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Exposing Kitty Langley

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by Deanna Kinney

  Exposing Kitty Langley


  DeAnna Kinney

  Exposing Kitty Langley

  Copyright 2013 DeAnna Kinney. All Rights Reserved

  Editing by Elaine Grice and Dandria Young

  Cover design and formatting by Laura Hudson

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the owner.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are fictitious.

  Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, places, or actual events are purely coincidental.

  Other books by DeAnna Kinney include:

  Charity Moon (Charity Series Book 1)

  Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

  Loving Lily Lavender

  Table of Contents


  A Quick Note from the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six


  About The Author


  This book is dedicated to Amanda, Sam, and all other victims of bullying and other abuse. Bullying, in any form, is never okay.

  A Quick Note from the Author

  Although this story is a stand-alone novella and the main characters are making their debut, some of you may recognize Levi and Charity, along with a few others from the Charity Series books. This story also takes place in the Town of Windrake Mountain and many scenes take place in the halls of the familiar West Windrake High School. I hope you love this story as much as I do. Thanks for taking your precious time to read it. If you like it, please drop a review by Amazon. Thanks again.

  Chapter One


  I remember the exact moment it all changed for me. One minute I was Kitty Langley, “a mean girl”, and one of the most hated girls at West Windrake High. In the next minute I was lost, no longer knowing where I belonged. I would come to discover that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  For almost four years now, I’ve been a cherished part of a very exclusive group called the Bee Hives, or the B’s, as most refer to us and with good reason. We’re the mean girls. No one messes with us unless they want trouble. Bunnie Stevens, our head B, and the most feared girl in school, befriended me in ninth grade. She said she spotted greatness in me, along with sadness. Greatness at what I didn’t know, but sadness—yes there was that. But something about her drew me in instantly. We seemed to have a connection of some sort. Now I wish I had run away as fast as I could. If only I’d known what was in store for me that’s exactly what I would’ve done, hindsight and all that. I guess I can’t say it was a total loss. I mean, I’ve learned some very valuable lessons along the way. Hmm, would I really change it all if I could? No—I guess not.

  My change really all began with my old friend Phoebe. She was always a sweet girl and accepting of me, no matter what. We were inseparable from second grade on, but we drifted apart when we entered high school. We no longer shared classes or even lunch period. She made new friends and well—I was left feeling abandoned and alone for the first time in my life. It was a miserable feeling, and the loss was painful. I walked around for days, all alone and confused. I also became angry—angry at her for leaving me behind. We had been so close. How could she leave me? So when Bunnie approached me in the lunchroom one day—I welcomed her and her friends: Bambie Wright, Muffy McGee, Heidi Talbot, and Tabby Jones. That’s one requirement for being a B; everyone has a pet name. Me—I already had mine. My mom and dad have called me Kitty since I was two and started talking. Kitty was the only word I could say, and I used it for everything, not to mention my eyes are green like cat eyes, so they began calling me Kitty. It stuck. I guess there are worse things.

  You might think that because I was a bully that meant I had a bad childhood or was abused or something like that, but I wasn’t. In fact I had a good childhood with loving, accepting parents. But I always felt there was a mean streak I couldn’t explain, deep inside, waiting to emerge. I guess being surrounded by other mean girls gave me the excuse to let it out. I only wished I were stronger and could have resisted those urges. Little did I know that growing stronger would come at a price—one I would pay for in blood—my own blood. Oh yes, I would learn my lesson the hard way.

  It was Friday, and I was supposed to meet the girls in the hallway in front of Heidi’s locker before our last class. Among other things, we needed to discuss plans for Trent Alexander’s party that night. I didn’t know Trent all that well, but Bunnie seemed to like him and so the party was all they cared to talk about. I was running behind, making people move out of my way as I darted through the hallway. I spotted my friends gathered around some poor girl, and Bunnie was taunting her relentlessly. I laughed and ran to catch up. Suddenly, I froze as I recognized the fiery red hair and freckled nose—Phoebe. I was shocked. Bunnie knew our history and had never targeted her before. What had happened to change that? Had Bunnie said something to her and Phoebe felt she had to protect herself? I wouldn’t doubt it. Phoebe was usually one to speak her mind. Bunnie had her backed against the lockers with a fist full of her hair and was jerking it.

  I suddenly had a flashback of Phoebe and me spending countless hours in the clubhouse in her backyard. We did everything in that clubhouse. We camped out many nights and told scary stories. We would scream and run for cover of the house when her younger, pesky brother, Dale would sneak up and scare us. I remembered when she bought me my favorite doll for my seventh birthday, our first school dance, and how she let me cry on her shoulder after my first breakup. The last memory I had was the night she came to my house crying after her mom and dad had a bad fight. She cried as she hugged me, saying I was the best friend she had ever had and that she loved me like a sister. I missed her. After I became a member of the Bee Hives, she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. This only pushed me further in and added to my growing anger.

