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Exposing Kitty Langley

Page 2

by Deanna Kinney

  I heard her screams coming from the end of the hall to my right. I picked up speed and froze as I rounded the corner. Trent was towering over her, ripping her dress to shreds.

  “Now it’s you who will be humiliated,” he chided. “There’s no way for you to get out of here without being seen by everyone. And now your dress is ruined.”

  She just stood there, hands covering her face in defense. Had he struck her? With that, I gave no further thought to my actions as I bounded toward him, tackling him and putting his head into the lockers. I knew he was out cold before we hit the floor, his body going limp at once. I jumped to my feet, looking down at the still figure. I actually couldn’t believe I just did that. Did I just do that? I was more surprised at my strong instinct to protect. Where had that come from? I felt a little strange until whimpering brought me back to the moment, and the small girl trembling against the lockers as tears soaked her face.

  “Are you all right?” I ask, cautiously approaching. She didn’t answer. “Um, Kitty, did he hurt you?”

  She looked up at me then, her big eyes seeming disoriented and confused.

  “Kitty, I need you to answer me. Did Trent hurt you just now?” Then I noticed the blood on her lips. He had struck her.

  She began to slide down the wall to the floor. I took hold of her arm and held her up, trying to keep my hands from touching her bare skin as little as possible. After all, she’d just been attacked.

  Suddenly, I heard several girls’ laughter coming from somewhere else further away but heading in our direction. I knew she would be humiliated to be found this way. I really shouldn’t care. I mean, she had spent years being nasty to practically everyone in this school. This was really not my concern. I let go of her arm then, letting her slide gently to the floor. I was about to take a step, leaving the girl to her fate, when I spared one last glance at her. She looked pitiful, her face in her hands, resting her head against her drawn-up knees, and crying—of all things crying. I really hated that sound. It wrenched at me like nothing else. And I knew I couldn’t leave her there to be found like that. Mean or not, she was still a person.

  I can’t believe I’m gonna do this.

  She gasped as I scooped her up in my arms, but rested her head on my shoulder as I stormed toward the door. I reached and pulled for the knob. It was locked. I heard the girls’ laughter getting closer. I took a step back, and then kicked the door hard with my foot, sending it flying open. It hadn’t been locked after all—only stuck. I rushed through the door and into the cool evening air.

  In the safety of my car, she seemed to relax, the tears stopping at least. “Do you want to tell me what that was about?” I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot, heading for where I didn’t know.

  She slowly glanced over at me. “I wish I knew. Trent has never acted that way before. Not that I know him that well, but I’ve never heard of him being aggressive before.”

  “What did you do to him?”

  “I didn’t do anything to him.”

  “Oh come on. You must’ve done something for him to react that way.”

  “Listen, Reed is it?” I nodded. “Well, I appreciate your help, really I do. Without you I’d be back there being humiliated as everyone got an eye full. It was really nice of you to take me away from that, but I’m not in the mood to be accused any more tonight, if you don’t mind.”

  I sighed. “I’m sorry. Do you have any idea what set him off then?”

  “He said something about humiliating him at his party. I tried to tell him I wasn’t at his party, but he wouldn’t listen. I guess I don’t blame him. My guess is that the B’s set me up to take the fall for this. It’s the only thing that makes any sense.”

  “Well, I heard about the falling out you had with them, but do you think they’d do that to you? I mean, you guys have been friends for a long time, right?”

  She glanced over at me then. “Obviously you don’t know them at all.”

  “No, I don’t and never want to.”

  She lowered her head then, seeming sad.

  “Are you all right? I mean I saw the blood. Does it hurt?”

  “It’s nothing I don’t deserve. I actually deserve worse by the way I’ve acted all these years. I figure this is just the beginning.”

  I was surprised at her words. It was the last thing I expected Kitty Langley to say. I figured after the initial shock of her attack wore off she’d be angry. Then I would see the venom I’d been told about. But it didn’t come. She seemed humbled, something that I found surprisingly endearing. I shook my head. Okay Reed, don’t get suckered in by some helpless beauty. Use your brain! She’s a monster.

  I peered over at her small frame, clad only in bra and panties, and shimmied out of my jacket. “Here, wear this.”

  She took it eagerly, quickly wrapping it around her slight shoulders. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  As I drove down the windy, mountain road, she sighed. “Reed?”

  “Um, yeah?” I answered.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Sure, I guess.” I shrugged, trying to sound indifferent.

  “Tonight—for the first time in a long time, I feel free. I mean aside from being confused about Trent’s attack. It feels a little bit like I’ve been born again, if that makes any sense. I mean, I’ve been with the B’s for so long that it’s almost like I became someone else. It felt so good to fit in, and they looked up to me. I’ve never felt that before. I found that I liked it. It made being mean easier because I wasn’t doing it alone. I know that sounds crazy, even as I’m saying it, but that’s how I felt. But now everything is different. The moment I stood against Bunnie in school yesterday I knew it changed everything, and I thought I’d be sad about that, but strangely I’m not. I feel free. In fact—”

  I glanced over in time to find her pulling her hair out. I mean literally pulling her hair out! “What in the world are you doing?!” I asked in shock, trying to keep my eyes on the road.

