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Page 6

by R C Knight

  “Fine,” he muttered as Aria opened the book and began to draw her sigil onto the page, “but someday you’ll tell us the real reason you train so hard.”

  “I doubt that,” Ryder commented, his eyes drilled into her. “She loves to keep secrets.”

  “Are you two done?” Aria sighed wearily as she closed the book, her face drawn tight as she studied them. “Michael and Laila are coming here again.” Her eyes landed on Ryder, scrutinizing his every move. “Michael wants Zane and his group here when they arrive.”

  “Did he say why?” Myra asked worriedly.

  “No,” she responded firmly as she narrowed her eyes at Ryder.

  “I haven’t told them anything,” Ryder responded defensively. “I’m sure he just wants to meet with everyone and congratulate them for their victory over the White Horseman.” His green eyes darted around the group, searching their faces for any sign of betrayal.

  “I hope so,” Aria responded quietly as she picked up her training daggers. “There better not be any more surprises.” She looked around the group, watching as they shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. “Very well.” She sighed wearily as she left the beach.

  “Well… That was tense,” Kai commented breathlessly once Aria was out of earshot. “Everything alright between you two?” He looked at Ryder, his eyes filled with worry.

  “I don’t know,” Ryder replied quietly, his voice low and filled with regret. He glanced between Myra and Kai. “You guys didn’t tell Michael anything else, did you?”

  “Of course not,” Kai responded quickly.

  “I would never,” Myra replied defensively. “I know better than to get on Aria’s bad side.” She looked at Ryder, her blue eyes filled with disbelief. “Something we thought you knew as well.”

  “Whatever happened, you need to fix it,” Kai chimed in. “This animosity between you two is bad for the group.” Myra nodded in agreement as her eyes drilled into him.

  Ryder sighed wearily as he ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know if this can be fixed.” He dropped his eyes, his heart sinking in his chest.

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something,” Myra’s voice was soft and comforting. “You always do.”


  Candlelight flickered from a dark corner, illuminating the worn stones of the small chamber. Painful moans echoed off the damp walls, the pure agony of them torturing Zane’s soul. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he looked around the small chamber. He turned away from the candlelight, his eyes focusing on the darkness ahead. The darkness was overwhelming, but Zane knew that’s where he needed to go. He stood up and ran his hands along the slick walls, using them as a guide as he made his way forward. A tortured scream echoed around the chamber as Zane found a small archway. He kept his hands on the wall as he turned the corner. A bright light flashed, illuminating the room in front of him. He threw his arms over his face, shielding his eyes from the sudden change in light.

  Zane lowered his arms and blinked, once his eyes adjusted, he wished he had stayed in the dark chamber. He choked back a scream as his mind tried to comprehend the scene in front of him. A man was chained to a steel table, pools of bright red blood had formed underneath it. A woman stood in front of the table; her black hair fell in curls down her back. Her blue eyes filled with excitement as she looked over at Zane. “Look who came to join us.” She giggled as she ran a blood red nail along the man’s pale chest. “Why don’t you come say hi?” The woman stared at Zane as she stepped aside, revealing the man on the table.

  Zane stopped breathing as his eyes lingered on the famished man. Although he was now skin and bones, Zane would recognize those blue eyes and wavy blonde hair anywhere. “Father?” His voice was barely audible as it hoarsely left his lips. Zane took a step forward, his eyes locked onto the man. “It can’t be.” The woman’s laughter filled the chamber as she watched Zane slowly walk towards the table.

  Raphael’s blue eyes locked onto him as he slowly shook his head. “No.” his voice was weak as he started to struggle against the chains. “Not him, Lilith.” Zane looked over at the woman in surprise.

  “So… you’re Lilith?” he growled; his voice was filled with anger.

  “Yes I am.” Lilith giggled as she rested a hand on Raphael’s chest. “Now, now Raphael. That’s no way to greet your son.” She smiled over at Zane, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. Zane reached the table, his eyes tracing all the scars on his father’s body.

