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Page 5

by R C Knight

  “But nothing.” Ryder narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized Bishop. “What you are asking for will never happen. End of discussion.” Bishop sighed as he dropped his head.

  “I just want her back,” his voice was quiet and hoarse as he looked up at Ryder. “Please, I just want her back. It hurts so much.” His body shook as tears began to fall form his eyes.

  “I know.” Ryder sighed heavily as his heart filled with sorrow.

  Chapter Seven


  Firelight from the four fireplaces illuminated the meager pub, their yellow light softening the harshness of the stone walls. Abel sat at the small bar, like he had done every day for the past week. He stared at a tattered piece of paper; his face tight with worry.


  The group known as THE HUNTERS.

  For the destruction of several cities including:

  St. Louis and Oklahoma City.

  Last seen crossing the border into Texas.


  Your weight in gold pieces and a status

  change of your choosing for information

  leading to their capture.

  Abel sighed wearily as he crumpled the piece of paper. He searched the pub, his tired eyes examining every corner for a familiar face. “Your usual?” The bartender asked, his face soft despite the scars and full beard.

  “Yea,” he sighed wearily as he watched the bartender retrieve a wooden mug and proceed to fill it with ale.

  “Another late night, huh?” he asked softly as he placed the mug in front of Abel.

  “Uh-huh.” Abel placed a copper coin on the bar as he grabbed the mug and took a long drink. He turned on his stool, his eyes latching onto the figure that had just walked into the pub. A frown marred his face as Cyrus pulled his hood down, revealing his dark brown hair and bronzed skin. He quickly made his way to the bar, sitting on the stool next to Abel.

  “The usual, barkeep.” Cyrus smiled as he set a copper coin on the counter. He looked over at Abel, his hazel eyes filled with excitement.

  “I take it everything went well?” Abel asked with a sigh.

  “Why yes it did.” Cyrus chuckled as he grabbed his mug of ale and drank heavily. He sighed as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “Thanks to my bribes, as far as everyone is concerned, we’ve been sacking cities to the north and east of here. No one will be able to follow Cain’s trail now.”

  “They shouldn’t have been able to follow it in the first place,” Abel responded with frustration, his voice low and filled with irritation. “He was a fucking idiot, attacking every damn village controlled by demons. It’s like the fucker wants to be caught!” He stared at his mug; his hands wrapped around the worn wood. “He should have been here by now, but instead his damn ego got the best of him and he had to attack everyone and everything. It’s like the man doesn’t have an ounce of sense when it comes to traveling undetected.” Abel took another long drink as Cyrus chuckled next to him.

  “You got to admit, he’s got balls.”

  “This isn’t funny,” his voice was stern as he glared at Cyrus. “Where was the last attack?”

  “About twenty miles west of here, but that was two days ago.”

  “He should be here by now.” Abel sighed with frustration as he turned to look around the pub. Small groups occupied a few of the tables, eating a late-night dinner, otherwise the building was empty.

  “At least we’ve had plenty of time to rest and recuperate.” Cyrus commented with a smile. “And, not only did everyone make it here, but we also recruited another twenty men. That’s got to count for something.”

  “Yea,” Abel responded, a small smile on his face. “I just want to know what the hell Cain is doing,” he muttered as he took another drink.


  Cain looked around at his men and smiled, although they were exhausted beyond measure, their target was finally in sight. The lights of Austin sparkled against the dark sky, illuminating the pale stone buildings. The city was quiet as its members slept peacefully in their beds. He couldn’t believe how many of his men had died during their raids. Even more had abandoned them, their fear too much to handle. Although they had managed to get volunteers in some of the villages they freed, he was disappointed with his numbers. Hopefully Abel did worse than me, I don’t need him gloating. Cain chuckled to himself as he looked over at Nikolai.

  “You ready for this?”

  “Of course.” Nikolai smiled; his dark eyes filled with anticipation for the battle to come.

  “Good.” Cain looked back at his men. “Let’s go!” he shouted as he surged forward towards the city. Warning bells began to chime as the city guard caught sight of the advancing forces. Cain chuckled darkly as shouts filled the night air.