  “I’m getting rid of everything that stands for the old Kitty,” she said, unhooking something in her hair, and after a few short minutes, pulled a heap of auburn hair free in her hands. “This is the old Kitty, and I never want to be that Kitty again.” She smiled as she rolled down the window and let her fake hair fly out into the wind.

  She then began poking her fingers in her eyes, pulling the contacts out one at a time, flipping them off her finger and letting them fly into the evening air.

  What she did next surprised me yet further. She pushed the button that rolled back my sunroof and stood, feet straddling our seats, and stuck her head out of the roof. “I’m free!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, laughing exuberantly.

  I had to concentrate extra hard at not wrecking. This girl was a total loon! Did Trent knock something loose when he smacked her?

  “Could you please come back in so I won’t wreck the car? That’s sure to put a damper on your newly found freedom.”

  She climbed back in but looked different, not the somber girl as before, but happy, refreshed, and she looked—pretty. Her big eyes were no longer sky blue, but green as the sea. I could make them out from where I was seated in the dark car, they almost glowed. Her hair was down, but instead of being to her waist, it now hung just below her shoulders in soft curls. I was surprised yet again by this petite girl sitting across from me; the girl with the green eyes and the most luscious lips I’ve ever seen. My eyes would’ve been drawn to them had I not needed to keep my eyes on the road.

  She told me where to go and soon we were parked in front of her house. “Thanks for bringing me home, Reed. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “No problem. How are you gonna get your car?”

  “Oh, I’ll make something up and Mom will take me to get it tomorrow.” She hesitated for a moment. “Well, here is your jacket back, and Reed, thanks for listening.”

  “You’re welcome, but you keep the jacket until Monday.” That statement was as much
for me as her.

  “Oh, thanks.”

  “No problem. What will you do on Monday?”

  “I’m not sure. For whatever reason I’ve been given a second chance, but I fear it’s gonna come at a cost, but whatever happens I deserve it.”

  I started to respond but she darted from the car and made her way around the front. When she passed my headlights, I was really glad I’d made her keep the jacket. She was small, but not too skinny, still curvy, with creamy, pale skin. It was almost too much. I fought to forget how it felt to hold her in my arms. What was I doing? This was Kitty Langley we’re talking about. I must’ve been totally insane to entertain any thoughts of this girl. For all I knew the whole night had been a set up by her—to get attention or something. I wouldn’t have put it past her. It wasn’t much like me to get suckered by some damsel in distress, and this one was sure to bring nothing but trouble.

  I was about to pull away when I noticed her walking past her front door and sneaking around the back of the house. What was she doing now? Curiosity got the best of me. I cut the car off and got out, following her around the house. I found her trying to lift a ladder against the roof. I hurried to grab it from her before it fell on top of her.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  She looked over at me in surprise. “Well, I can’t very well go in the front door in my underwear, now can I? How am I gonna explain that to my parents, who by the way, are waiting up for me? Please don’t look up.”

  Before I could answer she began scurrying up the ladder toward the flat roof outside of what I assumed was her bedroom window. I made sure not to look up, but I was tempted.

  She whispered down to me. “Do you mind putting the ladder back beside the house over there?”


  “Thanks. I’ll see ya,” she called, waving.

  I looked up then, and a sweet smile covered her face. “Yeah, I’ll see ya.”

  When I was back in the car, I pulled out my phone and called Haley, bracing myself for the tongue-lashing I was sure to get. “Hey, it’s me. I know, I know, but I have a very good explanation, and you’re not gonna believe what it is.”

  Chapter Five


  I was so glad to be back in the safety, not to mention warmth, of my familiar bedroom. At least here I could be myself. I went straight into my bathroom and decided on a hot bath instead of a shower. Maybe I could wash away the memories from the horrific night. No such luck; the evening replayed itself in my brain like a film on instant flashback mode. I kept seeing Trent’s angry face as he charged after me. What was it he had said again? It was something about humiliating him at his party. I was sure it was some setup by the B’s. I needed to find out what they did so I could set it right. But that was the least of my worries.

  As I lay there, emerged to my ears in hot water and bubbles, I tried to clear my mind from all the images from the dance, but one image seemed to haunt me: that kiss!

  Reed Reynolds! He moved to our town right before the school year began and would easily be classified as the most handsome guy in the school; he’s tall, with wavy, sandy blonde hair, and beautiful eyes of possibly the bluest color I’d ever seen. If his eyes weren’t enough there were his lips. His top lip was perfectly shaped, and his bottom lip was slightly full and pouty. To all the girls’ disappointment, they quickly learned that he was a little shy and way too focused on his music to be bothered by girls. He hung out with a small group of people, including a girl named Haley. I often thought they were a couple, but everyone said no—that he wasn’t interested in her like that. But at the dance, after the kiss, he called me Haley. If he was kissing her then they were definitely a couple. Oh well, it was for the best. I knew my life was about to become a nightmare. It was foolish to even think about bringing any guy into the equation. After what he did for me, the last thing I wanted was for him to be hurt because of me.