  “What did she do to you?” his voice was filled with emotion as tears began to form in his eyes.

  “You need to leave, Zane. Leave now!” Raphael’s blue eyes pleaded with him. Lilith giggled as she reached forward, her hand clasping tightly around Zane’s wrist.

  “He’s not going anywhere, Raphael,” she growled as she yanked Zane towards her. “I’ll be rewarded greatly for bringing the Nephilim to Lucifer. And to think.” She paused as she looked down at Raphael. “It was you, of all the angels in Heaven. You were the one to create the single creature that could destroy it.” She laughed darkly as she looked up at Zane. “We have great things planned for you.”

  Zane growled, his anger rising as he glared down at her. His eyes turned black as his muscles began to bulge. “I would never work for you.” He looked over at Raphael, who was watching in horror.

  “No, Zane! This is what she wants.” Raphael spoke frantically as he struggled against the chains. “You need to control it!” Zane turned back to Lilith and grabbed her arms, squeezing with all his might. Lilith began to laugh hysterically, her blue eyes dancing with delight.

  “Do it!” she giggled.

  “Control it Zane!” Raphael shouted over Lilith’s laughter. “You need to control it, or else you’ll doom us all! Control it!”

  “No!” Zane shouted as his eyes popped open. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked around the room. He ran a hand through his hair as he worked to control his breathing. Raphael’s voice echoed through his mind, control it. Zane sighed as he looked around his room. A soft knock sounded on his door. “Come in,” Zane shouted hoarsely as he slowly stood up, his mind running in a million directions.

  The door opened slowly as Liam poked his head in. Zane chuckled as he pulled his jeans on. “Don’t worry, it’s just me. Keira is off running some errands.”

  “Oh, good,” Liam responded as he entered the room. “I’m surprised you were in your room so late in the day,” he commented curiously as he looked over at the bed. “Were you taking a nap?”

  “Yes, Liam. I was taking a nap,” Zane responded with annoyance. “Am I not allowed to do that?”

  “Oh, of course you can. It’s just…” He paused. “With everything going on I’m surprised you’re able to sleep at all.”

  “Which is exactly why I was taking a nap.” Zane chuckled as he pulled on a shirt. “So, what’s up?”

  “Oh, yea.” Liam glanced around the room, his hazel eyes avoiding Zane. “Aria came to see me.” He paused as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

  “And,” Zane responded. “What did she want?”

  “It seems that Michael and Laila will be paying us a visit.”

  Zane’s breath caught in his throat. “What?” he choked, his blue-hazel eyes searching Liam’s face. “Why would they be coming here.”

  “She doesn’t know,” he responded nervously. “Just that they’re coming in a few hours. They want everyone down at the beach.”

  “Okay.” Zane took a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair. “Okay. I’m sure it’s nothing bad.”

  “Of course not,” Liam responded with confusion. “Why would they punish us when we just defeated the White Horseman for them?” He eyed Zane nervously, watching as he took a few deep breaths. “There’s something else.”

  “What’s up?”

  Liam started fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Ryder is here…” he muttered, avoiding eye contact. “Aria sent him.”

  “Great,” Zane muttered. �
�What do you want Ryder?” he shouted, causing Liam to jump with surprise. Ryder came around the corner and entered the room.

  “Aria sent me to assess your seal,” he responded calmly. Zane looked over at Liam.

  “Anything else?”

  “Uh… no. I’ll uh… I’ll meet you at the beach.” He glanced over at Ryder, his face filled with confusion. “Just, uh… Just let Keira know.”

  “Will do,” Zane responded as Liam bolted from the room. “So.” He looked at Ryder. “What all did she tell you?”

  “Enough,” he replied. “She’s worried about that seal degrading. I’d like to take a look at it, maybe imbue it with more holy light.”

  “Why? You hate me.”

  “True,” Ryder responded, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “But now you’re a liability to all of us. If you can’t control your corruption, it could destroy everything. So…” He paused to take a deep breath. “Let me see it.”