  “The Hunters are coming! The Hunters are coming!” The shouts echoed through the city and Cain couldn’t help but smile. He loved the fear he caused in the demon worshipping scum. He turned to his men, his eyes alit with excitement and bloodlust.

  “They hide because they fear us! They know what we have done to the other cities and villages. Our name and reputation have grown, and it spreads fear into our enemies! Their gods shall die today, and they alongside them unless they repent!” His men shouted with excitement as they raised their weapons high. “They will beg God for mercy, and pray he delivers it before me. For I am no saint.” Cain growled as he lifted his demonic ax high into the air. His men cheered and roared, the sound so terrifying and bone chilling it could make the strongest armies cower in fear. Cain nodded at Nikolai, a demonic smile on his face.

  “Charge!” Nikolai shouted as he led the first wave into the city. Cain took the rest of the men to the outskirts of the city, disappearing into the night. Demons began to tear from the earth to confront their aggressors. Common demons flooded the city, the smell of brimstone growing stronger as they clawed their way out of the ground. Four Lieutenants came running into the thick of the battle, their figures towering over the men. Screams of pain filled the air as the Lieutenants hacked their way through the humans, splitting their group up into small sections. The common demons followed, the flames in their eyes dancing with delight. Nikolai looked around at the chaos, he pulled out a ram’s horn and blew. The blast of the horn echoed loudly over the clash of the battle.

  “That’s our signal!” Cain shouted as he ran towards the main gate, his massive thighs allowing him to close the distance with ease. They sieged the gate, easily killing the human guards that were protecting it. Cain chuckled darkly as he ran through the city, killing anyone or thing that got in his way. His group arrived behind the Lieutenants and common demons, trapping them between their forces.

  “Show no mercy!” he shouted to his men as they surrounded the demons, eagerly engaging in the fight. Cain’s dark laughter filled the air as black blood ran along the cobbled street. Victory seemed inevitable and all too easy as lightning began to streak across the dark sky, the cracks of thunder making the ground shake. For a moment, everything seemed to stand still as Cain looked around him as a black fog began to pour out of the earth.

  “You dare threaten my city? This belongs to me!” A menacing voice filled the air as monstrous black horns tore through the fog. Cain gasped as a giant, goat faced demon stepped in front of him. He towered over the buildings and wore a black cloak with red symbols adorning it. His yellow eyes pierced the darkness of the night, bringing fear to all who looked at him.

  “It cannot be.” Nikolai whispered; his voice strained from the yelling. “Urian, the Sorcerer.”

  “Don’t let him cast a spell!” Cain shouted as he ran towards the monstrous demon. “Release.” He began to transform, his skin ripping and eyes growing dark. His muscles bulged, threatening to tear through his skin. He held his demonic ax high as he leapt towards Urian. Blood red sigils started to appear in the sky as Urian’s deep voice filled the air. He smiled down at Cain, his rotten teeth releasing a stench so foul it made Cain’s eyes water.

  Urian’s yellow e
yes seemed to pierce Cain’s soul. “Destruction,” Urian whispered hoarsely. Humans and demons alike exploded from the inside out; red and black blood filled the street as black wisps floated into the air. Cain roared as he swung his ax, cutting Urian’s muscular thigh. Urian laughed as he shook his leg, oblivious to the gaping wound. With a grunt, Urian’s giant fist, which was larger than Cain, smashed him into the ground. “Puny human.” His face twisted in disgust. “Did you really think you stood a chance against me?” He pushed down on Cain’s chest, making him gasp for air.


  Shouts filled the air as the loud clanging of the bells sounded the alarm. “The Hunters are coming!” Echoed through the city as people began to clear the streets. Abel glanced at Cyrus; his gray eyes filled with worry.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cyrus shouted in alarm.

  “Get the men.” Abel rose from his stool, grabbing his maces from the floor as a terrifying roar echoed through the city; which was quickly followed by screams and the sound of battle. “Secure the ships. I’ll meet you at the port.”

  “What about you?” Cyrus’s voice was full of worry as he stood up, placing his worn mug on the counter. The bartender grabbed an old sword from under the counter and made his way to the door.