  After my bath I went downstairs to say goodnight to Mom and Dad.

  “Kitty,” Mom said in surprise, “when did you get home?”

  I had a story already thought out, and part of it was true. “Oh, well a friend brought me home because I wasn’t feeling well. I came in the door. I guess you guys didn’t see me. I hope you can give me a ride to get my car tomorrow.”

  “Of course, dear. Is everything all right? You look pale. And your lip?”

  “Oh yeah, well I ran into the back of someone at the dance and bit my lip. I’m fine. Nothing a little rest won’t cure.” Boy how I wished that were true. “Goodnight.” I kissed them both on the cheek and headed off to bed.

  The next morning, after I got dressed and had breakfast, Mom took me to the school to pick up my car. I spotted my flat tires as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. As we got closer, however, I realized that not only were all four tires slashed, but a deep scratch ran along the driver’s side of my door.

  My mom gasped. “Kitty, your car! Who would do such a thing?”

  I sighed, trying to fight the tears that sprang to my eyes. “It could’ve been anybody, Mom. My car was left here overnight. That alone is enough to invite destruction. It’s my fault. I should’ve known better.”

  “Oh honey. It’s not your fault. You weren’t feeling well. No one deserves this. We’ll have to call your dad and see if he’ll arrange to get it fixed.” She whipped out her phone and called him. He was upset. I could tell that from where I stood. I didn’t blame him though.

  “He’s sending someone to pick it up and put some new tires on it for you. He said they’d have it ready later this afternoon. I’m afraid the scratch will be a little harder to fix. You’re going to have to live with that for a while longer. I’m sorry, honey.”

  “It’s fine, Mom. I think I’ll live.”

  “You’re handling this very well. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I knew she could hear the sadness in my voice but thankfully didn’t persist.

  That night I had a difficult time sleeping, and all too soon the morning came. I dragged my feet out of bed and wished that somehow I didn’t have to face the day, but I had brought it all upon myself. No one could take my punishment for me. I was in this totally alone.

  I slowly nibbled on a Pop Tart as I fixed my shorter hairstyle straight and loose about my shoulders. I added just a touch of makeup, a stroke of blush, and a dab of lip-gloss, careful when stroking it across my sore lip. I squeezed into my size two faded jeans, pulled on my favorite lavender top, and laced up my Chuck Taylor’s, just before heading out the door and into the beginning of what was sure to be a horrendous day.

  Chapter Six


  “Who are you waiting on? Let me guess—Kitty Langley,” Haley said, her voice traced with contempt.

  “No!” I retorted. “I’m just sittin’ here waiting on the bell to ring, like every other morning.”

  “Yeah, except you can’t take your eyes off the parking lot.”

  Then I spotted a white Toyota Camry pulling slowly into the parking lot and even slower into a parking space. Haley followed my gaze as I watched the door open and a small girl step out.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said, jumping down from the wall and heading toward her.

  “I told you!” she yelled out to me—then stomped off in a huff.

  Kitty looked good, but cautious, walking with her head down.

  “Hey,” I said, stepping up to her.

  She glanced up then. “Oh hey, Reed. You shouldn’t talk to me.”

  I gazed down at her, her big eyes sad. “And why not? I just want to make sure you’re better.”

  “I’m better, but not for long. I have a big, red target painted on me, remember? You’d better stay clear of me. Have a nice life, Reed. Oh, and here.”

  Before I could respond she shoved my jacket in my hands and walked away without even so much as a backward glance.

  I was confused by her behavior. Didn’t she need a friend more than ever? Not that
I wanted to be her friend exactly, but she seemed so fragile—so vulnerable—and so dang sad. I didn’t like what those emotions were doing to me; drawing out feelings I wasn’t accustomed to having. Oh well, it was her life, what did I care?

  Later, I was making my way to the cafeteria when I heard a commotion. “Reed, there you are!” Haley said, breathless, but amused. “Kitty Langley is getting the crap beat out of her by some guy. I thought I heard someone say it was Trent Alexander.”

  “What!” I rushed toward the small crowd that had gathered on the cafeteria lawn and forced my way in front. Trent had Kitty pressed against a tree, yelling at her. She looked afraid. I started toward her when Trent grabbed her in his hands and threw her to the ground. I saw pain on her face as she landed hard on her back, her backpack still attached. She groaned as he stepped closer. I rushed in, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him into that same tree.

  “Leave her alone,” I said, my voice composed but angry.

  He struggled. “She deserves it for what she did at my party!” he yelled.

  “She wasn’t at your party.” I hesitated for a moment and then blurted out, “She was with me. We’re together now. We were trying to keep it a secret from the B’s.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “What? Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure. Whatever happened at your party you can bet the B’s are behind it. They have it in for Kitty now.”

  He seemed confused. “I-I thought Kitty was one of them.”

  “Not anymore.”

  He looked over at Kitty, still lying on the ground, her face full of surprise. “Kitty, is that true?”


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