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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 9

by Sierra Sparks

  “Dude!” laughed Killian. “I think so, yeah.”

  “We gotta keep this a secret though,” I worried. “The Dean won’t tolerate this.”

  “True enough,” said James. “I think we can keep it from him, but as long as our grades improve, I don’t think he’ll care what we do.”

  “How do we group date a chick?” I asked. “What’s the etiquette?”

  “Same as any girl, I guess,” said Killian. “I guess if we all see her together, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  “Wait, we always have to see her at the same time?” I asked. “That doesn’t sound that practical.”

  “Yeah, no, that’s probably not going to work,” admitted James. “We just have to be upfront and honest, I guess.”

  “So we could, like, take her away for a weekend alone?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, man! We’ll figure it out.” snapped James. “I mean, if this is a real relationship, you know--- It’s different than just banging sorority girls.”

  “I like it,” said Killian. “It is way better than making the rounds with the sorority girls. I’m amazed we ever found that enjoyable.”

  “You caught feelings that time.” I pointed out.

  “That doesn’t count,” he countered. “Everyone catches feelings at some point.”

  “Not me!” I insisted. “Not until now anyway.”

  “Look, we move forward, keep Amy in the loop and everyone else on the DL,” explained James. “As I see it, that would be the best way. The Dean doesn’t know, no one else knows but us.”

  “Won’t people figure it out?” I worried.

  “How?” asked Killian.

  “I don’t know!” I snapped. “Guys like us out of circulation. They see us with Amy all the time. The pieces are there!”

  “We just have to be careful,” said James. “Just calm down.”

  “Fine,” I agreed. “Just one other issue.”

  “What?” asked James.

  “If she becomes our girlfriend, I want her to get on the pill so we don’t have to use condoms.”

  “Oh, yeah. Absolutely,” agreed Killian.

  “But you can’t fuck around on her, Killian,” I insisted.

  “Why’d you single me out? I’m not going to cheat on her! You’re the quarterback. You got cheerleader tail throwing themselves at you all the time!”

  “True, but he’s not a horndog, like you,” said James.

  “God! What is this? Gang up on Killian Day? I’ll be cool! I haven’t cheated on any of my girlfriends. And none of them were as hot Amy. I may have been a player in the past when I was single, but, now that I met her, I can’t even think of being with any other chicks.”

  “I know what you mean, exactly. That’s the goal then, relationship and no condoms. Man, that’s going to be hot!” said James. “It’s pretty awesome now, but can you imagine?”

  “I know, dude,” I agreed. “Smokin’ hot. Quite frankly, I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t come back at us suggesting it next time we see her.”

  “I just don’t want her recruiting any other guys,” added James.

  “Aw, hell no!” Killian and I both said.

  “No, bro,” said Killian. “If you guys weren’t family, I don’t know if I’d even do this.”

  “Right?” asked James. “Besides, we wouldn’t be able to trust another dude. No. It’s all or nothing.”

  “Right,” I agreed.

  We were in uncharted territory, but I didn’t mind. Sometimes you had to try new things. The nice thing about this was that my brothers and I could rely on each other. If one of us was about to screw up the relationship somehow, the other two could put the other in line.

  And by “screw up” I mean Killian, of course.

  Chapter 19:


  Four wonderful weeks went by. The time just seemed to fly. I suddenly was very busy. Between class, tutoring and my new relationship with the boys, my dance card was full.

  The boys and I had to go way off campus to have a date in public. We didn’t want the Dean or anyone on campus to know about us. PDA was forbidden too. On the off chance if someone did see us, at least I could make the excuse that it was late and the group was just grabbing a bite together or something. Our college careers were, sadly, dependent upon discretion.

  Faith and I continued to drift apart. I had been open to patching things up, but Faith drew a line. She even moved her room further away from me on campus. Maybe it was for the best. If she couldn’t accept my new lifestyle, that way she didn’t have to see anything.

