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A WILDer Wonderland - Sexy Stories Of The Season

Page 4

by Angel Payne

  At this point, she’d agree to fly to the moon for him. She was halfway there, anyway. “S agrees. Dear God, she’ll do anything for you.”

  He took his time about answering that. A lot of time. Those extended minutes were filled with the magical teasing of his hands, roaming her entire body. He stroked her shoulders and dragged his nails along her neck. Cupped her breasts and played mercilessly with her nipples. Swept his big palms over her stomach, down her thighs, even along her calves and over her feet, playing with each of her toes. “You need to tell Sage how much I adore this body…but more importantly, how much I treasure the mind, the heart, and the soul inside it. Sage has been denying those needs for far too long. She’ll agree to talk to someone about her depression as soon as we return home to Seattle. Does Sage understand?”

  She paid back his pause with one of her own. It wasn’t intentional. Words were hard to form when one’s heart was bared as much as their body.

  She searched that heart for a scream of resistance, a snarl of how-dare-you. She should hate him for doing this, tying her down and arousing her to the point of quaking in need, but she didn’t. Garrett had finally embraced his Dominant side out of love for her, and they’d rejoiced together about the realizations it brought him: that when Master and S came together, they were committed to being naked for each other, emotionally and physically. Bringing her up here tonight equaled his version of opening up to her about how worried he really was for her. It was a step of honesty from the heart of her hero, and she owed him the same in return.

  Swallowing against the tears that welled and spilled, she finally managed in a whisper, “Yes, Master. Sage understands.”

  Garrett leaned and set her wrists free from the cuffs. He kept his big body pressed over her, his erection throbbing against her back. “Thank you.” He said it against her neck before biting her gently there.

  He pulled away once more but grasped one of her hands as he did, guiding her to sit up so he could scoop her off the bed. The command ingrained onto his face was plenty reason not to protest what he had in mind next. His erection, filling the V in his opened leathers, stressed the point even more.

  Another reason to gawk at him? As soon as he set her down in front of the plough, he peeled off his Henley, exposing the tawny magnificence of his shoulders, chest, and stomach. Now his erection had some company—and her mouth had something new to water for.

  Before she could entertain the fantasy of licking him from neck to navel, Garrett nodded toward the plough. “Down you go, sugar. Your head rests on the pad, and your ass fits into the opening between the handles.” A smirk lifted his lips. “I’ll take care of your legs.”

  Despite the confidence of his orders, she threw him a frown. “My head…goes down there?” Her stomach flipped when Garrett made like Thor with a glower and a cross of arms. “Okay, all right,” she muttered. “Yes, Sir.”

  With his help, she lay back in position. The angle wasn’t horrible, raising her body into a thirty-degree slant rather than the forty-five she’d expected, but with the way the headrest was positioned, she might as well have been blindfolded in terms of seeing anything Garrett had planned for her from the waist down. Or in this case, the waist up.

  But what she couldn’t see, she could certainly feel.

  He tethered her arms first, using a length of soft rope for the task. If the feel of the bindings and his knots weren’t enough of a taunt, the man made sure to stand between her thighs through every moment of the task, letting his erection once more press against her abdomen, directly above her sex. Driven crazy by desire, she tried to lift her hips, hoping a direct plea from her pussy lips would help hurry him along.

  Wrong move. Garrett lowered his palm in a firm smack to her mound, making her yelp in a crazy mix of pain and arousal. “One more move like that, little S, and I’ll forget I charged up the pulser.”

  She clenched her teeth. “Yes, Sir.”

  Garrett, the letch, gave a chuckle as if they were out on a Sunday picnic. How could he be so damn tranquil with a hard-on that spectacular? She quivered just thinking about him fucking her with it, filling her pussy until she screamed from the perfect pain of it, but he continued latching her into the leather leg straps, around her upper thighs, knees and ankles, like he had all night to drive her to the brink of insanity. Numerous times.

  “Comfy?” he finally drawled while checking the buckles on each strap again. Even the feel of him doing that made Sage wet with anticipation. With the exception of turning her head left and right, she was unable to move. Locked down, completely at the mercy of her Master. And sweet shit was he into the role tonight.