  I was pulled back into the moment when I heard Phoebe squeal in pain. Without warning, something inside me snapped. It was like a film was ripped violently off of my eyes, leaving me able to see clearly for the first time in almost four years. I was filled with disgust, regret, and more importantly, anger. I instantly knew what I had to do. I grabbed Bunnie from behind and shoved her roughly, slamming her against the lockers a little harder than I meant to.

  “That’s enough, Bunnie! Leave her alone!”

  She glared at me, first in shock and then her face grew red with rage. “How dare you do that to me!” she barked.

  What I said next, I realized, was long overdue. “I think it’s time I left the Bee Hives.”

  It looked as if her face was going to explode. “You will regret that! No one leaves the B’s! Trust me. You will regret that for sure! Come on girls!”

  I thought about saying some
thing to her, an apology perhaps, but my voice didn’t want to cooperate.

  She stomped off, slamming the doors open as she exited.

  The others stared at me in confusion for a brief moment, as if they didn’t know where their loyalties lie, before following Bunnie down the hall and out the double doors.

  I had done it now. There would be no escaping what they had in store for me as payback. I finally glanced over at Phoebe, her expression pure shock. Then she too turned and exited the building without a word. Everyone else who had gathered to watch also left, but not before they made sure I heard their comments. I was gonna get it, and everyone knew it.

  It was hard to believe I’d given all my high school years to the B’s, eventually becoming Bunnie’s top girl. At first I was reluctant, standing back and watching their cruelty, but before long I had gotten sucked into the madness. The constant encouragement I received when I completed something fearless was somehow fulfilling for me. I know how crazy that sounds, but it’s true. They all looked up to me, thought I was cool: a trendsetter. I found the feeling addictive, and I relished in it. How had I come to this? Allowing the feeling of acceptance to turn me into a monster? However, in less than a minute it was all gone, and yet, I somehow felt relieved. But shouldn’t I be miserable—feel lost and sad? Well, I didn’t. Not even a little bit. Not in that moment anyway. It felt good to stick up for Phoebe—very good in fact. How many people get a second chance? I felt like a brand new person. So this was what a conscience felt like. I liked it, but I knew the feeling wouldn’t last.

  Chapter Two


  “Reed!” My friend Haley called, running to catch up to me in the hallway. “You will never guess what just happened?”

  I stopped at my locker, fiddling with the combination. “You’re right,” I said, jerking it open. “I’ll never guess.”

  “Kitty Langley just defended some girl Bunnie was attacking, and rumor is that she’s been kicked out of the B’s and is now a target! Isn’t that awesome? Finally some payback. Personally, I hope they beat the crap out of her.”

  “Gee, remind me to never get on your bad side.”

  “Well, don’t you think it’s about time Kitty Langley got a taste of her own medicine?”

  “Honestly, I don’t care. I have more important things to think about.”

  “Oh yeah, like what?”

  “Like my music, getting prepared for college, and getting a costume for this stupid dance Saturday night. I don’t guess there’s any way I can get out of going, is there?” I gave her my best puppy dog expression. It usually worked on my sisters.

  “You’re breaking my heart, Reed—but a deal is a deal. You lost the bet fair and square, and now you have to pay up. And don’t forget—I’ll be wearing a purple eye mask. And the kiss better be good.”

  “Oh it’ll be good. Don’t you worry about that, but one kiss and that’s it. Then my debt is paid—got it?”

  “Got it. Geez, it shouldn’t be this hard to get a guy to kiss me,” she mumbled.

  “I already told you, Haley, we’re just friends, okay? I don’t wanna mess that up.”

  “I know, I know. It’s no big deal—one kiss and you’re free. I’ll see ya tomorrow night. Don’t be late, or I’ll come looking for you.”

  “Fine, see ya.” I slammed my locker closed and headed down the hall toward my last class.

  I really wished Haley would just accept that I only see her as a friend. We got along so much better before she started in with the dating crap. I just couldn’t see myself dating her—ever. I mean, she’s a great girl, and I even think she’s cute, but I just can’t feel that way about her. I’ve tried. I even went out on a date with her once, her persuading, of course, but it was too weird. I never entertained the idea again. And it seems I’ve learned my lesson to never make a bet with her ‘cause she’ll win every time and then I’ll get stuck having to kiss her, like Saturday night at the dance.

  I wasn’t even going to go to the dang dance until she pouted and threatened not speak to me. It’s not like she’s my only friend, but I hate the idea of her being angry with me. I’m a sucker, I know. Then I lost that stupid bet. She used that to not only get me to the dance, but to kiss her there. I had it all figured out though: find her, kiss her quick, and then get out of there. My music keeps me busy enough without all the hassle of girls. Who needs ’em? If I stuck around at the dance, girls might want to dance with me, and the last thing I needed in my life was drama. If I’ve learned anything from living with a house full of females is that wherever there are girls—there is always drama.