  Over the last couple of weeks, I had upped my wardrobe and not just in the bedroom. No longer did I dress as a frumpy academic. I had gotten a few fashion magazines and went online. I was still professional looking, but also way more fashionable.

  I went out and got a new haircut. It completely redefined my face and head. My old hairstyle made my head look too big and kind of crunched down. My new style framed my face and I spent money on highlights that really paid off.

  While I was at the salon, I got a manicure and pedicure. Plus I consulted with one of their makeup people. I really had been doing my makeup in a slapdash way. With some new tips and buying some better cosmetics, I was getting much more spectacular results.

  So you can imagine the shock on my cousin, Riley’s face when she unexpectedly dropped by campus. She had been calling and texting, but for various reasons I had put her off. Normally, I was really good about getting back to people, but I had been so crazy-busy, I would just forget.

  “Oh, my God, Riley. I’m so sorry I didn’t call you back!” I immediately said. “How are you? Come in.”

  Riley hugged me. She looked a little shocked.

  “Holy shit, Amy!” she squealed. “I barely recognize you. Oh, my God! You look tremendous! I love what you’ve done with your hair and clothes and makeup.”

  Riley came in and sat at my desk. I sat on the bed. Dorm furniture was always very sparse. Never really designed for having visitors to your room.

  “I am so sorry I didn’t return your call,” I said again. “I’ve just been so busy with school and tutoring and--- So many things.”

  “I figured, but I was a little worried. I got the hubby watching Drew, so I took a little me time. So what sparked this whole makeover? And why wasn’t I consulted?”

  She was teasing, but normally I would’ve done stuff like that with Riley. Now that she had a kid, it was hard for her to find the time. I could tell she was genuinely happy for me.

  “Well, I’m in a relationship and about a month ago, things really changed for me,” I explained. “I owe part of that to you because of our last phone call.”

  “Really?” she said, laughing nervously. “Please tell me I gave you good advice!”

  “I think you did!” I smiled. “You said that whole thing about looking back on my life fifty years from now?”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” she said, remembering.

  “I decided you were right. I had to take the plunge and make a move,” I explained. “So I did. Now I’m in a whole thing and it’s great.”

  “Wait, one of the O’Connor boys, right? Oh, my God! Amy!” she laughed. “You’re my hero! I love it! Tell me all about him. I forgot which one you were seeing.”

  “Well, there’s more to it than that,” I cautiously explained. “You’re my cousin and I don’t want you to judge, okay? Because I’m really happy, so if this sounds weird to you--- My best friend, Faith, already like hates me.”

  “Why?” she said suspiciously. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m dating all three O’Connors at the same time.”

  The sentence didn’t seem to register with Riley. Her brain wouldn’t process it at first.

  “Wait, what do you mean? I don’t understand. You mean, you’re secret dating all three guys and they each don’t know? That’s nuts!”

  “No,” I said clarifying. “I’m actually dating all three together. We’re in a relationshi
p together. The four of us.”

  Riley looked away for a moment, trying to process.

  “Uh, so, you’re not having sex with them? Is this some kind of platonic thing?”

  “No,” I laughed. “This is definitely not that. We have been intimate. All four of us. Together.”

  “Whoa! Are you serious?” she gasped, eyes going wide. “You let the O’Connors gangbang you?!”

  “Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, but we’ve been having sex for like a month,” I explained. “But you can’t tell anyone. I’m not sure people would understand. And the Dean can’t know.”

  “Wow. Just wow,” she said, a little stunned.

  “Are you okay with it?” I cautiously asked.

  “Amy, of course! You’re my cousin! Whatever makes you happy, babe. I’m just--- Wow, I don’t know what to say. I have so many questions!”

  “It’s fine. Ask away,” I offered.

  “So whose idea was it? How did it all start?”

  “Remember I told you Killian fingerfucked me in the library while we were studying?”


  “That same day, his brother, Teagan comes to my room to get tutored--- But instead, he ends up eating me out on my bed. It was incredible.”