  Even knowing that, she couldn’t control the snarky bite in her reply. “Just fucking peachy.”

  Would she ever learn her lesson?

  Garrett rained two hard swats onto her pussy this time. “Still hanging on to the ‘tude a bit, sugar? That’s just fine with me. I have more where those came from. How ‘bout you?”

  Cocky bastard. He had to rub in the burn from the spanks by pressing at the outside of her labia, didn’t he? Sage gasped and let out a groan as he dug in both thumbs, knowing exactly where to press so her clit was teased to the max.

  “Oh!” She let it out just as he bent another finger in to spread her more intimate tissues, exposing that trembling ridge fully now. “Oh, please God!”

  “He’s likely around here somewhere, but why don’t you try talking to me, instead?”

  Cheeky, cocky, infuriating, sexy bastard.

  “M-Master…I’ll behave. I promise. I just n-need…”

  “What?” he prompted when she stammered into silence. “Tell me, S. What is it that you need?”

  “Ohhhh!” At first it was all she could muster, due to her Sir’s utterly abysmal, completely perfect, timing. Since he’d chosen to finish his question by moving the pulser wand to the first inch of her vagina, the Hold button on her brain got punched again. “More,” she finally squeaked. “I need more…inside me…this is driving me crazy…”

  “Mmmm.” He circled the toy in a bit further before teasing her clit with a tender pinch. “Those words are prettier’n a song from the first bird of spring, baby girl.” His voice dipped to a curious cadence. “But can you be more specific? Inside you, sugar? Where?”

  Sage squeezed her eyes shut. She wasn’t sure if her senses swam due to her upended position or his ruthless seduction, but her mind started an incredible flight. She was unable to focus on anything but every inch of skin he touched, every sexual nerve he awakened. “My—my pussy,” she stammered. “P-please…”

  “You want me in your pussy, sweet S? You want me to fuck you with my cock?”

  Wasn’t that what she’d been saying? Yeah, for all she knew, she was spewing out the weather report right now. “Y-yes! T-take me hard, Master, please!”

  His answer came after a maddening pause. “I’m more than happy to oblige, sugar.” He shifted, settling his hips tighter inside of hers. “Just wouldn’t want a fully-charged pulser to go unenjoyed by my beautiful S. Hmmm, what to do?”

  His roguish tone gave him away. He knew exactly what he was going to do. But so did Sage. Her sex was wide awake with the electric certainty of it.

  So was her ass.

  Sure enough, a significant click broke the air. He’d flipped open a plastic bottle. The naughty, slightly coconut scent of lube hit her nose in the moment before he slicked some against the rim of her anus. She released a tense hiss.

  “Relax,” Garrett encouraged. “Take a deep breath, S. Push out. You know how this works.”

  “I haven’t known for at least a year,” she countered. Her voice shook, though she knew Garrett would discern the arousal in it as well as the anxiety. This risqué aspect of submission had begun as one of her least favorites but quickly became a naughty delight after Garrett trained her ass to take it. Even when he’d been out on deployment, she’d had instructions for using plugs to keep her ready for his kinky fun back there.
/>   Fun that had stopped as soon as she hit her second trimester with Race.

  Which he’d clearly forgotten, since he dispensed more of the liquid now. He didn’t bother with coating his fingers first, either. The lube hit her hole with the force of its straight-from-the-tube chill.

  “Aaahhh!” She instinctively fought her bonds as the liquid slid down to new surfaces in her tunnel.

  “Mmmm.” Repeating the approval didn’t lessen the shit-eating satisfaction in Garrett’s voice. He accompanied it by swiping a finger around the ring of her hole, gently pushing as he went, gradually stretching her. It was a little painful. A lot sinful. And made her feel even more wildly wicked for him. “Goddamn,” he murmured, intensifying the effect, “your naughty little rose is so perfect.”

  Sage could only hiss again in response, because he began to work the tip of the wand into her entrance. There was another cold invasion as he poured lube along the length of the toy, silently confirming that he planned on getting the entire thing into her ass.

  Holy shit.

  “M-Master…it’ll never fit.”

  Instead of a verbal response, he only inched the wand in deeper. Right before he turned it on.

  Sage cried out in surprise and fury—and then awe.

