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A WILDer Wonderland - Sexy Stories Of The Season

Page 3

by Angel Payne

  Sage flashed a gloating smile. “Yes, Sir.”

  He walked back to the bed with steps that were more authoritative than before. Without warning, he yanked the pie off the tray, leaving the fork behind. After ducking back out into the hall, he returned bearing her snow boots and what looked like a floor-length parka made out of decadently warm, thick material.

  He stood next to the bed for a long second before speaking again. When he did, the words were definitely not what she’d expected.

  “Are you wearing panties?”

  Sage straightened and gawked up at him. “Excuse me?”

  He expelled a long but controlled breath. “Are. You. Wearing. Panties?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t filter her irritated embarrassment. “Of course I am. What the hell—”

  “Are they wet?”

  Now she blatantly sputtered. “Garrett, what kind of—”

  “All I want is the answer. Yes or no. Are your panties wet? Are you aroused right now, Sage?”

  She fumed and picked at the coverlet. “All right. If you have to know, then yes. They’re wet. You’d turn a diehard lesbian into a puddle right now. Happy?”

  “Considerably.” When he finished that by brushing the hair from her forehead, she sighed. As his hand continued into the rest of her hair, gently tugging the strands to turn her face up to him, she groaned. Past his subtle smile and all that delectable scruff, he directed, “You’re going to get up now. Then you’re going to go check on Race before returning here, where you’ll get completely naked. Put on this parka and the boots then join me in the barn in ten minutes. There’ll be discipline for tardiness.” He released her and stepped toward the door but turned back, eyeing what must have been the most stunned stare she’d ever worn in her life. “Better pull back the hair, sugar. Wouldn’t want to tangle it in the equipment. And yeah…bring the panties.”

  Without another word, he left the room. The silence that descended in his wake didn’t provide any buffer from her continuing jolts of sheer shock. Nor, she realized, did she want it to be. Though her heart thudded hard enough to make her shake and her lungs ached from holding her breath, every word of her man’s commands rolled through her senses with exhilarating promise. There was going to equipment. There was going to be discipline.

  At last.


  Garrett relished the powerful crunches of his boots against the barn’s hay-strewn floor as he descended from the loft. It was chillier down here despite the space heaters he’d started to crank an hour ago, but that was okay. The loft was warm and, by the end of the night, was likely to be downright torrid. That was completely fine by him.

  Why the fuck had he waited so long to do this?

  Bewilderment spurred the question more than regret. Tonight wasn’t for compunction. It was for reconnection. Reclaiming every inch of his woman. Stamping himself anew onto her body, spirit, and mind. Giving her senses the freedom they needed, so her soul could fly.

  He silently thanked the Big Guy upstairs for Wyatt and Josie’s intrepid wisdom. But he’d just finished when Sage walked in, making him realize the message to Heaven was incomplete. Even in Josie’s poofy parka and the big furry boots, the woman looked like an angel sent just for him. Aside from the knowledge that she was completely nude under the garments, he was captivated by the golden cloud of her upswept hair, the reverence of each step she took, even the sweet uncertainty across her spun-from-the-clouds face. She was breathtaking. She was also completely his for hours to come—if his erection didn’t go into battering ram mode on his leathers first.

  Wordlessly, she approached him. Her gaze never rose higher than his chest, indicating she’d already started to piece together what his summons was all about. Like he was going to let either one of them forget? The corners of her mouth tilted up a little, lending to the overall mien of peace that palpably flowed from her. Damn. The way she glided right back into her submissiveness…it astounded and humbled him. She didn’t just want to submit to him. She needed this. And as she dipped her head lower, offering everything she was to him, the realization slammed that he needed it, too. He would never deny either of them again.

  “Fancy seeing see you here, mister,” she said softly.

  His first temptation was to flip a cute jibe right back. Instead, he firmed his jaw and held out a hand, palm up. “Panties?”

  Dutifully, she dug in the coat’s pocket and pulled out her lace thong. Once she pressed it into his hand, he ran his thumb over the material until finding the damp patch in the crotch. Fuck. Just a few minutes of their verbal foreplay had made her pussy produce quite a puddle.