  “I have a feeling Cain is behind this.” Abel sighed wearily as he turned to leave. “Just secure the ships and wait for me there. If it gets too dangerous, leave port and wait a few miles offshore until it calms down.”

  “But you’ll be stranded.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Abel replied confidently as he slapped Cyrus’s shoulder. “I am half-demon after all.” He winked at Cyrus as he twirled his maces and followed the bartender out of the pub. The sounds of battle assaulted his ears as he stepped through the door. His anger grew as he made his way through the city, navigating by the screams and echoes of swords clashing. “Stupid fuck, probably got sight of the city and decided to charge it,” he muttered as he turned a corner. Two common demons stood before him, their charred and cracked skin was covered in dark red blood. Abel roared with fury as he engaged the demons, quickly crushing in their skulls with his maces.

  Lightning streaked across the night sky as the thunder made the ground shake. Oh no. This is a bad sign. Abel thought as a giant figure appeared in the distance. Fuck! Cain, what have you done? “Release,” Abel shouted, his body transforming as he leapt into the air, landing on top of one of the buildings. He ran as fast as his long legs would carry him, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the chaos of the streets below. A goat faced demon towered over the buildings, his black horns reaching into the heavens. Abel gasped as humans spontaneously combusted on the streets below, their insides scattered across the ground. Cain’s roar of frustration echoed through the air as he ran towards the demon. Abel took a deep breath as he leapt to the next rooftop, closing the distance between him and Cain.

  “Brother!” Abel shouted as the demon crushed him into the ground, his dark laughter filling the cold, night air. Abel jumped from the rooftop, landing on top of the demon’s gigantic fist. He threw all of his might into his attack, his maces digging deep into the demon’s flesh. Urian roared as he pulled his hand back while Abel gracefully rolled to the side, landing directly next to Cain. He knelt down and placed his hands underneath his brother, quickly lifting him to his feet.

  “Get off of me, you damn cry baby. It was just a scuff,” Cain grunted breathlessly as he pushed Abel’s hands away.

  “Oh. So, you got this under control?” Abel’s voice was calm as he crossed his arms over his chest, the demon’s black blood dripping from his maces. “I guess I’ll just go wait by the ships then.”

  “Wait, wait… Since you’re already here, you might as well stay and play.”

  “Fine,” Abel sighed wearily as he turned towards Urian, twirling his maces with anticipation.

  “Ready… Move!” Cain shouted as he charged towards the demon. Abel ran behind him, watching with anticipation as Cain raised his ax, holding it sideways. With a small hop, Abel landed on the face of the ax. Cain roared as he hurled Abel through the air at blinding speed towards Urian. Abel couldn’t keep his eyes open as he soared through the sky, relying solely on Cain’s aim. He was rewarded with the loud crack of his maces meeting the demon’s jaw.

  “Cast a spell now, bitch!” Abel laughed manically as he rebounded from Urian’s jaw. Cain ran in simultaneously, slashing the demon’s knee with the hope of severing some tendons. Urian lost his footing as he stumbled into the building next to him. With a roar of frustration, he used the building to regain his balance. Red sigils began to form in the sky as Urian’s muffled words filled the air.

  “Abel! Move your ass!” Cain shouted as he frantically waved at his brother. “Nikolai! Clear the men!”

  Nikolai began frantically shouting, gesturing for their men to stop fighting and follow him. Pillars of light came crashing down from the sky, leaving giant craters in their wake. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air as charred bodies laid scattered in the craters.

  “No!” Cain roared; his gray eyes were filled with fury as he met Urian’s yellow ones. “Those were my men! You will pay for this!”

  “Retreat! To the harbor!” Nikolai’s frantic shouts echoed off the buildings as another pillar of light shot down from the sky, annihilating the men caught in its beam.

  Cain’s anger rose, his eyes turning blood red as horns began to grow from his head. His muscles bulged, tearing apart what was left of his skin. His fangs elongated, reaching past his chin as venom began to drip from their tips. He let out a deafening roar as the last of his humanity slipped away.