  The setting he’d picked was a forceful one, awakening every cell that lined her erotic tunnel. With every other surge from the wand, she was forced to open wider. Between the beats, her muscles retaliated, clutching the wand tight. Like a disco light on the fritz, she was filled with blinding light one moment and plunged into tight darkness the next.

  It was an experience her ass would never forget—but she soon discovered that her pussy wouldn’t, either. Every throb from the toy rocked straight through her inner walls, vibrating her womb in tandem with her anus. Her thighs clenched against the straps, rattling the buckles as her vagina cried in need. It felt like a subsonic bomb of lust had been detonated in her body, decimating her mind and her will in the blast, too.

  “Fuck me, sugar. You’re like something out of a dream.”

  His growl sifted into her mind. Part of her completely agreed with him. Her senses swam as deliriously as her balance. The walls and ceiling of the loft ceased to exist. She’d be sold on the whole I’m-dreaming-this angle, if not for the pulses that served as blistering, beautiful reminders of her awake, alive state.

  She was going to add insane to that list if he didn’t fill her body with his soon. She tried to tell him as much in a beseeching wail. Surely he saw how her muscles quivered for him. How her pussy dripped. How her body hovered just a match strike between flame and inferno.

  I need to burn up. Master, please!

  Above her, Garrett readjusted his stance. He dug his fingers into one of her hips, lifting her a little and releasing a long, low growl. “I need to be inside this beautiful cunt.”

  He wasn’t getting any argument from her.

  Nevertheless, the barn rafters filled with her shriek as soon as Garrett thrust all the way into her. Yes, she’d craved this. But no, she hadn’t considered how her body would be pushed to its limits, stuffed full by two throbbing staffs united in one quest: to send her over the edge of sanity and into bliss.

  They sure as hell succeeded. Thoughts and concerns, worries and cares, even her damn name, were all evaporated by the incredible heat pounding at both her illicit orifices. Garrett’s strokes, along with the pulser’s incessant cadence, turned her into something that transcended logic, a living prism. Every color in the world blazed through her, set alight by the force of his passion and the magic of his love.

  The joy of it made her mouth part on a giddy sob. Her pussy flickered with a completion she’d never dreamed.

  “Master.” It tumbled from her on a gasp. “I—I’m going to—”

  “Oh yeah, little girl…my beautiful Sage. Do it for me.”

  She felt her head rolling back and forth on her shoulders. “I’m scared. It’s so much. It’s too much. I don’t know—”

  “Of course you know. And of course you can. Give it up for me, S. All of it!”

  The firestorm grew. More colors ripped through her, this time with exposed edges, tearing off pieces of her resistance as they did. No. Bring it back. It belongs to me!

  She had no idea that she’d let it spill out loud until Garrett snarled a countermand. “No. It belongs to me. You’ll give it over to me. All of it.” He began to fuck her differently. His strokes were longer, harder, deeper. “Right now, you exist to please me. And you’re going to please me by coming for me.”

  “Y-yessss, Massss—”

  She couldn’t say anything else. Her lungs seized. Her heart stopped. There was only Garrett now. His grip was her steel-strong anchor. His snarling breaths kept her alive. His cock, thick and dominating, injected new fire into her body with every ruthless thrust until the blaze consumed her whole, incinerating her from the inside out.

  She screamed. Or thought she did. For all she knew, she’d just sung the Star-Spangled Banner as her body imploded and her mind was pulverized into stunning silver dust. Garrett’s bellow of completion became a part of that mindless mix before he shot his torrent deep inside her, searing her walls…completing her soul.

  While he still rocked inside her, he switched off the pulser and carefully slid it out of her ass. The ropes around her arms came next. With a few deft tugs, they were loose enough to fall free. After unlatching her legs, he pulled her up by the elbows and guided her arms to encircle his neck. From instinct, Sage wrapped her thighs around his waist. The feel of his body inside her, around her…the knowledge that he was here, strong and alive…it brought a moment of peace she never dreamed of enjoying again.

  The comprehension swept over her like a surprise thunder squall. And her heart hadn’t brought an umbrella.

  “Don’t make me let go.” The words were barely a whisper, but his deep sigh told her that he’d heard.

