

  “A children’s movie?” he frowned.

  “No, no, far from it. The title threw me too, but now I like it. It’s an intense story about a drug dealer who charms his way into the upper echelons of high society. He’s making a fortune, but the daughter of one of his clients, a girl who is the sole beneficiary to the man’s wealth, gets addicted, but not just to the drugs. She and this dealer end up crazy in love. It’s a gritty story that takes place in a glamorous setting.”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  “The thing is,” Zach said slowly, “I want-”

  “You want it to be made yesterday,” Sam chuckled interrupting him. “It’s written all over your face.”

  “It is? Ah, well, you’re right, I do,” Zach said soberly. “You know it’s one of the reasons I came here. You gets things done.”

  “Yep,” Sam nodded.

  Zach felt an inkling of hope as the great man reached down and picked up the script. It was a good sign.

  “I’d like you to think about Angelo Frattiano and Anna Lee for the l
eads while you’re reading it.”

  “Putting ideas into my head already?”

  “For me, they’re the obvious choices,” Zach said, “but of course if you see it differently-”

  “I’ll tell you,” Sam interrupted. “I can feel your eagerness, and I’ll read it over the next few days.”

  “That’s great, thanks, Sam.”

  “You haven’t fumbled the ball yet, Zach, and I don’t expect this will be any different.”

  “Knock on wood,” Zach mumbled.

  “Wood, schmood, you’ve got the eye, the instinct, that’s why you’re here. Anything else?”

  “No, that’s it for the moment.”

  “Catch ya later.”

  “Yep, thanks again, Sam,” and why do I always feel like I’m back in high school visiting the Principal?

  Walking quickly from the office and closing the door behind him, he let out a breath and mentally shook himself.

  “Don’t worry,” Kevin said knowingly, “everyone feels like that. Even the other heavyweights who visit him.”

  “He emanates power,” Zach said softly. “I wonder how that feels.”

  “You already know,” Kevin sighed.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re a young version of the man in that office. You’ll be him one day. Just remember I said that.”

  “Kevin, you always know the right thing to say,” Zach grinned. “I’m going back to work.”

  Feeling buoyed by the meeting and Kevin’s parting words, Zach strode back to his office. As he entered the small reception area Martha smiled up at him.

  “I have good tidings,” she declared.

  “You do?”

  “Let me rephrase that, I have tidings you think will be good. Miss Hollywood called and gave me her address,” she declared handing him a piece of paper. “She said you were expecting it.”

  Zach felt a surge of energy, but calmly reached out and took the message slip.

  “She’s just around the corner and down the street,” Martha said raising her eyebrows. “Won’t that be handy?”


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