  “Run!” Abel shouted frantically at Cain’s men. “Get out of here before he kills us all!” He ran over to Nikolai, ushering the men away from the area. Cain’s knuckles dragged on the ground, scoring the earth as they formed deep craters. His face twisted as he let out another roar, destroying everything in his way. Urian’s yellow eyes filled with wonder as he cast spell after spell on Cain, none of which had any effect on him.

  Abel turned to Nikolai; his eyes filled with fear. “Leave now. While you still can!” Nikolai nodded as he turned, running after the last of their men.

  Urian pulled back his mighty fist as Cain sped towards him. With a deafening crack his fist met flesh, the ground cracked and cratered as rubble flew into the air. Through the dust, Abel could see Cain holding onto the demon’s fist with both of his hands. He roared as he pulled Urian to the ground, the impact shook the earth, causing several buildings to collapse around them.

  Cain’s demonic laughter filled the air as he leapt onto Urian’s head, gripping his horns, and twisting with ease. The loud crack that filled the air as Urian’s neck broke was sickening; Abel threw a hand over his mouth as he gagged. Cain continued to twist the demon’s head, the bones breaking and muscles tearing with a sickening ease.

  “Cain, that’s enough!” Abel shouted as he watched in horror.

  Cain looked up at him and growled, his red eyes filled with hatred. He grabbed one of the horns and twisted, snapping it off with a deafening crack. With a demonic howl, he thrust the spike through the spell caster’s eye. Urian’s body quickly disappeared as black fog covered the battlefield. Cain looked back up at Abel and smiled. His body shuddered as it began to cave in on itself, his muscles shrinking back to their normal size. He wobbled on his feet as he tried to walk back towards Abel. A shaky breath left his lips as he plummeted to the ground, exhaustion taking over.

  “Cain!” Abel shouted as he ran to him and knelt next to his body, quickly placing two fingers against his throat. “You’re alive.” Abel sighed with relief. “Lucky bastard.” He chuckled as he lifted Cain’s limp body onto his shoulders. “Let’s get you to the ships.”

  Chapter Eight


  The light of the afternoon sun reflected harshly off the blue water. The peaceful sound of the waves lapping against the white sand was overwhelmed by the clashing of traini
ng daggers. Aria’s daggers were locked against Myra’s. She smiled slyly as she pulled her daggers back, causing Myra to fall forward. In one swift movement Aria knocked Myra to the ground and landed on top of her, holding her dagger to Myra’s throat.

  “Reset,” Ryder shouted from the sidelines, where he sat on a rock, patiently watching the training. Aria glared at him as she stood up, holding her hand out to help Myra. Kai came rushing down the hill from the village, the Book of Whispers held tightly in his hand.

  “Aria! You’ve got a message,” he announced, his voice filled with excitement as he stopped next to Ryder. Aria sighed as she dropped her training daggers and wiped the sweat from her brow.

  “Finally, a break!” Myra said breathlessly as she wiped the sand off her clothes. “We’ve been training since dawn, and she hasn’t let up at all.”

  “How do you think I got so good? I train as if the enemy is trying to kill me. Every, single, day.” Aria responded as she pulled her arm across her chest, stretching her tight muscles.

  “She’s right.” Ryder added as he tried to make eye contact with Aria. “There were years where I didn’t see her. At one point, almost a decade had passed before she turned up again. Always out training with Raphael,” he sighed wearily as Aria continued to avoid looking at him. He turned towards Myra, “and don’t be overdramatic, Myra. You had plenty of breaks when I stepped in.” He chuckled as he looked at their stunned faces.

  “Why?” Myra looked at Aria, her blue eyes filled with fascination. “We’re practically immortal. There’s no need to spend that much time training.”

  Aria shrugged nonchalantly as she looked around the group, each of them stared at her with anticipation. “What?” she replied innocently, “I enjoy fighting. It’s what I was born to do.”

  “Come on! There’s got to be more to it than that.” Kai responded with disbelief. “No one disappears for a decade because it’s fun.”

  “I do.” Aria responded, her voice void of any emotion. “Now, are you going to let me check my message?” She held her hand out, waiting patiently for Kai to give her the book. He sighed with defeat as he handed it over.


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