  “Hang on as tight as you want, sugar. For the rest of our lives.”

  The gift of his strength, wrapped in such perfect softness, snapped off the last latches on her self-control. The sobs came, heavy and profound, raining from her heart in a devastating mix of fear and joy, heartache and elation, terror and triumph. She let it all crash over her as Garrett quickly unlocked her legs before carrying her back to the bed, continuing to hold her close.

  It was one of the most miraculous moments of her life.

  The realization made her spit out a giddy laugh. Yeah, she was a mess. She’d pretty much expected that. What she hadn’t foreseen was getting into the thick of this breakdown and having a moment of such surreal clarity, it made her openly gasp—and laugh.

  She’d spent the last five months wallowing in a swamp of self-pity when what she’d really had was a life. The Universe had brought her back from the dead, into the arms of the man with whom she shared a soul, with a ka-pow of everything life was supposed to be: the lows as well as the highs, the uncertainties as well as the securities, the tear-filled good-byes…as well as the treasured hellos.

  Just like the one she gave her husband now.

  “Thank you for rescuing me.” She settled a kiss on his sinfully rugged lips. “Again.”

  Garrett returned the kiss and kept his head dipped to keep her eyes locked on him. “You’re welcome, but you know it’s not all over yet. You’ll go see Shrink Sally once we’re home, Sage. It’s not a request anymore. You need to process some heavy shit, stuff I’m not mentally set up to help you with anymore.”

  “I know.” To prove she meant it, she framed his face with her hands and nodded emphatically. “I do.”

  “Yeah, and about that little phrase,” —he swept up her left hand and kissed the wedding ring on it— “you’re also ordered to start putting together that damn princess bride wedding you want to have, before I change my mind about agreeing to look like fucking Christopher Columbus.”

  She didn’t hold back her jubilant smile. “Readily obeyed, Sir! I prom…” Her own gasp sli
ced into the thought. “Holy shit, Master. Is that a fresh flogger between your thighs or has Renaissance fashion become a new fetish for you?”

  Garrett’s curled his lips in a sensual smirk. “I don’t fuck around with fetishes, woman.” The grin dissolved as his jaw clenched, his forehead furrowed, and his cock pushed against her aching walls. “That’s just my wife’s tight, sexy pussy making me hard all over again.”

  She gasped in delight as he lowered his grip to her waist and began pumping her onto his staff with defined purpose. Her thighs tingled; her clit stiffened; her body melted for him anew. “Well, one good ride certainly deserves another…”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely, my little S.”

  He sent more heat through her sex by raising one hand and tugging the tie of her ponytail free. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and teased at the tops of her breasts, guiding Garrett’s fingers to explore her rock-hard nipples as she kept up the sensual pace he’d set. The warmth didn’t stop in her pussy. Her entire being glowed with the renewed fire of their love, made possible by the boldness and bravery of her amazing husband…her Master forever.

  She gazed at the carved, perfect angles of his face, and kissed him again with the force of her adoration. “My hero,” she whispered.

  “My heart,” he whispered back.



  Featuring Zeke Hayes & Rayna Chestain


  It was a dark and stormy night.

  Zeke Hayes jutted a mental middle finger at the cliché. “Dark and stormy” he could deal with. This torrent was more like an all-access pass to Mother Nature’s water park, without the Churros and cheesy Beach Boys mixes. The deluge had hit the highway right at midnight, forcing him to pull his truck off at the exit for his apartment instead of Rayna’s house.

  At least The Guy Upstairs had waited to drown the earth until after Sage and Garrett’s wedding. Correction: makeup wedding. Sage had pulled out all the stops to compensate for she and Hawk’s first attempt at formal vows, which had been ruined by a madman who’d nearly killed Zeke and almost drug Rayna back to white slavery in Thailand. Though Garrett had marched Sage off to a civil ceremony in order to put the legal seal on things before their next deployment, Sage insisted on something with pomp, circumstance, flowers, food, music, and even her guy on a horse to sweep her off on a ride into the sunset. She’d gotten it all, including Garrett on a beautiful gray stallion, actually looking damn cool in the Renaissance wedding clothes she’d made them all wear. Yeah, it had been a pretty awesome day, until the second fucking flood of Noah.


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