  After he rubbed the spot a few times, he lifted his thumb and licked it with slow enjoyment. Sage’s high mewl was as perfect to his ears as her taste was to his mouth. “Delicious,” he murmured. It was the total truth. He loved knowing how her body responded to his power, how wet her cunt became for him. He showed her his pleasure by leaning down to kiss her, deliberately giving her just the tip of his tongue with the contact. He wasn’t in a hurry to take back every inch of the body and desire that were his alone to control.

  “Mmmm…more.” The pleading cry had clearly been smoldering in her and finally exploded out. Garrett witnessed the conflict on her face and stifled a chuckle. Perhaps not every part of his wife was fully on board with re-embracing her submission. That was all right, too. He’d have more than enough pleasure showing her the way.

  He gently tilted her face back up, giving her another teasing kiss. But when she sighed and parted her lips, coaxing his tongue in, he pulled back.

  “We’re just getting started, sugar.” He made it more an admonishment than a reassurance this time, which turned the grass of her eyes into a dark forest of desire. So goddamn mesmerizing. He was able to tear himself away after a few long seconds, taking one of her hands and pulling her toward the stairs that led toward the loft. Once they stood at the bottom, he couldn’t temper his grin in response to her puzzled glance. The fact that his aunt and uncle’s “dungeon” was hidden in one of the highest points on the farm was an irony nobody had missed. But at this point, with his woman looking this fucking irresistible, he wouldn’t have cared if the play space was in the middle of the front drive.

  He beckoned her to start climbing in front of him. If she tripped or lost her balance, he needed to be on the right end to catch her. She made it up without a problem then stood in place, waiting for him—though when he joined her, he saw that her stillness had less to do with obedience and more to do with amazement. Couldn’t blame her for that. He’d fired the same reaction at Wyatt this afternoon when his uncle brought him to help with setup. Wasn’t every day that a guy got invited to play in the Kinky Barn, where velvet blankets atop strategic hay bales became an instant spanking bench, an old Hawkins wagon wheel was transformed into a bondage lattice, and an equally ancient plough was outfitted with a pillow and leather straps that would place a cute subbie into a very interesting position. In addition, a fucking swing was suspended from a rafter next to a wrought-iron bed that had been Wyatt’s splurge, custom-ordered from a local lifestyle furniture maker according to the exact space specs of the loft. Garrett had wasted exactly two seconds being stunned Wyatt had found such a guy in Iowa before focusing fully on what he wanted to do to Sage on that expansive leather pad.

  Ohhhh, yeah. He’d started formulating his plan that very moment—and tossed it all out the window within the last fifteen minutes. It was all he could do not to congratulate himself for the new plot with a snicker, though his grin must’ve given some of his wicked intent away, judging from the way Sage threw her gaze between him and the bed…and what he’d placed on it.

  Time to remind her who called the shots tonight.

  “Eyes back here, sweetheart.” His blood heated as she complied, though she looked a little anxious about it now. The feeling of having her trust, even in the face of her uncertainty…it heated his blood, powered his fortitude, moved his soul. “Thank yo
u,” he murmured, kissing her forehead.

  “Thank you,” she returned, raising a radiant smile. “This is all…amazing.”

  He stepped away from her by a step, though he filled the simple move with purpose, extending his arms to his sides and leveling his shoulders. “I appreciate the words, sugar…but now it’s time to show me your gratitude.”

  Her breath caught at that. He savored the sound nearly as much as the gift she gave him next. With ballet-like grace, Sage unzipped the parka then let it fall from her body. She pulled out of the boots next. After stepping away from the mound of clothing, she lowered to her knees in front of him. Garrett let her hear his lungs stopping now. She’d spent the last five months in embarrassment about what the pregnancy had done to her body, moaning that she wasn’t the size of a starving model anymore. He used this opportunity to tell her exactly what he thought of that bullshit now.

  “Holy Christ. I’ve never seen you look more beautiful.”