  “Fine,” Zane muttered as he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it on the ground. Ryder stepped forward; his eyes traced the degraded seal.

  “How big was it before it started degrading?”

  “I don’t know.” Zane shrugged as he looked down at his chest. “Roughly out to here.” He added as he pointed at a spot on his chest.

  “Alright,” Ryder sighed as he rubbed his hands together and took another step towards Zane. “I’m going to try to add some holy light and see if that helps.”

  “Do what you must,” he muttered as Ryder placed his hands over the seal. He began to chant in Enochian, a soft white glow surrounded his hands and spread into Zane’s chest. Ryder’s breathing grew heavy, his eyes narrowed as he concentrated. After a couple of minutes, he stopped, his arms fell to his sides. Part of the seal had been restored.

  “That took a lot out of me,” Ryder muttered; his voice hoarse. “We’ll have to take turns adding to it.”

  “We? Who else knows?”

  “All of us… Kai has agreed to focus on your training. He’ll help you learn how to control yourself.”

  “Great,” Zane muttered. “Anything else?”

  “No,” Ryder sighed wearily as he turned to leave. “Well actually.” He glanced back at Zane. “Has Aria talked to you at all since the incident?”

  “You mean since you two told me she’d be killed if we had a relationship together? No… I haven’t,” he grunted with frustration. “Why?”

  “Oh… it’s nothing.” He sighed as he looked away from him. “I’ll see you down at the beach to meet with Michael.”

  “Yea,” Zane muttered as he watched Ryder leave. He pulled his shirt back on, his eyes lingered on the bed, he could feel his anger and fear growing. Control it. Raphael’s voice echoed through his mind. Or else you’ll doom us all. Zane let out a shaky breath as he turned from the bed and left the room.

  Chapter Nine


  The orange hues of the setting sun reflected softly on the dark water. Michael looked around the small group of humans that had gathered on the beach. Zane stared up at him, his eyes filled with mistrust as he held Keira close. Liam, Riley, and Bishop waited patiently behind him; their faces closed off from any emotion. Aria and her group stood impatiently off to the side, waiting expectantly for Michael to talk. The humans seemed so small and frail, yet they had accomplished something no angel would have thought possible. This is the power of the human soul God once glorified so much. This is what it can do, defy all odds. He glanced over at Laila, pulling comfort from her presence as she smiled softly at the humans.

  “I wanted to meet all of you in person.” Michael started, his voice loud and filled with reverence. “You accomplished great things in Chicago, and we look forward to strengthening our relationship with you. I have no doubt that with your help, we’ll be able to get rid of the blight on this land.” He sighed wearily as he examined their faces, their sadness compounding on his heart. “I know you have made sacrifices to get this far, and there will be more that need to be made before the end of this. But I want you to know that we acknowledge what you are going through, and…” He glanced over at Laila, his mind suddenly going blank. She smiled softly at him before returning her gaze to the small group before them.

  “We want to offer our condolences for your losses. And want you to know that your comrades did not die in vain.” Laila’s musical voice brought an eerie calmness to the beach. “We understand the pain you must all be going through. If you’d like to talk, I will be available after I finish with Aria.” She smiled at the group, her compassion filling their souls with peace. She looked at Aria and beckoned her over. “Aria, let’s go do your tests.” Aria nodded as she quickly walked over to Laila, avoiding eye contact with everyone on the way.

  “Michael,” Aria muttered in acknowledgement. He sighed wearily as she linked arms with Laila and led her away from the beach.

  “Zane.” “Michael’s voice echoed across the silent beach. “I must speak with you.” Zane looked around his group with reassurance as he let go of Keira.

  “Michael,” Ryder interrupted as he ran up to him. “Surely this isn’t necessary,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “It is,” Michael responded sternly. “You have failed to keep them in check. I am here to remedy that.”

  “But,” Ryder looked back at Zane, who was watching them, his eyes filled with worry. “What about Aria?” Michael chuckled quietly as his blue eyes pierced through Ryder.