  “Holy shit! Now that’s the kind of college hijinks I expected. Wow, you’re like some kind of sexual explorer. I thought I had some wild times!”

  “Anyway, I thought maybe they were using me, right? To get by on their tutoring? So afterwards, I went over to Killian’s to confront him about it and he had just gotten out of the shower. I was so wound up from what happened. It was like all my repressed sexual energy came out, ya know? The next thing you know, we’re fucking in his room! And it’s like intense, hot sex, right?”

  “Yeah? I’ll bet he has a great body.”

  “Oh, my God. Muscles everywhere!”

  “How’s his cock?”

  “Big. Solid, pretty wide.”

  “Now see, normally you’d blush at that question. Now you’re just answering it. Look at you!”

  “So Killian is pounding me, right?”

  “Wait, there’s more?”

  “Yeah. And Teagan walks in on us. And I’m just like, get in here. And they ended up both doing me.”

  Riley fanned herself with a magazine.

  “Oh, my God. I’m getting flushed,” she laughed. “And his cock?”

  “Longer. Thinner. He really knows what he’s doing.”

  “So wait, how did the third brother get into the mix?”

  “James came over later after he heard what happened and I just decided to fuck him.”

  “Get the fuck out of town!” laughed Riley. “Holy shit! Who am I talking to? What have you done with my cousin?!”

  “I know, right? Sex now is completely different for me. I used to be afraid of it, but now it’s like a luxury I indulge in. Ya know?”

  “God, you’re so hedonistic now!” laughed Riley.

  “And James’s cock is massive. I mean, big. Like pornstar big.”

  “Holy shit. This whole conversation is making me hot. I can’t wait to get home. I am going to bang the shit out of my husband. He’s not going to know what hit him.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay with it,” I said in relief. “Faith just hates me now.”

  “That judgmental bitch,” muttered Riley. “Where does she get off?”

  “I’m really worried she’s going to tell someone.”

  “So what? None of this is anyone’s business when you get right down to it,” said Riley. “Besides, you’re in the catbird seat! As long as you don’t object to it, it’s not like they’re going to go after the boys.”

  “Yeah, I just worry, though.”

  “Keep it on the down low.”

  “We have.”


  There was an awkward pause.

  “I gotta ask,” began Riley.

  “Go ahead, it’s fine.”

  “You’ve had all three cocks inside you at the same time?”


  “What’s it like?”

  “Incredible. It’s like orgasms going off all over your body,” I tried to explain. “I cum so much with them. I never considered myself very orgasmic, but now--- I’ve had more orgasms in the last month than I’ve had in my entire life times ten. Easy. There’s nothing like it. Being sandwiched between the boys while they fuck you. God! I’m getting flushed just thinking about it.”

  “This has been an amazing conversation, but I have to go home and have sex with my husband right now,” Riley said. “I’m just so happy for you. Handling three guys in a relationship? I mean, satisfying them? It’s impressive. Seriously.”

  “Thanks cousin. And I promise I’ll return your phone calls and text sooner.”

  “If not, I know you’re probably getting banged from three different directions!”

  Chapter 20:


  It was time for our finals. We had been working really hard with Amy, almost as hard as when we were having sex with her! Seriously, we really did study. Amy came to wish us luck. We were standing in the quad talking.

  “Guys, I know this is a big day,” she said, starting her pep talk. “But there’s no need to be nervous. You’ve worked really hard and just like all that work paid off in football practice, it’s going to pay off in your final exams.”

  “I don’t know,” I said, still a little shaky. “My Bio-chem thing--- Everyone coming out of the other classes says it’s brutal.”

  “They didn’t study like you did, Killian. I’ll make you a doctor yet.”

  “Pre-med? That’s what that means?! Why did I take that?!” I lamented.

  “Because you’re an idiot!” snapped Teagan.