  She answered by rolling her eyes at his kneecaps, which sent a spear of fury straight into his chest. Gripping her chin in a hand, he forced her gaze back up at him. Defiance fired in her eyes, almost daring him to challenge her on this subject, one about which she’d been pretty damn vocal since Racer’s birth. But he was ready for that dare. And ready to do a lot more than challenge her on it.

  He let a low growl unfurl before demanding, “Who are you when we’re together like this?” After a few long seconds of her tight silence, he squeezed tighter. “Who. Are. You?”

  Her jaw trembled beneath his fingers. Her surrender wasn’t so easy when it meant capitulating the control on her warped body image. Garrett waited again, watching the war of her will and her desire play across her face. At last, in a tiny rasp, she responded, “S. I am S.”

  He relaxed his hold a little, stroking her cheek with his thumb to indicate how deeply she’d pleased him. “And who am I?”

  “You are Master.”

  “The Master who’s still staggered by what your body did to bring our boy into the world. And the Master who’s insulted every time you speak a word of shame against it. So from now on, whether you’re in the grown-up playroom with me or the toddler playroom with Race, the second you trash-talk your figure is the second you’ve earned yourself twenty swats with the slotted paddle.”

  Her face constricted. Her eyes glittered like angry emeralds. “Twenty? Are you serious?”

  “Serious is one way of putting it.” He flattened his lips. “You insult me when you attack your body, S. And I don’t take insults lightly.”

  “You also don’t take safe words lightly.”

  “No, I don’t.” He returned her victorious smirk with, “But I have a damn good recollection of how much my little girl loves to be edged on orgasms.” After she shot him a furious groan, he murmured, “I take it we’re square now?”

  Her mouth stiffened, too. But she replied in a mutter, “Yes, Sir. We’re square.”

  “That’s good, because it’s time for you to honor your body in another way.” He nodded meaningfully toward her slice of chocolate pie, which he’d placed where the pillow should be on the bondage bed. “You haven’t finished your dinner yet.”

  After pulling her up with care, he tugged her over and watched her gaze get bigger upon approach to the other item on the bed: a triangle-shaped positioner cushion. Normally, Garrett would instruct her on what he wanted, but tonight was all about stamping I Am Master all over her psyche once more. Without hesitation, he lifted her and positioned her to lie face down, with her waist caught by the pillow’s apex. Before she could get out one huff of protest, he’d yanked over one then both of the leather wrist restraints, clipped onto chains that attached to the bed’s sides, and secured her into them.

  She’d been beautiful at his knees.

  She was breathtaking now.

  With her arms stretched out and her ass in the air, she had to spread her knees a little to maintain balance. Garrett secretly smiled when he anticipated her having to widen them again once he gave her his next command.

  “Lift your head, S…and eat your dessert. Every bite. I’m watching.”


  Was he freaking kidding?

  Sage received the answer to her internal rant pretty fast, in the form of her Dominant’s firm steps around to the head of the bed—right where she could lift her head for an eyeful of a beautiful erection defined by soft black leather. She could’ve sworn his cock pulsed as she gazed at it…not the most helpful observation in her fight to win back a little dignity here.

  Was she really going to do this? Eat a slab of chocolate cream pie like some tethered slave girl?

  But if she did…would that make him harder? Bigger?

  There was only one way to find out. And damn, the pie was good.

  She tilted her face and let the tantalizing cocoa smell draw her toward the plate. Since he’d given her no choice, she had to use her tongue as a fork, dipping into the sweet filling and scooping it into her mouth.

  Garrett sucked in a hard breath. And the crotch of his pants stretched tighter.

  Sage sighed in return. She took another bite, willingly this time. She suddenly realized that it wasn’t such a tragedy to shove aside her pride, when the reward was her Sir’s clear gratification.

  One bite went in. Then another and another. Garrett said nothing else as she ate, but his tight grunts conveyed a thousand words apiece. Each was filled with deepening volume, growing need.