  “Are you questioning my motives?” he asked curiously. “It seems that Aria has had quite the influence on you… Nevertheless, you need not worry about her.” He smiled softly. “Although your concern for her is enduring. You know… I always thought you two would end up together.” He paused, his knowing eyes searching Ryder’s face. “Maybe you still can.” He looked past Ryder and motioned for Zane to come over. “Come on, Zane. We need to talk privately.” He looked down at Ryder. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring him back in one piece.” Ryder sighed wearily as he looked away from Michael.

  Zane left his small group and walked to Michael, who quickly turned and made his way down the beach. Zane quietly followed, his mind playing through all the possible scenarios. Michael stopped once he was satisfied with the distance they had created from the group. He turned back to Zane, his figure towering over him. Zane crossed his arms over his chest and stared defiantly up at him. I hoped he would lose some of his bravado once I got him away from the group. Michael thought as he made eye contact with him. His dark eyes sent shivers down Michael’s spine. What is lurking in there? And why do I feel so damn uneasy around him, he’s merely a human! Michael cleared his throat as he schooled his face into one of calm dominance.

  “It has been brought to my attention that you and Aria have certain, feelings for each other.” Michael kept his eyes on Zane, scrutinizing his every move.

  “We had feelings, yes,” Zane responded, his voice void of any emotion.

  “Had, as in past tense?” Michael eyed him wearily. “So, you’re telling me that you no longer care for her? Because if that’s the case, my job just became so much easier.”

  “Of course, I don’t. I’m with Keira, all of my feelings are for her and her alone,” Zane responded defiantly.

  Michael chuckled as he looked down at Zane. “It’s so easy to tell when you humans are lying.” He smiled sadly as he looked over at the setting sun. “Nonetheless, it was a valiant effort. I am about to tell you something Zane, something that we don’t normally share with outsiders.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Our laws. Once you understand them, you’ll know that we don’t hold anything against you personally. There are reasons far beyond you that prevent you from being with Aria.”

  “You hold nothing against me?” Zane chuckled darkly. “You’ve disliked me since the day we met.”

  “I liked you more back then. You were less arrogant when you were half dead.” Michael responded aggressively.

  “Those sound like fig
hting words, old man.” Zane replied, his aggression rising as he took a step towards Michael, his fists clenched at his sides.

  “Calm yourself, boy.” Michael’s voice rose with fury, his green eyes burning into Zane. “This is only a warning, and you’d be wise to heed it. The issue is not with your character, however lacking, but because of the problems this relationship could bring about. We cannot risk the chance of you two giving rise to a Nephilim. They could lead to the complete annihilation of Heaven and all that we hold dear,” he sighed wearily as Zane took a step back, relaxing his shoulders. “In the past, Nephilim that escaped our view and rose to maturity eventually lost their minds. They became unstable with power, trying to conquer, or destroy everything in their path. If one were to enter Heaven, it would be catastrophic. Normally, we don’t give this courtesy, and we’d smite the angel and human as well as their offspring. But Aria,” Michael sighed sadly as his eyes wandered the beach. “Aria has become like a daughter to me since Raphael died.” He looked directly into Zane’s dark blue-hazel eyes. “You have found a human woman that shows great affection for you. Please, find your happiness in that.”

  Zane sighed wearily as he looked away from Michael. “I already told you, I no longer have feelings for Aria. You got your wish.” He looked up at Michael, defiance twinkling in his eyes. “Now, if there’s nothing else, I’d like you to leave, angel.”

  “Show some respect, boy,” Michael growled furiously as he towered over him. “I am an Archangel and the head of the Counsel of Heralds. I am the only reason you still draw breath. Your actions have put Aria’s life at risk. I promised Raphael I would keep her safe! He would never have allowed her to have an intimate relationship with a human.”

  Zane chuckled darkly as he looked up at Michael. “I put her life at risk? You angels are the reason we are in this mess! You could have stopped this war hundreds of years ago, but you ran away! Now we suffer for your sins. For God’s sins!”


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