  Chapter Three


  I appraised myself in the mirror. The nineteenth century gown was exquisite. It was worth the hundred and fifty bucks I paid for it. My dark auburn hair was pulled up into a fairly believable style for the era, and my makeup was perfect. At least as perfect as it was gonna get. The mask would cover most of it anyway. I didn’t really know why I was going to the dance. None of my friends would even answer my calls. I guess I felt like I needed to apologize to Bunnie. I mean, I suppose I was slightly out of line. Anyway, I was going to the stupid dance to find Bunnie and apologize. If she didn’t accept then at least I tried, and that was all I could do. Actually, I didn’t really care if she forgave me or not, except I wasn’t overly fond of the idea of getting my butt kicked. I’ve always been a wimp when it comes to pain.

  “Oh, Kitty, you look amazing,” my mom said, snapping off a picture or two.

  “Thanks, Mom. Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s working late. He should be home by the time you get back tonight. Don’t be late. 11:30—no later.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Okay, baby. Have fun.”

  “I will,” I lied. I was sure the dance would be anything but fun.

  When I arrived, the place was packed. I glanced around for the B’s but so far they were a no show. Then again everyone was in costume. Maybe I just hadn’t recognized them yet. I was making my way around the room when I spotted Trent Alexander. He was shoving through the crowd headed right toward me—and he looked angry—very angry. Surely he wasn’t mad because I didn’t show up at his party the night before. How could I have gone with the B’s angry with me?

  Then he began to shout, pointing straight at me, “Kitty! You’re mine!”

  Oh no! That didn’t sound good. Instinctively I turned and pressed my way through the crowd. Good thing I’m short. It makes escape a lot easier. What was his problem anyway? Truth is I thought it best not to find out.

  After a few turns and ducks I’d managed to lose him.

  I was peeking around Jonathan Edwards when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned, my eyes settling on a chest. I glanced up to find a tall figure staring down at me, his blazing blue eyes captivating me. I suddenly found myself at a loss for all rational thinking. I didn’t have to be a genius to see that this guy was gorgeous even with a mask covering most of his face. His lips were magnificent. I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from them. Until, without warning, they came down gently on mine. The shock quickly faded as I felt myself melting into it, opening up and welcoming it with eagerness. At first his lips were like a feather, gently grazing mine, but the moment changed quickly and our lips began moving in a deep rhythm as if it were rehearsed over and over again. My nerve endings were instantly on fire, burning every inch of me from the inside out. It was a kiss unlike any I’ve felt before. I was sure he felt it too.

  He slowly released me and peered down at me, his eyes going wide in surprise. “Wow, Haley, that was—”

  Wait. What? “Haley?” I asked in confusion.

  He appeared puzzled as he reached for my mask. Pulling it down, he froze. Then his expression turned to disgust. “Kitty Langley!” he snapped, ripping his mask off to reveal a dashing Reed Reynolds beneath.

  My mouth fell agape. “Reed Reynolds! No way!” Before either of us could react further I heard Trent yell o
ut to me, running toward me with fervent speed. I squealed and shoved past Reed, bolting out of the gymnasium and into the hallway. I ran with urgency down the darkened halls, turning right, left, then right again. At the end of the hall, I spotted the door leading to the parking lot and sighed in relief. I ran and pressed my full body weight into the door only to discover it was locked. I spun to see Trent come to a dead stop at the top of the hallway.

  “There you are! You won’t escape what’s coming to you! You think you can humiliate me at my own party and get away with it? I don’t think so, little princess.”

  I tried the door one more time as he ran at me, grabbing me around the upper arms and slamming me against the lockers. I squealed in pain. “Trent, I don’t know why you’re angry with me! I wasn’t even at your party!”

  “Shut up, you little b****!” He slapped me then, causing me to bite my lip. I licked and tasted blood.

  “Trent, stop!” I screamed as he began ripping my dress, pulling at it in all directions, not stopping until it was a ball of shredded fabric at my feet.

  Chapter Four


  I stood there in total shock. What had just happened? Had I just kissed Kitty Langley, one of the most hated girls in school? And worse—did I enjoy it? I licked my lips, remembering the sweet taste of her and then quickly shook it off, coming back to my senses. Wait, she was wearing a purple mask. Haley had said she would be wearing a purple mask. Had I misunderstood? Before I could comment she had bolted past me, the look of horror on her face as Trent Alexander ran after her. What was that all about anyway? Oh well, it was none of my business what was going on between the two of them. And yet, she looked terrified. I couldn’t fight the feeling that she was in serious trouble. Hated or not, I couldn’t turn my back on a girl in trouble. I was raised better than that. And I couldn’t get her terrified expression out of my head. Why, of all people, did it have to be Kitty Langley? “Ah man!” I huffed as I made my way out the door and after them.


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