  When she looked down on what was sure to be her last two bites of the pie, Garrett tugged on her scalp to force her back. “Very good, little girl. You’ve done so well that you’ll enjoy the last of your dessert in a special way.”

  As he made the promise, he unzipped his leathers.

  Sage combined her moan with his as his erection burst free, powerful and huge, a milky drop already filling the slit at the top. Garrett braced his thighs against the latticed iron of the bed frame in order to take care of his promise with two hands. One fist claimed the base of his stalk, including his balls. With the other hand, he worked the pie’s filling up and down his length. The sweet stuff clung to every inch of him, making her gasp as the matching parts of her body reacted to his hedonistic perfection. Rich chocolate and the taste of his cock…the man was going to kill her with temptation.

  “Oh, Sir.” After the words fell from her lips, she kept them parted in need. “I’m suddenly very hungry.”

  Even Garrett’s arrogant hum didn’t stop her from craving the special treat he’d created. “Then who am I to disappoint my girl?” He guided his broad head to the tips of her lips. “Get every morsel, S. Believe me, I’m still watching.”

  His directive, thick and decadent as the cream that met her tongue at first lick, brought tears of happiness to her eyes. She’d missed this so much. Had longed so deeply to serve her Master again, to know he desired her like this, to feel needed in this way. She just hadn’t known how to ask. When she’d first attempted to talk about adding Dominance and submission to their relationship, Garrett had been so conflicted that it nearly tore them apart. Though he’d at last seen the deeper connection it could bring them and embraced his Dominant side, it seemed the switch was thrown the other way after Race’s birth. He’d been more than ready to touch her as soon as it was medically okay to do so…but their playroom door had stayed shut for months.

  With hope surging in her heart, she tongued and nipped at him. With heat conquering her blood, she savored his heady flesh mixed with the dessert’s decadence. With joy swooping across her soul, she listened to him shove out a tormented growl.

  “Oh, my little S…you’re so good to me.” He pushed himself into her mouth by until she took just the crown, teasing her. “Show me more. Open wider. I need to fuck your mouth.”

  She barely released a moan of acquiescence before he filled her completely, pushing relentlessly toward the back of her throat. She shut off her brain and descended into a state of pure animal reaction, takin
g breaths through her nose as she welcomed his invasion. When he drove into her again, she sucked him harder. On the third time, his balls slammed her chin.

  Through a fog, she heard Garrett’s harsh grunt. One of his hands twisted into her ponytail, using it to deepen his penetration. She loved every hot, primitive second of it. Rejoiced in being the sole instrument of his desire. Savored every sweet and salty inch of him, stretching her mouth and throat to their limits. Pushing her as nobody else could.

  “Fuck!” His voice was nearly all breath as he pulled away. He left her in that position, forcing her to stare at his glistening, dark red length while he composed himself. “Naughty S,” he growled. “You did that so well, I almost shot my cum into your mouth. And I am so not done with you yet.”

  He demonstrated that point by circling around to climb on the bed, positioning himself behind her. Because of the spread-eagle way he’d bound her hands, there was no way she could indulge even a peek at what he had in mind next.

  But oh God, were her ears working.

  When a low, repetitive hum filled the air, she couldn’t hold back her whimper of gratitude. The sound was better than a classic disco remix to her, and Garrett knew it. She had no idea if he’d borrowed the pulser wand or brought their unit from home, and she really didn’t care. She just needed it in her pussy…about five minutes ago.

  Her Master had other plans. Damn it.

  While leaving the pulser on, Garrett slid a couple of fingers along the cushions of her labia. “Well, guess who’s soaking wet.”

  The untamed edges of his tone were gone. His baritone was a silky strand of control once more. It turned her on even more than his growl and dipped her spirit deeper into the dark perfection of her submissiveness.

  It was from those shadows that she rasped to him, “S, Master. It’s S who’s wet and ready for you.”

  He pulled his hand away from her pussy and braced it to one of her hips, making her writhe in more urgent need as he replied, “I’m glad to hear that…but S isn’t getting anything until she has a little chat with Sage. She needs to deliver a message to Sage for me.”


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