  “No, he’s not and idiot, Teagan,” chastised Amy. “We have to remain positive for all our sakes. This is an important day. You guys do well on this, the Dean will be off your back and I will get my recommendation.”

  “If we pull this off, we’ll have you to thank, Amy,” said James graciously. “I don’t know what we would’ve done if we hadn’t met you.”

  James moved forward to kiss Amy, but she back away and looked around worried.

  “No-no. We don’t do that in public, remember?” she whispered. “So as your tutor, I wish you the best of luck.”

  Amy said that last part louder and put out her hand. She was trying to put on a front to make absolutely sure no one thought we were anything but friends. James wasn’t having it. For the record, I was fine with lying. Made things easier. James just wasn’t wired that way. He’d been bristling under the skulking around. He’d been complaining for weeks that it wasn’t fair to us or Amy.

  “Why do we have to hide this?” asked James. “This is real. We’ve been dating for weeks. I don’t care what people think. I’m happy.”

  “Slow down, James,” said Teagan. “I’m in this too. I’m not sure this is the best time to come out on this.”

  “When is the best time, Teag? All the fucked up shit we’ve heard that goes on on campus? All the messed up relationships between just two people? She makes us happy. Why should that be such a big deal?”

  “I don’t know, but it is,” said Teagan. “You’re normally the sensible one. Think about what you’re doing here.”

  “Teagan’s got a point,” I said. “We go public with this and we could bring down the wrath of the PC Gods.”

  “That would be totally hypocritical!” James pointed out. “You can’t stand there defending gay rights and trans rights and not defend people in a group relationship.”

  “They call it polyamorous,” said Amy. “People like us aren’t on their list. I don’t know if they’ll defend us or what.”

  “I don’t want to hide,” said James. “I’m not embarrassed about what we’re doing. It’s no one else’s business.”

  “Then why tell them?” said Teagan. “Why do they even have to know?”

  “Because it’s who we are
, Teag,” said James. “This is us and people are going to find out anyway. If we hide it from them, then they’ll think we’re ashamed. If we don’t, then they’ll know it’s something we want. And maybe then, they’ll at least respect us for that.”

  “Faith, doesn’t respect me,” said Amy sadly. “She stopped being my friend. She called me a whore!”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” asked James.

  “You guys don’t know Faith and what does it matter. She’s not my friend any more.”

  “You gave up your friend for us?” I said. “That’s deep, Amy.”

  “Technically, she gave me up, but I don’t care. If she can’t accept me for who I am, who needs her, right?”

  “But there are other people who are like Faith,” argued Teagan. “I don’t think the Dean will understand or anyone his age. This is pretty new and untraditional.”

  “What are you saying?” I asked. “Do you want out?”

  “No, not at all. I just want us all to be aware that there’s going to be resistance to this. That we’re going to have to deal with people like Faith and maybe worse. It’s a risk is all I’m saying.”

  “I’m not afraid,” said James. “If people don’t understand, so be it. I’m not going to hide anymore.”

  “Thanks James,” said Amy tearfully.

  It was a moment. James kissed Amy. There was a lot of love in that kiss. Then Amy kissed me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see people watching. At the edge of the crowd, Kimby and Jen watched. Amy kissed Teagan, who didn’t hesitate. I could hear whispers from the crowd of “slut” and “weirdo.” I guess it was to be expected. People hate what they don’t understand.

  “Good luck, boys,” said Amy, walking us to the door. “Make me proud.”

  We entered the hall and the rooms for our final exam. I didn’t feel any different, but there was something in the air. The secret was out. There’d be no more hiding. No more creeping around Amy’s dorm room. Maybe it was time. And maybe it was time to figure this all out.

  I took my exams with ease. Maybe I could be a doctor. Nah, no way! They weren’t that easy! Amy’s words definitely rattled in my head. I knew when I walked out of the hall, my grades had to have improved. I knew more and I felt confident during a test. But with one test behind us, we had another test ahead of us. I decided that it was time to act rather than react.


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